Douluo's martial arts scalpel

Chapter 131 Confession with Liu 2 Long

Chapter 131 Confession with Liu Erlong
Kadan is undergoing the enhancement of Gu Ye's cells and training with two people day and night. At this time, her aptitude is different from the past.

She also has dual martial souls, and when she becomes stronger, she will accomplish what she wants.

She Kadan is not a vase.


At this moment, Yan Xi's voice came from outside the door.

"Come in." Kadan stopped practicing and replied.

"Princess, Xuehong has returned to the capital of Barak Kingdom." Yan Xi who came in told Kadan all the news she had received.

After Kadan knew it, he began to think.

Based on the news she had received, King Barak should be dying soon. At this time, Xuehong took Qin Xiao back, and the purpose was already obvious, for the throne.

If Xuehong went back alone, he would definitely be killed by those in the royal city, but now that Xuehong has Xue Qinghe's support, those in the capital would definitely not dare to touch him.

"Princess, shouldn't we also leave?" Yan Xi asked Kadan who was looking at him in thought.

Cardan shook his head: "Wait."

"Understood." Yan Xi responded and exited the room.

Of course Kadan was waiting for Gu Ye.

She had to wait for Gu Ye's news. Only when Gu Ye asked her to go back would it be the most appropriate time to go back.

Heaven Dou City, Lanba Academy.

Gu Ye didn't know that his lover Zhu Zhuqing was thinking about him, and he didn't know that Kadan was waiting for his news.

Because now he is also waiting.

He was waiting for Qian Renxue's reaction. Ten days later, if Qian Renxue didn't move, then he should leave Lanba Academy and return to the medical center.

At this moment, Liu Erlong, who had left not long ago, came outside Gu Ye's office again.

"Gu Ye, go home."

Yes, Liu Erlong came to call Gu Ye home.

These days, she has also gotten used to asking Gu Ye to go back to the back mountain together after dealing with the college affairs.

It was her home, and it was their home.

"OK, all right."

Gu Ye simply tidied up and then returned to the wooden house in the back mountain with Liu Erlong.

On the way, Liu Erlong was a little silent, as if he wanted to say something to Gu Ye but still didn't say it.

When they returned to the back mountain, the two of them were doing daily things as usual.

Liu Erlong watered the flowers first and then went back to the kitchen to work with Gu Ye. The two of them were like husband and wife, they were already used to this kind of daily life.

And at this time, on the other side, in Tiandou Palace, Xue Qinghe's residence.

He looked at the letter in his hand and thought for a moment.

This letter was passed to her by Xuehong, and she already knew about Barak Kingdom.

Maybe it won't be long before King Barak will die, and it will be time for a new king to succeed him.

She has already arranged the specific things, and only waits for King Barak to die.

After putting down the letter, Qian Renxue thought of the bastard Gu Ye.

Although she didn't look for Gu Ye these days, she sent people to Gu Ye's medical center to take a look, and found that no one came back until now.

Qian Renxue knew that Gu Ye must have been hiding because he was afraid of her revenge.

What made Qian Renxue even more angry was that she didn't know where Gu Ye was hiding, and because of this, she didn't even have the chance to catch Gu Ye and come back for revenge.

"Gu Ye, I don't believe that you won't show up, as long as I seize the opportunity, I will make you pay back twice."

Then Qian Renxue informed her that her people would no longer have to guard the Gu Ye Medical Center.

She had to wait for Gu Ye to relax her vigilance, and then she would settle the score with him. She wanted to make Gu Ye return bit by bit for her rape in the secret room.

Now that she is the prince of Tiandou City, she should not move too much, but she has plenty of ways, just wait for Gu Ye to appear.

Gu Ye didn't know what Qian Renxue was thinking at this time, he was happily living a small life with Liu Erlong in the back mountain of Lanba Academy.

"Erlong, go back to your room, tonight we will perform another Wuhun operation."

Gu Ye suggested to look at Liu Erlong.

"it is good."

Liu Erlong subconsciously agreed, because these days, she and Gu Ye went back to the room to perform surgery on the martial soul not once or twice.

But after agreeing, she felt a little regretful in her heart, and now she already knew what Gu Ye meant to her.

If she went back to the room with Gu Ye, what would she do if Gu Ye explained things clearly later?
Reject Gu Ye?
She was afraid she couldn't speak.

Gu Ye helped her too much, and during the time they lived together, Gu Ye's figure had entered her heart unconsciously.

Although it is not true love, there is also liking.

Seeing that Liu Erlong agreed, Gu Ye took Liu Erlong's hand and entered the room, and entered his own room.

Liu Erlong did not reject Gu Ye the whole time, and just followed Gu Ye to his room.

Then Gu Ye pressed Liu Erlong's shoulder and asked her to sit on the bed first. Gu Ye looked at Liu Erlong seriously before letting her lie on the bed, so that it would be convenient for him to do it.

