Douluo's martial arts scalpel

Chapter 281 The medical center where beautiful mature women gather

Chapter 281 The medical center where beautiful mature women gather
"Zhuqing, your mother is fine, it's just that she doesn't have a good rest."

With that said, Gu Ye looked at Zhu Qingyun and asked her to go in and have a good rest.

Zhu Qingyun nodded in agreement.

She couldn't sleep at night because of her daughter Zhu Zhuqing, but now she can always fall asleep during the day.

Once in the carriage, Zhu Qingyun took a good rest.

A few days later, Gu Ye finally returned to Heaven Dou City with Zhu Zhuqing, mother and daughter.

As soon as he came back, Gu Ye couldn't wait to go back to the medical hall.

I haven't seen my aunt Ye Zhixing, my sister Ye Lingling, and Liu Erlong for so many days, and I don't know how they are doing.

In the medical hall, as usual, many people came to seek medical treatment.

In the current medical hall, Ye Lingling's Nine-Hearted Begonia Martial Soul is basically helping these common people to treat them.

Although not many people are treated every day, they can always help many people.

In addition, it can also accumulate a lot of surgery points for Gu Ye.

Of course, my aunt Ye Zhixing also helps Ye Lingling, the little niece, manage the clinic from time to time.

Liu Erlong was more often in the Lanba Academy.

There will be a new semester at Lanba Academy soon, and she needs to deal with many things.

Not long after, Gu Ye took Zhu Zhuqing's mother and daughter back to the clinic.

Ye Zhixing and Ye Lingling were extremely happy when they saw Gu Ye.

Especially my aunt Ye Zhixing, wishing she could take Gu Ye back to her room and have a deep chat with him.

Then when the two saw Zhu Qingyun, a woman who looked very similar to Zhu Zhuqing, they had some doubts on their faces.

After a brief introduction to the two, Gu Ye introduced Ye Zhixing and Ye Lingling to Zhu Qingyun.

In the future, Zhu Qingyun will also live in the hospital.

In the past, there were only three rooms and one study room in the medical hall.

Now that Zhu Qingyun is here, naturally the study has to be tidied up and given over to her.

And in order to prevent Zhu Qingyun from having nothing to do, Gu Ye planned to let Zhu Qingyun help in the medical hall as well.

After talking with Ye Zhixing, Ye Lingling learned that Lanba Academy was about to open, and Gu Ye also planned to let Zhu Qingyun become a teacher in Lanba Academy.

After all, Zhu Qingyun is a strong soul sage, and now that her legs are healed, she should move about in her life.

And Gu Ye also really wanted to see what charming Zhu Qingyun would look like in a teacher's uniform.

Zhu Qingyun is very satisfied with Gu Ye's arrangement.

Now that she is staying in the medical hall, the next step is to get acquainted with Ye Zhixing and Ye Lingling.

Fortunately, they are relatively easy to get in touch with, and Zhu Qingyun is full of expectations for her future life.

In Lanba Academy, Liu Erlong was dealing with matters, but when she heard that Gu Ye and Zhu Zhuqing had returned, she immediately put down her work and went to the medical center.

"Dean, where are you going?" Seeing Liu Erlong leaving, Jiang Zhu hurriedly called her.

"Go to the clinic, Gu Ye is back."

"Teacher Gu Ye is back!" Jiang Zhu said with joy on his face, "Dean, I will go with you too."


Liu Erlong smiled and nodded.

Then the two left Lanba Academy and came to Gu Ye Medical Center.

At this time, the medical clinic had already issued a medical license, and the five of Gu Ye were in the backyard. It was approaching evening and it was time to cook.

Ye Zhixing, as a good woman in a thrifty family, naturally wanted to show off her skills, so she went to the kitchen to make some dinner.

Ye Lingling and Zhu Zhuqing knew about her and Gu Ye's return to the Star Luo Empire these days.

After the news of the battle in front of Guye Xingluo City Gate spread across the mainland, Ye Lingling was worried for a while.

"Gu Ye!"

Liu Erlong, who walked in, saw Gu Ye who was sitting in the living room chatting, and walked in with a soft shout.

"Principal Erlong! Sister Jiangzhu, why are you here?"

Liu Erlong rolled his eyes at the little girl Ye Lingling. She is Gu Ye's woman, so why wouldn't Gu Ye come back when he came back.

Jiang Zhu also glanced at Ye Lingling with a smile.

Ye Lingling realized that what she said was wrong, so she could only sit down with a smile.

"Zhuqing, is this your sister?" Liu Erlong asked Zhu Qingyun when he saw Zhu Qingyun.

Zhu Qingyun was embarrassed!
She was quite happy to be called her daughter's sister, but Zhu Qingyun glanced at Gu Ye and smiled inexplicably.

"Principal Erlong, this is my mother."


Liu Erlong looked at Zhu Qingyun in disbelief.

Why does she look like a sister?

Well, Zhu Qingyun does look younger and looks so much like Zhu Zhuqing, so it's no wonder Liu Erlong admitted his mistake.

Then Gu Ye could only turn into an introducer to introduce Zhu Qingyun and Liu Erlong.

After knowing it, Liu Erlong and Zhu Qingyun greeted each other kindly and chatted.

The two are about the same age, but they look like sisters.

Moreover, Liu Erlong really wanted to know some things about Zhu Qingyun, and the two of them chatted, and their relationship became much closer.

Jiang Zhu came to Gu Ye's side, and also wanted to know how he was living these days.

All of a sudden, a hundred flowers bloomed in the hall of the medical hall.

The beautiful mature woman Zhu Qingyun, the beautiful mature woman Liu Erlong, Zhu Zhuqing with a hot body, the sister next door Ye Lingling, the imperial sister Fan's Jiangzhu, and the imperial sister's mature woman Ye Zhixing in the kitchen.

