Douluo's martial arts scalpel

Chapter 244 Meet Bibi Dong before leaving

Chapter 244 Meeting Bibi Dong Before Leaving
At the end of the finals, Wuhundian's victory seemed to be taken for granted in the eyes of everyone.

After all, the strength of everyone in the Wuhundian team is really too strong, and it is not something that ordinary teams can defeat.

Then it was the time when Bibi Dong, who was the Pope of the Spirit Hall, personally presented awards to the winning team.

As the pope, Bibidong now won the victory of the Spirit Hall, so he naturally wanted to give an exciting speech in the eyes of the world to let the world know how powerful the Spirit Hall is.

Then came the main event, the final champion's reward, four spirit bones.

Seeing these spirit bones, all the soul masters had golden lights in their eyes, wishing they could snatch these spirit bones immediately.

But in front of Pope Bibi Dong of Wuhundian, they dare not make any mistakes.

As the winners of the Wuhundian team, Duo'er and Hu Liena are even Bibidong's disciples, so they are naturally the ones who stepped forward to accept the award.

"Duo'er, Nana, the two of you did not disappoint the teacher."

Looking at the two, Bibi Dong was very relieved.

Although Duo'er lost to Zhu Zhuqing, as long as the Wuhundian team doesn't lose, it's nothing.

Bibidong looked at Gu Ye below, she knew that it must be Gu Ye who made Zhu Zhuqing not use all his strength for her sake.

Based on Gu Ye's teaching to Zhu Zhuqing, she must still have stronger strength, and she didn't fight again and took the initiative to admit defeat, which Bibi Dong knew the meaning of.

Then Bibi Dong gave Gu Ye a meaningful look.

And Gu Ye also understood instantly.

When Xiao Wu who was beside Gu Ye saw Bibi Dong, she couldn't help feeling a little resentful in her heart when she thought that her mother died at Bibi Dong's hands.

But she knew that it was impossible for her now to seek revenge from Bibi Dong.

If she is exposed, there is only one dead end.

And she has already told Gu Ye about her things, and also told Gu Ye about her purpose of coming to Wuhundian.

However, Gu Ye's words made Xiao Wu temporarily dispel the idea of ​​seeking revenge from Bibi Dong.

After all, she came alone not for revenge, but for death.

So Xiao Wu decided that she wanted to go back and practice hard.

When the strength becomes stronger, rely on your own strength to find Bibi Dong.

At that time, there will be no regrets even if you die.

And Gu Ye's suggestion to her is to practice first to improve her strength.

On Xiao Wu's side, Ning Rongrong held Xiao Wu's hand, she could feel Xiao Wu's body trembling slightly, but she could only comfort her.

After all, she couldn't give Xiao Wu much support.

After the No.1 awards, to everyone's surprise, Bibi Dong even set up a No.2 award.

This is unexpected by everyone, even Gu Ye is a little different.

There is no such plot in the original novel.

But after thinking about it, Gu Ye finally understood.

"Zhuqing, let's go." Gu Ye told Zhu Zhuqing to go up.

Zhu Zhuqing nodded, and walked up to Bibi Dong.

"You are excellent, and you are also Gu Ye's disciple. If you want to join the Wuhun Palace that day, the Wuhun Palace welcomes you to join at any time."

Looking at Zhu Zhuqing in front of her, Bibi Dong said neither in a hurry nor in a hurry.

Zhu Zhuqing refused without hesitation: "Thank you for the Pope's kindness, but now I have no intention of joining the Wuhun Palace, I just want to follow my teacher."

"Really? That's a pity, but as I said, the gate of the Spirit Hall is always open for you."

After speaking, Bibi Dong handed the prize to Zhu Zhuqing.

The prizes are some medals, seven in total, all made of priceless jade, it seems that Bibi Dong also put some thought into it.

After Zhu Zhuqing returned to the team, he distributed the medals to each teammate, which was a symbol of their glory.

After the awards were presented, it was time for the teams to leave the Pope's Palace Square.

Gu Ye did not leave immediately.

At this time, he came to the Pope's Palace again.

"Here we come." Bibi Dong smiled when she saw Gu Ye.

There is no one in the Pope's Palace now, so naturally Gu Ye would not be too polite with Bibi Dong.

He came directly in front of Bibi Dong, put his arm around her waist, and said intimately: "I'm... going back."

Bibi Dong frowned: "Go back? Aren't you staying?"

"Although I really want to stay and accompany you, the Heaven Dou Empire needs me, and I will come back after I help her complete the affairs of the Heaven Dou Empire."

The girl Gu Ye was talking about was naturally Qian Renxue.

Gu Ye already knew about Qian Renxue's existence, and naturally Gu Ye also knew about planning the Tiandou Empire.

Now that Gu Ye is a doctor, it is indeed easier for him to get close to Emperor Xue Ye, and then to seek to seize the Heaven Dou Empire.

