Douluo's martial arts scalpel

Chapter 130 Liu Erlong tried his best to be patient, thinking of his teacher Zhu Zhuqing.

Chapter 130 Liu Erlong tried his best to endure, thinking of his teacher's Zhu Zhuqing.


Gu Ye once again heard the kind of pain that emanated from Liu Erlong when she was treating her last time.
He didn't look at the expression on Liu Erlong's face now, but he was very serious about helping her Wuhun perform surgery.

But Gu Ye had a different idea in his heart.

Liu Erlong made such a sound last time like now, and now he can still find him to help her with the operation.

Obviously fell in love with Gu Ye's hand.

If it goes on like this, it is absolutely possible to be with Liu Erlong within a month.

At this time, Liu Erlong was lying on the bed, his small hands were clenched into fists, and he was biting his lips, trying to control the uncomfortable feeling.

She watched Gu Ye help her with Wuhun's operation, and she was a little confused for a while.

This is the most special feeling she has ever felt in her life.

she admits,
She couldn't resist Gu Ye's operation.

Maybe in the next time she will keep looking for Gu Ye to help her heal.

For her own martial spirit, and for herself, she will do the same.

At this time, Gu Ye glanced at Liu Erlong, and the scalpel was operating on Liu Erlong's martial soul to a greater extent.


The beating of thunder and lightning continued to increase, and the sound of zizzing surrounded it.

Liu Erlong clenched his fist again, bit his lower lip tightly, resisting the pain.


But she couldn't control herself anymore, and let out a seductive cry of pain.

Liu Erlong's voice sounded very painful, but there was no expression of pain on her face.

Upon hearing this, Gu Ye stopped performing Liu Erlong's martial arts surgery for a moment.

He looked at Liu Erlong with some surprise.

Liu Erlong seemed to know that Gu Ye was staring at her, her face was a little shocked, her gaze was turned aside, and she didn't make contact with Gu Ye.

She is a majestic soul sage, it really shouldn't be making such a cry of pain.

Not long after, Gu Ye finished the surgery for Liu Erlong.

"Okay, Dean Erlong, this time the treatment is over. I see that your face is in pain, and you must have worked hard. Then you should take a rest first, and I will go back to the room first."

"En." Liu Erlong said shyly, lying on the bed and not getting up to see off Gu Ye.

The moment Gu Ye walked out of her room and closed the door, Liu Erlong quickly covered his mouth with one hand.

The next morning, Liu Erlong woke up early.

At this time, her face was full of spring, if an expert took a look at it, she would know that Liu Erlong's good complexion was due to some nourishment.

"Gu Ye, you're up."

As soon as Liu Erlong came out, she saw Gu Ye, and she greeted him as usual.

And seeing Gu Ye, he seemed a little happy.

"En." Gu Ye responded, and looked at Liu Erlong with concern, "By the way, Dean Erlong, did you rest well last night?"

"Well, it's pretty good. Now I feel that my overall look is much better than before." Liu Erlong said, stretching his waist.

She has a good figure, as she stretches.

That flexible little man twisted his waist, especially now that Liu Erlong was wearing a thin plain dress, his charming posture was fully revealed in Gu Ye's eyes.

Gu Ye looked at Liu Erlong without looking away.

Because he looks bright and aboveboard, like appreciating beautiful things, and there is no need to hide them.

Liu Erlong noticed that Gu Ye was looking at him, thinking of what she did in the room by herself after Gu Ye left last night, her face blushed inexplicably.

"What are you looking at?" She rolled her eyes at Gu Ye reproachfully.

"Look at you, Dean Erlong."

"I really didn't expect Dean Erlong that you have such a good figure, better than many women I have seen, just one glance makes me feel excited."

Gu Ye praised without hesitation.

After Liu Erlong heard this, he turned his eyes to Gu Ye angrily.

She has a good figure, doesn't she know?
Need Gu Ye's praise?
But Liu Erlong was still a little happy.

"I'm going to make breakfast." Liu Erlong left a sentence, turned and went into the kitchen.

Gu Ye looked at Liu Erlong's back, glanced down, and came to a certain position of her, secretly praising her in his heart.

It is indeed a ripe peach, it is really very attractive.

If you taste it, it should be delicious.

Then Gu Ye also walked into the kitchen and worked with Liu Erlong.

This kind of plain and ordinary work is very moving in the hands of the two of them.

Ten days passed in a flash.

For the past ten days, Gu Ye basically stayed in Lanba Academy.

