National Investment: Start investing in Zhu Yuanzhang!

Chapter 195 Dong Zhuo is a jackal, Xue Rengui went to Dafeichuan

Chapter 195 Dong Zhuo is a jackal, Xue Rengui went to Dafeichuan

"These ten permanent attendants have harmed the government, and everyone has to punish them! This general will do justice for the heavens!"

He Jin has a righteous face, his eyes are full of fighting spirit.

He must do nothing but these ten permanent attendants!

A group of eunuchs dared to mess up the government, and dared to harm the world, so they deserved death.

On the same day, he secretly entered the palace again to discuss the matter with his younger sister, Empress Dowager He.

"Brother, this is absolutely unacceptable. These ten servants are very powerful. Moreover, you and I are today thanks to the support of these eunuchs. Otherwise, how can my sister become a queen, and how can my brother become a general?" .”

Empress Dowager He shook her head, strongly opposing He Jin's behavior.


He Jin's expression was stiff, he didn't expect his sister to reject his proposal.

Is his proposal bad?

He Jin wanted to say something else.

"Brother, don't make mistakes."

Empress Dowager He said with a serious expression.

"Well, just listen to my sister."

He Jin sighed, showing a hesitant side.

"He Jin's character is too deadly. This investment stock can become a hot spot because the current investment world "Three Kingdoms" has just started. Otherwise, I'm afraid there will be nothing wrong with He Jin."

Old Professor Yang also seemed to hate iron for being weak.

If you want to destroy the ten permanent servants, you should act more decisively!
If you hesitate, you will definitely lose.

In He Jin's mansion, many officials had already gathered together.

"General He, what did the Queen Mother say, but you want me to help you destroy Zhang Rang?"

These officials also wanted to kill the Ten Permanent Attendants.

With these ten permanent attendants, the court will never be at peace!

"The queen mother does not agree to kill Zhang Rang."

He Jin sighed.


Suddenly, a loud laugh sounded.

That suddenly sized person is exactly Yuan Shao.

"General He, I have a plan, and I will be able to destroy Zhang Rang."

"What's the plan?"

All the officials present pricked up their ears, and even Cao Cao, who was sitting in an inconspicuous position, had a look of surprise and uncertainty.

What good plan did Yuan Shao really have?

"Forge an imperial edict, recruit heroes from all over the world, and gather in the capital. At that time, we will be able to kill all these eunuchs, so that future troubles can be avoided!"

Yuan Shao said confidently.

He thinks this strategy is absolutely feasible.

All eunuchs will be killed.

There will be no more bullshit ten permanent attendants.

He Jin nodded again and again when he heard it, as if there was such a truth.

"The governor of Xiliang, Dong Zhuo, is a good person. If the capital is recruited, he will be able to put down the disaster of the ten permanent attendants."

He Jin was full of anticipation.

When Dong Zhuo came to the capital, the troubles of the ten permanent servants could be easily dealt with, and the ten permanent servants would definitely be uprooted.

If he was single-handedly weak, he would have no absolute way to deal with these ten servants.

At this time, the old master Chen Lin quickly stood up and said, "No, General He's plan will never succeed. If Dong Zhuo came to the capital and had a different heart, it would be a catastrophe. At that time, maybe the disaster caused by Dong Zhuo will be serious. It's even more serious than the ten permanent servants."

"That's right! Dong Zhuo can't be recruited into the capital. This man is the governor of Xiliang, commanding 200,000 troops. He has long been disobedient. Dong Zhuo is a jackal."

Cao Cao also hurriedly stood up.

If Dong Zhuo enters the capital, the world will be in chaos.


He Jin seemed to disagree.

"Dong Zhuo has no merit, but he became the governor of Xiliang. He simply spent a lot of money to buy off the ten permanent servants. In addition..."

Cao Cao continued.


