Douluo's martial arts scalpel

Chapter 291 Playing with Bibi Dong..

Chapter 291 Playing with Bibi Dong..

A 10-year soul bone is indeed a 10-year soul bone.

Gu Ye is currently at level 75, and the huge soul power of a 10-year-old soul bone directly pushed him to level [-], and he couldn't stop even if he wanted to.

Originally, he wanted to refine the soul bone of the dark devil and evil god tiger, so Gu Ye could only delay it temporarily.

Bibi Dong came to Gu Ye and asked, "How do you feel?"

"It's pretty good, the soul power has reached level eighty, and I have obtained two very good soul skills at the same time."

Soul-eating Spider King's bone-drying bone, a soul skill called Soul-eating.

A very powerful ability. Once activated, it can devour the opponent's soul and cause devastating death. In addition, it can also devour local souls to strengthen itself.

This is against the enemy.

And to the people around him, Gu Ye discovered that Soul Eater also has a special ability.

When one's own soul enters the soul of another, it does not have to be devoured, and special communication can also be carried out.

For example, his soul enters Bibi Dong's soul, and the two carry out soul-soul fusion.

And the second soul skill belongs to the defensive boosting soul skill.

After Bibi Dong found out, she felt happy for Gu Ye.

But now that Gu Ye is at level [-], shouldn't he also find a soul beast?

She just hunted a 10-year soul ring, Gu Ye's seventh soul ring is 10 years old, and his eighth soul ring is less than 10 years old.

Bibi Dong was still thinking about Gu Ye.

And now that Gu Ye has reached level 10, he should indeed find a [-]-year-old soul beast.

However, it is obviously difficult to find such a place, and the place with the most 10-year-old soul beasts is obviously the Star Dou Forest.

Now that Bibidong has reached level 99, she basically has no rivals in the world, and she doesn't want to go back to the Hall of Spirits so soon, so she can live a life as a couple with her.

What a joy it is to live and fly together with Bibi Dong.

Gu Ye decided to go to the Star Dou Forest with Bibi Dong.

Hunt for the eighth soul ring.

"Dong'er, let's go."

"it is good."

Gu Ye held Bibi Dong's hand, and the two of them were not in a hurry, they chatted leisurely and walked towards the Star Dou Great Forest.

"Dong'er, have you thought about what will happen after the unification of the mainland?"

Gu Ye's words made Bibi Dong nod her head, then shook her head again.

She just wanted to unify the mainland, fulfill her dream, and destroy the Angel Family.

As for the unification of the mainland, I don't think much about it.

"Your strength is already at the peak of the world. If you want to continue to improve, you can only become a god."

"And with the strength of the Spirit Hall, it already has the conditions to dominate the mainland."

"Unification is not difficult, what is difficult is governance after unification."

"I think Dong'er, you must have thought about ascending to the God Realm. After all, you have already passed the eighth test of the Raksha God."

Gu Ye's words surprised Bibi Dong a little.

She didn't expect that Gu Ye knew more than she imagined.

After understanding, I realized that Gu Ye not only knew, but also knew more.

She didn't continue to ask any more questions, she felt that the two of them were in a very good state and very comfortable.

She had thought about having a child with Gu Ye before, and since she decided to unify, she would hand over the unified mainland to their children in the future.

Or to her disciples Hu Liena, Duo'er and the others.

Bibi Dong thought a lot.

While chatting, the two headed towards the Star Dou Great Forest.

Gu Ye heard many things from Bibi Dong's words.

For example, she had some regrets in the past, and some unwillingness in the past.

Gu Ye knew what it was.

He decided that he must use his ability to help Bibi Dong change.

Wuhundian, Chrysanthemum Douluo, and Ghost Douluo came back early.

As soon as he came back, he announced the killing of Tang Hao by Wuhundian.

For a moment, Douluo Continent caused a sensation.

Tang Hao, the well-known Title Douluo in Douluo Continent, was promoted to Title Douluo at the youngest age.

He was actually killed by Wuhundian.

Surprised, shocked, and disbelieving, all kinds of noisy discussions rang out one by one.

And some forces who had offended Tang Hao and at the same time had enemies with Tang Hao learned that they were overjoyed.

When some single-attribute families learned of Tang Hao's death, they were overjoyed and wished they could set off firecrackers to celebrate.

As for those who have received Tang Hao's favor, basically none.

After all, Tang Hao had offended too many people during his lifetime, and he didn't seek revenge because he was very powerful.

And Tang Hao's son Tang San had come to a certain city in the Douluo Continent, and when he heard that his father had been killed, his face was full of coldness.

He doesn't believe it's true.

But now that Wuhundian has announced it, something must have happened to his father.

Thinking of the scene of being besieged that day, Tang San's eyes were full of hatred.

"Wuhundian, Bibidong, I want you to pay with blood."

Hatred filled Tang San's mind.

But he hasn't lost his mind yet.

He will hide it well, make himself stronger, and then seek revenge from Wuhundian.

Then Tang San went to a place that his father Tang Hao told him about.

It is said that there is something terrifying sealed inside, and he dared not approach it before.

Now for revenge, he needs great strength.

"Unexpectedly, Tang Hao died!"

Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School, Ning Fengzhi sighed.

Tang Hao was the object of his admiration, but now he was killed by the Wuhun Temple.

Sad, sigh.

