"General, this seems to be the White Horse Yi Cong in the Zhenbei Army!" A general of the Imperial Army replied uncertainly.

Why did the people from Zhenbei Army appear here?However, no one will answer this question for the general of the Forbidden Army!
This General of the Forbidden Army was also a member sent to support the Zhenbei Army to resist Beidi a few years ago, so he recognized Baima Yicong.

Otherwise, if it was someone else, it might not be possible to recognize Baima Yicong's army.Baimayi has only been in the army for a few years, and he has been active in northern Xinjiang all the time. People in other places probably only know his name and have not seen him.

And when he saw Baima Yicong, Huangfu Wugui even felt a little absurd.

He is no stranger to the sense of honor that blows his face. He has experienced that feeling in many troops. The Champion Battalion among the Forbidden Army is the most typical one.

But what is the Champion Camp?But now, he seems to have vaguely felt some of the characteristics and temperament of the champion battalion in the Baima Yicong team!

"By heaven, the white horse is the proof!"

"The direction of righteousness, life and death go hand in hand!"

Of the [-] white horse followers, Gongsun Zan himself rode his horse to the front, and these white horse followers followed behind without hesitation.

Following Gongsun Zan's roar, this army named Baima Yicong raised their spears high and shouted slogans loudly, which was also the original intention of this army.

Gongsun Zan is also an extreme racist that is not often seen in the Cang.Therefore, in addition to the uniform uniform, the most important thing is the spiritual unity, which is vividly displayed in the word "Yi Cong".

Therefore, Sanyin's righteousness is to resist and even destroy Beidi!

The 10,000 white horses rushed into the battlefield of [-]+ people like a drop in the ocean, but from the beginning of the battle, there was a shocking scene-the Great Cang Imperial Army was almost completely defeated!
Even at this time, since the Great Cang Imperial Army had already fought with Zhuge Liang's men and horses, it was equivalent to directly giving his bare back to Baima Yicong, but the fighting power displayed by Baima Yicong was still amazing!
All Baima Yicong are good at riding and archery, this so-called good at riding and archery, not only bows and arrows, but also crossbow arrows.

The lethality of crossbows is much stronger than that of bows and arrows. The reason why bows and arrows are more used in the army than crossbows is because their cost is too high and they are easily damaged.Once damaged, there are too few craftsmen who can repair it, so it becomes a piece of scrap iron.

It's like two martial arts masters are about to duel, but one of them pulls out a pistol...

Shanyin is located on the border, and Beidi often organizes collective raids southward.

Seeing this, Gongsun Zan couldn't help laughing up to the sky.

Sir, times have changed!
Following Gongsun Zan's order, Bai Ma Yicong, under his command, spread out and fired randomly at the thousand or so cavalry in front.

It's a pity that the screams couldn't change the reality. The cavalrymen of the Imperial Army who charged ahead were shot and fell off their horses one after another, and the soldiers who were not shot behind were also stagnant due to the rain of arrows.

That's why when Huangfu looked away without returning, he would see honor in the eyes of every Baima Yicong!

What is righteousness?

Don't look at the fact that Baima Yicong has only been in the army for a few years, but these few years happened to be the time when the war in northern Xinjiang was at its peak. In a few years, they may have fought other people's battles for more than ten or even decades!
"Pass down the order to surround the left and right flanks of the enemy army and slow down the enemy's impact speed!" Huangfu said indifferently with a look of no return.

Looking at the arrows ready to go, and the indifferent eyes of the officers and men of Baima Yicong, that general of the imperial army wanted to curse very much!

But even though there are countless disadvantages, when the crossbow arrows really appear on the battlefield, all enemies will be terrified!
Maybe Gongsun Zan in history didn't have enough background to equip Baima Yicong with a crossbow, but Zhenbei Prefecture in this world has this background.

Facing the arrows pouring down like bullets, not to mention the soldiers of the imperial army, even the horses under their crotches let out endless screams.

When they worked together to fight against Beidi, the performance of these forbidden troops was more arrogant than one.But today's head-to-head game is so vulnerable.

When the two sides rushed to about a hundred paces, the general of the forbidden army was horrified to find that the guys on the white horses on the opposite side pulled out their backs one after another during the charge, and the next moment they set up a crossbow.

Gathering together because of righteousness, this is righteousness.

Compared with infantry, cavalry, in addition to the advantage in speed, the biggest advantage is the powerful impact ability.

At the same time, Gongsun Zan secretly swore in his heart that one day, he would make all the famous iron cavalry in the world be defeated by his Baima Yicong, and make Baima Yicong the world's number one cavalry.

A general of the imperial army reluctantly gathered more than a thousand cavalrymen to escape from the chaotic battle, and was about to stop Baima Yicong,

This sense of honor will prompt them to be desperate and risk their lives in battle!

The core cohesion of Baima Yicong is that under the leadership of Gongsun Zan, they can slaughter barbarians and defend their home and country.

When infantry is fighting against cavalry, the most important point is to find a way to slow down the opponent's charge speed and exhaust the opponent's horsepower.

And every turn of the cavalry is a waste of horsepower for them to continue.The light cavalry is okay, not only can turn around flexibly, but also has limited horsepower consumption.

The heavy cavalry is the most miserable, although their impact is almost invincible on the frontal battlefield.However, the heavy armor made it impossible for them to even turn around on the battlefield, and they could only charge in a straight line.Even the heavy armor made their long-lasting combat ability really touching!
But now, Huangfu has nowhere to return except to block Baima Yicong from the front, trying to slow down the opponent's impact speed.At the same time, they desperately mobilized troops to outflank the left and right wings, just to make it more difficult for the opponent to turn around.Under the outflanking of the left and right wings, even if Bai Ma Yicong could still turn around with his strong combat ability, it would consume more horsepower.

Therefore, all that Huangfu Wugui did was not to stop this white horse righteousness by himself.In such a chaotic battlefield, he was unable to mobilize his forces abroad in a short period of time, and it was difficult to effectively block Baima Yicong.

All he did was to create opportunities for Chu Jingzhong's troops who were about to outflank them!
However, what Huangfu Wugui never expected was that Chu Jingzhong's troops, which he had placed high hopes on, were destined to be unable to arrive on time according to their original plan. It's hard to guarantee, let alone take care of Huangfu Wugui's side!

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