Douluo's martial arts scalpel

Chapter 239 Pope Bibi Dong Appears and Davis Abuses Dai Mubai

Chapter 239 Pope Bibi Dong Appears and Davis Abuses Dai Mubai


A slight gasp sounded in the room.

On the sofa, Zhu Zhuqing curled up in Gu Ye's arms like a cat, and fell asleep enjoying himself.

Gu Ye thought that Zhu Zhuqing, who had been tirelessly asking him about Duo'er just now, had fallen asleep now!
A feeling of helplessness arises spontaneously.

Looking at Zhu Zhuqing's expression of enjoyment, Gu Ye thought of the time in Suotuo City, when Zhu Zhuqing was tired from exercising every day and curled up in his arms to sleep.

At that time, Gu Ye also enjoyed hugging the soft and plump body of his apprentice Zhu Zhuqing.

Gu Ye knew that he was greedy for the body of this apprentice Zhu Zhuqing, he never denied this, otherwise he would not accept Zhu Zhuqing as a disciple, let alone teach her so deeply.

Of course, up to now, the entanglement between Gu Ye and Zhu Zhuqing is not just about her body.

There is already an inseparable bond between the two.

Gu Ye has a fondness for Zhu Zhuqing even more.

He will protect and love Zhu Zhuqing, a cat, for the rest of his life.


"Forget it, let's hug and sleep together tonight, it's not the first time anyway."

Gu Ye didn't wake Zhu Zhuqing up either.

It's good to let this kind of thing take its course.

Then, he hugged Zhu Zhuqing's plump and soft body, and lay gently on the sofa, and the two of them rested.

Although it was someone who was on the sofa, Gu Ye had an inexplicable sense of happiness with his apprentice Zhu Zhuqing around.

The next day, the second round of the finals kicked off.

In the second round, No. 1 in the promotion competition of the two empires will have a bye, which means that Lanba Academy will not have a game today and will directly advance to the third round.

The three seeded teams officially played the first game of the game.

Not long after everyone from Lanba Academy arrived at the competition site, the competition officially began.

And at this moment, Bibi Dong's body appeared on the high platform above, appearing noble and indifferent condescendingly in everyone's field of vision.

Looking up from below the stage, one could only see Bibi Dong's figure above her thighs, but could not fully see Bibi Dong's long legs.

But even so, Bibi Dong's appearance seemed to make the world lose its color in an instant, leaving only Bibi Dong's figure in everyone's eyes.

Gein Bibi Dong's aura is too strong and beautiful, like the white moonlight in his heart, which is beyond reach.

At this moment, Gu Ye felt his heart beat a little faster, even though he had fallen in love with Bibi Dong several times.

But looking at Bibi Dong from here, the unattainable feeling made his heart beat faster and faster.

I really want to go up and hold Bibi Dong in my arms at this moment, and indulge myself with such a noble her.

"What a nice view."

Zhu Zhuqing beside Gu Ye couldn't help admiring Bibi Dong when he saw Bibi Dong.

Especially that lofty empress temperament, an absolute goddess!Nobility and inviolability made Zhu Zhuqing envious.

This is a special appearance blessing from the superior.

Even Zhu Zhuqing thought he was inferior.

But there is one thing Zhu Zhuqing is very proud of, that is, Bibi Dong's body is not as popular as hers.

Her teacher must like her better.

"It's really beautiful."

Looking at it, even Liu Erlong beside him gave a sigh of admiration.

Although Liu Erlong had some opinions on this woman Bibi Dong, but Bibi Dong's appearance was absolutely incomparable.

From the heart, Bibi Dong is indeed an existence that the world looks up to, no matter in terms of appearance or status.

"See His Majesty the Pope!"

"See His Majesty the Pope!"

When some soldiers, participating teams, and teachers saw Bibi Dong appearing, they all knelt on one knee to salute.

And Gu Ye didn't resist anything, after all, it was his own woman, and now he was kneeling on one knee to a beautiful woman like Bibi Dong, for such a meaningful thing, he didn't have any resistance in his heart.

Zhu Zhuqing and Liu Erlong, who were beside Gu Ye, saw that Gu Ye knelt down, and they didn't think too much about it, and they also knelt down.

On the field, only Tang San was left standing there, staring at Bibi Dong above.

Kneeling to the sky and kneeling to his parents, Bibi Dong, as his enemy, it is impossible for him to kneel.

And Yu Xiaogang beside Tang San saw that Tang San didn't kneel, and also looked up at the beautiful Bibi Dong, at this moment he only felt a twitch in his heart, a trace of regret arose.

If he and Bibi Dong were together back then, such a perfect Bibi Dong would live together with him, what a wonderful thing it would be.

