Douluo's martial arts scalpel

Chapter 216 The temptation from the stunning demon concubine, Gu Ye can't grasp it.... to fall

Chapter 216 The Temptation From the Stunning Demon Concubine, Gu Ye Can't Grasp the Fall

As a doctor, Gu Ye knew this kind of fragrance very well.

In addition to the fragrance extracted from medicine, this fragrance was also paired with the fragrance of Qiao Yue's own Wuhun.

The combination of the two fragrances made Qiao Yue's words and deeds full of infinite temptation.

Gu Ye thought that his concentration was very good, but when he faced the stunning Concubine Ming, he still couldn't help being moved.

And when thinking about the special status of Concubine Ming, there will always be some thoughts that people shouldn't have.

"Doctor Gu, I want to ask you for help with something, but it's not convenient to talk here. Doctor Gu, can you move to the room of my family?"

"Isn't that good?" Gu Ye refused in his heart.

But Concubine Ming heard hesitation, and what hesitation meant was agreement.

She is an active woman, and she will actively pursue what she wants.

Just like now, she took the initiative to take Gu Ye's hand, opened the door and walked to her barracks.

Fortunately, there are no guards in the barracks, and the guards are basically outside the barracks, otherwise, seeing His Majesty Xue Ye's most beloved concubine come out with another man, I wonder if I will immediately report to Xue Ye Great Emperor, take these two people down.

Although Gu Ye refused in his heart, he still couldn't stand Concubine Ming's initiative.

In this way, he was brought to her barracks by Concubine Ming.

This is not only the barracks of Concubine Ming, but also the barracks of Emperor Xue Ye.

Once here, the first thing Concubine Ming did was to close the door.

When Gu Ye saw this scene, his heartbeat started to speed up?
What is she trying to do?

Two people who are alone and widowed.

An emperor's concubine wife, a capable handsome man, two people who are alone and widowed in a room, it seems
Concubine Ming looked at Gu Ye with a smile, came to her bed, lay down on her side very seductively and made a provocative gesture, she waved to Gu Ye, and said at the same time: "Doctor Gu, the last time my servant I want you to treat the slave family, this time the slave family also hopes that you can help the slave family heal well, and you must go deep!"

Gu Ye stood where he was, looking at the alluring Concubine Ming, without moving.

Seeing that Gu Ye didn't move, Concubine Ming thought he was worried about someone coming, so she chuckled lightly and said, "Doctor Gu, don't worry, Your Majesty and the others won't come back from the competition field until the afternoon, and His Highness the Crown Prince was arrested. Your Majesty told me to go away, you can rest assured to help the slave family to cure the disease, come here." She waved to Gu Ye, and then she pushed back the dark purple low-cut long skirt on her body, which was very attractive. The incomparable spring was revealed in Gu Ye's eyes.

Very bold concubine Ming.

She seemed to be tempting Gu Ye, or she was tempting Gu Ye on purpose.

Gu Ye still didn't move.

He looked at Concubine Ming, understood why Xue Qinghe was called away just now, and also understood the meaning of Concubine Ming's look at him when he came.

It's all about him.

In order for him to help her "cure".

To be honest, in the harem, an elderly emperor has a peerless concubine, which is full of sense of accomplishment for the emperor, but it is endless emptiness and loneliness for the concubine.

When Gu Ye was personally invited by Emperor Xue Ye to enter the palace to help Concubine Ming's illness for the first time, Concubine Ming seduced Gu Ye intentionally or unintentionally.

Later, the second time and the third time, he also went out of line with Panjia.

And now, taking advantage of Emperor Xue Ye's absence, he directly dragged Gu Ye to Emperor Xue Ye's barracks.

It can be seen from this that Gu Ye already knows what Concubine Ming thinks.

Concubine Ming felt a little depressed when she saw that Gu Ye hadn't moved yet.

She is very confident in her charm, thinking that no one in this world can resist her charm.

As for Gu Ye, once, twice, three times and four times, he was indifferent to her.

in the previous year.

Because of Emperor Xue Ye, she knew Gu Ye, a doctor, and because of this, she fell ill once, so Emperor Xue Ye invited Gu Ye to take a look for her.

When she saw Gu Ye for the first time, she was full of sexual interest in Gu Ye.

And the subsequent illnesses were all pretended by her deliberately, the purpose was to seduce Gu Ye and let him go deeper to help her "cure".

You know, she is a woman, and the emperor's concubine. The emperor's health is not good enough, and she endures loneliness all the year round.

But there is no man in the harem, so she finally had the opportunity to come into contact with a man, so she naturally hoped to be "nourished" by him.

And this man is an extremely handsome man.

As a woman, she has been lonely for many years, so she definitely wants to get to know him better.

But what made Concubine Ming very depressed.

This man was not tempted by her.

The first time she was not tempted by her, she thought it was because of her identity, he was concerned about her identity, but after the second and third time, she realized that Gu Ye was not concerned about her identity, but was really not tempted by her.

It was precisely because of Gu Ye's resistance to temptation that Concubine Ming made up her mind that she must let the man Gu Ye bow down under her skirt.

