Douluo's martial arts scalpel

Chapter 240 Powerful Martial Spirit Team

Chapter 240 Powerful Martial Spirit Team

One person faces seven people.

Moreover, the soul power of the remaining five soul masters of the seven members of the Star Luo Empire side was not consumed at all.

Davis and Zhu Zhuyun even activated the spirit fusion technique Nether White Tiger.

Right now Tang San can be said to have no chance of winning.

But Tang San obviously had no intention of admitting defeat.

"Unexpectedly, the strength of the Star Luo Empire is quite strong."

Gu Ye admired Davis and Zhu Zhuyun who looked down below.

"Well, their martial soul fusion skills are indeed very powerful."

"But that's all."

"If Zhuqing and you meet them in the third round tomorrow, don't hold back, just use that move to get rid of them."

The trick Liu Erlong mentioned is naturally the seven-in-one soul power fusion technique.

Zhu Zhuqing, Xiao Wu, Ning Rongrong nodded in understanding.

Then he continued to look at the fighting spirit platform.

Right now Tang San faced the huge body of the Nether White Tiger like a baby.

Davis clearly didn't want to waste time.

The Nether White Tiger rushed down the mountain towards Tang San.

Tang San used Ghost Shadow Mistalking to dodge.

Needless to say, the dodging effect of Ghost Shadow Fan Zongbu is indeed very powerful.

But how long can Tang San hide.

Relying on his strongest blue and silver entanglement, he can defeat the Nether White Tiger!

What a crap!
The current Tang San, even the Explosive Seed Clear Sky Hammer still couldn't beat Davis and Zhu Zhuyun who used the spirit fusion ability.

The current him has no chance of winning against the Nether White Tiger.

Under the final blow, Tang San was still directly knocked off the stage by the Nether White Tiger.

All members of the Shrek side came here and were defeated.

Tang San was unwilling, but he could only accept failure.

Who made the difference in strength between the two sides too big, and the other party also has the martial soul fusion skill.

He can only lose.

Tang San and the others were defeated, and returned to the waiting room in a depressed mood.

Yu Xiaogang and Flender have been waiting for them for a long time.

But it's useless to say anything now.

After all, it has been defeated.

"Teacher, I'm sorry, I let you down." Tang San looked at his teacher Yu Xiaogang in a low voice.

He knew the dream of his teacher Yu Xiaogang, and even more how much she expected of him, but he still failed her.

Yu Xiaogang sighed, put his hands on Tang San's shoulders, and said softly: "It's okay, Xiao San, your strength is already very strong, they are just taking advantage of your age, if you are at the end of your age and they can reach the point, they won't Is your opponent."

Yu Xiaogang's consolation still worked.

It's just that his bewitching tone and movements made Tang San a little weird.

In the end, he could only accept the special comfort from his teacher.

The final match will not come to an end because of Tang San's failure.

The second game will start soon.

The second match was impressively the first team of Tiandou Royal Academy, one of the seed teams, against a team from Star Luo Empire.

There were no surprises in the result of the game, the first team of Tiandou Royal Academy won.

After a few more rounds, in the last round, the Wuhundian team played.

This time, Kamikaze Academy was very unlucky.

Because their opponent is the Wuhundian team.

If they win today, then tomorrow they will get a bye as No.2 in the promotion match and directly advance to the fourth round.

But no such luck.

"Next, it's the last duel of the second round of today's competition. The two teams will be the Wuhundian team and the Kamikaze Academy team!"

"I don't need to say the strength of these two teams. I believe everyone knows the strength between them. Well, I won't talk nonsense, let us look forward to the battle between them."

Under the referee's introduction, today's last seeded team, the Wuhundian team, and their opponent, Kamikaze Academy, also appeared on the stage.

"Are these the seven members of the Wuhundian team? Their aura is so strong!"

"Yeah! I feel very confident, and I am still calm in the face of a strong team like Kamikaze Academy."

"Don't you think those two women are a little too beautiful? And there is finally a feeling that attracts me, which makes me want to take another look at him unconsciously."

"So beautiful, so charming."

"It's exactly the goddess in my mind."

Some of the watching teams were attracted to the Wuhundian team when they saw the match.

Especially Hu Liena and Duoer's beauty directly became the focus.

On the Lanba Academy side, Tailong, Huang Yuan and the others were also attracted by Hu Liena and Duo'er when they saw them.

Hu Liena and Duo Er, who came onto the stage, also looked at Gu Ye outside the arena.

The two women smiled at Gu Ye and walked onto the stage.

As soon as he came on stage, Feng Xiaotian noticed that the seven members of the Wuhundian team were chatting in whispers, completely ignoring them.

Unable to help, Feng Xiaotian felt angry.

There should be a limit to looking down on people.

He quickly looked at the referee and reminded: "Can we start the game?"

"The good match has officially started, so now both sides are ready to release their martial souls!"

The referee heard the urging, said a word and stepped back.


"Wuhun: Galewind Two-Headed Wolf."

Following Feng Xiaotian's loud shout, a bloodthirsty demon wolf shrouded in blue aura appeared in everyone's eyes, and then the powerful soul power pressure pressed towards the seven members of the Wuhundian team.

