Chapter 826 Xuanyuan
"Madman! Hugh is crazy, with this general here, don't think about going any further!" The two fierce generals rushed out in unison, leading 500 people to directly block Baima Yicong's path.

Originally in the midst of a melee, Huangfu Wugui had no way at this time to mobilize more soldiers and horses to deal with Baima Yicong in a short period of time. Except for those who had just been broken by Baima Yicong, this new The 500 people who appeared were Huangfu's last resort.

These 500 people were all directly protecting Huangfu Wugui in the Chinese army. In other words, Huangfu Wugui actually started to fight his own life, and even sent out his personal guards!
Moreover, the leaders are even more powerful generals of the heavenly level, but they are all generals who have just entered the heavenly level. One has a basic force of 101 points, while the other has a basic force of only 100 points, and they are already at the peak of the heavenly level. Chang Xian is naturally incomparable.

However, with the combined strength of the two of them, there is still the ability to stop it. At this time, Huangfu Wugui still counts on Chu Jingzhong to bring troops and horses to outflank him in time.

"General Gongsun, leave these two to me. The general can lead the army to kill the enemy's central army!" Xuanyuan Huang greeted Gongsun Zan directly, holding a gun in his left hand and a sword in his right, and charged at the two generals blocking the way. one person.

Bai Ma Yicong took advantage of the opponent's battle and suddenly rushed out from behind the opponent. What he was particular about was a quick word, quickly attacking the enemy, and not giving the enemy a chance to rectify their troops.

Once you can't do this quick word, if the enemy can straighten out a battle-ready soldier from the chaotic battlefield, then the meaning of their sudden attack from behind will be greatly reduced!

Therefore, any obstacles you face along the way must be broken through as quickly as possible!

Anyway, they are also two heavenly generals, although they are far inferior to Chang Xian.However, if the strength of the two join forces, although Chang Xian can win in the end, at least it will take a little effort.

In order not to waste time and to resolve the battle as quickly as possible, Xuanyuan Huang is also ready to make a move at this time!He and Chang Xian confronted one another, which was enough to resolve the battle in the shortest time!

Ding Buqiang, one of the two warriors, suddenly saw that there was chaos in front of him, he held up his guns and immediately took a look, only to see that there was only a single warrior in yellow robe, killing the imperial guards with one gun and one sword.

Xiao Ruohai's force -1, the current force has dropped to...


This Ding Buqiang was a bit persistent, and he didn't think about doing things like sneak attacks. Instead, he reined in his horse and reported his family, and then he raised his two guns and went straight towards Xuanyuan Huang.

Effect [-]: Seal the strength bonus of the opponent's weapon, and double the strength increase of one's own weapon.

Note: In each group of combination skills, at most one person can be replaced by someone other than the combination skill participants. "

"Old man, the two-spear general of the forbidden army, Ding is not obstinate, and the thief general, since you are so capable of disrupting our army formation, then you can taste the power of this pair of pistols in my hand, old man."

"Hiss, I didn't expect there to be such a fierce general in the enemy army. One man killed our army in such a hurry. It seems that I will have to step forward for a while."

Effect [-], Xuanyuan Sword is not affected by any sealed weapon skills.

Xuanyuan Huang's right hand is like a dragon with a dragon chanting spear, one spear will fall one person, and there is no one enemy. With his left hand, he pulls out the Xuanyuan sword at his waist. With one sword, he cuts off the sky, and with one sword cut, his armor will be shattered One ride, no one can beat him.

"Ding, Xuanyuan Huang's Xuanyuan skill effect three is activated. When using the Xuanyuan Sword to fight, his own force will be +3, the basic force will be 105, and the equipment will be +2. Currently, Xuanyuan Huang's force will rise to 110."

"Ding, Xuanyuan Huang's Xuanyuan skill is activated,
Xuanyuan: The sun, moon and stars, mountains and rivers, vegetation, farming and animal husbandry, unification of the world, slaying demons and eliminating demons, Xuanyuan Xiayu, those who have the fate of the emperor and have great luck have a small chance of awakening with Xuanyuan sword in their hands. The effect after awakening is different for each person .

However, Xuanyuan Huang was secretly pleasantly surprised when the enemy general came to kill him.The enemy general dared to take the initiative to kill him, which saved him a lot of trouble.

Xuanyuan Huanglong chanting spear and Xuanyuan sword moved away, sweeping away the redundant people on both sides who were dying, and seeing a piebald horse riding in the wind ahead, he also felt a biting murderous aura.

The effect of the fifth effect is also terrible, which is equivalent to a combination skill that can be composed of five people, but Emperor Xuanyuan only needs to have four of them to make this combination skill explode smoothly.

Effect five, when you are a monarch, you can strengthen the tacit understanding between your subjects, and your own subjects can replace other subjects to participate in the combo skills.

What a Xuanyuan Huang, any skill he took out at random is a superb skill!
From the Yellow Emperor, to the Holy Ancestor, to Xuanyuan, every skill is a superb skill.It is very rare for others to own one, but Xuanyuan Huang owns three at once. He really deserves to be my Chinese ancestor!
It can be seen that, as a monarch, Xuanyuan Huang's Xuanyuan skill is the same as the previous two skills. What he focuses on is not the strengthening of his own strength, but the overall improvement.

Note: Only when Xuanyuan Sword is in hand can this skill take effect.

Effect [-], the sword of the holy way, can break the effect of the enemy's entire army skill once.

"Ding, Xuanyuan Huang's Xuanyuan skill effect four activates, which can break the enemy's entire army skill effect once. The current combination skill effect of jackals, tigers and leopards is invalid. The force of Baili Changfeng is -1, and the current force drops to...

The fourth effect is to break the force increase effect of the enemy's entire army. This skill effect can definitely play a huge role when the two armies are at war.

Ding Buqiang, I thought it would be very rare to have a Chang Xian among the enemy army, but I didn't want to suddenly have such a strong person!
Seeing that Xuanyuan Huang's spear skills are as superb as divine sword skills, unstoppable, he felt a bit of a warlike heart. With a whip, the silver-spotted horse under his crotch whipped up a gust of wind and broke through the crowd, and the horse's hoof kept blowing up dust. He roared towards Xuanyuan Huang Tiefeng.

Effect 3, when using the Xuanyuan Sword to fight, own strength +[-].

"Old general, this general, Xuanyuan Huang, sent the general on his way today!"

Xuanyuan Huang roared in a low voice, and the dragon chanting spear withstood Ding Buqiang's left-handed spear, while Xuanyuan Huang with his right hand slashed at Ding Bukuang's right-handed spear with the greatest strength.

"Ding, Xuanyuan Huang's Martial God skill is activated, and Xuanyuan Huang's martial power has risen to..."

The bloody aura above Xuanyuan Sword suddenly appeared, and boiled rapidly in an instant!The sudden bloody aura made Ding Bukuan's pupils shrink suddenly!
Unexpectedly, this is still a hidden tiger, but now that he has already rushed under the opponent's tiger's claws, even if he regrets it, it is too late, so he can only bite the bullet and continue to shoot.

(End of this chapter)

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