Douluo's martial arts scalpel

Chapter 215 The Demon Concubine and Gu Ye... The Secret I Have to Say...

Chapter 215 The Demon Concubine and Gu Ye...the Secret I Have to Tell

Gu Ye clearly felt the coquettishness from the inside of Concubine Ming.

This is a special constitution, an indescribably wonderful constitution.

If a man can possess a woman with this kind of physique, he will know what it means to want to die after enjoying the last time.

Xue Ye had always wanted Gu Ye to cure him before, just hoping to enjoy this stunning concubine.

It's a pity that Xue Ye's root has been damaged, and he wants to cure it unless he is reincarnated.

Concubine Ming saw that Gu Ye and Xue Qinghe had already entered the barracks, and then she looked at the empty room over there, thinking of the comfortable feeling when Gu Ye helped her treat before, a special idea came out of her mind.

Then she called the guards under her, and after saying a few words, the guards left for the competition venue.

Concubine Ming returned to her room and waited.

In Xue Qinghe's room, after using a soul power to isolate the sound, Xue Qinghe looked at Gu Ye expressionlessly, and said, "Isn't that woman beautiful just now?"

"Are you explaining the concubine? Well, she is indeed beautiful, and the most rare thing is her temperament, which is very attractive." Gu Ye did not forget to praise her while talking.

It seemed that she was really fascinated by the stunning concubine Ming.

"Then why don't you go to her, maybe she will have a close contact with you because of your praise."

When Gu Ye heard Xue Qinghe's words, he looked at his expressionless face, and a smile appeared on his face.

Qian Renxue is jealous.

Seeing him praising Concubine Ming, she was so jealous that she wanted to drive him to Concubine Ming.

"I haven't finished my sentence yet." Gu Ye walked up to Xue Qinghe and said seriously: "No matter how beautiful she is, in my heart, the most beautiful person is still you, my Xue'er."

"What you said is true?" Qian Renxue was obviously serious.

Naturally, Gu Ye would not tell lies at this time, he nodded affirmatively: "Don't you know if it's true or not? Besides, my Xue'er is beautiful. If Concubine Ming sees your appearance, she will definitely throw herself into the well in shame. committed suicide."

To Gu Ye's words, Qian Renxue actually found some benefit.

Who told Gu Ye to tell the truth.

It wasn't her Qian Renxue blowing.

There are only a handful of women in this world who can compare with her in appearance.

Concubine Ming is good-looking and has a top-notch temperament, but compared to her Qian Renxue, she is still not as good as her.

"Okay, let's not talk about her, let's talk about you. You went to Wuhundian a month ago."

Qian Renxue came to investigate.

Gu Ye went to the Wuhun Hall without telling her, and Qian Renxue was really worried if he didn't find out whether Gu Ye had anything to do with Bibi Dong, or whether he was bewitched by Bibi Dong.

Gu Ye knew Qian Renxue's purpose, and he, who had prepared his words long ago, told her a series of things about his trip to Wuhundian, Duo'er, and Hu Liena.

Of course, there was also the matter that Bibidong wanted to take him under his command because he saw that he was too handsome and capable.

"Hmph, I knew this woman must have taken a fancy to you."

Qian Renxue was furious.

She knew what kind of woman Bibi Dong was.

She also knew that as long as Bibi Dong had a crush on Gu Ye, she would definitely not let it go, and would use all means to get Gu Ye.

Now that she is Gu Ye's woman, she will definitely not let Bibi Dong covet her man.

"Gu Ye, I'm telling you one thing very seriously, don't be surprised when you know it."

"What is it?" Gu Ye was slightly curious.

And Qian Renxue looked outside the room, and after installing a layer of soul power sound insulation, she said: "You should know something about my identity, but there are still things you don't know."

"My true identity is the daughter of Pope Bibi Dong of the Wuhun Palace, and my grandfather is the great priest of the Wuhun Palace."

After finishing speaking, a little pride appeared on Qian Renxue's face.

Although she hated Bibi Dong a little, she still hoped to get Bibi Dong's approval.

Even though she is usually called Big Sister Bibi Dong, deep down in her heart she still regards her as her mother.

After hearing this, Gu Ye intentionally showed a shocked look on his face.

Before, Qian Renxue only told Gu Ye that she had a noble status in the Wuhun Temple, but did not tell Gu Ye that she was the daughter of the contemporary Pope Bibi Dong.

Now that Gu Ye knew, if she didn't pretend to be surprised, Qian Renxue would definitely be suspicious.

Seeing Gu Ye's expression, Qian Renxue seemed to have expected it to be like this, and she said a little proudly, "Are you surprised by my identity?"

Gu Ye nodded like a chicken pecking at rice, seemingly speechless in surprise.

Qian Renxue suddenly enjoyed Gu Ye's appearance of being shocked by her. "There was a reason why I didn't tell you before, but now I tell you, I just hope you understand, now that I have regarded you as my man, I will not hide my affairs from you, and I don't want you to have any Keep it from me, otherwise, once I find out that you have done something sorry to me without telling me, I will make you regret it."

Qian Renxue is a very possessive woman.

This can be said to be exactly the same as Bibi Dong.

