Douluo's martial arts scalpel

Chapter 207 Is this a hero saving beauty?

Chapter 207 Is this a hero saving beauty?

"Let's go, go back."

"Yes, Lord Xuan."

The soul king's guards turned the carriage.

She didn't go from where she came out, but went the other way.

"It's really cruel. Tang Hao."

A few hundred meters away from Tang Yuehua, Gu Ye looked at the corpses of the six spies that Tang Hao had dealt with, and sneered.

When Tang Hao appeared just now, although Gu Ye sensed it, but in order not to let Tang Hao find him, he finally hid himself.

He only heard a few screams, and when he came out, he saw these corpses.

For these sad spies, Gu Ye showed no mercy.

After all, he is not a good person, and he is not familiar with these spies.

"By the way, Tang Yuehua."

Gu Ye was interested in this woman Tang Yuehua, and also wanted to know what the hell Tang Hao and Tang Yuehua were up to before following her.

But now, looking at these corpses, she has forgotten about Tang Yuehua.

Then, Gu Ye chased after him along the road.

"have they gone?"

"It should be gone."

In the shade of a tree, the spy of the soul king came out of the shadow quietly.

This is the strength of his martial soul, which can hide in the shadows.

As long as there is a shadow, once he hides in, even the Title Douluo can't find him.

He didn't show up when he saw the two carriages slowly passing by the road just now, just because he was afraid of Tang Hao's tricks.But after such a long time, the carriage had already gone far away, and Tang Hao was still not found.

He gradually relaxed.

Guess Tang Hao has left.

He also needs to find out who is in the carriage.

Tang Hao is the enemy of Wuhundian, and those who are related to him belong to the enemy, and there is no kindness to the enemy.

Then the soul king man followed the traces of the carriage and quickly chased after him.

While tracking, he relied on the smell left by the carriage to tell whether Tang Hao was still there.

This ability is necessary to be a spy.

Fortunately, he didn't find Tang Hao.

Then he quickly chased after Tang Yuehua's carriage.

It was less than a kilometer away from the gate of Tiandou City.

Because Tang Yuehua was walking on a small road, it was almost dusk and there were basically no pedestrians.

There are also some dense trees beside the small road. At this moment, the woman of the Soul King who was driving the carriage suddenly realized that something was wrong, and she stopped the carriage quickly.

"What's wrong?" Tang Yuehua in the carriage asked.

"Master Xuan, there is a situation."

The soul king woman found that there were many shadows in front of her, which seemed very strange.

Although it was almost dusk now, there were trees on both sides of the path, and the trees had many shadows, but she had never seen a shadow suddenly appear in the middle of the road.

"Master Xuan, you are in the carriage first, I'll go down and have a look."

The Queen of Souls said aloud and got off the carriage, and walked carefully to that weird shadow place.

Just when she was less than three meters away from the shadow in the middle of the road, the shadow in the middle of the road suddenly changed.

A group of black shadows sprang out from the ground and attacked her.

Sombra is none other than the spy who possesses the Shadow Martial Soul.

When he found that Tang Hao was no longer there, and there was only a soul king woman guarding the carriage, he hesitated and decided to take action.

As long as he takes down the man in the carriage, he will definitely be rewarded when he returns.

Lured by his position of power, he did it.

The black shadow was transformed by his martial soul, and the attack now is a full blow.

I saw a group of black shadows turned into a black horn and quickly stabbed towards the soul king's female guard.

However, the soul king's female guards had already noticed something was wrong, so they quickly dodged on guard.

"Who are you? How dare you attack others in Tiandou City in broad daylight."

The words of the soul king woman did not receive a response.

The Wuhundian spies knew that the opponent was also a soul king, but his level of soul power was not as good as his. As long as he attacked with all his strength, he would be able to kill him in a short time.

He launched his most powerful ability without hesitation.

"Fifth Soul Skill: Shadow Strike."

Shadow attack, as long as there is shadow, he can attack.

That is to say, he can attack the soul king woman herself through the shadow of the soul king woman.

"What's going on here?" The Soul King woman suddenly realized that her shadow had started to attack her, and she was shocked instantly.

She hastily resisted the shadow's attack.

But in addition to her shadow attacking her, the shadows of the surrounding trees also began to attack her.

Tanzi's soul king's ability is indeed very powerful, no matter in terms of soul power level or martial soul ability, it is not comparable to the soul king's female.

In just a moment, the soul king woman was beaten and retreated steadily.

Inside the carriage, Tang Yuehua was a little worried when she heard the movement outside, and her face showed a trace of panic.

If this continues, she is afraid that once her guards lose, she will be in danger.

But even though she is a soul master, she is only level nine, so she can't help much at all.

Boom! !
There were bursts of roaring noises outside, and Tang Yuehua's heart ached when he heard it.

Not long after, the movement disappeared, and Tang Yuehua's palms were already sweating, because she knew that her guards had been defeated, and her fate would be
She pretended to be calm and lifted the curtain of the car to have a look.

But it was just this look that almost scared her half to death.

The body of her guard was lying on the ground, and a man stared at her fiercely.

