Douluo's martial arts scalpel

Chapter 246 Entering the Emperor Xueye's harem...what should I do?

Chapter 246 What should I do in Emperor Xue Ye's harem?

Gu Ye was a little confused.

Xiao Wu actually kissed him forcefully.

Although Xiao Wu has grown up now, her appearance and figure are very good.

The small mouth is also very soft.

But what about force kissing him.

Are Liu Erlong, Zhu Zhuqing, and Ning Rongrong still outside?

Gu Ye pushed Xiao Wu down and looked at her seriously.

As for Xiao Wu, Gu Ye seemed...not thinking much about it.

After all, it's not his type.

But if Xiao Wu took the initiative to do some special things, Gu Ye did not refuse Xiao Wu, just like before.

"Gu Ye. You... don't get me wrong, I just want to thank you for helping me."

After Xiao Wu finished speaking, she seemed a little shy, and jumped out of the carriage with a swish.

Gu Ye stared blankly at Xiao Wu.

Just want to thank him?
But Gu Ye thought of Xiao Wu's identity.

Tang San should like her.

Then does he count as greening Tang San?
Forget it, don't think about it, the most important thing now is to go back to Tiandou City, and then fly with his beautiful apprentice Zhu Zhuqing, the beautiful mature woman Liu Erlong and Sansu.

Such a beautiful day is just around the corner, how can you think about those messy things?
After Gu Ye got off the carriage and had dinner with everyone, he boarded the carriage together to rest.

But Ning Rongrong, Jiangzhu, Zhu Zhuqing and the others did not stop practicing, they started practicing as soon as they got on the carriage.

Liu Erlong looked a little tired, she rested on Gu Ye's shoulder.

Xiao Wu seemed to be cultivating, but she opened her eyes to look at Gu Ye from time to time.

Gu Ye hugged Liu Erlong's waist to make her lean more comfortably.

"Gu Ye."

Liu Erlong didn't open his eyes, but just called out in a low voice.

"What's the matter?" Gu Ye's tone was very gentle, and the hand around Liu Erlong's waist was also gently stroking Liu Erlong's jade back.

Liu Erlong's lips moved, and he shook his head lightly: "It's nothing..., I just think it's nice to have you by my side."

Liu Erlong obviously had something in his heart to tell Gu Ye, but he didn't say it out for some reason.

Gu Ye gently stroked Liu Erlong's beautiful hair, and said softly: "It will be better in the future."


Liu Erlong stretched out his arms to hug Gu Ye, reluctant to let go.

A few days later, the convoy returned to the Heaven Dou City outside the Heaven Dou Empire.

To everyone's surprise, Xue Ye, the emperor of the Heaven Dou Empire, went out of the city to greet them in person.

This is undoubtedly a very proud thing for these new generation soul masters.

But for Xue Ye's purpose of coming out to meet them in person, some people's hearts are as clear as a mirror.

Win them over and grant them imperial titles, especially those teams that performed well in the competition.

Emperor Xue Ye wanted to tie these people to his empire's chariot.

Sure enough, the next moment, Emperor Xue Ye walked out.

He granted the titles of Tianshui Academy, Blazing Fire Academy, and Shenfeng Academy to each other.

The seven members of Feng Xiaotian's team were overjoyed, and there were also a few members from Chihuo Academy and Tianshui Academy.These titles are undoubtedly very tempting to them.

But Huo Wu and Shui Bing'er refused.

Seeing that the two refused, Emperor Xue Ye said puzzledly: "You two are one of the most outstanding female soul masters I have ever seen. If you join the empire to serve the empire, the empire will use all its resources to train you."

However, Shui Bing'er still shook her head and said: "Thank you for your kindness, but I still refuse. The teachers of Tianshui Academy are still waiting for me to go back, and I prefer to practice in Tianshui Academy."

For Shui Binger, these titles are not at all attractive.

As a well-known academy in the Heaven Dou Empire, Tianshui Academy is naturally not bad in strength.

Similarly, Huo Wu's reason for her refusal was to cultivate better and not to be disturbed by foreign affairs.

Xue Ye is not reluctant.

Although they didn't agree, but both of them are from the empire, as long as they don't join the Wuhun Temple, that's the best.

Then Emperor Xue Ye looked at the few people he valued the most.

Zhu Zhuqing, the strongest player in this competition, bar none.

If she joins, within ten years, the Heaven Dou Empire will definitely be able to add another strong person.

Titled Douluo is only a matter of time for her.

In the Heaven Dou Empire, there is no Title Douluo, this is known to the world.

Not only the Heaven Dou Empire doesn't have it, even the Star Luo Empire doesn't.These titled Douluo are basically joining the family or sect, or Wuhundian.

But the emperor and empress of the Star Luo Empire can rely on the martial soul fusion technique to display a powerful strength comparable to that of a titled Douluo.

The Heaven Dou Empire only relied on Poison Douluo as an enshrinement.

If Zhu Zhuqing joins him in the Heaven Dou Empire, the day when the Heaven Dou Empire will have the title of Douluo is not far away.

Zhu Zhuqing saw Emperor Xue Ye looking at her, while she looked at her teacher Gu Ye.

Joining the Heaven Dou Empire does not exist for her.

She doesn't even have time with her teacher, how could she have time to join the Heaven Dou Empire and serve the Heaven Dou Empire royal family?
Gu Ye came out at this time and said: "Your Majesty Xue Ye, this girl Zhuqing is used to freedom, it is obviously inappropriate to join the empire, and she is from the Zhu family of the Star Luo Empire."

