Douluo's martial arts scalpel

Chapter 247 Zhu Zhuqing

Chapter 247 Zhu Zhuqing

Now that Gu Ye is a doctor, he will definitely not give up the clinic.

After all, his improvement of strength usually comes from treating diseases and saving lives for the common people.

And Jiang Zhu could tell that Gu Ye would not give up on the medical clinic.

As a soul master of the healing department, it is obviously the most suitable for her to treat the common people, and it is also a major way for her to improve her strength.

In addition, she can also be by Gu Ye's side, begging and healing the common people with him, and get close day and night.

Although Jiangzhu knew that she had some thoughts that she shouldn't have, she felt that being able to follow Gu Ye was enough.

As for staying in Lanba Academy, with her current Soul Sect strength, she naturally wants to continue to practice and break through, and then become a teacher of Lanba Academy.

After Liu Erlong knew the plan to drop the pearl, he agreed very much.

Jiangzhu is a commoner, and his parents are also commoners.

It should be a happy thing for Jiang Zhu to be able to stay in Lanba Academy now.

After learning about Jiang Zhu and Xiao Wu's plan, Liu Erlong looked at the person who gave her the most headache, Zhu Zhuqing.

As Gu Ye's direct disciple, Zhu Zhuqing knows how close she is to Gu Ye best.

At the same time, I also know that she has a hobby of falling in love with teachers.

Gu Ye also knew that he liked teacher Gu Ye, and even told her about it.

Now that she has not returned to the Star Luo Empire, she must be by Gu Ye's side.

Gu Ye is her man, she will go wherever Gu Ye goes.

Now that there is another Zhu Zhuqing, Liu Erlong is naturally a little troubled.

When Zhu Zhuqing saw Liu Erlong's special eyes, he naturally knew what she was thinking.

But she won't leave her teacher?
Her teacher said it before.

As long as she gets No.2 in the game or defeats Duoer, she can fulfill one wish, no matter what wish she wants.

Now she has decided to use this wish on the teacher.

Teacher, she is determined.

Zhu Zhuqing snorted inwardly, and walked to his teacher Gu Ye.

I haven't been back to the back mountain of Lanba Academy for a while. Now that the five of them have returned to the back mountain, they naturally have to clean it up, and then they have a hearty lunch.

Just after lunch, a teacher from the academy walked in to report something.

In order to win over Liu Erlong and Lanba Academy, Emperor Xue Ye deliberately designated Lanba Academy as a special academy of the Heaven Dou Empire.

The status is not even below the Heaven Dou Imperial Academy.

Now they even sent someone to bring the plaque in.

As the head of the academy, Liu Erlong naturally had to deal with these matters.

"Gu Ye, I'll go out first."

"Principal Erlong, go slowly."

Before Gu Ye could speak, Zhu Zhuqing got up first to see him off.

Seeing this appearance of anxiously sending Liu Erlong away, Gu Ye was inexplicably a little strange.

Could this apprentice of himself be taking advantage of Liu Erlong's absence to misbehave against him?
Seeing that Zhu Zhuqing was so active, Liu Erlong didn't want to leave.

But after thinking about it, I decided to go out and deal with it.

Before leaving, he specially gave Gu Ye a warning look.

Seeing Liu Erlong leave, Zhu Zhuqing was inexplicably happy, even a little bit happy.

Then she looked at Xiao Wu and Jiang Zhu. If they both left, only her and teacher Gu Ye would be left in the back mountain. Wouldn't it be okay?
After Zhu Zhuqing secretly made a decision, he said softly, "Xiao Wu, Jiang Zhu, you are going back to the academy residence tonight, right?"

"Yeah, what's wrong?"

Xiao Wu looked at Zhu Zhuqing in doubt, not quite understanding what she meant by this question.

Then when she saw Zhu Zhuqing's strange gaze, she instantly understood what she meant.

"By the way, Jiangzhu, it's getting late, we might as well go back and rest first."

"Yeah, that's fine. You can take a good rest from now on."

"Teacher Gu Ye, Xiao Wu and I are leaving now."

"Zhuqing, let's go first."

After Jiang Zhu and Xiao Wu finished speaking, they gave Zhu Zhuqing a meaningful smile and returned to the residence of the academy.

As soon as the two left, for a while, only Gu Ye and his apprentice Zhu Zhuqing remained in the back mountain.

Gu Ye was packing up his rice bowl and going into the kitchen at this time.

He wanted to go out after washing his job to see what kind of good brand Emperor Xue Ye gave to Lanba Academy.

But at this moment, Zhu Zhuqing walked into the kitchen door.

She just walked in quietly like this, hugging Gu Ye tightly from behind.

The curve of the body fit Gu Ye's back completely, and an astonishing arc was extruded on the chest.

Gu Ye paused, he could feel how enthusiastic his apprentice Zhu Zhuqing was, and how much he wanted to do something wrong to him.

