Douluo's martial arts scalpel

Chapter 230 Zhu Zhuqing vs Tang 3

Chapter 230 Zhu Zhuqing vs Tang San
"The game begins." The referee ordered, and the two moved instantly.

Zhu Zhuqing's speed was still so fast, like a ghost, he had already arrived in front of Tang San in the next second.

"The first soul skill, Blue Silver Coil."

Tang San retreated quickly, at the same time activated the Blue Silver Grass to control Zhu Zhuqing.

He knew that Zhu Zhuqing's speed was beyond his comparability, but it was common sense in the Douluo Continent that a control system soul master restrained an agility attack system soul master.

His blue silver grass is extremely tenacious, as long as it entangles Zhu Zhuqing, it will be difficult for her to break free even for a while.

However, Zhu Zhuqing didn't dodge the blue silver grass growing wildly on the ground.

Seeing that the blue silver grass was about to entangle and trap her, Zhu Zhuqing's Wuhun Nether civet instantly possessed her body, sharp cat claws popped out from both hands, her body turned quickly, and the blue silver grass that Tang San thought was extremely tough was instantly shattered.

Tang San's face was a little dignified, although he knew that Zhu Zhuqing was very strong, but he didn't expect the Blue Silver Grass to be so vulnerable in her hands.

It seems that ordinary soul skills can hardly cause harm to Zhu Zhuqing.

Thoughts in the mind are but fleeting things.

After Zhu Zhuqing destroyed Tang San's first spirit ability, he still took the initiative to attack.

And Tang San didn't seem to want to have a melee fight with Zhu Zhuqing, when she attacked, he still dodged in a defensive posture.

And Tang San has such dodging steps as Ghost Shadow Fan Zongbu, no matter how fast Zhu Zhuqing is, he thinks he can dodge it with this unique skill.

That's it, while dodging, he quickly searched for Zhu Zhuqing's flaws, striving for a one-hit kill.

But at this moment, Zhu Zhuqing stopped suddenly.

She didn't attack again, but completely exposed the flaws to Tang San.

Seeing this, Tang San paused when he wanted to dodge, but it's not his nature not to attack when he finds a weakness.

"The fourth soul skill: Blue Silver Prison."

That's right, Tang San's fourth spirit ability is still Blue Silver Prison.

But it's not the Blue Silver Grass with the ten-thousand-year soul ring in the original book, so its power is naturally not as strong as the original book.

Currently, his blue silver cage can release up to two, imprisoning the enemies in it.

Now that Zhu Zhuqing's flaws were exposed, Tang San seized the time to release his fourth spirit ability, and was about to trap Zhu Zhuqing in an instant.

And as long as Zhu Zhuqing is trapped by the blue silver cage, Tang San can instantly defeat Zhu Zhuqing.

However, at the moment when the blue silver cage trapped Zhu Zhuqing, before Tang San had time to rejoice, Zhu Zhuqing's body miraculously disappeared like a bubble.

She disappeared so suddenly, like being trapped in a blue and silver cage, and then disappeared.

However, Tang San caught Zhu Zhuqing's movements by relying on the Ziji magic pupil.

Relying on her extremely fast speed, she dodged the moment the blue silver cage imprisoned her.

And his blue and silver cage is just the afterimage of imprisoning Zhu Zhuqing.

In terms of speed, Zhu Zhuqing was too fast.

Almost Tang San was a little surprised, even unbelievable.

"The first soul skill: Nether thrust."

Zhu Zhuqing's figure suddenly appeared not far from Tang San, his sharp claws suddenly stretched out, his speed instantly doubled, and he quickly stabbed Tang San with his sharp claws.

too fast.

Before Tang San had time to react to Zhu Zhuqing's attack, it had already arrived.

"Blue-silver entanglement!"

As a last resort, Tang San could only wrap himself around himself with blue silver grass to protect himself.

As for why Zhu Zhuqing wasn't entangled, with Zhu Zhuqing's speed, Tang San couldn't catch her at all, so why entangle her.

呲呲! !
The blue silver grass was instantly torn apart by Zhu Zhuqing's sharp claws like foam.

And Tang San relied on the Blue Silver Grass to temporarily block and had time to react.

"Ghosts and Shadows!"

In an instant, several afterimages of Tang San appeared on the field.

This was an optical illusion created by Tang San's speed when dodging too fast, everyone's eyesight couldn't keep up with his speed.

Of course, such an illusion would not appear in Zhu Zhuqing's eyes.

She intuitively saw the direction in which Tang San was avoiding, and launched at a ghostly speed, she directly caught up with Tang San who was dodging.

One of the two relied on ghostly speed to chase, and the other relied on ghostly tracking skills to evade.

On the playing field, a ghostly scene really appeared for a while.

But this scene only lasted for a moment, and the two fought again.

Tang San knew that Zhu Zhuqing's speed was too fast, she didn't show any flaws, and her Blue Silver Grass was hard to control her, so it can be seen that the control system restrains the agility and attack system, the Douluo Continent iron is not the same.

And now, Tang San also gave up dodging, and fought Zhu Zhuqing head-on.

"Haotian Hammer!"

A small black hammer appeared in his hand, Tang San used a special trajectory to attack Zhu Zhuqing with the Chaotic Wind Hammer Technique.

The Chaos Cloak Wind Hammer is powerful, and one hammer is stronger than one hammer.

If it was an ordinary person, there was really nothing he could do about Tang San.

But to Zhu Zhuqing, it was just a small Haotian Hammer.

In front of her, it was no different from an ordinary hammer.

"Black Flame Blade!"

Two jet-black flame blades appeared in Zhu Zhuqing's hands.

It is the air blade formed by the condensation of soul power.

But this time the Qi Blade was surrounded by black flames by Zhu Zhuqing.