And when the crown prince has cultivated that kind of aristocratic aura for so many years and made her say this, there is a kind of domineering aura of a superior invisibly. If ordinary people would have nodded their heads to cater to Qian Renxue up.

But Gu Ye is no ordinary person!
He hugged Qian Renxue in his arms with a moved look, and said sincerely: "Xue'er, you are the woman I love the most in this life."

Gu Ye silently added one in his heart.

To be honest, he has done a lot of things to offend Qian Renxue now.

In the Wuhun Hall, put Bibi Dong on.

Although it was Bibi Dong's initiative, Gu Ye still raped Bibi Dong.

Moreover, one or two of the women around Gu Ye are his favorites.

Now, in order to make Qian Renxue feel at ease, Gu Ye will obey her words and try to coax her well.

Qian Renxue liked how Gu Ye treated her like this, and she was also very satisfied with Gu Ye.

"Gu Ye, let me tell you something now."


"When the promotion competition ends and these teams go to the Spirit Hall, I will let the people from the Spirit Hall attack the Heaven Dou Empire's team. Kill those who are dangerous to the Spirit Hall. Especially the son of Tang Hao, Tang Three. You will also follow this team at that time, for your safety, I will let them avoid your team."

After Gu Ye heard it, he instantly understood.

It turned out that at this time Qian Renxue had already started plotting to attack Tang San on the way to the Wuhun Palace.

But to be honest, the attack on Gu Ye this time is not optimistic.

Ning Fengzhi and Sword Douluo would follow along the way, and Tang Hao would also secretly protect Tang San. If he wanted to kill Tang San, unless the Spirit Hall dispatched a large number of high-level combat forces, it would be very difficult, or even impossible.

"Xue'er, I think your idea is difficult to achieve. Going to the Spirit Hall, Ning Fengzhi and Sword Douluo will definitely go together. Tang Hao is also secretly protecting Tang San. Unless a large number of high-level combat forces are dispatched, it will be difficult to achieve." Kill Tang San."

When Qian Renxue heard this, she frowned, she really didn't expect this.

"And I'm telling you very clearly that it doesn't take so much effort to kill Tang San. If you want to kill him, you can do it in an open and aboveboard manner, and you don't need to do assassination, which is of no benefit to Spirit Hall. "

It is indeed not a good reputation to look down on the growth of a genius soul master and want to assassinate him.

Gu Ye also disapproved of Qian Renxue's assassination.

Qian Renxue thought about it, and Gu Ye's words were indeed correct.

"I'll go back and think about it."

At this moment, footsteps came from outside the barracks.

As soon as Qian Renxue heard it, she quickly returned to normal and withdrew her soul power.

"His Royal Highness!" The soldier's voice came in.

"What's the matter?"

"Your Majesty has something to look for you, please follow me to the competition school, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince."

Hearing this, Xue Qinghe frowned.

How could Xue Ye have something to look for him at this time?
Does he still have a lot to say to Gu Ye?
"Wait here for me first, I'll be back soon."


There was no competition at Lanba Academy today, and Gu Ye didn't really care whether he would watch the competition or not.

After Xue Qinghe finished speaking, he walked out of the barracks and went to the competition field.

"What is my father looking for me for?" Xue Qinghe glanced at the soldier and asked.

"I don't know, my subordinates are just passing on His Majesty's oral instructions."

"Really?" Xue Qinghe didn't continue to ask.

When Xue Qinghe walked out of the barracks, not far away, in Emperor Xue Ye's barracks, a beautiful and enchanting woman came out.

She looked at Xue Qinghe who left, showing an extremely touching smile.

Then she looked at Xue Qinghe's barracks, there was a man who made her heart flutter, and a man who could give her happiness.

She swayed and walked towards Xue Qinghe's barracks.

Gu Ye was waiting for Xue Qinghe to come back in the barracks, and he picked up the book beside him to read when he was bored.

But at this moment, there were footsteps outside the door.

"Come back so soon?" Gu Ye was a little surprised.

Xue Qinghe just left, how could he come back so quickly?

When Gu Ye put down the book in his hand and was about to go out to have a look, the door of the room was opened.

A person that Gu Ye could not expect appeared in his eyes.

It was Concubine Ming—Qiao Yue, the stunning and enchanting beauty.

How did she come here?
Gu Ye was very puzzled.

"Doctor Gu, do you still remember the slave family?" Concubine Ming smiled and closed the door with her hands.

"Mrs. Qiao Yue, what are you?" Gu Ye felt a little worried for some reason.

He was not worried about anything, but worried that the enchanting woman in front of him would mess around.

Gu Ye is very familiar with how charming and enchanting the woman in front of him is.

Every word and deed is full of infinite temptation.

A sip of aroma has an aphrodisiac-like effect.

And this woman is also a soul master, with a very special martial soul, a kind of fragrance.

That's right, it's an invisible fragrance.

It is somewhat similar to Huowu's Huoying Wuhun, both of which are special Wuhun.

"Of course I want... Doctor Gu. After your treatment last time, the Nu family has never forgotten you. Now that the Nu family can meet you again, the Nu family is very happy."

Concubine Ming spoke tirelessly, and every time she uttered a sentence, a trace of aroma with a special smell would spit out from her red lips.

This is Miscense.

A special fragrance belonging to the concubine Qiao Yue's martial soul.

(End of this chapter)

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