Douluo's martial arts scalpel

Chapter 267 Gu Ye and his apprentice Zhu Zhuqing... galloping on horses.Dai Mubai died of grief

Chapter 267 Gu Ye and his apprentice Zhu Zhuqing rode their horses.Dai Mubai dies in grief

Zhu Zhuqing glared at Kadan angrily.

She really didn't want Kadan to be so bad.

Sneak up on her with your hands while she's sleeping.

It's really... so annoying.

"Hey, little sister Zhuqing, how about sleeping late?" Kadan smirked.

"Rain Girl has no melon."

Now Zhu Zhuqing doesn't want to deal with Kadan, a perverted woman.

It's okay to like her teacher.

He still wanted to do that to her.

Is this the woman who once was a king?
It turned out to be like this.

After a while, Gu Ye, Ka Dan, and Zhu Zhuqing walked out of the bedroom to enjoy the delicious breakfast served by the king of Barak Kingdom.

It's just that when eating breakfast, Kadan would always tease Zhu Zhuqing from time to time. Facing Kadan's teasing, Zhu Zhuqing was finally easy to be manipulated and sulked.

After that, Gu Ye, Kadan and Zhu Zhuqing went to play in Barak City together.

As for the king's affairs, how could a man be important to Kadan.

And in order to prevent others from disturbing her, she put on makeup directly.

The three of them spent a day playing in Tiandou City.

Then, in the next few days, Gu Ye basically stayed with Kadan.

Except that Kadan would provoke Zhu Zhuqing from time to time, it can be said that Gu Ye had a very happy life these past few days, and it was not an ordinary happiness.

Today, Gu Ye can only leave Kadan and go to the Star Luo Empire with Zhu Zhuqing.

"Sister Zhuqing, please don't do anything bad on the way."

"Well, by the way, if you want to learn from my sister's skills, you can come to my sister when you come back, she will teach you personally."

"Okay, my sister won't say much."

Zhu Zhuqing dismissed Kadan's words.

Who made Kadan always tease her, and always touch her when he sleeps at night.

"Cardan, let's go."

"Well, I'll wait for your return, Gu Ye."

After Kadan finished speaking, he watched his man walk away gradually.

And she also returned to the palace to continue her official duties accumulated in the past few days.

Apart from Barak City, a steed with the blood of a soul beast galloped towards the Star Luo Empire.

On the horse's back, Gu Ye hugged Zhu Zhuqing's waist tightly.

The two galloped on horseback.


"what happened?"

"Do you particularly like Cardan?"

"why do you say so?"

"It's nothing.. I just don't know if Teacher Erlong will be angry if she knows about you and Kadan." Zhu Zhuqing said slyly.

"Okay, now you have learned how to threaten the teacher, right? It seems that your apprentice is not obedient, and you must give a good lesson before signaling."

As soon as Gu Ye stopped talking, he immediately stopped his horse, turned Zhu Zhuqing around and looked at her face to face.

"Teacher..." Zhu Zhuqing's beautiful eyes were blurred, obviously waiting for the teacher's lesson.

As soon as Gu Ye bit his big mouth, he bit Zhu Zhuqing's plump little mouth, and taught his disobedient disciples a lesson.

Immediately after hugging Gu Ye's neck tightly, the two began to teach each other.


Gu Ye drove the horse and galloped.

Along the way, I don't know how many times I have taught this apprentice Zhu Zhuqing a lesson.


Zhu Zhuqing took a long breath and hugged his teacher's waist, leaning in his arms, enjoying that wonderful feeling.

Gu Ye drove the horse seriously and headed towards the Star Luo Empire.

"Teacher, after returning to Heaven Dou City, I'll help you persuade Teacher Erlong."

Gu Ye was taken aback by Zhu Zhuqing's words.

This is getting too fast too.

But thinking about what he taught his apprentice just now, isn't it normal for the apprentice to be obedient now?

"it is good."

Gu Ye laughed loudly and galloped his horse.

Two days later, Gu Ye and Zhu Zhuqing came to the territory of the Star Luo Empire.

As a member of the Zhu family, Zhu Zhuqing had no obstacles in returning to the Star Luo Empire.

And the two of them didn't stop, they went straight to the capital of Star Luo Empire, Star Luo City.

In Xingluo City, the residence of the prince.

Davis had already received the news about Zhu Zhuqing's return to the Star Luo Empire.

"Damn it, was it killed?"

"No wonder there's been no news for so long."

"That's right, if a soul emperor, a soul king can get rid of Zhu Zhuqing, she wouldn't have lived till now."

"But even if you come back, you can't change the reality."

Davis sneered.

With the current situation, let alone Zhu Zhuqing's return, even if they were given another half a year, they would never have a chance.

After all, Zhu Zhuqing and Dai Mubai couldn't be his and Zhu Zhuyun's opponents once they got the martial soul fusion skill.

Zhu's house, in a separate courtyard.

Zhu Zhuyun came to her mother's residence again.

Zhu Zhuqing's mother is still in a wheelchair.

It's just that no matter her figure or appearance, she is still extremely attractive, beautiful and mature at this time.

"Mom, Zhuqing is back."

"Really?" Zhu Qingyun paused and looked at Zhu Zhuyun.

"Really, there is another person who came back with her, her teacher."

"That man named Gu Ye?"

"Yes, and based on the information I have received, she has an extremely close relationship with her teacher. If I didn't know that they are master and student, I would suspect that they are a couple."

