Douluo's martial arts scalpel

Chapter 282 Planting the Blue Silver Emperor

Chapter 282 Planting the Blue Silver Emperor

After a meal, Zhu Qingyun, Liu Erlong, Ye Zhixing and the girls became familiar with each other.

And not only familiar, but also directly become Liu Erlong, Ye Zhixing's older sister.

This messy relationship made Gu Ye feel some inexplicable excitement.

Gu Ye sometimes wonders if he has some of that.

But just looking at the looks of Liu Erlong, Ye Zhixing, and Zhu Qingyun, as well as Gu Ye's mature temperament, he knew it.

I am normal.

Lust is a man's nature.

At night, the medical hall.

Inside Zhu Qingyun's room.

This room was originally Gu Ye's study, but now it has been tidied up and becomes Zhu Qingyun's room.

Zhu Qingyun suddenly found that since leaving Zhu's house, not only her life but also her mood had become much better.

Only at this moment did she realize that the Zhu family was a shackle to her.

Gu Ye helped her break the shackles, and her life was full of hope again.

Of course, there is one thing that is not so good.

That is the point of the mother-to-daughter relationship.


"It seems that we have to find an opportunity to talk to Gu Ye, otherwise we will get deeper and deeper."

Zhu Qingyun is Zhu Zhuqing's mother.

Because of this, Gu Ye became more and more strange.

She even dreams of Gu Ye at night.

even with him.
Zhu Qingyun has decided to have a good talk with Gu Ye in a few days, this matter cannot be delayed, otherwise she is afraid that she will be trapped in Gu Ye.

Of the four rooms in the medical hall, Zhu Qingyun occupied them for a while, Ye Zhixing, Ye Lingling, and Zhu Zhuqing each had one.

As for Gu Ye, Liu Erlong, and Jiang Zhu, they could only go back to live in the back mountain of Lanba Academy.

Today's Lanba Academy is basically managed by Jiang Zhu and Liu Erlong, and it is exactly the same. When Gu Ye was away, the back mountain became the residence of the two.

Now that Gu Ye came back, there was a man between the two women, life naturally had a different flavor.

"Erlong, I met something when I came back, and I dug it up for you to raise."


Liu Erlong looked at Gu Ye curiously, and so did Jiang Zhu.

Gu Ye took out the seeds of the Blue Silver Emperor Ah Yin and placed them in front of them.

"This is Blue Silver Grass!" Liu Erlong looked at Gu Ye differently.I don't understand why he would send such a thing to her.

"This is no ordinary Blue Silver Grass, but the Blue Silver Emperor, the seed left behind after the death of a 10 year soul beast."

"One hundred thousand..years.."

Liu Erlong, Zhu Zhu was different, looked at Gu Ye in surprise.

Gu Ye nodded, and told the two girls about the Blue Silver Emperor.

Of course, it was Gu Ye who wanted to tell the two of them.

"After this seed is planted, if Erlong takes good care of it and pours some special medicinal liquid every day, maybe it can transform into a human again."

Gu Ye's words moved Liu Erlong's heart.

If she can really grow a "person", it seems very good.

Then she took the seeds without hesitation, took them to the flowerpot on the window in the room and planted them.

The soil in this flowerpot has been watered with a special liquid medicine, which contains a lot of energy, if the Blue Silver Emperor absorbs it, it should be able to recover quickly.

And she also has a lot of special medicinal liquids that can water the Blue Silver Emperor and help her transform into a human being as soon as possible.

And Jiang Zhu was also a little curious, and followed Liu Erlong to the room.

After one felling, the Blue Silver Emperor instantly regained its vitality, temporarily emitting a brilliant blue brilliance, which was extremely glamorous.

Liu Erlong took a look, then stretched out his hand to touch the leaf on the blue silver crown.

Lan Yinhuang seemed a little shy, and even dodged for a while, but soon obeyed Liu Erlong's touch.

Jiangzhu was also a little curious and touched it.

When the two of them touched it, a burst of blue light unexpectedly emitted from the body of the Blue Silver Emperor, and it was surprisingly strong.

After meeting Liu Erlong, he made up his mind to raise Ah Yin.

Then Liu Erlong went to the cupboard and poured some liquid medicine into the soil.

These medicinal liquids are prepared by her when she usually grows flowers and plants, and some Gu Ye's special elixir liquid is also added, which is full of spiritual energy.

This watering, the effect is not generally good.
After a few hours, Jiang Zhu returned to the room to rest, and Gu Ye also walked in.

On the bed, Gu Ye embraced Liu Erlong's soft waist, enjoying it for a while.

Liu Erlong lay in Gu Ye's arms, looked at the man in front of him, and suddenly missed him a little.


Liu Erlong leaned down and proactively kissed the man in front of him.

Gu Ye hugged Liu Erlong tightly without hesitation.

After a while, there was a gust of wind on the bed.

After a long time, Liu Erlong suddenly discovered that the Blue Silver Emperor on the flower pot by the window was emitting a stronger blue light, and she looked at it for a long time out of curiosity.

"Gu Ye, how could this Blue Silver Emperor behave like this?"

Liu Erlong asked curiously.

Gu Ye took a look, and also noticed something strange about the Blue Silver Emperor.

The light seems to be too strong.

"Are you saying it's a lack of nutrition?"


Liu Erlong was puzzled.

Just now she poured some special liquid medicine on the soil.

How could there be a lack of nutrition?

"I mean the lack of some special medicinal liquid to irrigate." Gu Ye leaned over to Liu Erlong's ear, and said with a smirk.

