National Investment: Start investing in Zhu Yuanzhang!

Chapter 194 Heroes See the Same Thing

Chapter 194 Heroes See the Same Thing

On the spot, Dong Zhuo's face immediately sank, and he got on his horse, not intending to talk to Liu Bei and others.

The irritable Zhang Fei stared angrily.

"This guy is so arrogant!"

He was going to give Dong Zhuo a hard time with that eight-point steel spear.

"Third brother, don't be impulsive."

Liu Bei quickly stopped Zhang Fei.

"Calm down."

Guan Yu also said something.

After that, the video screen flickered quickly.

Zhu Jun, Sun Jian, Cao Cao...

A series of heroes attacked to suppress the Yellow Turban Army.

The Yellow Turban Army was defeated again and again.

There was a trend of decadence.

Even Zhang Jiao, the leader of the Yellow Turban Army, was seriously ill.

The bones of the body are getting worse day by day.

At this time, Zhang Jiao's pale and thin face also appeared on the video screen.

"Great virtuous teacher, why are you so ill!"

"Great virtuous teacher, hurry up and use your Taoism to heal yourself!"

"What should we do! The Yellow Turban Army is going to die!"

"Great virtuous teacher, you have obtained three volumes of the heavenly book called "Taiping Yaoshu". Could it be that this heavenly book can't cure your illness?"


The high-ranking Yellow Turban soldiers around all showed a helpless expression.

They were looking forward to Zhang Jiao's magical Taoism as soon as possible, so that his illness could be cured.


Seeing such a scene, the students couldn't help laughing.

What kind of Taoism does this great virtuous teacher know? This is simply a trick to fool people.

But these fools are still being fooled around.

Sitting on the bed, Zhang Jiao, who was dying of illness, almost fainted when he heard the words of these subordinates.

Is this retribution?
He is nothing but a failed talent.

What kind of Taoism is there, it's all deceiving stuff.

"Poverty does not mean that you are seriously ill, but that you have achieved success in cultivating the Tao, and you are about to be ranked among the immortals."

Zhang Jiao's tone was weak.

"There is such a thing!"

Everyone exclaimed again and again.

"Old Immortal Nanhua, have you found it? Have you found it?"

Zhang Jiao asked again.

The crowd shook their heads.

They really couldn't find out where the Nanhua Old Immortal was.

In the next few days.

Zhang Jiao's condition worsened day by day, and he died of a serious illness.

"Congratulations to General Tiangong, a great virtuous teacher who has achieved Taoism and is ranked among the immortals!"

Tears welled up in the eyes of everyone present, and they also said in unison.

There was an envious expression on their faces.

"Do you think we can also be ranked in the immortal class like the great virtuous teacher?"

"That's possible! We don't know the Taoism of the great virtuous teacher!"

"Who is this Old Immortal Nanhua?"


【End of video playback】

Amidst the discussions among Zhang Jiao's subordinates, the video also came to an abrupt end.

At this moment, the students were not making fun of Zhang Jiao's subordinates, but were guessing the identity of the old fairy Nanhua.

"This Nanhua old fairy is really mysterious, even the system didn't give any useful clues."

The students are still entangled with the old fairy of Nanhua.

"No matter how mysterious the old fairy Nanhua is, do you think he is really a fairy?"

Old Professor Yang showed a very calm look.

When he said this, the students present were also speechless.


There is absolutely no way that this Nanhua old fairy could be a god, at most he is a good liar.

"Let's talk about "Three Kingdoms" first. Today's emperor is Liu Hong. It's just that this emperor is a foolish emperor, a pro-little man, and a far-off virtuous minister. Even, the eunuch group will now develop to such a height. , he made it himself."

"This group of eunuchs is known by the world as the ten permanent attendants. The leaders are Zhang Rang and Zhao Zhong."

Old Professor Yang shared some of the information he had learned.

The eunuchs are in chaos, and the world is in chaos.

The students listened carefully, and seemed to be very moved in their hearts.

Next, Professor Yang also mentioned a popular stock that is currently more popular.

"How is this investment stock going?"

He didn't talk nonsense, and directly observed the progress of the investment stocks.

【Written Observation He Jin】

【He Jin made a fortune】

[He Jin's position has been promoted again and again]

【He Jinguan pays homage to the general】

【He Jin wants to kill the Ten Attendants】

"The official worships the general and wants to kill the ten permanent attendants. This difficulty seems to be a bit difficult!"

The students have different expressions.

Professor Yang continued to control the projection function of the system.

【Video Observation He Jin】

【Heroes see the same thing】

【Video playback】


As soon as he came into everyone's sight, there was a big man with a sturdy figure. He held a butcher's knife in his hand, and he chopped down with one knife, which actually chopped off the head of a fat pig in front of him.

