Douluo's martial arts scalpel

Chapter 139 Zhu Zhuqing and Ye Lingling

Chapter 139 Zhu Zhuqing and Ye Lingling

He had already heard about Xue Beng's troubles yesterday, and now he brought Xue Beng here, obviously to stand up for him.

As for why they didn't drive Shrek and his party out of Tiandou Royal Academy as in the original book.

Naturally, there is a credit for being unhappy.

Bu Le is Xue Beng's dog-headed military division.

It is very good to give him advice.

First call Xue Xing to threaten and deter the three of Meng Shenji.

He can agree with Shrek and his party to join Tiandou Royal Academy, but if his nephew is bullied, then don't blame him for using his relationship to drive Shrek and his party out.

Later, after the Shrek Academy group joined Tiandou Royal Academy, with such constraints, they naturally dare not do anything to Xue Beng.

Then there is the revenge time of the avalanche.

Besides, the most important point is that there is no Dugu Bo around Xue Xing.

In the original book, Xue Xing dared to drive Shrek Academy and his team out of Tiandou Royal Academy so arrogantly only when Dugu Bo was there.

The current Dugu Bo had already gone back to the Sunset Forest to retreat and coerce poison because he was instructed by Gu Ye last time.

It is also true that the plot of the original work has deviated greatly here.

Xue Xing left the Education Committee with Xue Beng after speaking.

The group of Shrek Academy and Meng Shenji were all confused by Xue Xing's operation.

I thought I was here to do something, but now I'm leaving.

But without Xue Xing and his party, Meng Shenji chatted with Flender and everyone more happily.

After the Xue Beng three who had left came out of the Education Committee, Xue Xing patted Xue Beng on the shoulder meaningfully:

"Beng'er, Uncle, I still have something to go back to. You should study hard here. If you are bullied, let me know immediately, and I will come to help you get justice."

"Uncle, don't worry, with your warning just now, they will definitely not dare, and there is no second, as long as those teachers don't do anything, these students will not be able to bully me."

Xue Beng's words made Xue Xing take a few more glances unhappy, "No two, follow my nephew well, and your future will not be lost in the future."

Bu Le pretended to be excited, and said: "Prince Xue Xing, don't worry, I will take good care of His Royal Highness Xue Beng and never let him have any accidents."


Xue Xing patted Bu Le on the shoulder in satisfaction and left Tiandou Royal Academy.

After Xue Xing left, Xue Beng looked at Bu Le, "Fu Er, tell me, now that Shrek Academy has joined Tiandou Royal Academy, how can I get back my face?"

"Yeah." After thinking for a while, Bule thought of the information he had collected, as well as the loss to Shrek Academy in Soto City Royal Fighting Team, and quickly said: "His Royal Highness Xue Beng, as far as I know, this Shrek Academy There is a lot of grievances with the Royal Fighting Team. The last time the Royal Fighting Team lost to Shrek Academy in Soto City, but there are other reasons in the middle, so we just need to inform the Royal Fighting Team, and when the time comes to provoke They, naturally hehe"

Speaking of this, I laughed badly.

Xue Beng thought of Yu Tianheng of Huangdou Team, and Dugu Yan, both of whom were unhappy, and smirked.

"Go, go find them now."

Then the two went to the Tiandou Royal Academy's mimicry training ground to find the seven members of the Huangdou team.

At this time, in the teaching committee room, Shrek and his party had officially joined the Tiandou Royal Academy and became a part of the Tiandou Royal Academy.

After finishing the formalities, Flender gestured to the Shrek seven.

Dai Mubai understood instantly, and walked out immediately.

"Dai Mubai, the captain of the Shrek Academy team, a level 38 assault-type battle soul master. He is 15 and a half years old this year."

"Tang San, the vice-captain of the Shrek Academy team, almost 13 years old, a level 33 control system battle soul master."

"Xiao Wu, a 12-year-old 32-level assault-type battle soul master."

"Zhu Zhuqing, 12 years old this year, level 35 agility attack system war soul master."

"Ning Rongrong, 12 years old this year, a level 29 auxiliary system soul master."

"Oscar, level 31."

"Ma Hongjun, level 28."

After the seven people reported their age and strength, the three education committee members of Mengshenji were not calm.

Although I knew that these seven people were very young, I didn't expect them to be so young.

Tang San Xiaowu, Ning Rongrong, and Ma Hongjun are all about the same age, 12 and a half years old and close to 13 years old.

Oscar is 14 years old.

The youngest is Zhu Zhuqing, who is not even 12 and a half years old, but neither her figure nor strength should be what she should have at her age.

The reason why she was able to improve so quickly was due to the improvement of her aptitude, the evolution of her martial soul, and the essence of the medicinal liquid that Gu Ye made her drink every day besides hard work.

As time goes by, the more solid Zhu Zhuqing's foundation is, the faster he will improve in the future.

"Principal Flender, the surprise you gave me is really... almost frightening." Meng Shenji stood up and said.

"Hey, Chief Meng, it's all due to the hard work of the students." Flender smiled modestly.

Looking at the horrified expressions of the three Mengshenji Contras, his vanity was greatly satisfied at this moment.

Then, Shrek Yu Xiaogang also stood up and announced his identity as a master.

When Mengshenji learned that Yu Xiaogang was the well-known theoretical master Yu Xiaogang in the world of soul masters, he finally understood why these students were so powerful at such a young age.