'snort!The Wuhundian team made you look down on me, and I will let you know my strength later. '

After Feng Xiaotian released his martial soul, he snorted secretly, and then his team members released their martial souls one after another.

"You're in such a hurry to court death!"

"In this case, I will fulfill you."

"Wuhun: Lord of Fire."

Seeing the seven members of the Shenfeng Academy, Yan couldn't wait to make a sound, and after a sneer, he released his martial soul, and at the same time the soul ring flashed out.



As soon as this spirit ring configuration appeared, the spectators gasped.

When Feng Xiaotian, who was originally full of vigor, saw the fifth black soul ring, a little cold sweat flowed down his face.

"He turned out to be a strong soul king, how can he fight like this!!"

"The Wuhundian team actually has a strong soul king, this..."

Some viewers who didn't know that the Spirit Hall had a strong soul king were still shocked.

Five soul rings, yellow, yellow, purple, purple, and black, also rose from Hu Liena and Xie Yue's bodies at the same time.

"Three three soul kings!"

Everyone was horrified, but in the next second, something even more horrifying happened.

On the body of such a young girl in the middle of a Wuhundian team.

Yellow~yellow~purple~black four soul rings rose one by one.

"This is the fourth soul ring of ten thousand years."

"This Wuhundian team is too strong, isn't it?"

"They're not at the same level at all."

When the team and teachers present saw Hu Liena and the others release their martial spirit and spirit ring, most of them stood up in shock, looking at the three of them in disbelief.

Although they have always known that the Wuhundian team is very strong, there are even rumors that there is a soul king in the team.

But one of them shocked them, and now it's even worse, there are three soul kings, so how can they fight with a team of one or two soul sects.

Especially the ten thousand year fourth soul ring.

The Tiandou Empire couldn't help but looked at Zhu Zhuqing, the female soul master who also had the fourth soul ring of ten thousand years.

On the field, Feng Xiaotian and the others directly felt the coercion of the opposite soul king's soul power.

Now, thinking of the provocation just now, Feng Xiaotian's face turned a little ugly.

"Captain, what should we do now?"

"The three soul kings on the opposite side are all soul sects, especially the fourth ten thousand year soul ring. With our current strength, we are no match for them at all."

When a player beside Feng Xiaotian saw the opponent's lineup, he struggled to speak.

Although they also want to win, anyone with a discerning eye knows that it is basically impossible for them to win against a team with three soul kings, four soul sects and a fourth soul ring of ten thousand years.

"Damn it. Three soul kings, four soul sects, the Wuhundian team is really hiding their secrets." Feng Xiaotian said, his heart swayed: "Fight, even if we lose, we must not be ashamed !"

"Wait, put your full support on me. The rest of them attack with all their strength. Even if they lose, I will make them suffer."

As soon as Feng Xiaotian opened his mouth, the rest of the team members were also heartbroken.The auxiliary soul master crazily blessed Feng Xiaotian with abilities, and the rest of the team followed suit.

"Game start."

"The wind slashed with a single blow."

"Win the world."

Following the referee's order, the members of the Kamikaze Academy began to act one after another.

"Self-created soul skill: 36 consecutive slashes by Gale Demon Wolf!"

After being fully supported by an auxiliary soul master on his side, Feng Xiaotian knew the strength of the other party, so he didn't hide it, and it was a special move he was good at.

In an instant, Feng Xiaotian lifted himself up into the air, and the cyan soul power on his body exploded without leaving any room.After reaching a certain point, he suddenly looked at the seven members of the Wuhundian team and flew away.The moment it flew away, the blue wind blades in both hands spun along with the flying, and the speed became faster and faster.

"En! Self-created soul skills?" Yan who was on the opposite side knew that this move was very powerful when he saw Feng Xiaotian's commotion, so he couldn't help frowning.

Obviously, Feng Xiaotian's attack was a bit unexpected.

"Create your own soul skills? Then I want to see how powerful you are."

And Xie Yue, who didn't pay much attention to Feng Xiaotian at first, immediately became interested after seeing Feng Xiaotian's self-created soul skill.

"Self-created soul technique: Full Moon."

Xie Yue said to be careful, but she was holding his Wuhun Moon Blade, and her figure drew a circle of full moon blade shadows!Go to Feng Xiaotian's attack.

He once defeated the soul emperor with the strength of the soul king by virtue of his self-created soul skills, and the soul emperor was also his teacher.

Seeing Feng Xiaotian who also used his self-created soul skill now, he didn't want to let go of the chance to fight.

In the next second, Feng Xiaotian's double-sword slash from the sky collided with Xie Yue's full moon attack.

A pair of blows, Xie Yue felt that the opponent's attack power was not weak under the blessing of an auxiliary soul master, and immediately became serious.

Boom! ! !

As the two of them competed with their self-created soul skills, at first, Feng Xiaotian was obviously on the bottom, but as he took advantage of the attack from the sky, his power became stronger and stronger, and he gradually equalized Xie Yue, and he became even more oppressive. .

"This Feng Xiaotian's self-created soul skill is so powerful, there is actually someone who can suppress the soul king."

"Impossible, that's the soul king, and it's also a self-created soul skill, how could the soul king lose to Feng Xiaotian?"

When the rematch team saw the strength Feng Xiaotian showed, their expressions changed slightly.

(End of this chapter)

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