Douluo's martial arts scalpel

Chapter 268 The Rebel...

Chapter 268

At this moment, Zhu Zhuqing looked at his teacher, bit his lips lightly, and showed a charming posture.

"Teacher, I have made a decision."


"I want to be your woman." After speaking, Zhu Zhuqing lowered her head shyly.

"Zhuqing, have you forgotten what Kadan told you before? And we are riding horses in the wild now?"

"I don't listen to her, the wicked woman."

When it comes to Kadan Zhu Zhuqing is full of hostility and indignation.

But if you're with her teacher, it's not impossible to do things in the wild, right away
Zhu Zhuqing looked around, and suddenly an idea came to his mind.

What Kadan said before was a provocation to her.

Cardan said that he could not do anything to the teacher Gu Ye.

She had to do it.And she decides.

After returning to Xingluo City, she will take the teacher to the hotel, and she will force the teacher.

After making the decision, Zhu Zhuqing asked his teacher, Gu Ye, to hurry to Xingluo City.

Two days later, Zhu Zhuqing and Gu Ye came to Xingluo City.

At this time, the two of them had changed their faces.

The purpose is naturally not to let some people know that they have returned to Star Luo City.

Moreover, with the ability of space, it is not too simple to enter the city from outside Xingluo City without making a sound.

After entering the city, Zhu Zhuqing felt a little emotional.

After leaving here for more than a year and nearly two years, I finally came back here.

And she didn't know what was going to happen afterwards, but now she knew what she wanted to do most.

"Teacher, follow me." Zhu Zhuqing pulled Gu Ye and walked towards a place.

Zhu Zhuqing was very familiar with Star Luo City, and his destination was very clear.

After a while, a hotel appeared in Gu Ye's eyes.

Seeing his apprentice Zhu Zhuqing bring him to the hotel, Gu Ye inexplicably thought of Zhu Zhuqing's words before.

However, before Gu Ye could ask anything, Zhu Zhuqing dragged Gu Ye into the hotel.

The hotel is a high-end hotel, and the room service is the best.

Zhu Zhuqing was very domineering, and directly took out a bag of money and asked for the best room.

After giving the money, Zhu Zhuqing took his teacher to the highest floor of the hotel without hesitation.

As soon as he entered, Zhu Zhuqing was stunned by the layout inside.

The room is very large, the living room in front of it alone has an area of ​​more than [-] square meters. In the hall, all the furniture are all silver, carved with exquisite patterns, and the big red carpet is covered with embossed red roses. The texture, what surprised them the most was a huge red heart made of large roses in the center of the hall.

The entire peach heart has an area of ​​nearly two square meters, and at least a thousand roses are needed to complete it.There is a slender ribbon hanging on it, with a line of words written on it, one thousand and one, you are my only one.

In addition to the thousand and one roses, elegant vases are placed around the room, all of which are filled with fiery red roses. The rich rose fragrance pervades every corner of the room, and the charming beauty is dazzling. .

Then Zhu Zhuqing took the teacher Gu Ye to the bedroom, and the two of them were shocked again.

As expected, there was only one bed in the bedroom, but this big bed, which occupied almost half of the room, was heart-shaped.

A light red gauze curtain hangs from the roof, covering the

Blocking the space above the heart-shaped bed gives people a dreamlike aesthetic feeling.

The red rose quilt, the red rose patterned pillow, all of them carried a layer of strong ambiguity that made the blood flow faster.

There is also a crooked chair next to the big red bed. This chair is very special. It seems that it is not suitable for sitting, but only suitable for lying down, or bending over, or squatting, or doing some difficult movements.

When Gu Ye saw this chair, he admired the owner of the hotel extremely, he is really a talent.

This kind of chair actually exists in Douluo Continent.

Except for the chair.

The big red yoga ball seems to be used for yoga when guests are bored.

In addition to the yoga ball, the one-person bathtub in the bathroom is really made with ulterior motives.

The room for two people uses a single bathtub. Is it a bath or what to do?

After Zhu Zhuqing let out a soft cry, he came to the big heart-shaped bed and lay down lightly.

On the big red heart-shaped bed, Zhu Zhuqing, who was wearing a black leather coat, seemed to stand out over there.

In particular, that hot figure with bumps and convexes is not ordinary.

Under such a fun atmosphere, Gu Ye found that his blood was boiling passively.

This feeling is entirely ambient rendering rather than instinct.

Then Gu Ye knew what the reason was.

Outside the lobby, as well as the flowers in the room, are releasing some aphrodisiac mist.

These fogs are non-toxic, and they are light in weight. They can only achieve the effect of helping people, and they are not harmful at all.

Gu Ye was once again speechless to the owner of the hotel.

After Zhu Zhuqing lay on the bed, he found that the bed was so soft.

It must be very comfortable to sleep here tonight.

It would definitely be more comfortable to sleep with the teacher.

Then Zhu Zhuqing secretly glanced at the teacher Gu Ye, seeing that he still didn't make a move, he was silent.

Even though she was so obvious, Gu Ye still didn't make a move. It seems that she, a disciple, needs to do it herself!
No Zhu Zhuqing is not in a hurry, anyway they have plenty of time tonight.

She didn't believe that she couldn't take down the teacher tonight.