"Master..." Zhu Zhuqing hugged Gu Ye's waist tightly, stood on tiptoe and leaned on his shoulder with a soft call.

The exhaled fragrance made Gu Ye's heart tremble.

Is this the temptation from the apprentice?

How could Gu Ye resist such a powerful and astonishing apprentice?

Gu Ye suddenly complained to Xiao Wu, Jiang Zhu and the two of them.

When Liu Erlong didn't leave just now, the two obviously didn't want to leave.

But as soon as Liu Erlong left, he just went into the kitchen to do some work, and the two actually reached an agreement and left.

It was also the departure of the two that put Gu Ye into such a dangerous situation.

Who can resist the temptation from the beautiful apprentice Zhu Zhuqing.

Moreover, Gu Ye could clearly feel the hotness of Zhu Zhuqing's figure.


Seeing that his teacher was obviously moved, Zhu Zhuqing raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

She did it on purpose.

The current time is around five o'clock in the afternoon, and Liu Erlong was called away to deal with matters.

It has been a long time since she left Lanba Academy. There must be a lot of things piled up in the academy. As the dean, she will not come back until nine o'clock in the evening to deal with these things.

And the reason why Xiao Wu and Jiang Zhu left just now is naturally because of her.

Now at the back of Lanba Academy, there are only her and teacher Gu Ye left.

Now she has four full hours to do what she wants with her teacher Gu Ye.

At this time, she was hugging her teacher Gu Ye from behind, and her whole body was already close to Gu Ye.

The height difference made her stand on tiptoes and lean on Gu Ye's shoulder, leaning over to his ear, and said softly: "Teacher, you promised me that as long as I beat Duo'er, you will grant me one wish. I have already made up my mind, I want you, teacher. I want to be your woman, teacher, and today I want to..."

Zhu Zhuqing's delicate voice came to his ears, and Gu Ye's breathing became a little rough.

Gu Ye did say this, he told Zhu Zhuqing before the match.

Now that the game is over, Zhu Zhuqing seems to be looking for him to fulfill his promise.

Is it rejection?

Or not?

Or to satisfy his apprentice?

But now the place is obviously not suitable.

Liu Erlong will come back anytime.

Xiao Wu, although Jiang Zhu left, she might come back.

If he came in and saw him and his apprentice Zhu Zhuqing galloping on horseback, Gu Ye would have died immediately.

Especially once Gu Ye started, he wasn't sure if he could stop halfway, after all the temptation from his apprentice Zhu Zhuqing was too great.

In a word, the wish of apprentice Zhu Zhuqing cannot be satisfied now.

Gu Ye suppressed the thought in his heart.

When she turned around and wanted to speak clearly with her apprentice Zhu Zhuqing, Zhu Zhuqing, who was leaning on Gu Ye's shoulder, kissed the teacher Gu Ye forcefully without waiting for Gu Ye to speak.


Gu Ye stared.

The apprentice is too active.

The master is also helpless.

Especially such an apprentice with a hot figure and a beautiful appearance.

Zhu Zhuqing knew that with the relationship between master and student, her teacher Gu Ye would definitely have some scruples.

If he doesn't take the initiative, shouldn't she be allowed to take the initiative?
Under this thought, Zhu Zhuqing made an astonishing decision.

She wants to push back on her teacher.

If I miss this opportunity today, I don’t know when I will have another chance next time.

"Zhuqing...wait a minute." Gu Ye gently pushed Zhu Zhuqing down, making her stop.

The two are in the kitchen now.

It didn't seem right for something to happen in this place.

"Teacher, I like you, I don't want to wait any longer."

Zhu Zhuqing was not giving Gu Ye a chance to speak.

A bang sounded.

Zhu Zhuqing directly pushed Gu Ye down on the wooden door, leaned over and kissed him.

Zhu Zhuqing is so domineering and strong.

Zhu Zhuqing like this really made Gu Ye helpless.

He has absolutely no right to refuse.

In the next second, Gu Ye couldn't help but hugged Zhu Zhuqing's waist and entangled with her.

The Office of the Dean of Lanba Academy.

Just as Zhu Zhuqing thought.

Liu Erlong has been away from Lanba Academy for many days, and a lot of things in the academy are waiting for her to do.

Now she looked at the pile of documents in front of her, her head was getting bigger.

"When will this be done?"

"I can't finish it even all night!"

Liu Erlong thought that after Emperor Xue Ye gave Lanba Academy the title of special academy, those nobles, big families, and common people came to Lanba Academy to sign up one after another.

I hope that their children can come to Lanba Academy in the next school season.

Liu Erlong knew that there would only be more things about her in the future.

She smiled wryly.

It's impossible for her to do this kind of thing alone.

At this time Liu Erlong thought of Jiangzhu.

Jiangzhu is her student, and it would not be an exaggeration to describe it as a direct disciple.

