Douluo's martial arts scalpel

Chapter 208 Bringing Tang Yuehua Medical Center to work....

Chapter 208 Taking Tang Yuehua to Work in the Medical Center
The spy soul king is really a talent.

It took such a short time to think of a countermeasure.

Seeing that this guy is so knowledgeable about current affairs, Gu Ye is really... a good guy.

"Elder, I don't know why did you appear here?" the spy of the Soul King asked cautiously.

"You can ask why this elder appears here." Gu Ye stared coldly.

The frightened spy, Soul King, shook his head again and again, and answered "Yes, yes, yes".

"Elder Ben asked you, what did you want to do to her just now?"


"Why, is there anything you can't say?"

Seeing that Gu Ye was about to get angry, Spy King quickly explained: "This subordinate just wanted to find out the identity of the other party, to see if she is wearing a human skin mask, that's all."

This guy is really a talent. Gu Ye admired and stared at the spy of the soul king who was kneeling in front of him.

The other party lowered his head, not daring to look directly at Gu Ye.

If it weren't for knowing that Gu Ye was the elder of the Wuhun Hall, with a high status and unfathomable strength, he might have made even crazier decisions.

"Whose subordinate are you?"

"Elder, my subordinate belongs to the Platinum Bishop Salas of the Tiandou City branch of the Wuhun Temple."

"Is it Salas? Go back and tell him that this elder wants it, and now you can go back." After finishing speaking, Gu Ye stepped into the carriage.

The spy who was kneeling on the ground turned his head to take a peek at Gu Ye, and found that he had already lifted Tang Yuehua up and hugged him in his arms, as if he was attracted by Tang Yuehua's appearance.

He guessed that this elder must also be attracted by the woman's appearance.

Although he was envious and jealous in his heart, but his strength and status were not as good as others, so he could only be envious and jealous.

If he had the identity of the other party, it would not be the case.

Now he can only go back and report to Salas.

When Gu Ye saw the spy of the Soul King leave, he took one more look at him and didn't care.

As a spy of Wuhundian, Gu Ye couldn't kill him.

As for what happened to him just now, Gu Ye, who is a man, can understand it very well.

Gu Ye looked at the comatose Tang Yuehua in his arms, no wonder he became interested in sex.

Tang Yuehua's beauty is not inferior to Bibi Dong's except for some imposing manners, and her appearance is really not inferior to Bibi Dong's.

Now she is unconscious in Gu Ye's arms, just like the little dragon girl unconscious in front of Yi Zhiping, no one can grasp it.

To be honest, looking at Tang Yuehua who looked like a Sleeping Beauty, even Gu Ye was a little moved, after all he was also a man.

However, Gu Ye suppressed that thought.

"This is virtually saving Tang Yuehua, so the next thing to do is."

Looking at the unconscious Tang Yuehua, Gu Ye secretly made a decision.

Although he would not do anything to the unconscious Tang Yuehua, he was still very interested in Tang Yuehua.

After all, Tang Yuehua is Tang Hao's younger sister and Tang San's aunt.

This special status gave Gu Ye the idea of ​​taking Tang Yuehua under his command.

It was precisely because of this thought that Gu Ye rescued Tang Yuehua.

"Take her back to Heaven Dou City first."

Gu Ye simply recovered Tang Yuehua, and she would be able to wake up after a while.

And he drove the carriage back to Heaven Dou City.

"If you go back like this, you will definitely be punished by the bishop."

The soul king spy who left looked extremely depressed.

Anyone who has a good achievement ruined by an elder and loses the chance to taste the stunning beauty will be depressed.

"Who is this elder?"

"Why have I never heard of it."

"But the token in his hand is real."

The spy recalled what happened just now.

Finally decided to go back and report to Salas.

And when he got into the carriage just now, he saw a different message.

He knew Tang Yuehua's identity.

The owner of Yuexuan.

With this news, as long as the report is clear, he should not be punished by Salas, and maybe he will be promoted and raised because of this.


With a low moan, Tang Yuehua who was unconscious in the carriage slowly woke up.

The moment she woke up, she recalled what happened just now, and looked around in a panic.

Just now she clearly remembered being knocked out by the man in Wuhundian, so now she is
She felt the carriage driving, and she was the only one in the carriage, and the outside was
While Tang Yuehua was guessing, the curtain of the car was lifted, and Gu Ye's figure came into Tang Yuehua's eyes.

The moment Tang Yuehua saw Gu Ye, Tang Yuehua was stunned.

Not the person from the Spirit Hall just now.

Who is he?
Why is it on my carriage?

and also
Tang Yuehua looked at Gu Ye, and for the first time revealed a...strange feeling.

"Are you awake?" Gu Ye asked flatly.

"Who are you? I'm not being killed."

"Just now I saw a man who wanted to do something wrong to you, and I happened to pass by and saved you."

"You saved me?" Tang Yuehua looked at Gu Ye in disbelief.

"Isn't it the best proof that you are here safely now? Also, you have entered Tiandou City now. By the way, where are you from? Do you want me to take you back?" Gu Ye pretended not to know Tang Yuehua. ask.

And Tang Yuehua took a look, and found that when he really returned to Tiandou City, he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

And she also looked at Gu Ye seriously.

