Douluo's martial arts scalpel

Chapter 141 The disciple is here, and so is the nurse

Chapter 141 The disciple is here, and so is the nurse
In Zhu Zhuqing's room, when she heard the knock on the door, she opened the door and saw that it was Yu Xiaogang, but she was a little surprised.

"Master, what do you want from me?"

"Well, I want to ask about your teacher, do you know where he is now?"

"I know. I just wanted to tell you, Master, that Ye Lingling and I will visit my teacher tomorrow."

Upon hearing this, Yu Xiaogang felt relieved.

Then he agreed without any hesitation.

"By the way, Zhuqing, we have just joined Tiandouhuang Academy, and there are some things that I need to deal with. I don't have time to find your teacher yet. In this way, if possible, you can talk to your teacher and ask him if he is free. Go to Tiandou Royal Academy."

"Okay, I see. Master, is there anything else?"

"No, you are tired today, go to bed early."

After Yu Xiaogang finished speaking, he left and went back to his room.

But after returning to the room, the feeling of heartache and scalp numbness came again.

The discomfort this time made Yu Xiaogang wonder if he was sick.

In the end, Yu Xiaogang decided to let Gu Ye take a look at it when Gu Ye came.

early morning.

The bright moon is in the sky, and the night is deep.

The back mountain of Lanba College presents an image of complete silence.

But it is such a quiet back mountain, but from time to time there is a heart-pounding beautiful sound.

The birds in the forest heard it, and they kept chirping and calling.

It seems to be responding to this beautiful note.

At some point, the vigorous battle in the wooden house came to an end.

Liu Erlong buried his head weakly in his man's arms, raised his little hand like a little girl and drew circles on Gu Ye's chest.

The happiness on her face gave her endless aftertaste.

"Gu Ye, hold me tight." Liu Erlong suddenly asked.

"Okay, hold on tighter." Gu Ye never refused to come, let Liu Erlong feel how strong his arms are.

The two hugged each other tightly, and at some point they came to the window beside the bed, looking at the bright moon in the sky.

The pure white moonlight sprinkled on Liu Erlong's body from time to time, adding a touch of moving posture to her.

The so-called moonlight in front of the window, Yiren on the lap, tells such a moving picture.

Silent all night.

The next day, Gu Ye got up early, knowing that Liu Erlong was exhausted last night, and it was a bit difficult to think about it today.

So he made some breakfast and left Houshan to go back to the medical center.

He had a hunch that his apprentice should be coming soon.

As for the promise to Liu Erlong to go back every night.

Gu Ye still had to see the situation.

If Zhu Zhuqing was there, Gu Ye would have thought about it a lot.

In Tiandou Imperial Academy, Ye Lingling and Zhu Zhuqing made an appointment to go to see Gu Ye today.

Early in the morning, the two left Tiandou Imperial Academy and walked towards the west area of ​​Tiandou City.

The two didn't have much contact with each other at first, but because of Gu Ye, the relationship between the two became closer.

And compared with the people from Shrek Academy, Zhu Zhuqing found that she prefers to be with Ye Lingling.

"Zhuqing, you are Gu Ye's disciple, is he always nice to you?"

On the way, Ye Lingling looked at Zhu Zhuqing curiously.

Zhu Zhuqing thought of all the things that Gu Ye had done to him, and a blush rose on his cheeks.

"Fortunately, the teacher is actually very good to others."

"Well, I'm sure of that." Ever since she became Gu Ye's dedicated nurse, Ye Lingling found that Gu Ye was indeed a very good man.

Especially for her, it's great.

The two chatted for a while and then hurried on their way, arriving in the west area of ​​Tiandou City in a short while.

"Zhuqing, that's Gu Ye's clinic, but he wasn't there a few days ago except when he was helping Sister Yan to treat her. I don't know if he's back now."

"Go and see and you'll know."

Zhu Zhuqing walked a little fast.

Because she felt that her teacher Gu Ye must be waiting for her in the medical hall.

Sure enough, as soon as the two arrived outside the medical hall, they saw some patients waiting in line for treatment.

Zhu Zhuqing and Ye Lingling happily walked into the medical hall at the same time.

When they came in, they saw the man they missed.


Zhu Zhuqing shouted excitedly, before the trotting Gu Ye.

The same is true for Ye Lingling.

Gu Ye, who was treating an old man in sixty years, paused for a while, and when he saw his lover Zhu Zhuqing and nurse Ye Lingling, he nodded with a smile.

Then he said: "It's just right, there are still some patients here, Lingling, you can help with treatment, and Zhuqing, you can help."

"is teacher."


Zhu Zhuqing and Ye Lingling responded and started their work.

These things are obviously not the first time the two have done it.

Getting started is very simple.

The people in Tiandou City usually find some soul masters from the healing department to treat them when they get sick, but these people charge expensive fees, and sometimes their healing ability is not enough, and some minor illnesses can't be cured even after being treated repeatedly.

Well now, the doctor Gu Ye appeared.

Let them see a different hope.

With the help of apprentice Zhu Zhuqing and nurse Ye Lingling, Gu Ye completed today's task not long after.

Then he took the two of them into the backyard and asked about some things.

Without Gu Ye asking, Zhu Zhuqing also knew that he had told Gu Ye in detail about the past month.

There are also a series of things encountered after arriving at Tiandou Royal Academy.