After Bibidong knew Gu Ye's thoughts, she agreed with Gu Ye.

But she was a little reluctant to leave Gu Ye.

After all, it was rare for such a man to enter her body and mind.

But in the end Gu Ye still had to leave.

After chatting for a while.

On the throne of the Pope's Palace.

A man and a woman couldn't help but sit together and kiss each other deeply.

Gu Ye hugged Bibi Dong's waist with his big hands, and unconsciously penetrated into Bibi Dong's alluring heart.

"Gu Ye...this is the Pope's Palace" Bibi Dong bit her jade lips lightly, feeling extremely shy.

"Before I leave, I want to have a good taste of you, Dong'er." After Gu Ye finished speaking, he kissed Bibi Dong's jade lips.

Bibi Dong squinted her eyes halfway, and hugged Gu Ye's neck tightly.

She didn't care whether this was the Pope's Palace or not.

Not to mention that she is now sitting on the pope's throne with Gu Ye.

Now she knows that Gu Ye is leaving and may not be able to see each other for a long time.

Before leaving, let's have a good love with him.

The Pope's Palace or something, anyway, it's not the first time.

Gu Ye was excited.

What a joy it is to be able to hold Bibi Dong on the throne of the Pope's Palace again, and the two of them sit on the same chair and explore deeply.

"Gu Ye. When are you... coming back?" Bibi Dong frowned, seeming to be in pain.

The muscles in Gu Ye's waist were tense, and he said in a deep voice: "Soon, I will come back when I finish my work, and I will stay with you day and night, Dong'er."

"Well, if you dare to come back slowly, I won't spare you." Bibi Dong threatened.

"Don't worry, I will do my best to help Xue'er complete the task, and we will come back together when the time comes."

"Don' her Xue'er." Bibi Dong was ashamed and indignant.

"I'm going to call her Cher."

"You are my Dong'er, isn't she my Xue'er?" Gu Ye smirked, his body and mind moved.

Bibi Dong was so shy that it was hard to describe.

Gu Ye actually called Qian Renxue that way.

Qian Renxue is her daughter.

Although she and Gu Ye are husband and wife now.

But how could Gu Ye be called Qian Renxueer?
She doesn't allow it.

"Remember not to call her Xue'er again, do you hear me?" Bibi Dong threatened again.

At the same time, he gave Gu Ye a fierce look.

If he dared to yell again, she would use a woman's greatest weapon, a trap, to bury Gu Ye in it.

Let him call every day unresponsive, and the earth is not working.

After Gu Ye heard Bibi Dong's threat, in order not to affect their interest, he would naturally obey the arrogant Pope Bibi Dong.

But Gu Ye let out a smirk, leaned against Bibi Dong's ear, and whispered: "Then it's not called Xue'er, how about calling it a daughter?"

Bibi Dong's face instantly turned red half the sky.

Gu Ye is really...too much.

It's not obviously teasing her.

Also use language to tease.

Make her so excited bah... so angry.

Bibi Dong decided to let Gu Ye know how powerful she is.

Know how powerful she is as Pope.

Inside the Pope's Palace, a battle of conquest and subjugation erupted.

the next day.

Gu Ye came out of the Pope's Palace.

Coincidentally, I met an unexpected person.

It was none other than Qian Renxue.

Qian Renxue entered the Wuhun Hall as the crown prince of the empire.

Now that the game is over, she should also bring the Heaven Dou Empire team back.

But how could she appear in Wuhun Hall now?
"Gu Ye, are you so good at coming out of it?"

Qian Renxue stared at Gu Ye with a malicious smile.

She didn't watch the match before, but absorbed her seventh spirit ring.

There is also a soul bone that refines a piece of angelic costume.

She just came out from her grandfather's place now, ready to go back and change into Xue Qinghe's identity to bring the Tiandou Empire team back.

But I didn't expect to see Gu Ye coming out of the Pope's Palace as soon as he came out.

Did something happen that she didn't know about?

Qian Renxue took a sniff, and found that Gu Ye had a pleasant smell.

She remembered smelling this smell from Bibi Dong.

Very fragrant and very charming.

"Xue'er, why are you here?"

Gu Ye's expression was a little embarrassed, he really didn't expect to meet Qian Renxue here.

"I am the young master of the Wuhun Temple, why can't I be here, but you, you won't go back to prepare things after the competition is over."

The suspicion in Qian Renxue's eyes did not dissipate, she was still sizing up Gu Ye.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Gu Ye quickly explained that he was summoned by Bibi Dong to talk about some things.

Such a clumsy explanation can only deceive children.

Qian Renxue naturally didn't believe it, but she didn't find anything, so she could only believe it temporarily.

Then the two left the Spirit Hall.

And Gu Ye also asked Qian Renxue why she came out here.