"That's right, what happened to the once famous Title Douluo...heh"

Sword Douluo at the side never felt lamented.

A few days later, the news of Tang Hao's death gradually died down, and at this time, Gu Ye and Bibi Dong had already arrived outside the Star Dou Forest.

In the past few days, the two have been playing and enjoying the mountains and rivers, and they have slept together in the wild a lot during the period.

Bibi Dong seems to like this carefree life very much.

In the past few days, she felt that her whole body had become lighter.

It felt so easy, so easy, to not have the Pope's baggage on her.

At this time, she even took off the Pope's dress she was wearing and changed into a purple dress.

The long skirt was slim, showing Bibi Dong's perfect figure to the fullest.

These few days, Gu Ye enjoyed Bibi Dong's demeanor to his heart's content.

"Dong'er, have you heard of the existence of fierce beasts?"

"Ferocious beast?"

"Well, a kind of soul beast that surpasses 10 years."

Bibi Dong shook her head.

Even if she is the pope, there are many things she doesn't know, and the beast obviously doesn't know either.

"There are many powerful beings in the depths of this Star Dou Great Forest, each of which has surpassed 10 years of strength. The strongest one is called Di Tian, ​​a demigod-level ferocious beast with extremely powerful strength."

"Demi god."

Seeing Bibi Dong's doubts, Gu Ye also knew that she definitely didn't know something about the beast.

Then Gu Ye told Bibi Dong what he knew.

While talking, the two walked towards the Star Dou Great Forest.

On the way, some soul beasts who wanted to attack Gu Ye and Bibi Dong ran away one after another when they sensed a trace of breath from Bibi Dong.

At level 99, Bibi Dong with dual spirits is really too powerful.

It is so powerful that some ordinary soul beasts dare not stay longer.

Gu Ye and Bibi Dong walked into the Star Dou Great Forest in the direction where Xiao Wu was.

That's right, the target of Gu Ye's eighth soul ring is the Azure Bull Python and the Titan Giant Ape.

In addition, Gu Ye also wanted to resolve the grievances between Xiao Wu and Bibi Dong.

After all, he can use his abilities to revive Xiao Wu's mother.

And the reason why Gu Ye wanted to absorb the two soul rings of the Azure Bull Python and the Titan Giant Ape was also for their own good.

Give them a chance.

Gu Ye, who has a system, already has the method to become a god.

And it is not difficult to become a god with his aptitude.

After all, Douluo Dalu is like a god.

When Gu Ye becomes a god, the sky blue bull python and the titan giant ape can all be resurrected by Gu Ye.

This is also their opportunity.

Of course, all of this requires the consent of the two soul beasts.

If you don't agree to Gu Ye, you don't force it.

At this time, in Xiao Wu's residence.

Xiao Wu, who was training originally, suddenly opened her eyes.

Not only Xiao Wu, but also the two 10-year-old soul beasts, the Titan Giant Ape and Sky Blue Bull Python, also looked out in unison.

"It's her, that woman."

"How did she come here?"

The titan giant ape and the sky blue bull python two spirit beasts were shocked, because they also felt Bibi Dong's powerful spirit power.

When Xiao Wu felt Bibi Dong's aura, she was a little angry at first, but after she felt Gu Ye's aura, she gradually calmed down.

Not just Xiao Wu.

In the Lake of Life, the core of Douluo Continent, some ferocious beasts opened their eyes after sensing Bibi Dong's level 99 soul power.

"Such a strong person, what does he want to do in the Star Dou Great Forest?"

"I hope I didn't come here, otherwise."

Di Tian, ​​the co-lord of soul beasts, had a trace of sternness in his eyes.

He needs to protect the Silver Dragon King from moving, but his subordinates can still move.

Not far from Ditian's side, a golden giant bear suddenly had the idea of ​​going out to fight when he felt Bibi Dong's aura.

Fighting the strong is one of the fastest ways to improve his strength.


Xiao Wu's residence.

Xiao Wu stared at the direction ahead for an instant, with a dignified expression.

The titan giant ape and the sky blue bull python stared at each other, their faces sinking like water.

When Bibi Dong walked in slowly, the Azure Bull Python and the Titan Giant Ape were instantly enraged.

"It's really her."

"Is this here to court death?"

"Exactly, to avenge Miss Xiao Wu's mother."

"Da Ming, Er Ming, don't move."

Xiao Wu said, watching Bibi Dong's eyes move to the person beside her.

It was Gu Ye.

When seeing Gu Ye, Xiao Wu was overjoyed, but seeing Bibi Dong was down again.

"Xiao Wu, I can't see it." Gu Ye greeted Xiao Wu with a smile.When I saw Xiao Wu's expression, I knew she must have misunderstood me

Then Gu Ye explained: "Xiao Wu, I came here to find you in order to revive your mother."

"Resurrect my mother?" Xiao Wu looked at Gu Ye puzzled.

Gu Ye nodded, "Your mother's soul ring still has a soul on Dong'er, so it can still be resurrected."

"Gu Ye, what you said is true?" Xiao Wu looked at Gu Ye overjoyed.

Gu Ye nodded: "I have never deceived you. After I knew about your mother and Dong'er, I begged Dong'er for a long time before she agreed."

With that said, Gu Ye looked at Bibi Dong.

Bibi Dong nodded, as if she admitted that what Gu Ye said was true.

(End of this chapter)

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