"Oh, a woman, and a woman with stunning looks."

Spy King Soul was a little surprised when he saw Tang Yuehua.

Then he suddenly thought of something, and his eyes were instantly overjoyed.

"Who are you, why did you attack me and kill my guard?" Tang Yuehua stared straight at the Spy King Soul without any panic on his face.

"Hey! Who am I? Just now Tang Hao killed so many of my subordinates. Who do you think I am?"

Sure enough, as soon as Tang Yuehua's face turned pale, she knew that the other party might be someone from the Wuhun Palace, but she didn't expect it to be.

But she quickly calmed down, and said coldly: "I don't understand what you are talking about, this is Tiandou City, you attacked my guards for no reason, aren't you afraid of being sanctioned?"

The spy soul king stopped talking nonsense with Tang Yuehua, and walked towards Tang Yuehua step by step.

A woman who can be with Tang Hao must have a good relationship with Tang Hao, either his wife, or his relatives, elder sister or younger sister.

No matter which one it is, it is fine for the spy soul king.

Because as long as Tang Yuehua is brought back, his promotion and salary increase is a foregone conclusion.

"Stop, what do you want to do?" Tang Yuehua shouted angrily, hoping that the other party would stop.

But how could the spy soul king stop?
Tang Yuehua really panicked.

She didn't expect that her brother Tang Hao hadn't finished eliminating these spies, and she ran into him just after he left.

Her brother Tang Hao is the enemy of Wuhun Palace, and she is Tang Hao's younger sister. She can't imagine what will happen to her if she is caught in Wuhun Palace.

But she, a ninth-level soul master, wanted to escape from the hands of a soul king, and it was as difficult as heaven.

Snapped!With a sound, the soul king man quickly moved to Tang Yuehua's side and knocked her out with a knife in his hand.

Tang Yuehua never expected that she would be knocked out like this.

"With her, I won't have to run around chasing dangerous people like Tang Hao in the future."

Looking at Tang Yuehua, Tanzi Soul King's heart felt hot.

He has always been worried about chasing some dangerous people on the front line before.I am afraid that one day I will confess to these dangerous people.

It's all right now, with Tang Hao's relatives caught, promotion and fortune are within reach.

Looking at the mature and beautiful face of Tang Yuehua who had passed out, the soul king man couldn't help swallowing.

Tang Yuehua's beauty and maturity are not inferior to Bibi Dong's.

It is conceivable how attractive such a beautiful woman is to a man who has been lonely for many years.

Especially men who are on the verge of life and death all year round.

"If you play it once, you'll have to hand it over to the higher-ups anyway."

"In the end, it might be a death."

"It's a pity that such a beauty died like this."

"Anyway, there is still time, and this place is outside Tiandou City, no one knows about it. No one knows about it after we finish playing."

Thinking of this.

Looking at Tang Yuehua's beautiful face, the detective soul king became more and more moved.

He couldn't help stretching out his hand to touch it, but his hand trembled because of being too excited.

Playing with the family members of the enemy's wife and daughter inexplicably made him feel an unprecedented sense of excitement.

And still in the wild.

Just when he was about to touch Tang Yuehua, his hand stopped suddenly.

He turned around instantly and stared at a tree beside the road, and said coldly, "Who! Come out for me."

Yes, he found people.

"Oh, it's still discovered. Forget it, if you are discovered, you will be discovered."

"However, as a spy of the Wuhun Palace, you actually have the idea of ​​playing with other people's wives and daughters. You are so brave!"

There was a sound of ridicule, and a man came out from behind the tree.

It was none other than Gu Ye.

Gu Ye had come here a long time ago, and Gu Ye watched from the side when the detective Soul King was fighting with the female guard.

Just now, he also deliberately leaked his breath to let the other party find out.

After all, seeing this little Wuhundian spy have wrong thoughts about Tang Yuehua, if Gu Ye doesn't come out again, he won't be Gu Ye anymore.

"Who are you to dare to obstruct the Wuhun Palace? Do you want to be an enemy of the Wuhun Palace?"

Good guy, opening your mouth and retreating is the Wuhun Temple.

If he didn't know that this guy is also qualified as a dragon knight, Gu Ye really believed that this guy was a professional spy.

"Since you are a member of the Wuhun Palace, can't you recognize the identity of this elder?" Gu Ye sneered, and took out a token in his hand.

This token is nothing but the token of the elders of the Wuhun Hall.

It was also given to Gu Ye by Bibi Dong.

At first, Gu Ye didn't want it, but Bibi Dong couldn't bear it.

When the Spy King saw the token in Gu Ye's hand, he was momentarily stunned.

Spy King Hun got off the carriage and knelt down directly.

"Subordinates. Refer to the elders. If there is any offense, please return to the elders... Haihan"

At this moment, the soul king man's heart was about to jump out.

He really didn't expect to meet such a big shot when he just wanted to do it.

Fortunately, he didn't do anything yet, fortunately, he just wanted to touch Tang Yuehua's face.

No, he didn't touch it, he just wanted to check whether Tang Yuehua was wearing a real leather mask.

Is not really a woman.

Right, that is it.

(End of this chapter)

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