There are so many beauties gathered in this small medical clinic, all of them live in harmony, and their jokes are even more like sisters.

Gu Ye saw it in his eyes and was delighted in his heart.

"Erlong, Zhuqing, while you guys are chatting, I'll go into the kitchen and help Aunt Zhixing."

"Well, let's go." Liu Erlong waved his hand, signaling Gu Ye not to disturb her.

Zhu Qingyun looked at Gu Ye with a smile, and started talking with Liu Erlong again.

Jiangzhu sat beside Zhuqing and had a good talk with her.

Now that there is no guy like Gu Ye, the five girls obviously chat more happily.

In the kitchen, Ye Zhixing was busy.

When seeing Gu Ye coming in, he said a little differently: "You don't pay them how they came in outside."

"Seeing Aunt Xing, you are working in the kitchen alone, I couldn't bear it, so I came in to help you." Gu Ye smiled.

"Spoof! Then come on, I can't do it alone. It can be done faster with you."

Ye Zhixing handed over some work to Gu Ye, and started to work by herself.

Gu Ye has long been used to working in the kitchen.

Now I can work with my aunt Ye Zhixing, and the efficiency is also very fast.

"Gu Ye, I was also taken aback when I received the news that you were killing all directions in Star Luo City? I didn't expect you to be so powerful."

"Aunt Zhixing, in fact, I still have something stronger?"

"Really? Then when will you show me?"

"Have a chance, maybe you will be even more surprised then."


Ye Zhixing nodded with a smile.

Usually, Gu Ye always has a gentle and elegant posture, and rarely fights with others.

Ye Zhixing really wanted to see Gu Ye's strongest point with his own eyes.

Ye Zhixing thought of something and secretly glanced at Gu Ye.

And Gu Ye was busy, so he didn't notice Aunt Ye Zhixing's peeking.

Unexpectedly, Gu Ye suddenly raised his eyes at this moment, and instantly caught Ye Zhixing's gaze.

Ye Zhixing turned around in an instant and continued to cook carefully.

Gu Ye looked at Ye Zhixing's delicate body in the cooking, and suddenly stopped and walked behind Ye Zhixing.

"Aunt Zhixing, this dish is not copied like this."


Ye Zhixing didn't understand what Gu Ye meant.

In the next second, she was taken aback for a moment.

Gu Ye hugged her from behind, his body stuck tightly behind her, grabbed her hand with one hand, and wanted to teach her how to cook.

"Aunt Zhixing, I think you are not very proficient in copying, so let me teach you."

"Hmm." Ye Zhixing replied in a low voice, but her face turned red instantly.

"This stir-fry, you need to pay attention to the heat and strength. It can't be too heavy or too light. It's like exercising at a certain time. If it's too heavy, the other party won't be able to stand it. If it's too light, it won't feel it. Aunt Zhixing ,do you understand?"

Gu Ye's earnest teachings made Ye Zhixing suddenly realize, but he was shy and impatient.

She didn't expect that Gu Ye was so bad.

Even her little aunt would tease her.

Ye Zhixing really wanted to look back, but she still accepted Gu Ye's teaching seriously.

Gu Ye has always worked tirelessly to teach her to those who like to learn.

Teaching my aunt Ye Zhixing is even more personal, so that she can understand more clearly the importance of a certain cooking movement.

Not long after, the two finally finished their work in the kitchen and asked Zhu Zhuqing who was chatting outside to come in and serve the dishes.

Jiangzhu was the first to walk in, and seeing Ye Zhixing looking a little tired, she asked doubtfully, "Aunt Zhixing, are you alright?"

Because Gu Ye called Aunt Ye Zhixing, Jiang Zhu was also used to calling her Aunt Xing.

"It's okay, I just choked on the smoke just now."


Without thinking too much about it, Jiangzhu served the dishes and walked out of the kitchen.

Ye Zhixing rolled Gu Ye's eyes, secretly angry at his teaching just now.

However, Gu Ye's teaching was indeed useful, and she felt that her cooking skills had improved a bit.

After a while, at the table.

A man and six women sat up and started tonight's evening.

Looking at the six beauties, Gu Ye suddenly felt that the dishes on the table were no longer delicious.

The phrase "beautiful and delicious" perfectly interprets the current Gu Ye.

It seemed that Liu Erlong had really chatted with Zhu Qingyun, and he didn't sit next to Gu Ye and Zhu Qingyun even when eating.

"Qing Yun, why don't you move to the academy tomorrow, so that you can get familiar with the affairs of the academy."

It turned out that Zhu Qingyun had already told Liu Erlong about wanting to become a teacher at Lanba Academy.

After Liu Erlong knew that Zhu Qingyun was a soul sage, he couldn't wait to let her in.

It was also true that the more they chatted, the more satisfied they became.

"It's not good..." Zhu Qingyun hesitated, she still liked it here, it was very lively.

"It's okay. There is also a residence in the back mountain of my college. You can live there with me whenever you want. Besides, you are older than me. I will call you Sister Qingyun from now on."

"This..." Zhu Qingyun hesitated, but nodded in agreement.

This agreement made Gu Ye stare.

Zhu Qingyun is Zhu Zhuqing's mother, now Liu Erlong's older sister.

Why is this relationship getting more and more chaotic.

But to Gu Ye's relief, the deep relationship with him has not changed.

No, although Zhu Qingyun agreed to enter Lanba Academy with Liu Erlong, she still waited for tomorrow.

She still wants to live here tonight.

After all, this is Gu Ye's medical center.

Her daughter should be there too.

(End of this chapter)

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