After Gu Ye learned about it, he frowned slightly.

The plot of Shrek Academy seems to have undergone a major change.

In the original book, they should have been kicked out, but now they have joined the Heaven Dou Royal Academy.

The changes in the plot let Gu Ye know that perhaps because of his influence and some other factors, changes are happening invisibly.

"By the way, teacher, Yu Xiaogang said that he wants you to go to Tiandou Royal Academy to help him heal when you have time." Zhu Zhuqing mentioned what Yu Xiaogang told her to Gu Ye.

"It's not impossible to go to Tiandou Royal Academy, but not now, maybe tomorrow. I just want to go to Tiandou Royal Academy to take a look."

"Now, Zhuqing, let me take a good look at how your strength has improved this month."

"is teacher."

Zhu Zhuqing took the initiative to come to the yard to show off the results of her one-month training.

Gu Ye and Ye Lingling watched from the side, and they also admired Zhu Zhuqing's strength.

However, Gu Ye saw that it was difficult for Zhu Zhuqing to exert his full strength by himself, so he personally came to try Zhu Zhuqing's size.

clap clap!

Boom! !
Soon, in the yard, the master and apprentice were fighting together, and the movement became louder and louder.

Ye Lingling, who was watching from the side, looked at Zhu Zhuqing's constantly accelerating movements, and secretly admired, as expected of Zhu Zhuqing, really amazing.

But Gu Ye is also more powerful, every time he can accurately hit Zhu Zhuqing's vitals, making Zhu Zhuqing let out a nice cry of pain.

Heaven Dou Emperor's Palace, Xue Qinghe's residence.

"Shrek Academy has so many students with extraordinary qualifications."

"Also defeated the Royal Fighting Team."

"Ning Rongrong, daughter of Ning Fengzhi, Dai Mubai, white tiger spirit, prince of the Star Luo Empire, so that's how it is."

"Wait, Zhu actually the disciple of that bastard Gu Ye."

"Gu Ye."

Originally, Xue Qinghe was interested in Xue Xing's going to Tiandou Royal Academy, so he collected things about the group of Shrek Academy.

Seeing that these people from Shrek Academy still have good qualifications, Xue Qinghe was also a little surprised.

But when she knew that Zhu Zhuqing was the disciple of that bastard Gu Ye, Qian Renxue was not calm.

Gu Ye did that kind of thing to her, she should hate Gu Ye to death in her heart.

If it wasn't for Gu Ye's blame, and she couldn't expose it, she would have arrested the bastard Gu Ye a long time ago and took revenge.

"Hmph, Gu Ye, just wait for me."

Xue Qinghe snorted bitterly.

Then, a good idea popped into his mind.

"Ning Rongrong is currently in Tiandou Imperial Academy, as Ning Fengzhi's disciple, I should also visit her."

"Also, Zhu Zhuqing, Gu Ye's disciple, with such aptitude, I want to see how extraordinary she is."

Because of the matter of the secret room, and Gu Ye's specialness.

Qian Renxue hated Gu Ye, but she had other thoughts about Gu Ye.

She herself has some appreciation for Gu Ye, and what happened in the secret room now has Gu Ye completely imprinted on her body and mind.

Especially every night when she thinks about being with Gu Ye in the secret room, she will always feel a little complicated
At the beginning, she might still hate Gu Ye, but as time went by, after that feeling penetrated into her body and mind, Gu Ye was already in her heart forever.

"Tomorrow, I will go to Tiandou Royal Academy, but before I go, I should send a message to my teacher."

Then Xue Qinghe sent the news to his so-called teacher Ning Fengzhi.

There is something about Ning Rongrong coming to the Tiandou Imperial Academy to study, and there are other aspects as well.

In the evening, at the back of Lanba Academy.

Liu Erlong watered his own flowers first as usual.

Usually when she is alone, she likes to grow some flowers, plants and vegetables by herself.

Now that she has a man, she likes this kind of thing even more.

Planting flowers is her hobby, and she can eat some vegetables with her man.

After finishing these things, Liu Erlong originally thought that Gu Ye would come back, after all, Gu Ye usually came back at this time.

But to Liu Erlong's disappointment, she didn't see Gu Ye.

Because of this, Liu Erlong looked at the empty room and felt lonely for the first time in a month.

I think she lived alone before, and never felt that way.

But now.
Liu Erlong missed Gu Ye.

In Gu Ye Medical Center.

Because of the arrival of disciple Zhu Zhuqing and nurse Ye Lingling, Gu Ye stayed with them all afternoon.

In the evening, the two of them were asked to stay in the medical hall, and then the three of them planned to go to Tiandou Royal Academy together tomorrow.

But after eating, Gu Ye only thought of Liu Erlong in the back mountain of Lanba Academy.

"Teacher, what's the matter?" Zhu Zhuqing who was sitting next to Gu Ye saw that Gu Ye was lost in thought, and asked.

"It's okay." Gu Ye shook his head and decided in his heart to explain it to Liu Erlong after tomorrow.

Afterwards, he brought Liu Erlong to meet Zhu Zhuqing.

Zhu Zhuqing is his favorite apprentice, and Liu Erlong is also his woman, the two of them getting to know each other earlier will benefit both of them in the future.

Now Yu Xiaogang is a teacher at Tiandou Imperial Academy, what will happen if Yu Xiaogang meets Liu Erlong?
(End of this chapter)

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