On the spot, He Jin sneered, and also interrupted Cao Cao in a cold voice, "You junior, what do you know about court affairs? If Dong Zhuo goes to Beijing, there will be no trouble! I have made up my mind, and I have issued a secret edict to call Dong Zhuo to Beijing! "

After the words fell, he was not looking at Cao Cao, but looking at Yuan Shao.

His eyes were full of admiration.

"In the beginning, you and I, the heroes, see the same thing!"

He Jin laughed heartily.

Yuan Shao was also smiling.

It was a few officials with worried expressions on their cheeks.

Cao Cao's face darkened.

"The world is going to be chaotic."

"Those who mess up the world, how can they advance?"

He muttered in a low voice, and also got up and left the table directly.

Even his departure did not attract the attention of He Jin and others.

【End of video playback】

"This Dong Zhuo seems to be the fat fat man I saw earlier. Is he really so powerful?"

"This has become the governor of Xiliang, which probably cost a lot of money."

"Is Cao Cao's words alarmist?"

"Dong Zhuo's coming to Beijing, will the world really be in chaos?"


Students are still hard to judge.

"Maybe, or not. There are too many variables in the investment world."

Professor Yang couldn't give an accurate answer either.

This is also his first contact with "Three Kingdoms". He can only provide the students with some investment ideas, how to avoid risks, how to enter and leave the market in time.

This is not.

Next, Professor Yang Lao began to talk about various investment experiences.

"Never borrow from the system. Once you are in debt, you will enter the vicious circle. At that time, it will be difficult for you to get out, and it will be difficult for you to have a chance to turn around."

Professor Yang gave another advice.

"Can you still borrow money?"

The students were quite surprised.

Ye Xiao's expression was a little unnatural.

He can currently repay 9.9 trillion in debt.

However, don't panic.

Soon, the bell rang for the end of get out of class.

The following courses are all self-study courses, thinking about "Three Kingdoms" and "Wu Zhou" by myself.

Your own destiny is ultimately in your own hands.

Ye Xiao also checked the three investment stocks of "Wu Zhou".

[Real-time settlement investment stocks - "Wu Zhou" Wu Mei]

[Investment amount: 100 million red crystals]

[Profit and loss event record of investment stocks]


[Li Zhi is unwell, Wu Mei handles government affairs, making a profit of 10 billion red crystals]

[Wu Mei wisely dealt with the abolition of Shangguanyi and made a profit of 20 billion red crystals]

[Wu Mei listened to the government behind the curtain, was called the queen of heaven, created a situation where the two saints were in court, and made a profit of 500 billion red crystals]

[Real-time profit and loss: profit of 530 million red crystals]

Ye Xiao was quite surprised.

Wu Mei's investment stock exploded again!
A 500 billion red crystal exploded directly.

It seems that the significance of listening to the government behind the curtain, being called the Queen of Heaven, and the presence of the two saints is really extraordinary.

Checked Li Zhi again.

[Real-time settlement investment stocks - "Wu Zhou" Li Zhi]

[Investment amount: 100 million red crystals]

[Profit and loss event record of investment stocks]


[Li Zhi worked hard to handle government affairs and made a profit of 5000 million red crystals]

[Li Zhi was dizzy, feeling unwell, and lost 5000 million red crystals]

[Li Zhi was called the emperor, the two saints came to court, and made a profit of 1 million red crystals]

[Received by the genius doctor Sun Simiao, Li Zhi regained his health, free from disease and disaster, and made a profit of 1 million red crystals]

[Real-time profit and loss: profit of 2 million red crystals]

Li Zhi is in good health?

No disease or disaster?

Is medicine king Sun Simiao so powerful?
Investors must have helped Li Zhi.

If Li Zhi is not dead, can Wu Mei become emperor?
I also checked Xue Rengui, an investment stock.

