Douluo's martial arts scalpel

Chapter 269 Fighting against the Master and Disciple... Zhu Zhuqing

Chapter 269

To Zhu Zhuqing's surprise, the charm value of this dress was immediately full.

Even her teacher, Gu Ye, was stunned by her attraction.

“Bamboo Ching..”

Gu Ye hadn't finished speaking yet.

Zhu Zhuqing leaned down and blocked Gu Ye's mouth.

At this time, Zhu Zhuqing had completely thought it through, she was the woman who wanted to be her own teacher.

Today, at this time, she wants to be the woman of her teacher.

And the room here is so beautiful, it is the most suitable for her and the teacher's first time.

Gu Ye felt the softness of Zhu Zhuqing's lips, and hugged Zhu Zhuqing's tender body unconsciously.

Zhu Zhuqing smiled slightly in her heart, and she knew that her teacher liked her the most.

She leaned over to look at Gu Ye, with a trace of confusion in her eyes, and said, "Teacher, love me!"

"Love me", Zhu Zhuqing took the initiative to the extreme.

Gu Ye also took the initiative to the extreme.

The two will perfectly deduce the master against the apprentice.

The big red heart-shaped bed, single-person bathtub, yoga ball, and odd-shaped seats are all weird.

"Father, what do you need from me?"

In the Xingluo Palace, Davis came to the main hall and saluted the Xingluo Emperor on the throne.

"Well, Zhu Zhuqing already knew about the return to the Star Luo Empire, right?"

"Yes, I have heard about it, but I only know that she returned to the Star Luo Empire, but I haven't seen her return to Star Luo City."

"Since you are back, you will be there soon. You should be clear about this. After she comes back, your competition will soon begin. You should know what the empire's system is. I will not favor anyone. Do you understand? ?”

"Yes, Royal Father, I understand."

After a few words of warning, Emperor Xingluo let Davis and Zhu Zhuyun leave.

He called the two of them here just to warn them.

Now he is old.

For the future of the Star Luo Empire, he must also give up the throne.

But now it seems that it will not work for a while.

"Wes, what do you mean by your father?"

"What else can you mean, warn me."

"is it?"

Zhu Zhuyun pondered, feeling inexplicably happy.

It may be that my sister is happy, or it may be that she is happy for her mother.

After leaving, Zhu Zhuyun made a special trip back to Zhu's house.

"Hmph, return the prince, it seems that everyone in Star Luo City is supporting Davis!"

After Dai Mubai returned to the residence, he found the simplicity of the residence, and the cold attitude of the person he met today made him sneer.

Soon he will let the people of Star Luo City know how low their dog eyes are.

"Now let's exercise our body first, this Dai Mubai doesn't know why, his body is so weak even though he possesses the white tiger spirit."

The White Tiger Sacred King was somewhat dissatisfied with Dai Mubai's body.

It's just too weak.

Compared with him back then, it's like heaven and earth.

He seriously doubted whether Dai Mubai was so weak because of laziness.

However, the White Tiger Sacred King misunderstood Dai Mubai on this point.

Soul masters in Douluo Dalu are basically physically weak, and it's normal for Dai Mubai to be weak.

As soon as the White Tiger Sacred King moved, a burst of brilliant white light lit up on his body, starting to exercise Dai Mubai's body.

For him who used to be a divine beast, he is not only powerful and knowledgeable, but also has abilities that ordinary people can't match.

The exclusive body training method of the white tiger clan of soul beasts can allow him to quickly increase his body strength and at the same time temper the purity of his soul power.

It won't be long before his strength can be further improved.

Star Luo City, somewhere in a hotel.

On the chair, Zhu Zhuqing hugged his teacher, his eyes were full of love.

She finally got to this point.

A woman who finally became her own teacher.

She felt happier than ever.

Happiness like never before.

No wonder Kadan, a bad woman, always pesters her teacher like that.

She also understood why Liu Erlong was so obsessed with her teacher.

Just like she is now, she is also infatuated with her teacher.

“Bamboo Ching..”


The two called out to each other, their eyes met, and they couldn't help kissing each other again, asking for their love.

At this moment, Zhu Zhuqing's love for the teacher not only turned into the tide, but also his longing melted into the sea, surging and unstoppable.

"Zhuyun, I know, but why do I have a strange feeling?"

Zhu's house, Zhu Zhuqing's mother's yard.

After Zhu Qingyun learned what happened today from Zhu Zhuyun's mouth, she felt a little relieved.

But what made her strange was that she had some strange sensations in her body at this time.

It's like...that weird feeling.

She doesn't know why either.

"What happened to Zhuqing?"

Because Zhu Qingyun and Zhu Zhuqing are mother and daughter, they are the most similar, no matter in appearance, figure or personality.

Therefore, the two will have a special talent for unilateral mother-daughter connection.

Once something unexpected happens to her daughter, or something important, she can feel it.

It is also true that during the period when Zhu Zhuqing was away from home, she often felt the unhappiness of her daughter Zhu Zhuqing.

Afterwards, she should have met her teacher, and she gradually got better.

