Douluo's martial arts scalpel

Chapter 289 Conquer Bibi Dong and kill Tang Hao.

Chapter 289 Conquer Bibi Dong and kill Tang Hao.

Wuhun Hall, Bibidong's bedroom.

Gu Ye hugged Pope Bibidong on the left, and Bibidong's apprentice Duoer on the right, with a look of enjoyment on his face.

Bibi Dong's face was rosy and shiny, and it was hard to hide her shyness.

She actually slept with a man with her disciple.

It was so passive just now.

If she had been sewn into the ground, she might have gotten in already.

But now she really has no strength.

She was weak and just wanted a good rest.

Duo'er held the master's hand happily.

Although she is serving a husband with the teacher, she is sexually blessed and happy.

It's just that I don't know how to get along with the teacher in the future, should I change my name to sister?
When Duo'er thought of her teacher suddenly transforming into her older sister, she looked very shy.

Especially when Gu Ye asked her to call her teacher's sister just now, the teacher actually agreed.

And... I wish I could treat her like a younger sister.

Although the teacher was a little bit involuntary at that time, everything was true.

At this moment, Bibi Dong seemed to have thought clearly, and sighed deeply.

Things have come to this point, she has no way back.

Besides, even though I couldn't help myself with what I promised Duo'er just now, I still agreed to her.

She can only recognize this younger sister.

"Duo'er, are you back? You went there yesterday, why didn't you see anyone all night?"

In Hu Liena's bedroom, when she saw Duo'er coming back, she immediately pulled her in and began to question her.

"Senior Sister...I..."

Duo'er was shy and speechless.

Could it be that Hu Liena was told that Chasing Tian was with Gu Ye and was resting in the room with teacher Bibi Dong?

It's so hard to be human.

And once she told Hu Liena, she would definitely keep asking. She had promised the teacher and Gu Ye that she would not speak out for the time being.

"Senior sister, yesterday I went to find my teacher to practice."

"is it?"

Hu Liena still had some doubts.

And when she looked at Duo'er, her face was flushed and shiny, as if she had received some nourishment.

And her teacher seldom stays in the dormitory overnight, is Duo'er really practicing in teacher Bibidong's dormitory?
"Well, really, Senior Sister, I'm a little tired now, I'll go back and have a rest first, see you Senior Sister."

After saying a few words hastily, Duo'er entered the room.

"Strange, really strange."

"Also, why does Duo'er have a teacher's aura on her body, and Gu Ye's?"

"With such a strong atmosphere, what happened to the three of them?"

Hu Liena was suspicious.

But in the end I still couldn't figure out why.

I had no choice but to stop thinking about it.

In Bibi Dong's bedroom, after Duo'er left, Bibi Dong went into the bathroom to wash off her discomfort.

And Gu Ye was lying on the bed, waiting for Bibi Dong to come out.

With Duo'er here just now, Bibi Dong must have many things she wants to tell him but is too embarrassed to say.

Now that Duo'er has left, she should hold Gu Ye accountable.

In the bathroom, Bibi Dong leaned against the bathtub, thinking about the important things with Gu Ye and Duo'er.

She was bullied by Gu Ye and Duo'er.

In the end, she wanted to use her strength to resist, but she still couldn't resist the crowd. In the end, she had to endure the bullying by the two of them silently. It should be Gu Ye who was bullying her and Duo'er.

"Asshole, it turns out that men don't have a good thing, eating from the bowl and looking at the pot."

When Bibi Dong slapped the water, it splashed all over her face.

But still a little angry.

More helpless, and shame.

This kind of thing is too embarrassing for her, the Pope.

But not only has it happened now, it has happened many times.

What can she do, kill Gu Ye?

Putting aside whether she wants to or not, Duo'er was the first to refuse.

Also, she couldn't bear it either.


Bibi Dong let out a long sigh, and finally took a bath silently.

After a while, she walked out of the bathroom, seeing Gu Ye was still looking at her with a smile on the bed, she didn't hit her anywhere.

"What are you looking at?" Bibi Dong exhaled angrily.

"You still watch?" Seeing that Gu Ye was staring blankly, Bibi Dong raised her eyebrows angrily, walked towards Gu Ye with her hands on her hips.

There was a heavy contact sound.

It wasn't Bibi Dong who slapped Gu Ye, but Gu Ye slapped Bibi Dong's buttocks at some point.

This dozen made Bibi Dong instantly recall the bad things from last night.

Her face turned red instantly.

"My lord Pope, you can't be so angry, otherwise you will grow old."

Gu Ye hugged Bibi Dong into his arms, comforting her a lot.

Bibi Dong was furious, she hated people saying she was old the most.

But why is Gu Ye so bad?
Always pinpoint her weakness, let her get stuck in it, unable to extricate herself.

