Douluo's martial arts scalpel

Chapter 290 Tang Hao, died

Chapter 290 Tang Hao, died


Roared like crazy.

Tang Hao sprayed blood mist from his mouth, his hair was flying, and he tried his best to resist the attacks of Bibi Dong and Gu Ye.

Even for a moment, he would buy time for his son to escape.

But four is too strong.

It's useless for him to explode all nine souls.

boom! !

The [-]-meter Haotian Hammer shattered, and the berserk energy directly blasted Tang Hao out, knocking him heavily to the ground.

Another mouthful of blood spewed out.

The Nine Souls Explosion was defeated, and the sequelae occurred instantly.

"It can't fall down yet."

Tang Hao struggled to get up.

But the next moment, a footprint continued to enlarge in his eyes.

The serious injury made Tang Hao unable to dodge, and kicked him precisely in the chest.

A huge force exploded, and he was kicked out without any resistance and hit the ground.

"Tang Hao, Tang Hao, you also have today."

Ju Douluo said mockingly.

He remembered very clearly how high-spirited Tang Hao was back then, and how cruelly he beat him.

Now he can't even stop him.


As if to discover the hatred in his heart, but also for revenge, Ju Douluo continued to beat like crazy.

One kick was heavier and the kicked Tang Hao was instantly bloody, and even his son Tang San couldn't recognize him when he came.

Gu Ye and Bibi Dong stood aside and did not stop them.

"It's really a pity to escape Tang San." Bibi Dong sighed lightly.

"Indeed, but I'm sure I'll meet him soon."

Gu Ye sneered.

Tang San was definitely killed.

Although he has been escaped now, Gu Ye believes that he will definitely go to Tiandou City to find his teacher Yu Xiaogang.

That's when he died.

"Okay, let's kill him." Bibi Dong glanced at Tang Hao, who was tortured by Ju Douluo, and signaled to do it.

Ju Douluo didn't abuse Tang Hao any more.

The anger in his heart these years has been vented.

"Tang Hao, let me send you on your way."

Ju Douluo's eyes were full of coldness.

"Ahem...Ju Douluo, Bi...Bi Dong, one day... you will."

Before Tang Hao could finish his last regret, Ju Douluo had already killed him with one move.

"Let's leave your nonsense in the underground and talk to Hades." Ju Douluo sneered.

After a while, spirit bones began to explode from Tang Hao's body.

This is his refined spirit bone, and it's a suit, six pieces.

To be able to obtain so many soul bones, besides the inherited soul bones of the Clear Sky School, he also got it by chance.

And he can be so powerful, these six spirit bones are also of great help.

Originally, Tang Hao thought to wait a year later to dig out his own soul bone and give it to his son Tang San.

It's all right now, I'm dead before I do it.

Ju Douluo's eyes lit up when he saw the six spirit bones.

But he still respectfully picked it up and brought it in front of Bibi Dong.

"Your Majesty, this is Tang Hao's soul bone."

"Well, you guys have contributed a lot to being able to kill Tang Hao this time, and these two soul bones are your rewards."

Bibi Dong gave one arm bone and one leg bone to Ju Douluo and Ghost Douluo.

"Thank you Pope!"

"Thank you Pope!"

Chrysanthemum Douluo and Ghost Douluo bowed immediately.

A soul bone is too precious to them.

You know, they have only owned one soul bone after becoming Title Douluo for so many years.

Now that he can get a soul bone as a reward from Bibi Dong, after going back to refine it, maybe his strength will go further.

"Gu Ye, do you need a soul bone?"

Bibi Dong's words made Gu Ye look at the spirit bone in Bibi Dong's hand.

Judging from the breath, each piece is more than 8 years old, and the highest one is [-] to [-] years old.

For Gu Ye, these soul bones are of no use.

He still hasn't refined the soul bone of the Dark Devilgod Tiger.

But after going back, it can indeed be refined.

But although Tang Hao's spirit bone is useless to him, it is useful to others.

In the end, Gu Ye took two yuan.

"Okay, let's go now, and continue to look for the 10-year-old soul beast. As for Tang Hao's body, Ju Douluo, please deal with it, and when we go back, we will announce that Tang Hao was killed."


Ju Douluo got the order and immediately began to dispose of Tang Hao's body.

Soon after, Bibi Dong and Gu Ye continued to search for the location of the 10-year-old soul beast.

As for Tang San who escaped, just now Bibi Dong could see that Tang San possessed that flying spirit bone, and he had escaped a long distance, obviously it was not that easy to catch him.

She could only let Tang San go temporarily.

miles away.

Tang San recklessly poured soul power into the Blue Silver Emperor's leg bones to activate his flying ability and kept him away.

Now he just wants to escape.

Stay away and stay away.

It must not affect his father.

He couldn't be caught by Bibi Dong and the others.



When the spirit power was exhausted, Tang San fell to the ground panting heavily.

"It's far enough away."

"They shouldn't be able to find it."

"I don't know what happened to Dad?"

"Based on Dad's strength, nothing will happen. Yes, nothing will happen."

Tang San was talking to himself.

Suddenly, there was a tremor in his chest.

Depression and discomfort enveloped him instantly.

"What's going on, why is it so uncomfortable all of a sudden?"

"Could it be."

Tang San suddenly thought of something because of this uncomfortable feeling, his face changed.

"Impossible, it's definitely impossible, I should be thinking too much, it's impossible for Dad to have an accident."