Blood splattered everywhere, and the scene was bloody.

This butcher is none other than He Jin.

"My sister went to the palace, and I don't know how life in the palace is going?"

He Jin muttered something.

Day after day.

His daily task is to kill pigs.

On this day, the He family was very leisurely at home.

But there were many officials outside the door.

The arrival of these officials made He Jin stand up from his chair in shock.

"Several adults, young ones, didn't do anything wrong..."

He Jin was full of fear and uneasiness, and he didn't even dare to look up at the officials in front of him.

"Master He, don't make me wait, I'm waiting in front of Mr. He, how dare you call yourself an adult!"


Several officials immediately knelt down for He Jin.

This made He Jin dumbfounded.

He is a butcher who kills pigs, so what happened to him?
After some understanding.

Only then did he realize that his half-sister was in the palace and became His Majesty's favorite concubine, and even brought him into an official position.

"This is the chaos of foreign relatives!"

The corners of the students' mouths twitched several times, they were really envious of He Jin.

Look at He Jin, a pig butcher, because of his younger sister, he went directly from being a white man to an official. The speed of his fortune is really too fast.

Guanghe three years.

He Jin's younger sister continued to be favored and was named queen.

He Jin's official position was promoted again, and he became a servant.

Another year passed, in the first year of Zhongping, the Yellow Turban Army rebelled, and He Jinguan worshiped the general.

"It's only been a few years, and He Jin has reached the sky in one step! The speed of this rise is astonishing!"

The students were stunned.

This He Jin looks like he has great potential.

It is simply too bizarre and outrageous for a butcher to be able to achieve such an official position as He Jin.

Many students are also eager to move, and seem to want to invest in He Jin, an investment stock.

But Ye Xiao had a strange expression.

As far as He Jin entered the arena sooner or later, He Jin might really be decapitated in a short time.


A major incident also happened in the court.

Liu Hong, the current His Majesty, is not in good health. He is seriously ill and is bedridden.

This made He Jin anxious.

He also hurriedly found two reliable men.

One is Yuan Shao, Yuan Benchu, the Sili school lieutenant of the family of the fourth generation and the third lord.

The other person is Cao Cao Cao Mengde, who is an official worship captain of cavalry.

"Your Majesty is seriously ill. I don't know if His Majesty will make General Ben's nephew the crown prince?"

He Jin looked anxious.

"Your Majesty will make General He's nephew Liu Bian the crown prince."

Yuan Shao, who had a fair face and looked about 30 years old, spoke.

"Your Majesty, I think that His Majesty has always loved Liu Xie, and will definitely make Liu Xie the crown prince."

Cao Cao, who is of medium build and has dark brows, also spoke.

Originally, He Jin was full of joy, but when Cao Cao said this, his face turned down.

"Your Majesty, Liu Bian will definitely be made the crown prince! Yuan Shao, you and I, heroes, see the same thing!"

He Jin looked at Yuan Shao with an appreciative look.

"Thank you, General He praised."

Yuan Shao seemed very flattered and quickly replied.

Cao Cao remained silent.

Soon, one of He Jin's confidants came to report an urgent piece of information.

Now His Majesty wants to make Liu Xie the crown prince.

"Even, Your Majesty still..."

The confidant speaks hesitantly.

"Say! Say it quickly!"

He Jin's face darkened.

After enjoying the wonderful taste of power, it is absolutely impossible for him to let go of power.

He will continue to be an official, and he will be a high official.

If anyone refuses to accept it, the butcher knife in his hand will be aimed at him.

"Your Majesty also intends to get rid of General He."

The confidant said in a trembling tone.


He Jin was furious, and immediately led his troops to the palace without saying a word.

"This Cao Cao is really capable!"

The students exclaimed.

Emperor Liu Hong in the palace.

His condition continued to worsen, and it was time for his life to hang in the balance.

"Your Majesty, it's not good! General He led thousands of troops and surrounded the palace."

A young eunuch looked terrified and ran to report the news.

"He Jin! How dare he! How dare he do this!"

Liu Hong was furious, his face turned blue and purple with anger.

Under this anger, coupled with his serious illness, he actually jerked his body, closed his eyes, and died directly.

The little eunuch was completely shocked.

After a long time, the little eunuch exclaimed, his face full of grief, "Your Majesty, you are dead!"


But one or two sticks of incense time.

He Jin led his soldiers and broke into Liu Hong's bedroom.

Seeing Liu Hong dying of illness, He Jin was also very surprised.

"The emperor died like this?"