'He saved himself. This should be true, such a handsome man should not lie, and'

When Tang Yuehua thought about it, she already believed that it was Gu Ye who saved her.

After all, Gu Ye looks like a good person at first glance.

"Thank you for saving me. I still don't know your name?" Tang Yuehua asked.

"Gu Ye."

"Gu Ye!"

Tang Yuehua looked at Gu Ye in surprise.

"You are that Gu Ye?"

"I'm Gu Ye, I don't know if there is a second one." Gu Ye said with a smile, turned around and focused on driving.

But now Tang Yuehua completely believed that it was Gu Ye who saved her.

She naturally knew about Gu Ye.

She has been following the Continental Advanced Soul Master Academy Elite Competition.

The outstanding performance of Lanba Academy has made the teachers of Lanba Academy famous.

Gu Ye is no exception.

Moreover, Gu Ye's medical clinic in Tiandou City also has a good reputation.

Besides, Tang Yuehua had some relationship with Emperor Xue Ye, and he even knew about Gu Ye from Emperor Xue Ye.

Now it turned out that he saved himself!

Looking at Gu Ye's back, Tang Yuehua suddenly had a different feeling.

Heroes save the beauty, no matter in ancient or modern times, it is the easiest thing to make women feel good, and even heart-wrenching.

What's more, the protagonist of Hero Save the Beauty is a handsome man.

This makes it easier for the woman to have a good impression of the man and even give birth to the idea of ​​agreeing with her body.

Although Tang Yuehua didn't have the idea of ​​agreeing with her body, she had a different idea of ​​Gu Ye.

She is a woman who has never had a partner in her heart all these years, not because she is too demanding, but because she has never been moved by anyone.

Looking at Gu Ye who was driving a carriage in front of her now, Tang Yuehua had this idea for the first time.

She was moved.

At this time, Gu Ye didn't know what Tang Yuehua was thinking, let alone that just a small rescue made Tang Yuehua fall in love with him.

If he knew, he would definitely have to make an in-depth analysis of the feelings of women on Douluo Continent.

"I didn't know your identity before, and I didn't know where to send you. I can only take you back to my medical clinic. My medical clinic is in front of me. If you want to leave, I can send you away."

As Gu Ye said, the carriage had already returned to the hospital.

Because Gu Ye was not around for nearly a month, the medical center was always closed.

Zhu Zhuqing, Liu Erlong and the others are also practicing in seclusion, so naturally there will be no one in the medical hall.

When Tang Yuehua heard Gu Ye's words, she poked her head out to have a look, and when she saw Gu Ye's medical clinic, she thought of the compliments from the people of Tiandou City to Gu Ye.

"Can I go to your clinic to rest first? I'll go back later." Tang Yuehua asked.

"Of course it is possible." Gu Ye said, got off the carriage and extended his hand to Tang Yuehua at the same time, saying, "Come down."

Tang Yuehua was taken aback, and after looking at Gu Ye's outstretched hand, he put his hand on it without hesitation.

Gu Ye, on the other hand, was like a gentleman, holding Tang Yuehua's hand and at the same time holding Tang Yue's waist to help her out of the carriage.

With such a gentle gesture, coupled with Gu Ye's handsome and extraordinary appearance, Tang Yuehua looked at Gu Ye in front of him, and his heart moved again.

Gu Ye just helped Tang Yuehua off the carriage, and then said: "You have recovered almost now, you should be able to walk by yourself."

"Yes, yes." Tang Yuehua whispered.

Gu Ye nodded and opened the door of the medical hall.

Then let Tang Yuehua go in first, and he put the carriage in place.

Tang Yuehua was a little curious about Gu Ye's medical center, and after walking in, he began to watch it in the lobby.

Gu Ye will come back soon.

"I haven't been back for nearly a month. It was also a coincidence that I met you outside before."

"For a beautiful girl like you, you should bring more guards when you go out in the future, otherwise you will easily run into danger."

Tang Yuehua's ears were filled with sincere concern for Gu Ye's exhortations.

She looked at Gu Ye and found that he had already started tidying up the medical hall.

Because I haven't come back for nearly a month, a lot of dust has accumulated in the medical hall.

If Gu Ye wants to clean it up, it will take some effort.

And it's getting dark now, so it's not easy for a person to clean up.

Tang Yuehua looked at it, thinking that if Gu Ye hadn't saved her just now, she would have had an accident long ago.

Going back to other people's homes now, if you don't help Gu Ye, you will be sorry for him.

Thinking clearly, Tang Yuehua volunteered and said, "Let me help you."

"Can you do it?" Gu Ye looked suspiciously at Tang Yuehua who was dressed in luxurious clothes.

"Why not? Are you underestimating me?" Tang Yuehua snatched the work from Gu Ye like an angry little wife.

Although she was pampered and pampered in Yuexuan, she was still a woman. How could a woman not know how to work?
Especially when a man doubts her ability, she has to prove that she is capable.

Cleaning the table, mopping the floor, these heavy tasks are usually not her turn as Tang Yuehua.

After all, the master Yuexuanxuan in front of him was also a woman of status.

And now she wants to prove to Gu Ye that she is a capable woman.

She is also hardened now.

(End of this chapter)

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