Douluo's martial arts scalpel

Chapter 140 Gu Ye: Opening a harem is not easy!

Chapter 140 Gu Ye: Opening a harem is not easy!

Not long after, Qin Ming brought Shrek and his party to the mimicry training ground.

The mimetic training ground of Tiandou Royal Academy has such mimetic training grounds as forests, hot lands, glaciers, and deserts.

Only after seeing these mimic training grounds did Flender understand how big the gap between Shrek Academy and Heaven Dou Royal Academy was.

Then Yu Tianheng and his group wanted to take this opportunity to have a good discussion with the Shrek Academy and his group, but Shrek and his group seemed to be attracted to the mimetic training ground for the first time, so they missed the opportunity.

On the other side, Lanba Academy.

Gu Ye waited at Lanba Academy for a whole day and there was still no news of Shrek Academy's arrival, which made him a little suspicious.

"Could it be that Shrek Academy hasn't come yet?"

"It's time to arrive, right?"

"Forget it, don't care about other things, go back first, and go back to the medical hall tomorrow."

Gu Ye decided to go back to the back mountain.

He wants to have a good talk with Liu Erlong tonight, talk about love.

At this time, in the Houshan residence.

Liu Erlong, who was just broken by Gu Ye last night, rested in the back mountain all day today.

At this time, she was dressed as a cook and was working in the kitchen, as if she was cooking dinner and waiting for Gu Ye to come back.

After Gu Ye came back, he heard noises coming from the kitchen. He walked into the kitchen and saw Liu Erlong concentrating on cooking.

It's okay not to look at other things, but when he saw Liu Erlong's current clothes, Gu Ye was stunned for a while.

Without him, Liu Erlong in a cook's suit is really too attractive at this moment.

Especially from behind.

The slender legs, plump buttocks, slender waist, and the cook's outfit on her body fully showed her graceful figure.

Kitchen, cook, work, man.

The combination of these words always reminded Gu Ye of some resources in the memory of his previous life.

He vaguely remembered that the kitchen seemed to be a good scene, and then it could play a very popular drama.

Looking at it, Gu Ye suddenly became hungry.

Liu Erlong knew that Gu Ye was coming back, but she was busy cooking and didn't pay attention to Gu Ye.

It was also because of this that Gu Ye had the opportunity to enjoy such a beautiful and alluring scene.

Gu Ye walked in lightly, hugged Liu Erlong's waist from behind, leaned on her shoulders, felt her soft body, and lightly sniffed the fragrance that belonged to Liu Erlong.

Gu Ye leaned against Liu Erlong's ear and said softly, "Erlong, I'm hungry."

"Don't make trouble, I'm still cooking?" Liu Erlong knocked off Gu Ye's tricky hand.

"But I'm really hungry."

"Wait a minute, my dishes are not ready yet."

"Delicious food."

Seeing Liu Erlong who was concentrating on cooking, Gu Ye finally understood the true meaning of these four words.

There are vegetables in the kitchen that can be eaten, and there are women in the kitchen that can also be eaten.

Isn't it really beautiful and delicious?

Gu Ye has always been the kind of person who carries out the meaning of these four words to the end in order to get full.

In the previous month, neither Gu Ye nor Liu Erlong spent more than half an hour cooking alone.

Sometimes the two cook together in the kitchen, and it will be faster.

This should be the so-called matching of men and women, double the speed.

But this time, Liu Erlong and Gu Ye spent more than an hour cooking in the kitchen.

It can be seen that the saying that men and women are matched to double the speed is sometimes inapplicable.

When he walked out of the kitchen, Gu Ye burped for a long time. He already deeply understood the meaning of the words beautiful and delicious.

Liu Erlong walked out of the kitchen with two high-quality side dishes, and when he came to the dining table, Heng Guye took a peevish look and blamed him: "Next time you disturb my cooking, I won't be polite to you."

"Don't bother me, don't bother me." Gu Ye waved his hand, this time he obeyed Liu Erlong's words.

"Hmph." Liu Erlong snorted proudly, and sat down to eat.

But as soon as he sat down, Liu Erlong realized that the kitchen clothes on his body were gone.

Liu Erlong glanced at the kitchen and found that it had fallen on the ground, and he stared at Gu Ye reproachfully before he started to eat.

The food Liu Erlong cooked was very delicious, and the beauty in Gu Ye's mouth was in his heart.

Thinking of the delicious food, Gu Ye smiled from the bottom of his heart.

Among other things, Liu Erlong's technique is really good.

Don't get me wrong, what Gu Ye was talking about was Liu Erlong's cooking skills.

After a meal, Liu Erlong, who was full, had already recovered.

"By the way, Erlong, I'm going back to the medical hall tomorrow. If there's anything in the academy, you can just ask Jiangzhu to come find me."

"Is that disciple of yours here?"

Liu Erlong already knew that Gu Ye had a female student named Zhu Zhuqing, so he was a little curious.

"It stands to reason that she should have come, but somehow she didn't. I'm going to have a look in the next two days."

"She's here, won't you come back to me?"

Liu Erlong looked at Gu Ye seriously, wanting to know his answer.

She lost her virginity to Gu Ye last night, and gradually melted into Gu Ye in her heart.

She is also used to living with Gu Ye and lives a warm and happy life every day.