It's just a pity, he and Bibi Dong are destined to be different.

And now that Yu Xiaogang thought about the change in his voice, when he looked at Bibi Dong again, he couldn't help feeling a little angry.

"Get up, I'm just here to watch the game, you don't have to pay too much attention."

Bibi Dong said at this time, seeing that Tang San and Yu Xiaogang didn't kneel down, they frowned, feeling a little annoyed in her heart.

But she didn't say anything, but looked at Yu Xiaogang more.

Yu Xiaogang's voluptuous affairs before cast a shadow on her.

Seeing him now, I just took a look at Bibi Dong and quickly looked away.

She was afraid that seeing it again would make her sick.

Then Bibi Dong looked at Gu Ye.

Three days ago, Qian Renxue came to her so that she could not have any wrong thoughts about Gu Ye.

As the Pope of Wuhun Temple, who can stop her thoughts.

Qian Renxue didn't let her move, but she just wanted to move.

Gu Ye noticed that Bibi Dong was looking at him, and he also gave her a smile.

The eyes of the two were entangled in this way, quite expressively.

But Bibi Dong's behavior of watching someone's inaction made Ning Fengzhi and Sword Douluo a little different.

They followed Bibi Dong's gaze and found that she was looking at Gu Ye.

What does she mean by this.

Is it.
Ning Fengzhi, who had various guesses, was in Jian Douluo's mind.

After a while, Bibi Dong looked away, said a few encouraging words, and then returned to her seat.

The arrival of Pope Bibi Dong made countless teams excited.

It would be a great honor if their performance in the game was suddenly appreciated by the Pope.

Under the auspices of the Cardinal, the lottery draw ended very quickly. Surprisingly, the first match of the second round was actually the Star Luo Empire seeded team facing the second team of the Tiandou Royal Academy, that is, Shrek. people.

In the second team of Tiandou Royal Academy, when Dai Mubai knew that his opponent in the second match was going to be against Davis and the others, he was inexplicably terrified.

He knew the strength of Davis, and also the strength of the Nether White Tiger with the martial soul fusion technique.

The current him, without Zhu Zhuqing's cooperation, would not be able to use the spirit fusion ability. Although Tang San is very strong, but he is only a single player, he has no chance of winning against Davis, a team with the spirit fusion ability.

Tang San saw Dai Mubai's fear, said softly: "Mubai, no matter how strong the opponent is, we should go all out."

"That's right, Boss Dai, isn't it the Star Luo Empire's seed team? We will definitely win."

"Yes, we will definitely win."

When Dai Mubai saw Ma Hongjun and Oscar, both of them didn't have the slightest feeling of fear, and as the boss, he was actually afraid.

Can't help but feel a little ashamed.

"Then go all out."

After Dai Mubai convinced himself, he set foot on the battlefield with the six others.

"In the first match of the second round of the finals below, the Star Luo Academy team will face off against the second Tiandou Royal Academy team."

"Now, both parties are invited to play."

The voice of the host sounded, and the two players officially stepped onto the stage.

"Yo Yo Yo, isn't this my dear brother Dai Mubai? It's really unexpected that you can go this far! It really surprised me!"

As soon as he came up, Davis felt a burst of yin and yang when he saw Dai Mubai.

"Davis, don't be pretentious here, it will only make me feel sick." Dai Mubai stared at Davis coldly, thinking about the things that were dominated by Davis in the past, his face didn't look good at all.

"Hehe! Mubai! How can I say this is your eldest brother, shouldn't it be right for an elder brother to care about your younger brother? Besides, you have been away from home for so many years, and your family misses you very much."

As soon as Davis said this, the surrounding audience all looked at Dai Mubai in surprise.

Dai Mubai remained silent.

"It's just Mubai! What I didn't expect, big brother, is that you are not with Zhuqing. It seems that you have hurt her a lot by abandoning Zhuqing and running away."

"Tsk tsk tsk!!"

"It's a pity, it's a pity!"

"In this way, how can you be our opponent without martial soul fusion skills, and how can you defeat me?"

Davis shook his head and sighed, suddenly felt a little pitiful for Dai Mubai's younger brother.

And Dai Mubai kept a cold face the whole time.

The matter of Zhu Zhuqing has always been a scar in his heart, now that it is exposed again, how can he feel better.

Davis saw that Dai Mubai's face was cold, he didn't answer a word, he lost interest immediately.

"Both sides release their martial souls."

The referee gave an order.

After the two sides released their spirits, the match officially began.

Dai Mubai seemed to have suppressed it for a long time, he couldn't help but rushed towards Davis as soon as the match started, it seemed that he was already overwhelmed by anger.

It's just that when he rushed out, Tang San's thick black blue silver grass was wrapped around his waist.