A few days later, Chrysanthemum Douluo and Ghost Douluo came back and told Gu Ye about the 10-year-old soul beast.

After Gu Ye knew about it, he immediately told Bibi Dong.

When Bibi Dong learned about it, she immediately gave the order to go hunt and kill them. Now she couldn't wait any longer.

Not long after, Bibi Dong, Gu Ye, Ju, and Ghost Douluo, who had arranged everything, left the Hall of Spirits.

On the way, Bibi Dong was worried that the 10-year soul beast would escape, so she flew away directly.

Although Gu Ye can also fly, but compared to Bibi Dong's title strength, it is still a bit slower.

Thus, the scene of Bibi Dong flying with her was staged.

From behind, Gu Ye hugged Bibi Dong intimately.

Chrysanthemum Ghost Douluo and the two led the way ahead, although they knew about Gu Ye and Bibi Dong's affairs, they didn't dare to ask too much.

The sky is a good place, Gu Ye hugged Bibi Dong from behind and leaned on Bibi Dong's shoulder.

He could feel Bibi Dong's eagerness to get the 10-year spirit ring.

Bibi Dong is now at level 98, as long as she gets a 10-year spirit ring, she can immediately rise to level 99, her strength is invincible today.

"Dong'er." Gu Ye called softly.

"What's wrong?" Bibi Dong continued to fly while asking.

"It's nothing, I just suddenly felt that the feeling of holding you from behind in the air is wonderful, next time we will talk from behind, okay?"

Bibi Dong's face turned red.

Fortunately, Gu Ye spoke very quietly, and no one else knew.

And she flew seriously, not paying attention to Gu Ye.

But in the next second, Gu Ye suddenly moved and pulled Bibi Dong to a stop.

"What's wrong?" Bibi Dong frowned, did Gu Ye want to be like her in the sky?
Bibi Dong thought about it, and found that she was more and more freewheeling.

Chrysanthemum Douluo and Ghost Douluo also noticed that Bibi Dong had stopped at this time, so they had no choice but to stop too.

"Your Majesty the Pope?" The two looked at Bibi Dong in doubt, not understanding why she stopped.

And Gu Ye stared down, looking through the mist to see in a forest, where there was a waterfall, under the waterfall one day was swinging a sledgehammer, and there was a person beside it.

What surprised Gu Ye was that these two people were none other than Tang Hao and Tang San.

It was possible to send it out, thanks to Gu Ye's powerful mental power, and his familiarity with Tang Hao and Tang San's aura.

"I found two people, Dong'er, you must want to know and kill them."

"Who?" Bibi Dong looked down curiously.

But the fog is thick and the mountains and forests cover it, even she can't see it.

"Tang Hao and his son."

"What... Gu Ye, are you kidding me?" Bibi Dong was a little serious.


"Go, go down."

Bibi Dong directly gave up and continued to hunt the soul beast.

Since Gu Ye said that Tang Hao and his son were there, it must be true.

Compared with getting rid of Tang Hao and his son, the 10-year soul beast has become unimportant.

call out!
Several people turned into a streamer and flew downward.


Beside the waterfall, Tang Hao suddenly frowned, with a bad premonition welling up in his heart.

He looked up at the sky, it was okay not to look, but when he saw it, his face changed instantly.

"how is this possible?"

"How did they find this place?"

During the sudden change, Bibi Dong, Gu Ye, Ju Douluo, and Ghost Douluo had already arrived below.

"Hehe, it's really unexpected!"

"He actually let me meet you here."

"Tang Hao!"

Bibi Dong looked at Tang Hao in front of him with a sneer.

And Tang Hao's face was dead, he couldn't believe that Bibi Dong would find him.

This time, it happened.

"Father!" Tang San came to Tang Hao's side from the waterfall, also somewhat gloomy.

"Little San, I will stop them later, you run away immediately."

Facing Bibi Dong alone, Tang Hao has no chance of winning, and now he still has Ju Douluo, Ghost Douluo, and Gu Ye.

He stands no chance.

Escape is the only chance.

But how could Bibi Dong let the chance go away?

"Chrysanthemum Douluo, Ghost Douluo." Bibi Dong shouted.

Chrysanthemum Douluo and Ghost Douluo understood instantly, and flew towards Tang Hao to shoot.


Tang Hao used all his strength to throw his son Tang San out.

Before Tang San could react, he found that he had been thrown into the air.

His father was in danger, how could he escape alone.

If you really escape, you will be a son of man in vain.

However, it has not waited for Tang San to want to come back.

Chrysanthemum Ghost Douluo and the two suddenly let out a loud shout.

"Polar static field."

In the next moment, a different color from Ju Douluo's usual black color burst out of his body.