If Gu Ye suddenly didn't come back one day, she wouldn't be used to it.

Liu Erlong's words made Gu Ye ponder for a while.

He did have such an idea before, after all Zhu Zhuqing was his disciple, so he had to take care of him.

And it was his duty as a teacher to live with Zhu Zhuqing.

Now that Liu Erlong asked such a question, it was difficult for him to answer.

Seeing Gu Ye's silence, Liu Erlong was jealous and angry at Zhu Zhuqing.

She just lost herself to Gu Ye last night, and she was cooking for Gu Ye in the kitchen just now. Now Gu Ye wants to leave and be with his female apprentice, what does she think of Liu Erlong.

Liu Erlong dropped the bowl and chopsticks, and sat alone with a sullen expression.

It was rare to meet a man who entered her heart again, she gave her body to this man without hesitation, Liu Erlong never wanted this man to leave her like this.

Resistance with silence is a woman's greatest weapon.

Sure enough, Gu Ye felt a little distressed seeing Liu Erlong's appearance.

Things were a little different from what he believed.

At the beginning, he just wanted to see if he could take Liu Erlong down. After taking down Liu Erlong, he should be able to open the harem easily. Liu Erlong obeyed him incomparably.

After all, isn't this the basic ability of many traversers to open a harem?

But now it seems a little different from what he thought.

Liu Erlong seemed very opposed to the way he left.

"If you don't want to come back to me, then don't come back in the future."

Liu Erlong dropped another sentence.

Gu Ye listened in his heart, and let him confirm again that the novel is full of lies, and the protagonist opening the harem is not as simple as imagined.

Now he just wants to leave and go back to live with his female apprentice, Liu Erlong who has just become his woman has such a big objection.

It is conceivable that in the future, if he knows that Gu Ye has thoughts about other women, or if there are other women, will he hate him because of love?
Gu Ye thought quickly in his mind, and then took Liu Erlong's hand, wrapping around her waist.

"Erlong, I'm your man, don't you know what I think?" Looking at Liu Erlong, Gu Ye said softly.

Being hugged so intimately by Gu Ye, with a bad hand under his waist, Liu Erlong gave Gu Ye a supercilious look but didn't push him away.

"Even if your apprentice comes back, you must come back to live with me. I don't want you to leave me." Liu Erlong said this seriously.

She has been lonely for 20 years, and finally found a man to nourish her and make her happy physically and mentally. She will never let Gu Ye leave her.

In a word, Gu Ye is determined.

Gu Ye was a little happy to see Liu Erlong's attitude.

It is still unknown when Zhu Zhuqing will come back, so he decided to coax Liu Erlong first, and as for Zhu Zhuqing, let's talk about it after she comes back.

After a meal, Gu Ye and Liu Erlong were doing daily things as usual.

A little later is when the two share the same bed.

In the eyes of others, Liu Erlong is a chivalrous woman who hates evil like a vengeful, has a hearty personality, and is a bit fiery.

But in Gu Ye's eyes, Liu Erlong was not like this.

Especially after Liu Erlong became his woman, Gu Ye saw the most gentle side of Liu Erlong as a woman.

And her openness and initiative.

There is a big difference between mature women and young girls in this respect.

On the soft bed, Liu Erlong hugged Gu Ye's waist, looking at Gu Ye with anticipation in his eyes.

Perhaps at this time, one word can be used to describe Xianliu Erlong, that is... Eating marrow and knowing taste.

Gu Ye smirked, hugging Liu Erlong's waist.
For a moment, Liu Erlong, who tasted the marrow and knew the taste, was once again immersed in joy.

At this time, on the other side, Tiandou Royal Academy.

Knowing all kinds of things about Tiandou Royal Academy today, Yu Xiaogang is very satisfied with his decision, and at the same time he is full of confidence in Tang San's future.

But at this time, Yu Xiaogang thought of Gu Ye.

One of the purposes of his coming here is to achieve it, but Gu Ye must also know that he is there, otherwise what should he do with his Wuhun treatment.

"Well, after seeing it, I have to talk to Zhuqing."

As soon as Yu Xiaogang left the room, he was going to ask Zhu Zhuqing about it.

But at this moment, his skin was jumping like last night, his chest was tight and short of breath, and he felt extremely uncomfortable.

"What's going on? Could it be that something happened to my relatives?"

Regarding his current state, Yu Xiaogang made such a guess.

He is in good health, and to have such a premonition must be a close relative, or something unexpected happened to his lover.

The close relative Yu Xiaogang can say no, because he was kicked out.

Yu Xiaogang unconsciously thought of Liu Erlong.

Back then, when Liu Erlong was sixteen or seventeen years old, he met Liu Erlong. Afterwards, they traveled around the mainland together. Now that 20 years have passed, Liu Erlong is at most in his thirties.

And because he is much older than Liu Erlong, he is already a greasy uncle.

"Did Erlong have another man? Or something happened?"

This idea appeared in Yu Xiaogang's mind for some reason.

20 years, how many 20 years does a woman have.

It's just that Liu Erlong has other men, and it's normal to fall in love with other men.

But Yu Xiaogang just shook his head, unwilling to think about those things again.

Then, he quickly came outside Zhu Zhuqing's room and knocked on the door.

(End of this chapter)

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