"It seems that my good brother is already impatient to seek death."

Davis sneered, and there was a bang, and the soul power burst out instantly and rushed towards Dai Mubai.

Both Wuhun are white tigers, and the first three spirit skills are basically the same.

Dai Mubai is level 42.

Davis grade 49.

There is no doubt who is strong and who is weak.

Sure enough, in the next second, the two fists collided.

Soul power exploded and scattered, Dai Mubai was sent flying by Davis.

"With this strength, Mubai, it seems that you have no chance."

"I think you should take the initiative to admit defeat and obediently go back and listen to what your father said, will only die."

Boom! ! !

Davis said, but the attack didn't stop, he bombarded Dai Mubai one after another with his fists.

Every time a punch landed, there was a burst of roaring sound.

It can be seen that Davis did not hold back at all.

Facing the 49th-level elder brother Davis, Dai Mubai, who has a 42nd-level spirit power, is completely powerless to parry.

Under Davis' heavy punch, Dai Mubai couldn't bear such a powerful force and was instantly blown away.

Seeing this, Tang San could only pull the Blue Silver Grass to bring Dai Mubai back.

It was also fortunate to have Tang San's Blue Silver Grass entangled, otherwise Dai Mubai's strength would have defeated Davis long ago.

At this time Tang San also saw Davis' strength.

One-on-one, they have no chance of winning against the Davis team.

The only way is to lure the other party over and annihilate them one by one.

But, Davis, would Zhu Zhuqing and his party be so stupid?

"Bamboo cloud."

At this moment, Davis showed a sneer, he didn't continue to pursue Tang San's party, but Zhu Zhuyun behind him shouted.

After Zhu Zhuyun heard it, he understood instantly.

She rushed towards Davis quickly, four soul rings flashed out of her body, and her soul power burst out instantly.

"Not good, they want to carry out martial soul fusion."

Dai Mubai saw it instantly, his face changed at the same time.

But it was too late.

Davis and Zhu Zhuyun collided, and in the next second, a huge Nether White Tiger appeared in everyone's eyes.


The roar of the tiger sounded.

As soon as the Nether White Tiger appeared, it jumped towards Tang San's side.

Davis is 49, Zhu Zhuyun is 47.

Under the two martial soul fusion skills, let alone Tang San, even the soul sage can fight.

This is the strength of the martial soul fusion technique.

The current Davis and Zhu Zhuyun obviously don't want to waste time with the second team of Tiandou Royal Academy.

They want to show the mighty strength of the Star Luo Empire, and use the strongest moves to defeat Dai Mubai.

In an instant, the Nether White Tiger had arrived in front of everyone in the second team of Tiandou Royal Academy.

I saw the Nether White Tiger sweeping across.

An incomparably powerful force swept towards the seven members of the second team of Tiandou Royal Academy.

The strength of the Nether White Tiger was revealed at this moment.

Tang San and the others ate Oscar's flying sausage in a hurry, trying to fly to the sky to avoid the attack of the Nether White Tiger.

But the powerful energy of the Nether White Tiger directly rolled them up, and they were hit without even a chance to dodge.

bang bang bang! ! !
There were a few falls.

The five soul masters of the second team of Tiandou Royal Academy were directly knocked off the stage.

Tang San has the 10-year-old leg flying ability of the Blue Silver Emperor Ah Yin, who can suppress it and avoid disaster.

And Dai Mubai barely escaped the blow by relying on the soul power of the Soul Sect to resist and the flying mushroom sausage.

However, after hiding for a while, it won't last a lifetime.

The outcome was clear the moment Davis used the Nether White Tiger.


"If Zhu Zhuqing was with me, it wouldn't be like this at all."

Dai Mubai hated it.

He hated Zhu Zhuqing for leaving him.

Hate Gu Ye for taking Zhu Zhuqing away.

However, it is useless to hate at this time.

Davis won't stop because of his hate.


The roar sounded again.

The Nether White Tiger opened its mouth wide and shot a burst of intense white light at Tang San and Dai Mubai in the air.

It was the white tiger's fierce light wave displayed under the martial soul fusion technique.

Seeing this, Tang San and Dai Mubai were shocked.

But the speed of the white light was too fast, so fast that they had no time to react and were hit directly.


Dai Mubai tried his best to resist this move with his soul power, but it was useless.

Only a bang was heard.

Dai Mubai fell heavily to the bottom of the stage, seriously injured and unconscious.

Tang San relied on his keen ability and the strength of the Blue Silver Emperor's leg bones to barely resist and then dodge.

But after he resisted and dodged, the rapid consumption of soul power forced him to stop running and fall to the soul fighting platform.

(End of this chapter)

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