During the day, he taught those students, and when he had time, he went out to check the news about Qian Renxue and see what happened to her, and at night, he went back to his residence in Houshan.

During these ten days, Gu Ye would go to Liu Erlong's room every other day to help her perform an operation.

And Liu Erlong seemed to like Gu Ye's hand, and it was just like this that the relationship between Gu Ye and Liu Erlong became extremely close.

On this point, Gu Ye was very satisfied.

But what surprised him was that Qian Renxue seemed to have forgotten what he did in the secret room, and she had no intention of coming to him for revenge.

It was precisely because of this that the sense of crisis in Gu Ye's heart increased greatly.

He decided to stay at Lanba Academy for another ten days, and if Qian Renxue hadn't found him after ten days, or if there was any disturbance, he would go back to the clinic.

And ten days later, it was also the day when Zhu Zhuqing and the others came to Tiandou City.

During these ten days, Gu Ye must also do one thing,
Thinking of Liu Erlong, Gu Ye thought of the increasingly close relationship with Liu Erlong these days,
"Teacher Gu Ye."

"Teacher Gu Ye."

Walking in Lanba Academy, the students passing by saw Gu Ye and greeted him one after another.

Gu Ye smiled and nodded towards these students, and continued to walk to the office.

"Tan Ming, have you heard about it? Teacher Gu Ye and the dean."

"I've heard about it a long time ago, and both of them are living together."


"That's right! You know the forbidden place in the back mountain. That's where Teacher Gu Ye and the dean live together. And didn't you find out? The dean is different from before."

"It really is."

"The former dean was always a little melancholy, and he seemed to have something in his heart, but now he seems to be cheerful."

"It must be because I lived with Teacher Gu Ye, and then"


Gu Ye didn't care much when he heard these discussions, because he had heard enough these days.

After a while he came to the office.

This office was prepared for him by Liu Erlong alone, and Gu Ye, who lived here, agreed.

While Gu Ye was doing something, the door of the room was opened, and Liu Erlong walked in angrily.

"I'm so mad, these students are talking nonsense everywhere."

"If you don't study hard at such a young age, you really don't know what they are thinking."

Speaking of Liu Erlong came to the side and sat down, thinking of what those students said about her and Gu Ye, he was extremely depressed.

Seeing Liu Erlong like this, Gu Ye asked curiously, "Who made my dean angry?"

"Who else is it? It's not those students talking nonsense, saying that you and I are in a relationship, and we do things in love every day." Speaking of this, Liu Erlong was a little hard to say.

"What am I supposed to be? I'm not afraid of the shadow slanting when I stand upright. These are things discussed by others, so don't worry about it."

"Why don't you care? If this discussion continues, I will lose my innocence. When the time comes, every student will talk nonsense when they see me?" Liu Erlong cast an angry look at Gu Ye.

"Then let them talk, we live together anyway, they are right about that." Gu Ye looked at Liu Erlong tentatively.

When Liu Erlong heard this, he was about to refute, but when Gu Ye looked at him with that look, he couldn't say anything.

Liu Erlong is not an idiot, she has seen some things by getting along with Gu Ye these days, and how Gu Ye helped her with those things.

Gu Ye is interested in her, or likes her, which she already knows by now.

For Gu Ye, Liu Erlong thinks that most of them admire him.

But as she came into contact with Gu Ye, and lived with Gu Ye, and lived a normal life every day, she liked it very much.

Plus, she's happy doing something they enjoy every night.

These days, Liu Erlong discovered that Yu Xiaogang, whom she had been thinking about before, had gradually disappeared from her heart.

Now being looked at by Gu Ye like this, Liu Erlong didn't know why, he seemed a little scared, and also a little flustered.

"Gu Ye, I still have something to do, I'll go out first."

Liu Erlong seemed really afraid of facing Gu Ye, and left Gu Ye's office as if fleeing.

A woman who has been alone for more than twenty years and has always been single suddenly has a man beside her, and she is used to living with that man.

The breeding of feelings in this special situation is more intense than imagined.

Especially when this woman was abandoned.

Seeing Liu Erlong leaving as if fleeing, Gu Ye didn't care too much.

Anyway, there are still ten days.

If he could taste Liu Erlong, he would not give up, if not, he would treat it as a one-month retreat at Lanba Academy.

He has nothing to lose.

However, Gu Ye decided to test Liu Erlong's reaction to her today.

At this time, on the other side, Soto City, Shrek Academy.

Gu Ye has been away for more than 20 days, and Zhu Zhuqing has been training with everyone in Shrek Academy for 20 days.