It was a brilliant silver flame, which rose into the sky almost instantly, and a layer of golden flame burst from the body of Ju Douluo Yueguan who was right beside him at the same time.

At this moment, the nine soul rings on the two of them lit up almost simultaneously.The gold and silver flames that painted their bodies were even more magnificent.

The two stood with their eyes facing each other and clasped their hands. The ghost and Yueguan's bodies suddenly merged, and a total of eighteen soul rings on their bodies instantly condensed into one.

Suddenly, the world seemed to have turned into gold and silver.Everything around seemed to be completely still at this moment.

The bodies of Ghost Douluo and Chrysanthemum Douluo disappeared at the moment the gold and silver halo formed.And that huge halo also flew into the air, turning into a huge halo with a diameter of more than a hundred meters in the blink of an eye.

The huge halo instantly stopped Tang Hao, even the thrown Tang San was also stopped in midair.

The strength of the two Titled Douluo is unimaginable, and now they are using the strength of the Titled Douluo to perform the martial soul fusion technique. This power, even Tang Hao, cannot resist.

What's more, the current Tang Hao is already injured, how can he resist the martial soul fusion technique jointly performed by Ju Douluo and Ghost Douluo.

It's a pity that although their martial soul fusion skills are powerful, they can instantly stop Tang Hao and Tang San.

But when the two soul powers were exhausted, Tang Hao could break free from their shackles without hindrance.

But, don't forget, there are Bibidong and Tang Hao here, and they are the ones who threaten Tang Hao the most.

Facing Tang Hao, Bibi Dong was sure to kill.

Directly asking Chrysanthemum Douluo and Ghost Douluo to use his ultimate move is to keep him completely.

At this time, Tang Hao, who was controlled by the static field of the two poles, looked extremely ugly.

He has already fully felt how powerful the martial soul fusion skills of the two titled Douluo are.

Can't move.

Can't move a single bit.

Even if all his soul power burst out, it would be useless.

He looked at his son Tang San who was also stationary in the air, and his anger couldn't be contained.

'No, I can't die here yet. '

"Ayin's revenge has not been reported, and the Wuhun Temple has not been destroyed. I must not die here."

"The son can't die either."

Tang Hao thought of this.

boom! ! !
After the decision was made, the soul power in Tang Hao's body moved, and the Jiuyi soul ring sparkled and exploded violently.

At the same time, a powerful soul power surged out, and he, who was stilled by Ju Douluo's Ghost Douluo's martial soul fusion technique, was able to move.

"Let me go."

Tang Hao shouted loudly.

The Wuhun Clear Sky Hammer faced the wind and instantly turned into a [-]-meter giant hammer, smashing towards Chrysanthemum Douluo and Ghost Douluo.

The incomparably powerful Future even directly pulled Bibi Dong and Gu Ye to prevent them from chasing their son Li Tang San.

Tang San and escaped from trouble, breathing heavily at once.

The terrifying feeling just now made him tremble with fear.

The current him, without the slightest hesitation, activated the flying ability of the Blue Silver Emperor's leg bones to escape.

Here, he influences his dad afterwards.

Escape is the only way out.

"Dad, you'll be fine, I'll wait for you to come to me."

"Wuhundian, if something happens to my father, I swear that I will destroy you both by any means."

Tang San roared in his heart.

The whole person fled faster and faster.

Gu Ye, Bibi Dong, Chrysanthemum Douluo, and Ghost Douluo were all attracted by the explosive power of Tang Hao's simultaneous explosion of the nine soul rings.

He could only watch Tang San escape helplessly.

But for them, killing Tang Hao is also very important.

"Hmph, Tang Hao, you will definitely die today."

Bibi Dong uttered a sharp cry.

The second martial spirit possessed his body instantly, nine spirit rings appeared together, and the boundless power burst out.

Under the possession of the spirit, Bibi Dong hesitated like a spider princess, the black and purple armor wrapped her whole body, full of domineering.

boom! !

At the same time, the seven spirit rings on Gu Ye's body also lit up.

The red seventh spirit ring is extraordinarily dazzling.

Facing the [-]-meter giant hammer that fell down.

Gu Ye's surgery space was activated instantly, the scalpel turned into a long knife, and a white knife light cut out against the Haotian Hammer.

From Bibi Dong's body, dark green light shot out.

Her true wounding soul skill "Eternal Wound" was activated.

Chrysanthemum Douluo and Ghost Douluo also launched their strongest moves.

Obviously, they must kill Tang Hao.

boom! ! !
The violent collision of soul power.

Facing the attacks of Bibi Dong and Gu Ye, the [-]-meter giant hammer dropped from the sky couldn't withstand the attack for a moment, and the pieces shattered.

No matter how strong Tang Hao is in Soul Blast, he has no chance of winning against the four of them.

(End of this chapter)

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