Douluo's martial arts scalpel

Chapter 229 The final promotion match, Lanba vs Shrek

Chapter 229 The final promotion match, Lanba vs Shrek

"Really." Gu Ye nodded in confirmation.

Now they are in the promotion game, coaching or something is impossible.

Moreover, Huo Wu is a student of Blazing Academy, so there must be a teacher guiding her.

As for these teachers, it is not clear.

But it will be different after the Continental Advanced Academy Elite Competition is over.

When it's over, they graduate from the academy.

After graduation, you have to have your own life.

As an outstanding talent with good qualities of being willing to help others, Gu Ye naturally couldn't bear to bury a rough jade like Huo Wu.

And for the future.

A talent like Huo Wu, Gu Ye, had the idea of ​​cultivating her and taking her under his command.

Zhu Zhuqing pouted at some point and looked straight at the teacher, Gu Ye.

With this appearance, she doesn't look like a cold cat, but she is more cute.

"Zhuqing, what's the matter. Why are you looking at the teacher like this?" Gu Ye didn't understand, so he looked at Zhu Zhuqing.

"It's nothing." Zhu Zhuqing shook his head, but his angry expression did not recover.

"Okay, Huo Wu, now you should concentrate on participating in the promotion competition and the subsequent competitions. As for the future, we will talk about it after the competition is over."

"Well, I will work hard." Huo Wu looked at Gu Ye, unable to hold back the joy on his face.

And Gu Ye and Zhu Zhuqing didn't stay behind, they chatted for a few words and left.

But just as he walked out the door, Huo Wu's voice sounded again: "Gu Ye, do you really...have no fetishes?"

This question made Gu Ye pause, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help twitching.

What does fire dance mean?
Didn't he say no?

"I'm just curious, I'll see you off." Huo Wu sent Gu Ye Zhu Zhuqing out, and she didn't ask any more questions until she sent Gu Ye Zhu Zhuqing away.

Watching the two walk away, the corners of Huo Wu's mouth slightly raised.

"Teacher, do you really have no fetishes?"

On the way back to the Lanba Academy camp, when they came to a deserted slope, Zhu Zhuqing also looked at Gu Ye curiously.

Seeing Zhu Zhuqing's suspicious gaze, Gu Ye was really helpless.

If he didn't, how could no one believe him?

Although he likes Zhu Zhuqing, it has nothing to do with his fetishism.

After all, it's just pure love.

"Let's go."

Gu Ye didn't answer.

If Zhu Zhuqing thought he had it, then he would.

A smile appeared on Zhu Zhuqing's face, she walked to Gu Ye's side, took his hand, and leaned on Gu Ye like a girl in love.

Fortunately, there is no one here for the time being, otherwise, it would definitely be a shock to see the master and apprentice walking away so close.

In the following time, the promotion match was in full swing.

During this period, Lanba Academy met Tianshui Academy.

The match between the two captains Zhu Zhuqing and Shui Binger made everyone see a wonderful match again.

And it was a wonderful battle between two stunning beauties.

Although Shui Bing'er has the top-level ice phoenix martial soul, as a control-type soul master, she is superior to Huo Wu in both strength and wisdom, but she is still inferior to Zhu Zhuqing.

After all, no matter in strength or what, Shui Binger and Zhu Zhuqing are still a bit behind.

Besides Shui Bing'er, the battle between Zhu Zhuqing and Feng Xiaotian was also a wonderful match.

Feng Xiaotian's self-created soul technique Gale 36 consecutive cuts was matched against Zhu Zhuqing's self-created soul technique Black Flame Qi Blade Slash.

In the end, there was no surprise in the result, the loser was still Feng Xiaotian.

In addition to the excitement of the competition, Gu Ye and Concubine Ming's treatment was also wonderful, with a variety of postures.

As of today, there is only tomorrow's final round left in the promotion competition.

And tomorrow's Blue Tyrant Academy's opponent is also Shrek who has not yet met in the promotion competition.

At this time, in the Shrek camp, Yu Xiaogang gathered Tang Sanqi and the others together.

Yu Xiaogang looked at the faces of the seven people with a little seriousness, "Tomorrow your opponent has come out, just as Xiaosan guessed, it is Lanba Academy."

"It really is them." Tang San's face was slightly excited.

Now that the promotion competition has come, the only opponent they have yet to meet is the Lanba Academy.

As for Lanba Academy, if they understand it, they do understand it very well.

After all, they were also from the same academy, and they fought many times.

In the qualifiers, although they lost to Lanba Academy, but now they meet again, they will not lose again.

This is Tang San's self-confidence.

"Little San, the order of appearance is up to you."

"is teacher."

After Tang San thought for a while, he said:
"In the past fourteen days, I have been observing Lanba Academy, and there is a certain pattern in the order of their appearance."

"The first one to appear must be Zhu Zhuqing. I think you can all see this."

Dai Mubai, Ma Hongjun and the others all nodded.

In these fourteen days, I don't know if it's Lanba Academy's self-confidence or what, the first one to appear must be Zhu Zhuqing who has never changed.

After Zhu Zhuqing came on the stage, he would eliminate at least three soul masters of the opponent every time, and he would leave the stage only after the Lanba Academy won.

"Among Lanba Academy, Zhu Zhuqing is undoubtedly the most powerful, followed by Xiao Wu, Tai Long, Huang Yuan, and Jing Ling."