The strange feeling now made her worry, wouldn't her daughter have been assassinated?
Zhu Qingyun's worry was written on her face, and Zhu Zhuyun saw it in her eyes, thinking that her mother was being overwhelmed.

"Mom, this girl Zhuqing is with her teacher. Her teacher is an extremely talented person, and nothing unexpected will happen. You are overthinking."

"Am I really overthinking?"

"It must be. Think about it. After entering the Star Luo Empire, whoever dares to touch the members of the Zhu family will dare to touch as long as Zhuqing reports his identity."

"That's right, maybe I'm overthinking."

But Zhu Qingyun still felt a little strange.

Because of being connected with Zhu Zhuqing's mother and daughter, a special emotion made her cheeks flush.

This weird feeling made Zhu Qingyun feel ashamed.

Zhu Zhuyun at the side saw her mother's cheeks were rosy and shiny, and couldn't help staring for a moment.

"Mom, I found that you look very similar to Zhuqing, especially now, they are exactly the same. If you and Zhuqing go out now, people will definitely think you are sisters."

Zhu Zhuyun's words brought Zhu Qingyun back to his senses.

"Is it as exaggerated as you said?"

"Of course there is, and it's not an exaggeration at all. Mom, you are very young and beautiful?" Zhu Zhuyun praised her mother without ambiguity at all.

But there was one thing that made her envious.

That is, her mother cared much better for her younger sister Zhuqing than she did.

Moreover, although her appearance is somewhat similar to Zhu Qingyun's, she is only six points like her, while Zhu Zhuqing and Zhu Qingyun are nine points alike.

Zhu Zhuqing was exactly what her mother looked like when she was young, and Zhu Qingyun was exactly what Zhu Zhuqing looked like after she was mature and charming.

"Okay, Zhuyun, you go down first, I want to be alone for a while."

"Well, then I'll leave first."

Zhu Zhuyun said and left the yard.

After Zhu Zhuyun left, Zhu Qingyun slightly loosened her lip biting, took a long breath, and suppressed the discomfort in her heart.

"Zhuqing must have happened."

Zhu Qingyun suddenly thought of something.

The complexion changed.

Her daughter must have been assassinated.

Otherwise, she wouldn't feel this strange feeling.

As for mother-daughter Lianxin talent, she has always been unilateral, her daughter doesn't feel her emotions, and it's exactly the same, Zhu Zhuqing doesn't know.

But she could clearly feel it.

At this moment, Zhu Qingyun secretly guessed who stabbed her daughter.

"Is it him?"

"It should be impossible, the two are masters and apprentices."

"If it's true, isn't it?"

"Heh, what's the point? Compared with the Zhu family, it's simply too normal."

Zhu Qingyun couldn't help showing a hint of sarcasm when she thought of the rules of the Zhu family, intermarriage among the people.

She has become numb to the matter of protecting the purity of the family's bloodline to produce a better quality martial soul, and she is even familiar with it.

It would not be unacceptable if her daughter Zhuqing was with her teacher.

"Forget it. Let's ask this girl after Zhuqing comes back."

"This relationship must be severed now. Otherwise"

Zhu Qingyun thought to quickly close the gesture of connecting with Zhu Zhuqing, without him, the feeling was too uncomfortable.

But this is a talent, and it is not easy to turn it off.

In the end, she could only endure the "pain" of being stabbed silently.

Star Luo City, a hotel somewhere.

On the big heart-shaped bed, Zhu Zhuqing looked at his beloved teacher with a blissful smile.

"Teacher, what is this?"

At this time, Zhu Zhuqing, who was lying on Gu Ye's chest, pointed to the ball beside the bed curiously, and looked at his teacher with a full face of knowledge.

"This... should be ordinary exercise equipment!"

"Exercise equipment? Then how do I exercise? Why do I feel that this ball is not effective for exercise? Teacher, why don't you teach me?" Zhu Zhuqing deserves to be a good apprentice, but he just loves to study.

"Zhuqing, not very easy to study, and"

"And what?" Zhu Zhuqing was puzzled.

"And it's not suitable for you to study."

"No, I have to learn." Once Zhu Zhuqing made a decision, it was hard to change.

It's like reversing the matter of the teacher. Now that it has been done, she will carry it through to the end.

The same is true of learning.

Seeing that Zhu Zhuqing was so eager to learn, Gu Ye felt helpless.

The next second, to Gu Ye's astonishment, Zhu Zhuqing had already got off the bed, came to the ball, and started the exercise mode.

Pressing the body, bending the waist, and raising the legs, all movements are so skillful.

What Gu Ye saw was a burst of heartbeat.

"Teacher, come and help me." Zhu Zhuqing called to Gu Ye, asking him to help him.

With this shout, Gu Ye's soul was immediately called away.

As a teacher, Gu Ye must also teach his apprentices how to use exercise equipment to exercise their bodies correctly.

Can't make a mistake because of this, which will cause sequelae in the body in the future.

"Is it correct for the teacher to press his legs like this?"

"Well, not bad."

"So what?"

Zhu Zhuqing looked at his teacher with a seductive smile.

"It's great, it's great!" Gu Ye was admiring and praising his apprentice's graceful figure while instructing.

(End of this chapter)

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