Chapter 825 Chang Xian
Among the Baimayi Cong, Xuanyuan Huang also expressed his admiration for the fighting ability displayed by this army.He Tianshidao seems to have a large number of people, but no army can compare with Baima Yicong!
Even, after any unit in the Tao of Heavenly Masters is taken out alone, there is a considerable gap compared with Baima Yicong.

Although Xuanyuan Huang selected 10 people from the entire Tianshi Dao, he created 10 elites.But these [-] elites are equivalent to other soldiers of Tianshi Dao, but it does not mean that these [-] people can reach the level of Baima Yicong.

This is simply an impossible thing!
One hundred thousand elites of this level, with hundreds of years of experience, the black cavalry, the flame tiger and leopard cavalry, the champion battalion, the divine bow battalion, the Panshan heavy infantry, the light car tiger guards, etc., may overwhelm the entire Great Cang After all the imperial guards, frontier troops, and government troops were gathered together, only a few million soldiers and horses could pick out one hundred thousand such elites.

As for the creation of elites, it needs the support of the background, and it is not enough to have a mouth and hands!

A qualified elite has always been the best soldiers equipped with the best equipment.Just like how much effort Wang Yu spent to gather enough horses to form the Golden Fire Cavalry.

He even exchanged some of Dongyi's captives back then, just in exchange for qualified war horses.The war horses ridden by elites of this level are better than those ridden by ordinary cavalry.

Since then, the training intensity of elite troops has far exceeded that of ordinary troops.And to maintain such a high training intensity, the daily treatment of these elite troops is naturally higher than that of ordinary troops.Even, these elite troops don't say that they eat meat every day, but at least let them see meat every day in order to maintain their strong combat power.

For ordinary soldiers, their bodies are stronger, and after training, they can outperform those soldiers who are relatively thin.

As for the origin of Tianshidao, within a certain period of time, all Tianshidao has to do is to work on its own foundation, and it is difficult to allocate so many resources to create a truly invincible elite.

If it is said that Xuanyuan Huang wants to create an elite camp with a few hundred people like Xiandeng Shishi, it is still possible, but a few thousand people like Baima Yicong, or even tens of thousands of people like the Golden Fire Cavalry , it is unlikely.

"Chang Xian! Baima Yicong has been performing for so long, it's time for them to see our abilities!" Xuanyuan Huang put aside the redundant thoughts in his heart, and regained his previous heroic way.

"Okay! I will open the way for the Lord!" Chang Xian let out a long roar, lightly clamped the horse's belly, and carried a pair of sledgehammers like a sharp arrow, Bai Mayi jumped out of it.

"Ding, Changxian Wuwang's skills are activated, force +3, basic force 104, Thunder Beast Bone Hammer +1, Kui Niu Man Thunder Horse +1, Holy Ancestor +2, the current force has risen to 111."

There was a roar of thunder, and before Gongsun Zan could react, a majestic figure appeared beside him, and a mass of thick blood exploded in front of his eyes.The rich blood that exploded in front of Gongsun Zan fully demonstrated Chang Xian's strength.

Seeing that their respective chests have been sunken, I am afraid that even if Hua Tuo is alive, they will not be able to save their lives!
Sweeping again with the double hammers, the seven or eight enemy soldiers surrounded by Chang Xian's hammer, and before they had time to make a final cry, lay dead on the spot, and the blood continued to mix and reverberate in the soil.

Chang Xian's heavy hammer is as powerful as a mountain. The hammer in the right hand will knock down one person. There is no enemy. The hammer in the left hand is like a thunderbolt. It breaks the sky with one blow, and beats Xiaoxiao who dared to attack him to pieces. People can be enemies.

The killing never stopped, Chang Xian took thirty steps in one breath, trampling over countless dead bodies that fell to the ground in an instant, and the blood behind him was woven into a carpet.

"Ding, Xuanyuan Yellow Sacred Ancestor's skill effect 2 activates. When a general under his command goes into battle, his force value can be temporarily increased by 2 points. It can be activated against up to five people at the same time. Chang Xian's force +[-], currently Chang Xian's force rises to..."

A pair of Thunder Beast Bone Hammers in Chang Xian's hands had already spun rapidly, sweeping across the wilderness, when a faint blue light flashed in the sky, drawing a circle, it was as if a thunderclap suddenly appeared, and five or six enemy troops in front were already flying upside down go out.

"General Gongsun, a certain Chang came to open the way for Baima Yicong!"

Chang Xian exuded a blood-red aura, even among the Zhenbei Army, there were only a handful of people who could reach this level.Except for those god-level generals, there are absolutely no more than three people in the Zhenbei Army who can reach this level.And those few people are all well-known in the Zhenbei Army.

However, as a general, after seeing a truly elite army like Baima Yicong, Xuanyuan Huang was really envious.

The double hammers shocked the crowd, often turned around and fell off the horse, a moment of sarcasm flashed across the face of the crowd, but there was no nonsense, and the Kui Niu barbaric thunder horse under the crotch of the horse whip turned into a gust of wind, and rushed straight to the enemy in front of him. go.

Blood energy is an inherent characteristic of a heaven-level military general when he goes all out, and such a strong blood energy is definitely the best among the heaven-level generals.

Dozens of soldiers who were about to encircle in the outer circle saw the high-spirited comrades in front of them suddenly turned into corpses who could not speak. They felt a little afraid of Chang Xian, and began to froze and did not dare to go forward.

"Okay! What a unparalleled general!" Gongsun Zan relished Chang Xian's brave performance, and hurriedly rushed up with Bai Ma Yicong behind him.

In fact, Gongsun Zan has always wanted to absorb such a powerful general to fill his white horse righteousness.If his Baima Yicong has such a unparalleled fierce general as an arrow to charge in the future, it will definitely be of great benefit to Baima Yicong's combat power.

It's a pity that there are only a few generals of this level in the entire Zhenbei Army. How can Gongsun Zan have the capital to win him into the White Horse Yicong?Moreover, even if that person agrees, it depends on whether Lie Qiankun is happy or not!

Besides, Gongsun Zan is indeed a senior obsessive-compulsive disorder patient. In his mind, if Baima Yicong could join such a unparalleled general in the future, the opponent had better be like Baima Yicong. , it is best to put on a white robe again!
After all, being strong or weak is only temporary, and being handsome is a matter of a lifetime.

And with a brave general like Chang Xian opening the way in front of Baima Yicong, he was reluctant to resist, but now he was completely torn into pieces by Baima Yicong.

(End of this chapter)

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