Chapter 823 White Horse
"General Gongsun, General Xuanyuan, a letter from Kongming has arrived, and Huangfu has no return and left [-] soldiers and horses unmoved. It seems that our plan should be adjusted!" As the cavalry galloped, Wang Yu took the initiative to find Gongsun Zan. Talk to Xuanyuan Huang.

This has always been the case in the world. It doesn't mean that after you make a plan, everything will go according to your plan.Any strategy is never static, and it will be constantly adjusted in the middle of implementation as the overall situation changes.

It is precisely because of this that many counselors will not be too refined in their plots.The more elaborate the strategy, the less likely it is to adapt to the situation once an accident occurs during the process.

"What is General Wang's intention!" Gongsun Zan said directly.

"General Gongyu, why don't you and General Xuanyuan lead Baima Yicong to attack first! After Huangfu has no return, I will lead the Golden Fire Cavalry to intercept!" Wang Yu said directly.

The White Horse Yicong and the Golden Fire Cavalry were both elites. Even if each had only 3000 soldiers, neither of them would be afraid of the other side when facing [-] infantry.And, in the end, it is very likely that the victory will be the White Horse Yicong and the Golden Fire Cavalry.

Although compared with other top elites, the Golden Fire Cavalry lacked some training in the flames of war.However, under Meng Tian's training, the foundation that an elite should have is absolutely there.

"Yes!" Gongsun Zan and Xuanyuan Huang said directly after simple thinking.

Fortunately, the elites such as Baima Yicong and Golden Fire Cavalry came. If they were replaced by ordinary cavalry, with such a division of troops, they might not be sure enough to achieve the final goal.

"In that case, I will go first!" Gongsun Zan said proactively.

As for the other white horse skill, it belongs to the category of legion skills. This kind of legion skill is usually awakened by the creator of this legion or some extremely special talents for this legion.

Effect 5, after this skill is activated, own strength +[-].

No matter how bad it is, you have to be the leader of this army and reach a certain tacit understanding with this army before you can awaken.It is very difficult for such a team like Baima Yicong to be formed for a short time!
And this type of legion skills, the skill effect can basically only have effects on the legion, and has no effect on other troops.

For example, when people mention Baima Yi, they always think of Gongsun Zan.When it comes to falling into the camp, the first thing that comes to mind is Gao Shun.As legion founders, they are the easiest to awaken this type of legion skills.

Note: When the number of Baima Yicong exceeds [-], the third effect will not work.And the effect of the third commander's increase effect is only valid for Baima Yicong, and it is invalid when commanding other troops to fight. "

What I was most afraid of was the conspiracy hidden behind, and now that the opponent's backhand has come out, then naturally there is nothing to be afraid of!
"Which army is this! It has such combat power!" Huangfu said in astonishment as he climbed onto the high platform and overlooked the entire battlefield.

Shocking shouts of killing came, and then a large number of cavalry poured into the battlefield.

"Ding, the second effect of Gongsun Zan's white horse skill is activated. When leading the cavalry, the commander +3, the basic commander is 94, and the current commander rises to 97."

"Ding, Gongsun Zan's white horse skill is activated,
The white horse is a fusion of the white horse skill and the legion skill white horse.

"The direction of righteousness, life and death go hand in hand!"

"By heaven, the white horse is the proof!"

With just such an increase in skill, Gongsun Zan directly underwent a major transformation. The commander of the super first-class peak level was directly promoted to the peak level of the heavenly level, and the military strength of the super first-class level barely touched the threshold of the heavenly level combat power for the time being. .

When he is in command of Baima Yicong, it can actually bring him a terrifying commander increase of up to five points.Moreover, when Gongsun Zan was in command of Baima Yicong, Baima Yicong could all get a three-point force increase. This was the first time such a terrifying large-scale force increase effect had appeared.

Since it was his White Horse Yicong who was going to make the first move, then Gongsun Zan could naturally use the speed advantage of the White Horse Yicong to rush to the battlefield before the Golden Fire Cavalry.

The battlefield of more than [-] people stretches for dozens of miles, so it is naturally far from being able to see the whole picture clearly.However, Baima Yicong is a white horse with white armor all over his body, which is too conspicuous too quickly.Even on the chaotic battlefield, they can still be caught.

Effect 2, when commanding the exclusive army Baima Yicong to fight, the commander +2, force +3.Baima Yi increases the strength of the whole army by +[-], and its speed and morale are greatly improved.

"Send a message to General Chu, it's time for him to make a move!" On the horse, Huangfu Wugui showed a calm and confident expression.

As a white horse general, Gongsun Zan awakened a white horse skill.

Baima Yicong, who was originally a light cavalryman, was good at speed, and with this wave of assistance from Gongsun Zan's skills, gradually, the distance between Baima Yicong and the Golden Fire Cavalry began to widen.


On the battlefield, Huangfu Wugui had been waiting all the time. He always believed that Zhuge Liang, who was on the weak side, proposed a decisive battle on his own initiative. There must be some conspiracy behind this.

It is very rare to see a skill that is the result of the fusion of two white horse skills!

Therefore, he has been waiting, waiting for Zhuge Liang's conspiracy to show his feet.Before that, Huangfu Wugui didn't dare to let go of his hands and feet, and launched a full-scale attack.

However, after these cavalry entered the battlefield, Huangfu Wugui thought that Zhuge Liang's backhand had been exposed, and at this time he began to completely let go.

Effect 3, when leading cavalry to fight, commander +1, and when leading infantry to fight, commander +[-].

It can be said that after Han Xin's last stand, Huangfu has even begun to have some shadows.

"Ding, the third effect of Gongsun Zan's white horse skill is activated. When leading the exclusive army Baima Yicong to fight, the commander +2 and force +2. The force of the whole army of Baima Yicong +3, and its speed and morale are greatly improved. The current commander rises to 99, basic force 95, white dragon +1, force +2, +3, current force rises to 101."

Moreover, as the product of the final fusion of the two white horse skills, Gongsun Zan's white horse skill is also quite powerful in terms of skill effect.

The sky-shattering slogans sounded, even though they were far apart, Huangfu Wugui could still feel a sense of honor blowing from the sky-shattering slogans.

On these people, Huangfu didn't feel the bloodthirsty, fighting spirit, and excitement that originally belonged to the battlefield.

There is only one emotion in these people...

That is a sense of honor!

An exclusive honor that belongs to the undefeated in all battles!
(End of this chapter)

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