His eyes widened, looking at the gradually cooling corpse in front of him, he felt a burst of astonishment.

A greed spread rapidly in his heart.

Now that the emperor is dead, he will support his nephew Liu Bian to become emperor.

Afterwards, He Jin did what he said, and with the power in his hands, he directly made his nephew Liu Bian the crown prince and proclaimed himself emperor.

"I am waiting to meet your Majesty."

The civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty paid homage to the new emperor Liu Bian.

And this year Liu Bian was only 13 years old.

Liu Bian, who was sitting on the dragon chair, was just a child, looking very young and immature.

"Your family... no courtesy."

Liu Bian spoke hesitantly.

"Can such a son of heaven succeed? This is completely a puppet!"

All the students seemed to be able to predict what would happen to Liu Bian, and it was definitely not going to be any better.

But within a few days.

He Jin was secretly recruited into the palace by Empress Dowager He to discuss important matters.

"Sister, why are you in such a hurry?"

He Jin is really grateful for this beautiful woman, Empress Dowager He, if it wasn't for her, he would still be a butcher.

"Brother, things are not going well. The Empress Dowager Dong is going to listen to the government behind the curtain, what should Bian'er do then?"

Empress Dowager He looked anxious.

"His Empress Dowager Dong is really daring, and she is going to listen to the government behind the curtain! Very good!"

He Jin's expression darkened, and murderous intent appeared in his eyes, "In this case, I will find a reason with the civil and military officials to demote the Queen Mother Dong and let her go back to her hometown to retire."

"it is good."

Empress Dowager He nodded and understood her brother's intentions.

I am afraid that the embarrassment of the Queen Mother Dong is just to deceive people.

Empress Dowager Dong is destined to die.

Go back to the General's Mansion.

He Jin quickly asked people to prepare poisoned wine.

Poisonous wine is brewed from the feathers of poisonous birds.

This wine is highly poisonous.

Once a person drinks it, he will undoubtedly die.

"Cao Cao, Yuan Shao, what do you think of my strategy?"

After preparing the poisonous wine, He Jin showed a complacent expression on his face.

Dare to fight him.

Just looking for death.

"General He's strategy is sure to get rid of the Queen Mother Dong in one fell swoop. It is a clever trick."

Yuan Shao said, with an expression of admiration on his face.

Cao Cao, on the other hand, shook his head.

"This strategy is not feasible. If it is used, I am afraid there will be rumors outside that you, General He, poisoned the Queen Mother Dong. This is not good for you, General He. But there is a plan..."

While speaking, he was also looking forward to it, and wanted He Jin to listen to his strategy.

But who knows, He Jin's face darkened.

"The general's strategy is definitely feasible. Whoever dares to talk too much, the general will kill him. Besides, the general is a bit more secretive. Who knows about this matter. Could it be that you, Cao Cao, will go to inform you?"

After all, He Jin fixed his eyes on Cao Cao.

"I dare not."

Cao Cao quickly replied.


That night, He Jin carried out the plan.

And secretly sent someone to monitor Cao Cao, as if he was afraid that Cao Cao would go to inform him.

This made Cao Cao feel helpless in the house.

"General He, General He, you have to know that there is no impenetrable wall in this world!"

He sighed.

Now, he also realized a little bit.

He Jin fears that it will be difficult to achieve great things.

"This... He Jin's approach is a bit inappropriate!"

"Why didn't you listen to Cao Cao's strategy?"

"This Cao Cao is quite capable!"

"He Jin really is a pig butcher, he really can't make a fortune!"


The students sighed again and again.

"You think He Jin can't make a fortune, but do you think you will lose money if you invest in He Jin now? As long as you sell your investment shares in He Jin at the right time, this is a sure-fire deal."

Professor Yang said solemnly.

When he said this, the students nodded in unison.

This is indeed very reasonable.

He Jin's various behaviors can be said to be a powerful minister.

No matter what you do, power minister, you won't lose money!
It's just that if the power minister doesn't end well, he will definitely lose money.

All the students continued to stare at the video screen in front of them.


He Jin secretly sent someone to poison Empress Dowager Dong.

The plan was successful and perfect.

But I don't know who leaked the news and let the whole capital know.

He Jin poisoned Empress Dowager Dong.

After checking this, He Jin understood.

It was Zhang Rang, the ten permanent attendant, who was playing tricks in the dark.

"Zhang Rang, damn it! When the late emperor was here, you were called father by the late emperor, but now that the late emperor has passed away, do you really think you can still be so powerful?"

He Jin, who was in the study, was full of anger.

An idea also popped up in his mind.

He is going to kill the ten permanent attendants.

(End of this chapter)

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