When Liu Erlong heard it, he didn't realize it at first, but after hearing Gu Ye's smirk, he realized it instantly.

Her face flushed red.

Seeing Liu Erlong's posture, Gu Ye gave a smirk and walked over to the window with Liu Erlong.

Liu Erlong looked at Gu Ye shyly, but she could only hug his neck tightly to avoid falling off.

"Look, Erlong, the moon outside is so round and bright."

Gu Ye looked at the bright moon outside the window.

Liu Erlong also looked at it.

Indeed, the moon is big and round tonight.

Moreover, the bright moonlight shone on the Blue Silver Emperor, as if it had been absorbed.

and many more
Could it be that the Blue Silver Emperor was cultivating by absorbing moonlight?
Gu Ye doubted it.

Then he looked at Liu Erlong in his arms, and said with a smirk: "Erlong, let's water Ah Yin again."

"Water what?" Liu Erlong asked puzzled.

"What did you say..." Gu Ye smirked.

Although Liu Erlong didn't see Gu Ye's face, he knew what it meant when he heard his smirk.

She was ashamed for a while, but there was nothing she could do.

Streaks of blue light bloomed, and the Blue Silver Emperor Ah Yin twisted his body, apparently enjoying the nectar.

Although it is only the appearance of the Blue Silver Grass, as the Ben body of the Blue Silver Emperor, Ah Yin still has a trace of consciousness.

But it was this little bit of consciousness that made her very shy at this time.

Even if it looks like blue silver grass.

On the blue leaves, there was a hint of red at this time.

She didn't know Gu Ye and Liu Erlong in front of her, but she knew that they were helping her.

The purpose should be to help her grow.

A Yin guessed that at the same time, he was also very grateful to Liu Erlong for the liquid medicine sprinkled down.

She can feel that it contains a great aura, and if she absorbs it, she can recover her body faster.

She really hoped that Liu Erlong could sprinkle more spiritual liquid on her.


"Gu Ye, you are such a villain."

Liu Erlong gave Gu Ye a shy look.

However, she herself buried her head in Gu Ye's arms in a burst of sexual bliss.

Gu Ye also secretly blamed himself for being too evil.

But so exciting.

Heaven Dou City, the Imperial Palace.

In the middle of the night, Queen Yun Lianyi's bedroom.

A stunning woman came to Yun Lianyi's side again.

It was none other than Concubine Ming.

"Why are you here?" The sleeping empress Yun Lianyi felt ashamed when she saw Concubine Ming climbed onto her bed again.

Concubine Ming showed a slight smile, and went directly to Queen Yun Lianyi to fall asleep, and whispered: "Of course I miss my sister, and I came here to accompany you."

"I don't need your company, you go back quickly."

"Is my sister really cruel? How sad is she to abandon her after using her up? I had good news for you, but it seems that there is no need for it." Concubine Ming wanted to leave in disappointment.

However, when the Queen heard the good news, she quickly left Concubine Ming behind, "Is it about him?"

This him, of course, refers to Gu Ye.

Seeing this, Concubine Ming showed a hint of a smile.

She knew that Empress Yun Lianyi had been trapped in Gu Ye and could not extricate herself.

But it's just what she wants. In the future, the sisters will work together to control Gu Ye and make him unable to extricate himself.

Concubine Ming nodded, and then told Queen Yun Lianyi the news she had received.

Gu Ye has already returned to Tiandou City, and is in the medical hall.

As soon as Yun Lianyi learned about it, she immediately showed a happy expression.

Seeing this, Concubine Ming pulled up the quilt and covered it with Queen Yun Lianyi, "Sister, let my sister accompany you tonight. We haven't slept together for quite a while."

Although Yun Lianyi was shy, she still nodded.

Concubine Ming was covered with a quilt, and it was difficult for the two sisters to tell male and female.

Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School, Ning Fengzhi's room.

Although it was late at night, Ning Fengzhi still didn't rest.

He looked at some of the news he had collected, including the news about Gu Ye's return to Heaven Dou City.

The news that Gu Ye killed Soul Douluo, Soul Sage, tens of thousands of soldiers and Prince Dai Mubai in the Star Luo Empire had already spread throughout the mainland.

As the suzerain of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect, Ning Fengzhi naturally knew it too.

"Lanba Academy is about to start school now."

"Looks like I have to go to Heaven Dou City."

A while ago, Ning Fengzhi discussed something with Liu Erlong from Lanba Academy, which was to let some disciples of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School go to Lanba Academy to study.

Liu Erlong didn't want to agree at first, but thinking of Ning Rongrong, he finally agreed.

Now that the new season of Lanba Academy is about to start, it is time for Ning Fengzhi to visit Liu Erlong and Gu Ye.

And Ning Fengzhi smiled wryly when he thought of his daughter Ning Rongrong.

My daughter is good at everything, but she is always clamoring to leave the sect to find Zhu Zhuqing.

As for whether he really went to Zhu Zhuqing, Ning Fengzhi was very clear about it.

Right now, I will go to Lanba Academy in two days, and take her with me by the way, lest she keep making trouble.

Lanba Academy, Houshan.

It was placed at the window of Liu Erlong's room, and the blue silver grass on the flower pot still bloomed with a brilliant blue light.

Under the blue light, the man and woman sleeping on the bed were extraordinarily sweet.

As for the Blue Silver Emperor Ah Yin, his waist was swaying with the breeze, as if he was staring at the couple resting on the bed, looking very seriously.

(End of this chapter)

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