"Wait, I'll wait here, Dad will definitely find it."

Tang San said to himself, but the feeling of boredom did not disappear.

On the contrary, it was even more uncomfortable.

"Is it here?"

"Yes, we met here last time, but I don't know if the 10-year-old soul beast has escaped."

"Go, let's go in and have a look."

In a wild soul beast forest, Bibi Dong, Gu Ye, and the four rushed to the depths non-stop.

10-year soul beasts are not common in Douluo Dalu, but there are quite a few of them.

It is normal for Chrysanthemum Douluo and Ghost Douluo to meet each other.

After a while, when Gu Ye and Bibi Dong came to the depths, they happened to see a black and purple spider that was seven or eight meters high.

It was the Soul Eater Spider Emperor.

One of Bibi Dong's martial souls.

The moment she saw this soul beast, Bibi Dong became excited.

Being able to meet a soul beast that is exactly the same as the martial soul, the effect obtained after absorbing it is even better.

This Soul-eating Spider Emperor obviously just broke through 10 years, not only that, this time it was cheaper for Bibi Dong.

"Chrysanthemum Douluo, Ghost Douluo, come on."


Without any hesitation, the two quickly attacked the Soul-eating Spider Emperor.


The Soul Eater Spider King obviously knew Ju Douluo and Ghost Douluo, and when he saw the two attacking, he attacked them with his eight spear-like legs.

But the next second.

Chrysanthemum Douluo and Ghost Douluo instantly fused together.

The two-level static field is used instantly.

The Soul-eating Spider Emperor paused and was immediately frozen in place.

In the original book, even the Titan Giant Ape couldn't escape the two people's martial soul fusion skills. How could the Soul-Eating Spider King, who had just broken through not long ago, be able to escape.

"Eternal Creation!"

Bibi Dong didn't sit idle either, every time she made a move it was a big move.

The Eternal Wound directly pierced through the defenseless Soul-eating Spider Emperor, and died in the next second.

"Elder Ju, Elder Ghost, protect the law a hundred meters away."

Bibi Dong ordered.


Both of them knew that Bibi Dong was going to start absorbing, under this situation no one could disturb her.

The very sensible one went a hundred meters away.

And Bibi Dong obviously trusted her man more, entrusting her safety to him.

"I started."

Bibi Dong spoke to Gu Ye and began to absorb the last soul ring.

The 10 year soul ring is not generally powerful.

With Bibi Dong's current strength, she wouldn't have any problems absorbing a 10 year spirit ring.

Not long after, the spirit ring entered Bibi Dong's body, and the absorption was successful.

And Bibi Dong's two spirits have reached full spirit rings, and her level has also been raised to level 99.

At this moment, in the entire Douluo Continent, no one will be her opponent.

"Congratulations to the Pope Congratulations to the Pope!"

"Congratulations to the Pope Congratulations to the Pope!"

Chrysanthemum Douluo and Ghost Douluo came not far away immediately to salute and congratulate.

Bibi Dong revealed a slight smile.

She stretched out her hand to take it, and a soul bone flew into her hand from the corpse of the soul beast.

It was the soul bone of the Soul-devouring Spider Emperor, and it was also an extremely precious 10-year-old dry bone.

Looking at the soul bone in Bibi Dong's hands, Ju Douluo and Ghost Douluo also showed a hint of greed, but they quickly suppressed it.

After all, they don't want to die yet.

After Bibi Dong looked at the spirit bone, he directly gave it to Gu Ye.

"I hope you can refine it."

Bibi Dong's words made Gu Ye feel a little different.

The 10-year spirit bone is given away as soon as it is offered, how generous it is.

Bibi Dong is already full of spirit bones at this time, although her dry bones are not 10 years old, they are not weak either.

This soul bone belongs to the soul-devouring spider emperor's driving bone. If it is refined by Gu Ye, they will be able to have in-depth contact with it.

Because her martial soul is the Soul Eater Spider Emperor.

Gu Ye didn't know Bibi Dong's little thoughts.

The 10-year spirit bone would be a lie if he said that he was not moved.

After looking at the spirit bone in his hand, Gu Ye decided to refine it.

At the same time, he also refined the soul bone of the Dark Devilgod Tiger.

During this trip, he killed Tang Hao, obtained a 10-year soul ring, and raised it to level 99.

Bibi Dong felt that her whole body had reached a relaxed state.

She looked at Gu Ye, now that he was going to refine the soul bone, she didn't want to go back to the Hall of Spirits so soon.

Finally make a decision.

"Elder Ju and Elder Gui listened to the order, and immediately spread the news that Tang Hao was killed by the Wuhun Palace when he returned."

"Yes, His Holiness the Pope."

The two didn't hesitate at all, and left immediately after getting the order.

As for Bibi Dong and Gu Ye, they don't care that much.

After the two left, only Gu Ye and Bibi Dong were left in the forest.

"Dong'er, I'll find a place, and then I'll refine the spirit bone."

"it is good."

Gu Ye held Bibi Dong's hand, and the two quickly existed in the forest.

After a while, we found a lakeside.

The two came to the lakeside, and Gu Ye sat by the lakeside and began to refine the 10-year-old soul bone.

There is no danger in refining soul bones, after all, any soul master can refine them, no matter how high the level is.

And the refining process has no setbacks or difficulties.

It took Gu Ye a few days to refine the soul bone.

(End of this chapter)

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