No matter what means are used.

Before that, she wanted to find a chance to let Gu Ye enter the palace again, but because the elites of the high-level soul master academy in the whole mainland had never had the chance.

What Concubine Ming didn't expect was that she would meet Gu Ye here today.

It was also at the moment when she met Gu Ye that she made up her mind that she must seduce Gu Ye today, no matter what means she used.

And today is the best chance, Emperor Xue Ye is busy watching the game, Prince Xue Qinghe was dismissed by her, and now she is the only one in the barracks, if she misses this opportunity today, she is afraid that she will never have another chance.

For an outstanding man like Gu Ye, if she couldn't get to know him deeply and experience the happiness of a woman, Concubine Ming felt that her life was wasted.

Concubine Ming who made up her mind got up from the couch, and with a movement of her slender hands, the dark purple dress that was half-opened to her breasts quietly fell off to the ground.

After the dark purple dress came off, a black thin silk dress was worn underneath.

Wearing this dress on Concubine Ming's incomparably alluring body, the uncontrollable ultimate charm was fully displayed in front of Gu Ye.

Concubine Ming took off her dark purple dress, and she, who was wearing a black tulle dress, walked towards Gu Ye step by step.

Seeing that Gu Ye was still indifferent to such a seductive woman, she felt hatred in her heart, and the black gauze-like underwear slipped quietly to the ground between her light hands.

At this time, on top of her jade body, she also tightly covered the invisible spring light on her body with that set of black underwear.

"Aren't you satisfied with me like Doctor Gu?" Concubine Ming said seductively, and found that Gu Ye was still indifferent, and she fell in love with Gu Ye even more in her heart.

Being able to ignore her temptation, such a superb man is rare in this world.

However, what Concubine Ming didn't know was that Gu Ye was not indifferent at this time.

Instead, he was attracted by the stunning figure of the concubine Ming, which was indescribable.

As a man, a stunning woman wearing a set of black silk underwear is swaying in front of you. It would be a lie to say that you are not tempted.

What's more, it's a peerless demon concubine like Concubine Ming.

Gu Ye was also struggling in his heart, should he obey her, or obey her, or... obey her.

Concubine Ming is Emperor Xue Ye's woman, and this is Emperor Xue Ye's barracks. If there is an indescribable relationship with Concubine Ming here, wouldn't it be a big hat for Emperor Xue Ye?

Such an exciting thing... Gu Ye was inexplicably moved.

At this time, Concubine Ming, the peerless concubine, had already come in front of Gu Ye, and she breathed out a breath of fragrance into Gu Ye's face.

Gu Ye could smell a charming danger in the fragrance.

Dopamine is secreted quickly at the moment of smelling this aroma.

Really, Gu Ye was moved.

Concubine Ming seemed to see Gu Ye's wavering, she showed a smug smile, and touched Gu Ye's face with a jade hand.

He said softly: "Today, you are mine. You must also obey me, otherwise, I will be angry, and once I am angry, I will do unreasonable things."

Unreasonable, you are already unreasonable enough.

Gu Ye complained in his heart, but there was some confusion in his eyes.

Is it time to leave now?Or stay?

Gu Ye sometimes finds himself quite cheap.

He is a lecherous person, and there are no men who are not lecherous.

It is human nature to like beautiful women, and liking other people's stunning beauties is an uncontrollable thought.

Especially the special status of Emperor Xue Ye's concubine is really difficult for people to grasp.

Concubine Ming has already seen from Gu Ye's eyes that he is wavering and hesitating.

As long as she worked harder, Gu Ye would definitely follow her.

Then, she stood on tiptoe and held Gu Ye's face, her body began to exude a fan's breath.

This is her spirit, fragrance.

Also known as aroma.

able to seduce men.

Can confuse men.

At the same time, it can also control men.

This is the most powerful ability of her fragrance.

To make a man dizzy by smell.

The reason why she is so favored by Emperor Xue Ye is because of her martial soul ability, which can control Emperor Xue Ye invisible.

Of course, she won't really control it, she just emits some fragrance invisibly to confuse it.

Now, she believes that at this time, Gu Ye will definitely be tempted by her.

At the same time, outside the barracks, some guarding soldiers suddenly smelled a fragrance, an extremely charming fragrance of women.

"Strange, what kind of fragrance is this, it smells so good!" a soldier whispered.

"This scent is so familiar, it seems to be the smell of Concubine Ming. Concubine Ming" A soldier thought of Concubine Ming with an obsessive expression on his face.

When Concubine Ming came to the camp, she fascinated all the soldiers in the camp.

Even though they knew that Concubine Ming was the concubine of Emperor Xue Ye, a woman they could not reach, at most they could lust in their hearts for a while.

It was also like this, when they smelled the fragrance that belonged to Concubine Ming in the air, they would all show obsessed expressions.

From this we can see how attractive Concubine Ming is.

Emperor Xue Ye's barracks were large and empty, and because of the aroma, these soldiers couldn't help but look into the barracks.

Unfortunately, nothing can be seen.

(End of this chapter)

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