"Is that so?" Emperor Xue Ye thought about it and thought it was the same.

It is obviously inappropriate for someone from the Zhu family of the Star Luo Empire to join him as a royal family, but since Zhu Zhuqing did not return to the Star Luo Empire, he followed Gu Ye.

Obviously, they fell out with the Star Luo Empire.

So now he only needs to win over Gu Ye and Liu Erlong.

Treating the strong, titles are meaningless.

Offerings like Poison Douluo are obviously the most suitable.

Consecration is not restricted by the empire, and you can leave whenever you want.

Just wait until the empire is in trouble or needs help.

Such an identity is the best for Gu Ye and Liu Erlong.

Then, Emperor Xue Ye said: "Doctor Gu intends to let you, along with Dean Liu Erlong, be enshrined in my empire, what do you think?"

As soon as Emperor Xue Ye's words came out, everyone looked at Gu Ye in unison.

Everyone knows how convenient the location of the enshrinement is and how powerful the power is.

This is not an identity that ordinary people can have.

Now that Emperor Xue Ye has made Gu Ye and Liu Erlong the emperor's enshrined, it is very obvious that he values ​​wooing.

Liu Erlong came out, and said flatly: "Thank you for your kindness, Your Majesty, now Erlong is the principal of Lanba Academy, he is too busy teaching and educating people, and his strength is low, I am afraid he cannot be qualified for the position of enshrining."

Liu Erlong's refusal surprised everyone.

After all, the consecration of an empire is so powerful that even the princes have to respect it.

Although Liu Erlong refused, Gu Ye agreed.

That's right, Gu Ye agreed.

Becoming an enshrinement of the Heaven Dou Empire, such an identity can better deal with Emperor Xue Ye and help Qian Renxue complete his mission.

Gu Ye thought of the alluring concubine in Emperor Xue Ye's harem.

Up to now, it has been a long time since I saw her.

I don't know how she is doing. ?
Now that he has the status of enshrinement, Emperor Xue Ye will only trust Gu Ye more.

Moreover, Gu Ye still has the identity of a doctor. There are so many stunning beauties in Emperor Xue Ye's harem, why not ask Gu Ye to help them treat them in depth?
Gu Ye remembered that apart from Concubine Ming, the stunning concubine, Emperor Xue Ye's empress was a charming and beautiful woman.

In the previous year, Gu Ye also treated Emperor Xue Ye's empress once or twice, and vaguely remembered her.

Gu Ye's promise made Emperor Xue Ye very happy.

He had discussed Gu Ye with Ning Fengzhi before, and Ning Fengzhi had also talked about it with him.

"Whoever wins Gu Ye wins the world."

Gu Ye is not only excellent in medical skills, but also a soul master with unparalleled genius, and the disciples he teaches are also unparalleled geniuses.

And his wisdom is beyond human reach.

His beloved concubine and queen often praised Gu Ye for being extraordinary.

Now that Gu Ye has joined his empire, he seems to have seen that his empire is about to rise.

Then, in front of the world, Emperor Xue Ye enshrined Gu Ye for the empire and granted a series of privileges.

Especially the privilege of being able to come and go from the palace at will to meet him.

Giving Gu Ye this privilege was also Xue Ye's little thought.

Gu Ye's medical skills are too good, and when he is sick or unwell, he also needs Gu Ye's help to treat him.

Not only him, but also his concubine and queen.

The news that Gu Ye became the enshrinement of the Heaven Dou Empire spread throughout the Heaven Dou Empire.

Not only Heaven Dou Empire, Spirit Hall, Star Luo Empire and other places all received the news.

Afterwards, Emperor Xue Ye designated a mansion in Tiandou City under the name of Gu Ye, which was his residence in name.

Apart from mansions, gold, maids, dancers, beauties, etc. need not be mentioned by Gu Ye, Emperor Xue Ye helped Gu Ye arrange them one by one.

Gu Ye didn't even have the room to refuse, the matter had already been arranged properly.

After making arrangements together, this team just walked into Heaven Dou City.

The seven members of Lanba Academy's party naturally returned to Lanba Academy.

But after arriving at the gate of Lanba Academy, it was time for them to part.

Tai Long belongs to the force family, so he is naturally the Hui force family.

Huang Yuan and Jing Ling were invited by Ning Fengzhi to join the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School.

Once the three left, only Zhu Zhuqing, Ning Rongrong, Jiang Zhu, and Xiao Wu were left.

Ning Rongrong looked at the crowd, although her face was sad, but she also knew that she had graduated and it was time to return to the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School.

"Gu Ye, Teacher Erlong, Zhuqing, Xiao Wu, if you have time, you must come to the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School to find me."

"Don't worry Rongrong, we will definitely meet again."


After Ning Rongrong looked at Gu Ye, she left with the person who came to pick her up.

Then, Gu Ye, Zhu Zhuqing, Xiao Wu, Jiang Zhu, and Liu Erlong walked into Lanba Academy.

"Well, the competition is over, and there is still some time before school starts, so I can take a good rest." Liu Erlong stretched himself comfortably.

"By the way, Xiao Wu, are you planning to go home later?"

"Well, I plan to go back in two days."

"Well, I'll take you back then, it's safer."

Liu Erlong knew about Xiao Wu, so he naturally didn't want Xiao Wu to leave alone.

Gu Ye looked at Jiangzhu who was following them, and asked, "How about you, Jiangzhu? You graduated, have you thought about what to do?"

"I want to stay in the academy, and I also want to go to Gu Ye's medical center to treat patients."

Yes, she did not want to leave.

(End of this chapter)

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