Then she got up from the bed and walked to Gu Ye, imitating the tone of Kadan talking to her teacher before, "Teacher, I will go to the room to take a bath first, you can't come in!"

After speaking, Zhu Zhuqing walked towards the bathroom.

The bathroom is inside the room, and basically only separated by a thin wall, again made of clear glass.

Now that Zhu Zhuqing went in, Gu Ye could see clearly what she was doing inside.

The tone of Zhu Zhuqing's words just now, coupled with Zhu Zhuqing's actions in the bathroom, Gu Ye seriously suspected that Kadan was leading Zhu Zhuqing badly.


Gu Ye came to lie down on the big red heart-shaped bed and sighed.

Now he is inexplicably a little...excited.

Star Luo Palace.

At this time Dai Mubai walked out of the palace silently.

Just now Emperor Xue Ye summoned him, and at the same time told him that Zhu Zhuqing had returned to the Star Luo Empire.

After Dai Mubai found out, his soul became excited instinctively.

Because Zhu Zhuqing is a stunning beauty with an extremely monstrous figure.

With Dai Mubai's lustful temperament, he has been greedy for Zhu Zhuqing for a long time.

If it wasn't for his lack of strength, he would have wanted to take Zhu Zhuqing down a long time ago.

Although he is dead now, his soul is fused with the White Tiger Sacred King, the two are already the same person, Dai Mubai's soul is trembling, so is the White Tiger Sacred King.

"It seems that we will be able to meet this attractive fiancee soon."

"Don't worry, I will taste her well then."

Influenced by Dai Mubai's soul, the White Tiger Sacred King also has a deep love for women.

What's more, in his previous life, as the Holy King of the White Tiger, he was extremely lustful by nature, and now the fusion of the two souls will become even more lustful.

At this moment, Davis and Zhu Zhuyun walked over from not far away.

When the two saw Dai Mubai, they naturally wanted to go over and get close to each other.

"Mubai, where are you going?"

One of the people Davis Dai Mubai most wanted to kill.

When he saw Davis, the White Tiger Sacred King's eyes flashed fiercely, and he instinctively wanted to kill him, but only when he thought that he was Dai Mubai now did he suppress his killing intent.

"Hehe, Davis, there's no need to be hypocritical here, who doesn't know who?" Dai Mubai said with a sneer, looking at Zhu Zhuyun who was beside Davis.

Zhu Zhuyun's appearance and figure are not much worse than Zhu Zhuqing's, and he has the status of sister-in-law, which makes Dai Mubai even more greedy.

Seeing a real person now, even the White Tiger Sacred King has to praise him, he deserves to be Zhu Zhuyun.

"Dai Mubai, why are you looking at me like this?" Zhu Zhuqing had disgust on his face.

She always felt that Dai Mubai had malicious intentions in his eyes.

"Hehe, sister-in-law, you are so beautiful, naturally you have to appreciate it, and don't worry, you will take the initiative to let me appreciate it soon."

After Dai Mubai finished speaking, he turned and left.

Zhu Zhuyun and Davis frowned.

Dai Mubai's attitude made them a little puzzled.

"Weiss, have you noticed that Dai Mubai seems to have changed?"

"There are some."

"But no matter how he changes, he is doomed to fail."

Davis sneered, turned and walked towards the palace.

Zhu Zhuyun glanced at Dai Mubai's back before following Davis.

It's just that she felt that Dai Mubai was really different.

Star Luo City, the highest floor of a certain hotel.

In the bathroom, Zhu Zhuqing sat in the bathtub and bathed herself beautifully.

She deliberately raised her long legs, and deliberately showed her pride.

She knew that Gu Ye outside would definitely be able to see clearly.

She just wants to seduce her teacher and make him unable to extricate himself.

"This bathtub"

At this time, Zhu Zhuqing was attracted by the shape of the bathtub in which he bathed.

The size of the bathtub is just right for one person to lie down on, but it is deep enough for two people.

Wouldn't it be useful if she took a bath with teacher Gu Ye?

Zhu Zhuqing fantasized about it, and half the sky blushed instantly on his face.

But she believed that there must be a chance after tonight.

Then after taking a bath, she took out a set of clothes from the storage ring.

This dress is very special.

Because it's translucent, it's still black.

Now that Zhu Zhuqing puts it on, people can't look directly at the infinitely seductive scenery.

Then Zhu Zhuqing smiled with satisfaction, and walked out of the bathroom.

When she saw that the lights in the room were turned off, her beautiful eyes froze.

She hastily turned on the light, and when she saw her teacher, Gu Ye was already lying on the bed, apparently asleep.


Zhu Zhuqing came over with a shout.

Hearing Zhu Zhuqing's voice, Gu Ye knew that he couldn't escape now.

He opened his eyes.

But when he opened it, he froze for a moment.

Is this still Zhu Zhuqing?
Is this still his apprentice?

This is so tempting!
Wait, when did Zhu Zhuqing buy this dress?
Why doesn't he know?
Black, translucent lace pajamas, no matter how you look at them, they are sexy clothes.

What Gu Ye didn't know was that this dress was privately given to Zhu Zhuqing by Kadan.

At that time, Zhu Zhuqing still dismissed it, vowing that he would never do it, and then secretly put it away.

(End of this chapter)

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