Douluo's martial arts scalpel

Chapter 245 Tang 3 is going to be green?

Chapter 245 Tang San Will Be Green?
Knowing that Tang San's father was coming to take him away to practice, Yu Xiaogang naturally supported him.

"Teacher, my father sent me a message before, and he will come to see me after leaving the Wuhun Temple, but he didn't say when."

"Well, it will be fine if he comes. But Xiaosan, you must remember that when you leave with your father, you must work hard to cultivate. At that time, teacher, I hope that you will prove to the world that I have not misunderstood you when you become stronger."

"Teacher, don't worry, I will definitely." Tang San said firmly.

Yu Xiaogang showed a satisfied smile.

It's just his smile, that weird and enchanting expression that surprised Tang San as a disciple.

He found that the teacher Yu Xiaogang seemed to be getting more and more special, more and more enchanting.

But Yu Xiaogang is his teacher, no matter how enchanting he is, he is also his teacher, he can only face it.

Not long after, Tang Hao appeared.

He went directly to Tang San's carriage, explaining why he came.

"Little San, it's time for us to leave." Tang Hao said in a deep voice.

He was also in Wuhun City before, and he thought something would happen, but he didn't expect everything to be safe and sound.

But that's okay, now that he's out of the Spirit Hall, he should take his son away to practice.

"Father, I want to find Xiao Wu first."

"Alright." Tang Hao knew Xiao Wu's identity, and even more the relationship between Xiao Wu and his son.

He even directly regarded Xiao Wu as his future daughter-in-law.

Now that he wanted to take his son away, he naturally wanted his son to take Xiao Wu away.

After all, a 10-year soul beast!
It's better to take it with you than to let Gu Ye take it with you.

And if something unexpected happens in the future, it might be possible.
Tang Hao thought of Ah Yin's 10-year soul ring on his body, revealing a trace of memory.

After getting off the carriage, Tang San rode to the carriage of Lanba Academy, and shouted inside: "Xiao Wu, it's me, can you come out for a while? I have something to see you."

Inside the carriage, Liu Erlong, Zhu Zhuqing, and Gu Ye heard Tang San looking for Xiao Wu, they couldn't help looking at Xiao Wu.

Now the Continental Advanced Soul Master Academy Elite Competition has ended, according to the original book, Xiao Wu should return to the Star Dou Forest.

But now many things are different from the original work, and Xiao Wu's relationship with Gu Ye, Ning Rongrong and others is getting deeper and deeper.

On the contrary, they drifted away from Tang San, his brother.

Now that Tang San came to look for it, it seemed clear what his purpose was.

"Xiao Wu, go ahead, no matter what decision you make, you have to think clearly, we will support you." Zhu Zhuqing said.

"En." Xiao Wu nodded, and when she got off the carriage, she took another look at Gu Ye.

After all, it was because of Gu Ye that she was able to be with Zhu Zhuqing and the others.

"Xiao Wu." Seeing Xiao Wu coming out, Tang San immediately got off his horse and happily walked to her side.

"Third brother." Xiao Wu shouted, but not as close as before.

Think about it too.

Feelings need to accumulate over time and get close day and night.

Although they were both in Heaven Dou City before, they were students of two academies.

It was the first time in a year that the two of them hadn't seen each other several times. Although the relationship was brother and sister, there was still a hint of lovers.

But things like long-distance relationships are either yellow or green.

What's more, Xiao Wu once had an appointment with Gu Ye for ten days, and during those ten days, Xiao Wu did her best to help Gu Ye work.

Xiao Wu vaguely remembered that when she was working with Gu Ye at that time, the deep state of ecstasy she felt is still hard for her to forget.

If possible, Xiao Wu would like to have another in-depth work with Gu Ye.

In addition, during the more than a year between her and Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing, under the influence of her eyes and ears, Shrek's people gradually became different in her heart.

Of course, she still has feelings for Tang San, the "brother" who grew up together.

"Xiao Wu, my father is here, and I am leaving to practice with my father. I know that you have a grudge against Pope Bibi Dong of Wuhundian. You are my sister. I will definitely seek revenge from Wuhundian in the future." Yes. Would you like to leave with me?"

Tang San looked at Xiao Wu expectantly.

As for Xiao Wu, he had already seen it clearly.

He not only regards Xiao Wu as his younger sister.

He also regards her as his favorite person.

In this world, only Xiao Wu could comfort what Tang San had lost.

He is looking forward to Xiao Wu being able to be with him, to cultivate and become stronger together, to travel the mainland together, and to seek revenge at the Wuhun Temple when he is strong enough.

After Xiao Wu heard this, she was silent for a moment.