But to Zhu Zhuqing's disappointment, the training level of Shrek Academy was much simpler than that of her teacher.

It's no problem at all for her.

Just like now, she sat on the lawn and watched Shrek and the others training against each other.

It was still Tang San, Ma Hongjun, Xiao Wu and others fighting against Dai Mubai.

"Oh, I don't know how the teacher is doing."

Zhu Zhuqing missed his teacher, Gu Ye.

Although it was only 20 days, to Zhu Zhuqing it felt like many years had passed.

She is not used to not having a teacher around her to spur her on.

"I'm going to Heaven Dou City in less than ten days, and then I can be with my teacher."

"Cultivate hard first, and then let the teacher know that I am also very good."

Zhu Zhuqing encouraged himself in his heart and did not continue to sit down.

She took the initiative to come to Xiao Wu's side, and started to discuss with Xiao Wu.

After the sparring training, in the afternoon Zhu Zhuqing, Xiao Wu and Ning Rongrong went back to the women's residence.

"Zhuqing, the master said just now that we will go to Tiandou City in seven days, and then we will run, exercising and hurrying along the way."

In the room, Xiao Wu and Zhu Zhuqing said.

"Well, I see."

Zhu Zhuqing, Zhu Zhuqing and Ning Rongrong are used to Xiaowu knowing these gossips.

After all, Tang San was Yu Xiaogang's disciple, and he was treated fairly on the surface, but many things were told to Tang San in private, and they didn't know until the end.

"I don't know how Gu Ye is doing in Tiandou City?"

Ning Rongrong suddenly missed Gu Ye too.

He missed Gu Ye's hand and wanted him to help with the treatment.

"He must be fine." Xiao Wu knew how powerful Gu Ye was.

Now that he went to Heaven Dou City ahead of time, he might have been hanging out with that young woman long ago.

"By the way, Xiao Wu, didn't the master tell me? I'm going to go to Gu Ye for treatment after arriving in Tiandou City."

"Well, it is indeed. If the master wants to cure his martial soul defect, how many times does he still have to treat it?"

As soon as Yu Xiaogang was mentioned, Ning Rongrong asked suspiciously: "Have you noticed that the master has become a little weird recently?"

"Is it weird? There seems to be some." Xiao Wu has known Yu Xiaogang since she was a child, and now he has indeed become a little different.

The original Yu Xiaogang was a greasy uncle, but now he seems to have become a lot more delicate.

They didn't know the details, but they found that Yu Xiaogang was a little different.

Zhu Zhuqing didn't think about why Yu Xiaogang changed, but was thinking about what happened to her teacher Gu Ye.

How are you doing now?

And at this time, Yu Xiaogang was in the room.

Yu Xiaogang looked at himself in the mirror, the more he looked more satisfied.

"I didn't expect Gu Ye's treatment to be so effective. Now I'm getting younger and younger."

"I'm really looking forward to the next few treatments, not only will he be able to break through to level [-], but he will also be able to rejuvenate."

Yu Xiaogang thought about it and laughed happily.

At this time, outside Shrek Academy, a sneaky man was watching Shrek Academy.

This person is just unhappy.

Bule has been trying every means to enter Shrek Academy, get close to Xiao Wu, and seek revenge from Tang San.

But during this period of time, people from Shrek Academy did not go to Soto City to participate in the soul fight, and there was no chance of being alone.

And they basically train together in the Shrek Academy every day.

Not happy is no chance at all.

There are also two soul saints Flender and Zao Wou-ki, and there are some powerful soul emperors in the academy, but Bu Le is not so bold as to mess around.

"I overheard their words before, and I will go to Tiandou City to join the Tiandou Royal Academy soon. It is impossible to stay here now. It seems that I have to go to Tiandou City to have a chance."

"Is it Tiandou City's home academy?"

"Xiao Wu, Tang San, you wait for me, I will wait for you in Tiandou City."


Bule smiled strangely.

He decided to go to Heaven Dou City first, and then use his fifth soul ability to infiltrate Heaven Dou Royal Academy first, as long as Shrek Academy and a group enter, he will have an opportunity to take advantage of his displeasure.

It is just around the corner to seek revenge from Tang San and steal Xiao Wu.

One day, he was not willing to make Tang San pay a heavy partial price.

is truly local.

Soto City, Great Soul Arena, No. [-] VIP room.

At this time, Kadan has handed over the affairs of the fighting spirit field to Supervisor Ao, and she is working hard on cultivation.

(End of this chapter)

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