After learning more about Shrek Academy, Mengshenji asked Qin Ming to take the seven members of Shrek Academy to familiarize themselves with Tiandou Royal Academy.

"Dean Flender, let's go, let me take you to the academy for a while."

"Okay, okay, Qin Ming, this Heaven Dou Royal Academy is really good."

Now Flender's vanity has been greatly satisfied, and he speaks with a bit of weirdness.

"Teacher Qin."

"Teacher Qin."

Qin Ming hadn't gone far with the Shrek Academy group when the seven members of the Emperor Fighting Team hurried over.

When Yu Tianheng who took the lead saw Shrek and his party, his eyes instantly lit up with fighting spirit.

He was never reconciled to losing to Shrek last time, now that Shrek and his party have joined the Heaven Dou Royal Academy to fight together, it will be much easier to regain face.

"Tianheng, Yanyan, aren't you training? Why did you come here?" Qin Ming asked.

"Mr. Qin, we heard that Shrek Academy is coming, so we wanted to take a look."

"Yes, Mr. Qin, we will be classmates in the future, why don't we come to welcome you?"


Dugu Yan, Yufeng and the others said repeatedly.

But among the seven, Ye Lingling didn't speak, her eyes stayed on Zhu Zhuqing.

"Now I'm going to take them to familiarize themselves with the academy, and if you want to follow, follow along."

That's what Yu Tianheng and Dugu Yan waited for.

Now that they are students of the same college, they can be regarded as classmates, and the grievances and grievances of the last soul fighting will naturally disappear.

But they also came to Shrek Academy for a purpose, that is to learn from each other.

He, Yu Tianheng, had to fight Dai Mubai to save face.

This is not a grievance, but for the rectification of the name of his martial soul, the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex.

Agree, Yufeng, Oslo also wants to fight with Zhu Zhuqing again.

They were not reconciled to being defeated by Zhu Zhu in the last soul fight.

They are all classmates now, so naturally they want to discuss with her.

Qin Ming is the teacher of the seven Yu Tianheng, so he naturally knows what they think.

And he also agreed with Yu Tianheng and others to discuss with the seven members of Shrek Academy.

Because this will enable them to realize their own shortcomings and improve themselves.

When walking, Ye Lingling did not follow her team, but came to Zhu Zhuqing's side.

She knew that Zhu Zhuqing was Gu Ye's disciple, and now she was considered half of Gu Ye's disciple, so she needed to talk to her about something.

"Zhu Zhuqing."

"What's wrong?" Seeing that it was Ye Lingling, Zhu Zhuqing asked flatly.

"Have you come here to see your teacher?"

Zhu Zhuqing shook his head.

She just came yesterday, and she still doesn't know where her teacher is.

Seeing this, Ye Lingling understood.

Since she became Gu Ye's nurse, she hasn't been to the Gu Ye Medical Center very many times, only twice so far.

These days, Gu Ye doesn't know where to go, and the medical center is not open.

It was only later that she realized that Gu Ye had something to do, so she was told not to go.

Now that Zhu Zhuqing is here, Gu Ye should be back too.

"Zhu Zhuqing, I'll go find Gu Ye with you tomorrow."

Ye Lingling's words shocked Zhu Zhuqing, "Do you know where my teacher is?"

"I know, don't you know?"

"Really?" Zhu Zhuqing stared at Ye Lingling with certainty.

Ye Lingling nodded.

"Gu Ye opened a medical clinic in the west of the city. I went to work as a nurse for him half a month ago."

Zhu Zhuqing and Ye Lingling were chatting in the back, Shrek's group and Huangdou's others had already walked ahead and did not hear Ye Lingling's words.

Now that Ye Lingling knew where her teacher was, Zhu Zhuqing was a little uneasy.

Especially knowing that Ye Lingling was working as a nurse for her teacher Gu Ye made Zhu Zhuqing feel a sense of crisis.

Her teacher is the best man she has ever seen, bar none.

Once she has been in contact with her for a long time, she can't guarantee whether Ye Lingling will have thoughts about her teacher, anyway, she already has thoughts.

"Ye Lingling, is my teacher really there? Are you really helping my teacher as an assistant nurse? Also, where is the XC area?"

Zhu Zhuqing looked at Ye Lingling and asked three times in a row.

Ye Lingling nodded firmly.

The XC area can be said to be inside Tiandou City, or it can be said to be outside Tiandou City.

Because Tiandou City is very big, as far as their Tiandou Royal Academy is concerned, it is twenty or thirty miles away from Tiandou City, but it is also within the scope of Tiandou City.

If the calculation is based on the palace as the center.

The center is naturally the imperial palace, and after that comes the inner city.

And the inner city is also divided into four districts in the southeast, northwest, and Tiandou Royal Academy is in the east district.

Then go out is the outer city.

After Zhu Zhuqing understood a little bit, he asked to look at Ye Lingling.

"Can you take me to my teacher tomorrow?"

"Of course, I usually go to Gu Ye when I'm free, and then work as a nurse's assistant for him. I haven't seen anyone these days, so I didn't go."

"Now that Zhuqing is here, I think Gu Ye should be in the medical hall."

"Is that so, then let's go find him together tomorrow."

Ye Lingling nodded in agreement.

Now that she knew where her teacher was, she had to find him.

(End of this chapter)

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