"Ning Rongrong, although the two of Jiangzhu have some strength, as auxiliary system soul masters, it's not impossible for them to appear."

"And I don't think their order of appearance will change. The first one must be Zhu Zhuqing."

"And among us, only Mubai and I can fight Zhu Zhuqing."

"If we want to win the Lanba Academy, we have to deal with Zhu Zhuqing first. If we don't deal with her, we have no chance of winning at all."

"So, tomorrow I will be the first to appear on the stage, Mubai will be the second, and after that"

Regarding Tang San's arrangement, Dai Mubai, Ma Hongjun and the others agreed.

Because Tang San was right.

If they don't get rid of Zhu Zhuqing, they have no chance of winning.

And among them, if there is any hope of defeating Zhu Zhuqing, only Tang San is there.

After the arrangement, Tang San's eyes were full of fighting spirit, and he was looking forward to tomorrow's match.

Losing to a woman Zhu Zhuqing in the last qualifying round was always a thorn in his heart, Tang San was always a little uncomfortable if he didn't win against Zhu Zhuqing.

Lanba Academy Camp.

Gu Ye didn't arrange anything, after all, the promotion competition has almost come to an end.

And the order of appearance of the seven Zhu Zhuqing did not change anything.

Zhu Zhuqing was still the first to appear on the stage, eliminating more than three people.

Afterwards, no matter if it was Xiao Wu, Tai Long, Huang Yuan, or Ning Rongrong, there would be no problem for Jiang Zhu to play.

The next day, the final round of the promotion competition began.

Today's previous six games have all ended, and as the main event, the Lanba Academy team and the second Tiandou Royal Academy team will be placed in the last game.

The rhythm of the game was much faster than the previous games, and soon it was the second team of Lanba Academy and Tiandou Royal Academy to play.

When Zhu Zhuqing and Tang San walked into the arena from two directions, the various academies watching the match were already talking about it.

Zhu Zhuqing, the captain of Lanba Academy, is a ghost civet with a martial soul, a level 47 soul sect.

Tang San, captain of the second team of Tiandou Royal Academy, has the spirit of Blue Silver Grass, a level 42 soul sect.

Both of them used to belong to Shrek Academy, but Shrek Academy was merged into Tiandou Royal Academy and has lost the name of the academy.

At the same time, in Shrek Academy, whether it is Dai Mubai, Tang San, or Yu Xiaogang, they are all people with serious problems.

Looking at it from another angle, Zhu Zhuqing realized that the problems of these people were not as big as usual.

She was also lucky that she was able to leave in time.

Seeing Tang San walking on the stage, Zhu Zhuqing remembered that during the time at Shrek Academy, Tang San had always been the central figure of Shrek Academy, and everything seemed to revolve around him.

And she is just an accessory and usually follows Shrek Academy.

At that time, because she was a student of Shrek Academy, she didn't think much about it.

But after leaving, after being taught by Gu Ye, he realized that the reason for this is because of the background.

Tang San is Yu Xiaogang's disciple, and Yu Xiaogang has the final say in Shrek Academy, so naturally everything revolves around Tang San.

In addition, Tang San is the son of Clear Sky Douluo Tang Hao, how can such an identity not make him attract attention like the Son of Destiny?
But now?
Zhu Zhuqing thought of his teacher, and him now, and looked at Tang San again, with a smile on his face.

When Tang San on the opposite side saw Zhu Zhuqing, he also had a lot of thoughts in his mind.

The former Zhu Zhuqing was the most inconspicuous among the Shrek. Although she had a good appearance and figure, her strength and martial spirit were at the bottom of the seven.

But since Zhu Zhuqing became a teacher of Gu Ye, everything changed.

Her strength has improved by leaps and bounds, even he can't compare to Zhu Zhuqing in terms of cultivation.

At that time Tang San thought, Zhu Zhuqing's promotion was only temporary, after all no matter in terms of aptitude or what, it was impossible for Zhu Zhuqing to compare with him.

But later Tang San discovered that the gap between him and Zhu Zhuqing was getting bigger and bigger.

If it wasn't because his father let him refine the spirit bone left by his mother, he might not even be able to reach this spirit fighting stage.

Now meeting Zhu Zhuqing again, the fighting spirit in Tang San's eyes was unprecedented.

When the two came to the field, they didn't act immediately.

Outside the arena, everyone also looked at the two people below expectantly.

On the VIP platform, Emperor Xue Ye suddenly said, "Sect Leader Ning, who do you prefer in this match?"

"One is twin martial souls, the son of Haotian Douluo Tang Hao. He is powerful, and the other is extremely talented. He has never been defeated so far. Now that the two are about to fight, it is really uncertain who will win."

Emperor Xue Ye looked at the two people below, stroked his beard but didn't know what to think.

On the soul fighting arena, Tang San stared at Zhu Zhuqing, and suddenly said:
"Zhu Zhuqing, you will lose this match."

Zhu Zhuqing showed a smile: "Then let me see if you have the strength."

At this time, the referee at the side saw that the two were getting ready, and signaled that they could release their martial spirits.

Lifting his right palm, the familiar blue light emerged from Tang San's palm.

He was still so unobtrusive and unobtrusive, with a calm expression on his face, it seemed that he was full of confidence in defeating Zhu Zhuqing.

Zhu Zhuqing also raised his hand, a purple-black light rose from his hand, and the Wuhun Youming civet appeared behind him.

(End of this chapter)

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