Since Zhuangzhu will stay in Lanba Academy in the future.

Then let her do these things.

Liu Erlong's eyes lit up.

She decided.

To train Jiangzhu to become the next her.

After she, the dean, retires, she will give the position to Jiang Zhu.

As for now?
Looking at the pile of documents, Liu Erlong decisively left the office and walked towards the back hill.

She wants to pull Zhuzhu here, and then teach her little by little, and start to cultivate her new life.

The women's dormitory of Lanba Academy.

Xiao Wu and Jiang Zhu have already returned to the room.

"Xiao Wu, I'll sleep with you tonight."


Now that Ning Rongrong has left, Zhu Zhuqing is not there, only Jiang Zhu is there, Xiao Wu naturally wants to get close to Jiang Zhu.

Then Jiang Zhu and Xiao Wu entered the room, and they got to the bed and lay down.

"Xiao Wu, what do you think Zhu Qing is doing with Gu Ye now?"

Jiangzhu turned around and asked.

Just now the two of them naturally saw that Zhu Zhuqing wanted them to leave.

And they are also very sensible to give the opportunity to Zhu Zhuqing.

"Well, maybe working in the kitchen." Xiao Wu guessed.

"It's really possible, Zhuqing likes her teacher Gu Ye so much, she will definitely drag Gu Ye into the kitchen to work together."

Suddenly, Jiang Zhu became a little envious of Zhu Zhuqing.

If only she could pull Gu Ye into the kitchen to work like Zhu Zhuqing.

Xiao Wu made a soft sound, feeling that Jiang Zhu really understood Zhu Qing.

But Zhuqing is also true, she made eye contact with them before, as if she wanted to drive them away, as if she was afraid that she and Jiangzhu would delay her.

"Okay, Jiangzhu, let's not talk about Zhuqing, let's talk about you, I have graduated now, I will leave soon, and I will definitely not be able to see you for a long time."

"Well, me."

In the room, Xiao Wu and Jiang Zhu slept on the bed, chatting slowly.

Back mountain, kitchen.

Because Gu Ye was manipulated by the traitor Zhu Zhuqing, he had already fallen into a situation where he couldn't extricate himself.

The current him could not reject Zhu Zhuqing at all.

Who made Zhu Zhuqing too strong?

Not long after, the two came from the kitchen and sat down on the sofa.

Gu Ye looked at Zhu Zhuqing in front of him, and Zhu Zhuqing also looked at his teacher, the affection in his eyes could not be concealed.

"Teacher, we together forever."


Just as Gu Ye answered, Zhu Zhuqing kissed his teacher again.

She wants to accommodate her teacher with a broad and full heart, and go to Wushan with him.

The two were sitting on the sofa, and when they were about to take the next step, their movements froze suddenly, and they both looked out the door.

Liu Erlong is back.

Yes, both found out.

Zhu Zhuqing secretly hated, just one last step away, just one last step before she could come back like her teacher.

In the end, even if he didn't want to, now that Liu Erlong was about to come in, in the end Zhu Zhuqing could only give up pushing his teacher to quickly get up from Gu Ye.

Gu Ye's mind was full of black lines.

He is all set.

Already ready to be pushed by the traitor.

Who knows

Gu Ye let out a long sigh.

This kind of thing really makes people helpless.

After Zhu Zhuqing straightened the clothes on his chest, he sat down next to Gu Ye.

Gu Ye had no choice but to tidy up later.

As soon as the two sat together, Liu Erlong walked in.

"Where is Jiang Zhu?" Liu Erlong who came in had already gotten used to seeing Gu Ye and Zhu Zhuqing so close.

"She just left, um... she left with Xiao Wu, Erlong, didn't you see?"

"That's it, wait"

Liu Erlong suddenly thought of something.

Xiao Wu and Jiang Zhu left, so Zhu Zhuqing and Gu Ye were the only ones left inside.

She knows best that her apprentice Zhu Zhuqing harbors ill intentions towards her teacher.

Now that the two are alone and widowed together, will something happen?
Liu Erlong knew Gu Ye's temperament very well, he was very bad.

When Gu Ye confessed to her that Zhu Zhuqing liked him before, he didn't deny that he liked Zhu Zhuqing.

That now.
Liu Erlong looked at the two of them thoughtfully.

Gu Ye was flustered by Liu Erlong's look.

Who made him almost pushed back by his apprentice just now?

People who have done bad things always have some fears, worrying about this and that.

However Zhu Zhuqing treated it indifferently.

She looked at Liu Erlong, with a cold expression on her face: "Principal Erlong, is there anything on me?"

"No." Liu Erlong said something, and sat directly next to Gu Ye.

She gave Gu Ye a hard look, and said, "There are too many things about the college. I plan to train Jiang Zhu to be my successor. She manages the college. What do you think?"

(End of this chapter)

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