Knowing that he couldn't refuse, Liu Erlong also hoped that Gu Ye would help her with the operation, and he preferred Gu Ye to help her, so he obediently lay down on the bed.

She released her martial soul as usual to wait for Gu Ye's operation.

Gu Ye and Liu Erlong performed martial soul surgery together not once or twice, and they started to do it skillfully.

呲呲! !
There was a sound of electric beating.

At this moment, electric arcs continuously appeared on Liu Erlong's body.


Liu Erlong groaned in pain.

Her martial soul is Yanlong, mutated from the martial soul of Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus.

Now she is covered by the thunder and lightning that Gu Ye stimulated, but she is not used to it now, and it is precisely because of this that every time she is operated on by Gu Ye, the lightning that appears on the martial soul will pass through her body and attack her body. inside the body.

Every time she is attacked by lightning, she will feel very uncomfortable.

That feeling was like being struck by lightning from the front of the body and behind the back. The whole process was painful and somewhat painful, and comfortable to the extreme.

In the end, she will be completely exhausted and powerless.

This is how she and Gu Ye spent the past ten days or so.

Now that he was being treated by Gu Ye again, Liu Erlong felt the constant thunder and lightning attack, and screamed uncontrollably in pain.

At first she could suppress the pain, but after being treated by Gu Ye a lot, she no longer suppressed herself after getting used to it.

Moreover, she is so familiar with Gu Ye, she has no control over herself in front of Gu Ye.

Gu Ye looked at Liu Erlong, and decided to take this opportunity to clarify with Liu Erlong.

Since he has decided to accept Liu Erlong, at this point, it is most appropriate to make it clear to her.

Then, Gu Ye stepped up his stimulation of the lightning attribute of Liu Erlong's martial soul.

Zizi! !

Suddenly hit by a large amount of lightning, Liu Erlong couldn't help crying out in pain.

His body became tense and bent due to the severe pain, and his fists were clenched tightly.

When Gu Ye was helping Liu Erlong to heal, on the other side was the capital of Barak Kingdom.

In a luxurious palace, Xuehong walked in with Qin Xiao, the soul sage, powerful.

In the palace, a man in Chinese clothes who was somewhat similar to Xuehong was enjoying pastries leisurely.

This person is the eldest prince of Barak Kingdom, Xue Song.

"Brother Hong, it's you." When Xue Song saw Xue Hong walking in, he was taken aback for a moment, then he quickly reacted and walked quickly: "Brother Hong, you don't want to say hello to my elder brother when you come back this time so that you can let me go." Brother, I will pick you up."

Xuehong looked at Xuesong in front of him, smiled and said: "Brother, I can ask you to pick me up, but the eldest prince, if my father finds out, I can't bear the blame."

With that said, Xuehong glanced at Qin Xiao.

Qin Xiao shook his head, indicating that it was safe here.

Seeing this, Xuehong breathed a sigh of relief.

As soon as he came back here, he took the risk to meet the big brother who wanted to kill him.

The purpose is obvious.

He wants revenge.

Now he has the support of Prince Xue Qinghe.

There is also the soul saint Qin Xiao beside him.

Killing the eldest brother and seizing the throne is just around the corner.

At the back of Lanba Academy, Gu Ye helped Liu Erlong complete another surgery.

Liu Erlong felt the change in his martial spirit, and a satisfied smile appeared on his face.

"Gu Ye, thank you."

Liu Erlong looked at Gu Ye and said this sentence very seriously.

Gu Ye's breathing was a little tight, probably because he was tired when he performed Liu Erlong's Wuhun surgery just now.

"Erlong, do you really want to thank me?"

Gu Ye looked at Liu Erlong's mature face, a gleam of light flashed in his eyes.

He found that after the Chamber of Secrets and Qian Renxue, his whole person has become bad.

Evil thoughts sometimes want to be activated uncontrollably.

thump! !

Being watched by Gu Ye at such a close distance, Liu Erlong's heartbeat suddenly became faster.

Now Gu Ye's face is less than a slap away from her. If Gu Ye leans down again, he will kiss her.

Liu Erlong's body was attacked by lightning because of the lightning attribute of the awakened Yanlong martial soul just now, and now she is still weak and weak.

It takes at least ten minutes to recover.

It was precisely because of this that if Gu Ye had any crooked thoughts, Liu Erlong would be powerless to resist.

But Liu Erlong knew that Gu Ye was not that kind of person, because she and Gu Ye had tried many times before.

But what Liu Erlong didn't know was that Gu Ye's heart was moved now, and she was tempted just now.

Looking at Liu Erlong who was like a ripe peach, Gu Ye sighed in his heart.

He loves young women, and so does mature women.

He looked into Liu Erlong's eyes, and slowly lowered his head.

Liu Erlong watched Gu Ye keep expanding in her eyes, and in the next second, her pupils shrank slightly.

Just like that, Gu Ye kissed her without any scruples.