She didn't know whether she should leave with Tang San, but it was true that she had a grudge against Bibi Dong of Wuhundian.

Her mother died at the hands of Bibi Dong of the Spirit Hall.

She naturally wanted revenge.

But now her strength has no hope at all.

She also saw before that the strength of Wuhundian is very strong.

She wanted revenge without any hope at all.

If Gu Ye hadn't helped her hide her aura, once she was exposed, she would definitely be caught by Bibidong.

Now Tang San told her to leave with him, and seek revenge from Bibi Dong after she became stronger.

Xiao Wu was actually a little moved.

But Tang San's father Tang Hao...
Xiao Wu thought of what Gu Ye had said to her before.

Tang Hao harbored ill intentions towards her.

At that time, Gu Ye's analysis shocked Xiao Wu.

Now if she leaves with Tang Hao, she will not be able to face Tang Hao with her strength at all. If Tang Hao really wants to kill her and take the soul bone to restore his injury, she has no strength to resist at all.

After hesitating for a while, Xiao Wu said, "Third brother, I really want to leave with you, but I have an important thing to do now."

"What's the matter?" Tang San asked eagerly.

"I want to go back to the Star Dou Great Forest. I haven't been home for a long time. And I have already understood that my current identity is a soul beast, and there is still a certain gap between me and humans. If I want to stay in the human world for a long time, I must cultivate to Maturity period. If I follow you, I will implicate you. Going home is the most suitable for me. There I can practice and improve my strength with peace of mind, and then seek revenge from the Spirit Hall."

Xiao Wu's words made sense.

Tang San hesitated after hearing this and said: "Xiao Wu, if you want to go back, do you need me to take you back?"

Xiao Wu shook her head: "Third brother, I will go back by myself, and you are going to be with your father, so it is definitely inconvenient to take me." Xiao Wu was actually afraid that Tang Hao would be unfavorable to her, but she would not be with Tang San. Said it in front of me.

"Okay, but Xiao Wu, I will go to the Star Dou Forest to look for you after I succeed in cultivation, and I will bring you out at that time, and then no one will be able to hurt you anymore. Because you are my younger sister, Anyone who dares to hurt you must first step over my corpse."

"Third brother, I believe in you, and I will wait for you..." Xiao Wu had a smile on her face.

It seems that she has the same close relationship with Tang San as before, and Tang San is still her favorite person.

But this is all she showed, and only she knows what the truth is.

"Five years, Xiao Wu, within five years I will definitely go to the Star Dou Forest to find you, you must wait for me."

"Well, I'll wait for you, third brother."

Although she couldn't bear to deceive Tang San, Xiao Wu still agreed without hesitation.

Tang San showed a smile.

Although Xiao Wu is still his sister now, she will be his wife in the future.

Tang San has already recognized himself, he will never marry Xiaowu in this life.

"Xiao Wu, then I'm leaving."

After Tang San glanced at Xiao Wu reluctantly, he turned and left.

Xiao Wu looked at Tang San's back, sighed and walked back to the carriage.

"Xiao Wu, I thought you and Tang San had left."

"That's right, I also thought that Xiao Wu was going to leave with her third brother and live a life of two."

Seeing Xiao Wu coming back, Zhu Zhuqing and Ning Rongrong laughed aloud.

Gu Ye looked at Xiao Wu thoughtfully, and finally showed a wicked smile.

"Is Xiao Wu not with you?"

Inside the carriage, seeing his son alone, Tang Hao looked at him suspiciously.

"Xiao Wu wants to go back to the Star Dou Great Forest to see her family, but Dad, Xiao Wu and I have made an agreement that I will go to her after five years."

"Is that so?"

For some reason, Tang Hao looked a little disappointed.

But he hid it very well, and Tang San couldn't see it.

"Okay, then leave with me now, your cultivation starts today."

"If you want to avenge your mother, you need a lot of strength, do you understand?"

"Father, I know, I will work hard to become stronger, and seek revenge from Wuhundian."

Tang Hao nodded.

Before the father and son left, they looked at Yu Xiaogang, Tang San's teacher.

Tang San always has respect for his teacher.

It is natural to say goodbye now that we are leaving.

"Teacher, I'm leaving with my father." Tang San looked at Yu Xiaogang reluctantly.

"Well, let's go."

"When you come back from training, I will take you to a place where you may be able to improve your strength faster."

"is teacher."

"Master, thank you for taking care of Xiaosan all these years."

Tang Hao looked at Yu Xiaogang gratefully.

Yu Xiaogang showed a smile: "Your Majesty Haotian, you are being polite. Xiaosan is my disciple, and it is right to take care of him."