Its power is immeasurable.

Black Flame, in addition to being hot, also has the powerful ability to burn soul power and spiritual power.

As long as it gets a little bit on, Tang San won't have a good time.

Tang San who used the Clear Sky Hammer to use the Chaotic Cloak Hammer Technique crashed down.

The chime sounded, and Zhu Zhuqing's two air blades directly slashed on the Clear Sky Hammer.

At the moment of the slash, black flames spread towards the Clear Sky Hammer, intending to burn the Clear Sky Hammer completely.

The Clear Sky Hammer is still a martial spirit, which belongs to the soul master himself, and also has a direct connection with the soul master himself.

Now as soon as the black flame spread to the Clear Sky Hammer, Tang San instantly turned pale with shock.

Because he found that his soul power was passing away quickly.

This change made him see the black flame touching the Haotian Hammer.

Without even thinking about it, Tang San directly chose to give up and continue attacking.

However, how could Zhu Zhuqing let Tang San leave so easily?
"Black Flame Slash!"

shhhhh! !
Two criss-cross jet black air blades flew towards Tang San rapidly.

The distance between the two was less than five meters, Tang San was able to dodge one, but it was a bit difficult to dodge the second.

As a last resort, he can only block it directly with the Clear Sky Hammer.

There were two bangs.

After Tang San defeated Zhu Zhuqing's Black Flame Slash, he quickly extinguished the Black Flame on the Clear Sky Hammer.

But as he extinguished it, Tang San discovered that his spirit power had been consumed a lot.

The change on this side made him dignified again.

The battle of a soul master is closely related to soul power.

If a soul master has no soul power, the existence of soul skills is meaningless.

Because of this, Tang San felt great fear of Zhu Zhuqing's Black Flame Qi Blade.

"Hehe, it's impossible for Tang San to win her."

On the viewing platform, Feng Xiaotian from Shenfeng Academy showed an expression of being overwhelmed.

He fought Zhu Zhuqing a few days ago.

At that time, he was also surprised by the power of Zhu Zhuqing's self-created soul skill.

And the main reason why he lost to Zhu Zhuqing was Zhu Zhuqing's strange ability of Hei Yan.

It can continuously consume other people's soul power, and can also emit blazing heat, which can even damage his mental power and make him lose his concentration.

It was precisely because he knew Zhu Zhuqing's strength that he felt that Tang San was a little overwhelmed.

But there was one thing that made Feng Xiaotian wonder why Tang San didn't get mentally harmed.

Regarding this point, Zhu Zhuqing was also somewhat puzzled.

And the reason why Tang San was not harmed was naturally because he cultivated the Purple Extreme Demon Eye.

The cultivation of Ziji Demon Eyes can make Tang San's mental strength stronger, and his resistance to mental damage will be higher.

boom! !

On the soul fighting arena, as the two continued to fight each other, the battle gradually became more intense.

Tang San's unique skills of the Tang Sect were constantly used.

Rely on the Ziji Demon Eye to watch Zhu Zhuqing's movement trajectory, control the crane to capture the dragon to relieve his strength, ghost shadows to evade, and the Clear Sky Hammer to attack.

This seemed to be a very powerful ability, but in front of Zhu Zhuqing, it seemed a bit insufficient.

Zhu Zhuqing was able to push Tang San to such a speed just relying on his physique, one can imagine how much Gu Ye trained Zhu Zhuqing.

"The third soul skill: Nether Black Flame Slash!"

Zhu Zhuqing seized the opportunity and sent out a powerful third soul ring.

Tang San stared, staring at the attack that had come in front of him in disbelief.

He subconsciously blocked the Clear Sky Hammer in front of him, wanting to block the blow.

However, the difference in soul power and the difference in the quality of the soul ring is so easy to resist.

A roar sounded, Tang San was hit hard by Zhu Zhuqing's third spirit ability and fell to the ground.

"Cough cough!"

The severe pain made Tang San extremely uncomfortable, but before he could react, Zhu Zhuqing had already attacked again.

Damn why can't you use hidden weapons.

Tang San felt resentful in his heart, he really wanted to fight back with a hidden weapon.

Because hidden weapons are his most powerful means.

And with hidden weapons, he believed that Zhu Zhuqing would definitely not be his opponent.

However, concealed weapons cannot be used on the playing field.

And he also thought that the reason why he was suppressed by Zhu Zhuqing like this, and even sent flying was because he couldn't use hidden weapons.

Boom! !
Black Flame Slash attack.

The ground trembled.

Tang San tried his best to dodge regardless of exhaustion, but Zhu Zhuqing's speed was too fast, as soon as he dodged, Zhu Zhuqing was able to catch up and attack again.

On the spectator stand, Yu Xiaogang looked ugly and couldn't believe it when he saw his disciple being beaten like this by Zhu Zhuqing.

Zhu Zhuqing's strength is not what she should have at her age, it's too abnormal.

Level 47 is five levels higher than level 42. It is basically impossible to make up for such a gap in front of geniuses.

And Tang San obviously didn't have this ability under Yu Xiaogang's teaching.

"Zhuqing's strength is getting stronger and stronger." Liu Erlong looked at Zhu Zhuqing who was defeating Tang San in the soul fighting arena with admiration.

"It is indeed stronger."

The current Zhu Zhuqing is not weak in physique, speed, attack, and defense.

Especially after taking the Binghuo Xianpin for body training, and Gu Ye helping Zhu Zhuqing to temper it in all directions, her physique is so strong that even some titled Douluo can't match it.

No, there should be no comparison.

Because some Title Douluo have mediocre physique apart from their strong soul power.

Of course, except for pure strength soul masters.

After all, on the Douluo Continent, only pure strength soul masters pay attention to strength and cultivate their physique.

(End of this chapter)

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