This was the first time she had such intimate contact with Gu Ye.

At this moment, Liu Erlong's mind was blank.

Because she didn't expect that Gu Ye would really kiss her.

She had already seen what Gu Ye meant to her, but she didn't want to expose it.

But she didn't expect that Gu Ye would handle her weakness so skillfully.

"Gu Ye." Liu Erlong didn't know where the strength came from, and gently pushed Gu Ye.

Gu Ye didn't mean to force Liu Erlong now, he just told Liu Erlong to express her purpose, and now the purpose has been achieved.

"Erlong, you should know what I'm thinking, right?"

Liu Erlong nodded, then shook his head again.

"I have someone I like, but we are not suitable, Gu Ye."

"And you are still young, I am so much older than you, you can definitely find someone more suitable for you."

"I just like you, mature, beautiful, just like the flowers outside. As for the person you said you like, is it the one who abandoned you for 20 years?"

"Principal Erlong, you have to understand that since a man is capable of abandoning a woman, no matter what his reasons are, as long as he has the first time, there will be a second time."

"And think about how you have lived these 20 years. You should have your own life."

"Think about it again, how have you been with me these days, if you don't like it, you can refuse me, and I won't bother you anymore."

Gu Ye threw the topic to Liu Erlong.

To be honest, at the beginning Gu Ye was simply greedy for Liu Erlong's mature body, and it was hypocrisy to say love.

However, the relationship during this period of time made him have a good impression of Liu Erlong.

This kind of woman cheap Yu Xiaogang that trash is completely reckless.

Therefore, it is imperative for Gu Ye to intercept Hu Liu Erlong.

Gu Ye's words made Liu Erlong become silent.

Although I have only known Gu Ye for 20 days, these 20 days are better than her 20 years.

Thinking about the 20 years of being abandoned by Yu Xiaogang, Liu Erlong compared the 20 days again, and suddenly found that she could still live well without Yu Xiaogang.

But if it is said that she loves Gu Ye, Liu Erlong doesn't know.

Maybe it's just Gu Ye's appearance that filled her vacant heart these years and gave her a warm and happy sense of satisfaction.

Gu Ye was right, she should have her own new life.

"Gu Ye, I... want to think about it." Liu Erlong looked at Gu Ye seriously.

When Gu Ye heard this, he laughed happily in his heart.

He didn't expect things to be smoother than he believed.

In the original book, Liu Erlong waited for Yu Xiaogang for 20 years, how many 20 years can a woman wait.

In the original book, if Yu Xiaogang hadn't appeared, Liu Erlong might not have changed his mind.

But it is another thing for a woman who has been empty for 20 years to suddenly get the love of another man who is countless times better than Yu Xiaogang.

Although it is impossible for the current Liu Erlong to fall in love with Gu Ye with all his heart, what Gu Ye wants is that he is simply greedy for Liu Erlong's mature body and charm.

Speaking of love, there may be in the future, but it is definitely not about it now.

It is entirely possible to fall in love with each other for a long time.

"Okay, then I'll wait for you, Dean Erlong."

Gu Ye agreed, and he gave Liu Erlong time to think about it.

But he only gave Liu Erlong ten days to think about it.

Because in ten days, Yu Xiaogang and his party will definitely arrive at Tiandou City.

And his disciple Zhu Zhuqing will also come.

If Liu Erlong couldn't be captured within ten days, then Gu Ye didn't intend to waste time on Liu Erlong.

Because compared to his disciple Zhu Zhuqing, Gu Ye still likes Zhu Zhuqing more.

Liu Erlong nodded in agreement with Gu Ye's words.

Within ten days, she will give Gu Ye an answer.

"Principal Erlong, since you agree, let me give you another reward."

"Reward, what reward?"

Liu Erlong still didn't understand what Gu Ye's reward meant, and the next second, her eyes widened a bit.

It turned out that Gu Ye's reward was this.

Gu Ye kissed Liu Erlong again without hesitation.

This time, Gu Ye held Liu Erlong tightly in his arms.

Within ten days, Gu Ye had many opportunities to take advantage of Liu Erlong.

Even if Liu Erlong refused ten days later, Gu Ye would also take advantage of it within these ten days.

Who made Gu Ye not a person who likes to suffer.

"Gu Ye.."

Liu Erlong looked at Gu Ye and gave him a shameful look.

"Erlong, this is how I like you. You don't reject me, which makes me very happy." Gu Ye held Liu Erlong's hand on his chest, and looked at her with a smile.

Liu Erlong looked at Gu Ye angrily, "Not yet."

"Okay, Erlong, why don't you stay here to rest tonight?" Gu Ye tentatively asked.

Liu Erlong shook his head: "Gu Ye, I haven't figured it out yet, you said you would give me time."

"Well, I won't force you. You can go back to your room when you recover."

Gu Ye hugged Liu Erlong and said.

(End of this chapter)

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