After the two greeted each other politely, Tang Hao saw Yu Xiaogang's alluring posture, said something hastily, and took his son Tang San away.

After Tang San and Tang Hao left, Yu Xiaogang continued to follow Flender, Oscar, and Ma Hongjun back to Heaven Dou City.

Now he was alone, Tang San was the only one he could worry about.

Tang San leaves, he can also go back to Heaven Dou City to prepare for some things.

Tang San left.

What he didn't know was what would happen to Xiao Wu, the woman he liked after he left.

He didn't even know that maybe he would be wearing a big hat in the future.

Of course, maybe not.

In the carriage of Lanba Academy, Xiao Wu was still happily chatting with Zhu Zhuqing and Ning Rongrong about some things.

When the team rests.

Xiao Wu got into the car alone with Lagu Ye, and obviously had some private matters to chat with Gu Ye alone.

Not far from the carriage, Zhu Zhuqing and Ning Rongrong were sitting together resting together. They looked at the carriage in puzzlement. They didn't understand what Xiaowu needed to find Gu Ye alone. After looking at it, they didn't think too much , Continue to eat snacks and rest.

"Hey, why is the carriage moving?" Jiang Zhu difference looked at the shaking carriage.

But she didn't think much about it, she just thought that the horse's movement caused the carriage to shake.

Inside the carriage, Xiao Wu's flushed face was full of shyness.

"Gu Ye, thank you."

"It should be me thanking you."

Gu Ye stretched out his hand and wiped the marks on Xiao Wu's mouth.

When the rest time came, the convoy continued to rush back to Tiandou City.

For some teams, returning to Heaven Dou City will be the time for them to get knighted.

Of course, for some colleges, none of these can tempt them.

For example, Fire Dance from Blazing Academy.

For Huo Wu, becoming stronger is what she pursues.

And Gu Ye can make her stronger.

She has already made plans.

After returning to Tiandou City, she didn't want to go back to Blazing Academy with her brother, but went to find Gu Ye and Zhu Zhuqing.

She made an agreement with Zhu Zhuqing before.

So she will not give up this opportunity.

In front of the convoy, Xue Qinghe, Sword Douluo, and Ning Fengzhi sat in the same carriage.

At this time, Xue Qinghe and Ning Fengzhi were discussing something.

"Teacher, now that the competition is over, shouldn't we also take precautions against the Wuhun Palace when we return to Tiandou City?" Xue Qinghe's face was a little dignified.

"It does."

"In the finals this time, the strength displayed by the Hall of Spirits far exceeded our imagination. I will tell your father to take precautions when we go back."

"But there is one thing, I think Qinghe, you have already seen it?"

"Teacher, are you talking about Gu Ye and Zhu Zhuqing's Lanba Academy?"


"Their potential is not inferior to those of Spirit Hall. If it weren't for their age, the champion of this finals might not necessarily belong to Spirit Hall."

"indeed so."

Zhu Zhuqing was very young, even younger than the golden generation of Wuhundian.

Qualifications far surpass them.

If Zhu Zhuqing grows up, it will be a great strength.

Ning Fengzhi also thought about pulling these people into the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School, but they all failed.

Now his purpose is naturally to let the Heaven Dou Empire win over Gu Ye and put them on the Heaven Dou Empire's chariot.

In this way, he would not be always passive in the face of Wuhundian.

After learning about Ning Fengzhi's thoughts, Xue Qinghe sneered from the bottom of her heart.

If he knew that Gu Ye was already a member of her Wuhun Palace, he didn't know how he would feel.

But there is one thing Ning Fengzhi said is right.

She should tie Gu Ye to the Heaven Dou Empire.

In this way, it will be more convenient for her to contact Gu Ye, and it will also be convenient for her to bring Gu Ye into the secret room.

Xue Qinghe decided to ask his father to give Gu Ye a good identity after returning home.

A good status to be able to enter the palace at any time.


The convoy back to Tiandou City found a place to repair.

Soldiers patrolled and ate dinner.

And every team gathered around the fire and had dinner.

Among the group of Lanba Academy, Xiao Wu dragged Gu Ye back into the carriage.

She has something important to say to Gu Ye.

Gu Ye also wanted to know what Xiao Wu was going to say, so he got into the carriage with her.

"Gu Ye, after I go back, I plan to leave and go back to the Star Dou Great Forest." Xiao Wu expressed her thoughts.

Gu Ye knew that Xiao Wu should also go back, so he naturally agreed.

Then Xiao Wu thought about the things with Gu Ye before, she suddenly took Gu Ye's hand and hugged him.

Then he kissed Gu Ye recklessly.

Tang San was taken the second step.

(End of this chapter)

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