"Is this...?"

Zhu Qingyun groaned.

She was looking forward to seeing this Gu Ye.

If she can really protect her little daughter for the rest of her life, she will be relieved.

Seeing her mother's worried look, Zhu Zhuyun also sighed inwardly.

She really didn't want to see this appearance, but this was the rule of the Star Luo Empire and the Zhu family, and she couldn't change anything.

In the end, she could only hope that Gu Ye would be able to protect Zhu Zhuqing.

Star Luo City, in a special canyon.

This is the royal forbidden area, where an ancestor enshrined by the Dai family rests.

It has always been forbidden for anyone to enter here, but at this moment, a man with a gloomy face came out from inside.

It was none other than Dai Mubai.

Dai Mubai has never been a person who resigns himself to fate, since his father called Zhu Zhuqing back a month ago, he has been looking for a way.

Then he found a forbidden book in the family, which recorded some things about the royal forbidden area.

After that, in order to survive, he sneaked into it.

But now, when he came out again, Dai Mubai was different.

At this time Dai Mubai's face was full of evil spirits, completely different from before.

And it looks extremely weird.

"Hehe, Dai Mubai right? The Holy King accepts your body, don't worry, the Holy King understands the pain and obsession in your heart, and the Holy King will finish it for you."

That's right, Dai Mubai at this time is no longer Dai Mubai.

Instead, it was occupied by the soul of a white tiger holy king.

Before, Dai Mubai wanted to gain powerful power to sneak into the forbidden area and meet the White Tiger Sacred King in spirit form.

And the White Tiger Sacred King had indeed enhanced Dai Mubai's strength.

It's just that the method was too evil and charming, Dai Mubai felt resentment in his heart, and his obsession was too deep, which almost caused his body to explode and died, and finally returned to a coma.

In the end, only the flexible white tiger holy king forcibly took Dai Mubai's body, and even devoured Dai Mubai's soul.

It is also like this, the White Tiger Sacred King knows everything about Dai Mubai, and also knows what Dai Mubai's obsession is.

Kill Gu Ye.

Possesses his fiancée Zhu Zhuqing.

Kill Davis.

Possesses sister-in-law Zhu Zhuyun.

That's right, Dai Mubai's later obsessions are heavier than the former.

Because Davis persecuted him, he suffered a lot.

The hatred in his heart twisted Dai Mubai's mind, wishing he could possess Zhu Zhuyun in front of Davis.

Now the White Tiger Sacred King occupying Dai Mubai's body has accepted Dai Mubai's body, so naturally he also has to accept his obsession.

If he didn't help Dai Mubai complete his obsession, his soul could not be completely integrated with his body.


"Gods of the God Realm!"

"It means that you are all waiting for the Holy King. One day, the Holy King will return to the God Realm and pull you high gods down from the throne."

When it comes to the God Realm, the White Tiger Sacred King is full of hatred.

Ever since the Dragon God died in battle, the spirit beast family has been slaughtered to death by the gods of the God Realm.

As a powerful existence, the White Tiger Sacred King was besieged to death by several gods, and in the end only one divine sense was left to return to the land of the Douluo Continent.

Since then, the ancestral land has been blocked and no one came in, which made him unable to leave.

Dai Mubai's coming in is entirely to give him a chance.

Because of this, he was able to escape.

And fused with Dai Mubai's body, with his once formidable strength, coupled with Dai Mubai's good aptitude, it is only a matter of time before he becomes a god.

When he becomes a god, it will be the time when all the gods in the God Realm will fall.

Dai Mubai sneered, and stepped out of the forbidden area step by step.

Before that, Dai Mubai's strength was only level 42 Soul Sect.

But after his soul spirit merged with Dai Mubai's body and devoured Dai Mubai's body at the same time, he had already reached level fifty.

And he himself is the Holy King of the White Tiger, and also belongs to the soul beast.

Directly imbue Dai Mubai's body with his own spiritual thoughts to form a soul ring.

One must know that he, the White Tiger Sacred King, is a god-level soul beast. Although there is only a trace of divine sense left, he still has some energy.

Because of this, he condensed into a soul ring, which directly allowed him to break through to level 55.

Now he has made a decision, after going out, he will hide and develop slowly, after that, he will take revenge and help Dai Mubai resolve his obsessions and fully integrate his body, and then it will be his time to rise.

On the way to Xingluo City, Gu Ye and Zhu Zhuqing wanted to sit opposite a horse.

Zhu Zhuqing straddled in front of Gu Ye, hugging Gu Ye, Gu Ye held Zhu Zhuqing in one hand, and drove the horse with the other, towards Xingluo City.

The two of them didn't know about Dai Mubai.

What's more, they don't know that Dai Mubai is already dead, and his body was snatched by the White Tiger Sacred King.

The two of them are galloping towards Star Luo City now.

Obviously don't care about the little things.

"Teacher. Ride slower."

At this moment, Zhu Zhuqing opened his mouth slightly and made a request.

"Riding. Ride slower, or ride something slower?" Gu Ye asked with a smirk.

Zhu Zhuqing blushed, and bit Gu Ye's mouth hard.

Let him dare to laugh at himself.

"Okay, okay, the teacher knows, ride slowly."

Gu Ye didn't want Zhu Zhuqing to be too uncomfortable, so he had to stop the horse, and then rode a little slower, and the two walked slowly to Xingluo City.

Although the road is bumpy, it is a very good embellishment for the couple on the horse.

(End of this chapter)

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