Qian Renxue told Gu Ye about absorbing the seventh soul ring and refining a soul bone.

Up to now, Qian Renxue's soul power has reached level 77.

A spirit ring allowed her to reach level 72, and a spirit bone directly increased her level by five.

With her current strength, it will be much more convenient for her to do some things after she returns to the Heaven Dou Empire.

After Gu Ye knew about Qian Renxue, he was amazed.

As expected of Qian Renxue.

Gu Ye thought about the fact that he and Bibi Dong were in the Pope's Palace all night last night.

There was also the matter of them chatting about Qian Renxue, looking at the beautiful Qian Renxue in front of him, Gu Ye's heart beat a little faster.

"What's the matter, why are you looking at me like that?" Qian Renxue looked at Gu Ye suspiciously.

The two of them didn't know how many times they had sex, what was going on with this lewd expression.

"Xue'er, you are so beautiful." Gu Ye said something crooked.


Qian Renxue snorted proudly and walked ahead.

There was a smile on his face.

What the two didn't know was that when they left.

Bibi Dong walked out from the Pope's Palace.

As soon as she came out, she saw Gu Ye and her daughter Qian Renxue walking together intimately, talking and laughing.

Thinking of what Gu Ye said to her last night, a weird idea appeared in her mind.


"It shouldn't be possible."

"Why does Gu Ye like Qian Renxue?"

"he's mine."

Bibi Dong is very possessive.

Gu Ye can only be hers.

If Qian Renxue dared to think about Gu Ye, she would beat this disobedient daughter until her ass blossomed.


Bibi Dong snorted coldly, left the Pope and returned to the bedroom.

Gu Ye and Qian Renxue separated after leaving the Pope.

After all, Qian Renxue wants to restore her identity, so it's not suitable for him to be together again.

Not long after, a hotel in Wuhun City.

Gu Ye and his party have already packed their luggage and prepared to return to the Heaven Dou Empire.

The return team basically left in groups as when they came.

Of course, there are some colleges that leave early.

Just when Gu Ye and his party walked out of the hotel, people from Star Luo Empire stopped them.

And these people are none other than Davis and Zhu Zhuyun.

"Why, what are you guys trying to do?" Zhu Zhuqing stepped forward, looking at Zhu Zhuyun coldly.

"Zhuqing, you should go back with us." Zhu Zhuyun said with a slightly complicated expression.

In the competition, although they defeated Dai Mubai, they lost to Zhu Zhuqing.

This matter is very complicated, and you need to go back and wait for the empire to judge.

However, Zhu Zhuqing had no intention of going back.

Now she wants to go back to Heaven Dou City, Star Luo Empire and so on with her teacher, it is impossible for her to go back.

"Don't think about it, I'm not interested in that position at all, if you want it, you can take it."

After Zhu Zhuqing finished speaking, he walked past Zhu Zhuyun and left.

She just wants to go back with her teacher now.

But one stopped her.

It was none other than Dai Mubai.

Dai Mubai looked at Zhu Zhuqing with a gloomy face.

"Zhu Zhuqing, you should know how powerful the Star Luo Empire is. If you don't want to hurt others, you'd better go back with me."

Naturally Dai Mubai would not be so kind.

His purpose was not to let Zhu Zhuqing go back with him.I just want Zhu Zhuqing to go back and share some guilt with him.

And Zhu Zhuqing defeated Davis and Zhu Zhuyun, maybe he won't be punished.

"Dai Mubai, I told you a long time ago that I have nothing to do with you, get out of the way." Zhu Zhuqing shouted coldly, his eyes were full of ice.

She is not the Zhu Zhuqing in the original book now.

Naturally, he would not be weak when dealing with waste like Dai Mubai.

Dai Mubai's face turned ugly for a while.

Zhu Zhuqing actually embarrassed him in front of so many people.

But... he can only get out of the way.

Who makes the strength inferior to others.

Gu Ye looked at Davis and the others, finally looked at Zhu Zhuyun, and said softly, "Maybe we will meet again soon."

After speaking, he took Zhu Zhuqing and the others and left directly.

Seeing Gu Ye, Zhu Zhuqing and the others leaving, Zhu Zhuyun was thoughtful.

The team of Tiandou Empire has already assembled at the gate of Wuhun City.

After the arrival of Gu Ye and his party from Lanba Academy, the team officially set off to return to the Heaven Dou Empire.

Inside the Tiandou Imperial Academy second team carriage, Tang San didn't leave with his father at this moment.

Because his father hasn't come to him yet.

"Little San, your father should be here soon, right?"

On Tang San's side is Yu Xiaogang.

Besides Yu Xiaogang, Ma Hongjun, Oscar and several others were there.

Only Dai Mubai is missing.

And Dai Mubai had already left the Star Luo Empire at this time.

(End of this chapter)

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