[Real-time settlement investment stocks - "Wu Zhou" Xue Rengui]

[Investment amount: 100 million red crystals]

[Profit and loss event record of investment stocks]


[Xue Rengui rescued Li Zhi and made a profit of 5000 million red crystals]

[Xue Rengui is unparalleled in archery, making a profit of 5000 million red crystals]

[Xue Rengui's three arrows set the world, making a profit of 50 billion red crystals]

[Xue Rengui took the initiative to invite Ying to fight, rushed to Dafeichuan, and made a profit of 5000 million red crystals]

[Real-time profit and loss: profit 51 billion red crystals]

Even Xue Rengui made money.

It is directly more than 51 billion red crystals.

Especially these three arrows set the world, making a direct profit of 50 billion red crystals.

It's just that the next one is Dafeichuan.

If he remembers correctly.

Xue Rengui is about to lose!

Defeat Dafeichuan!
This is incredible.

This investment stock is for sale.

Must sell.

Ye Xiao quickly manipulated the investment interface, also wanting to sell the investment stock Xue Rengui to the system.

A system message also appeared instantly.

[Sell a total of 100 million shares of Xue Rengui. According to the host's entry time, the 100 million shares of Xue Rengui currently held by the host are worth 50 billion red crystals]

Ye Xiao froze for a moment.

This is not too little.

Think about it, 50 billion red crystals is not too little.

Besides, if you are waiting.

Xue Rengui defeated Dafeichuan, and his 100 million shares of Xue Rengui may shrink directly to 5 million Hongjing.

No more hesitation, Ye Xiao sold directly.

[Congratulations to the host for successfully selling 100 million shares of Xue Rengui, the current tax rate is 5%, and the account is 47.5 billion Hongjing]

At this moment, Ye Xiao's face turned dark.

This was unexpectedly 2.5 million red crystals were taken away by the system.

This is simply too much.

Can't the tax rate be lower?

Immediately afterwards, he also sold the investment stock Li Zhi without the slightest hesitation.

He has already become the emperor, and it will be difficult for Li Zhi to do anything big in the future.

After some operations, a system message also appeared.

[Sell a total of 100 million shares of Li Zhi. According to the host's entry time, the 100 million investment shares of Li Zhi currently held by the host are worth 2 million Hongjing]

This Li Zhi is worth less than Xue Rengui.

Maybe Li Zhi was born as a prince from the beginning.

But Xue Rengui is a farmer.

The prince wants to become the emperor, and the commoner wants to become a general like Xue Rengui, obviously the latter is more difficult.

[Congratulations to the host for successfully selling 100 million shares of Li Zhi, the current tax rate is 5%, and 1.9 million red crystals have been credited]

Another 0.1 million red crystals were taken away.

Should also be satisfied.

If he hadn't become the investment king of "Datang" before, he would have been given the privilege of permanently reducing the 5% transaction tax rate.

Then he will have more red crystals drawn by the system.

Then extract the red crystal that Wu Mei made profit from.

His personal asset account Hongjing also reached more than 690 billion in an instant.

Instantly rich.

Keep investing!

Invest in it!
Ye Xiao began to control the investment interface.

The whole process is also very skilled.

[Sima Yi, courtesy name Zhongda, from Hanoi]

Sure enough, this was the Sima Yi he wanted to invest in.

[Congratulations on the successful investment, investment object: Sima Yi, investing 100 million red crystals! 】

After another search.

He also chose Zhao Yun, a Confucian general.

[Zhao Yun, named Zilong, from Changshan Zhending, eight feet in length]

Make sure to continue investing.

The investment is full of 100 million.

[Congratulations on the successful investment, investment target: Zhao Yun, invest 100 million red crystals! 】

The investment is over.

I don't know if anyone has voted for these two investment stocks.

Ye Xiao manipulated the national system and began to inquire.

[Current investment stocks: Zhao Yun, investor: Ye Xiao, current number of investors: 259]

[Current investment stocks: Sima Yi, investor: Ye Xiao, current number of investors: 847]

"Sure enough, many people have entered these two investment stocks."

Ye Xiao was full of astonishment. It was gold that was easily noticed by investors.


Both Zhao Yun and Sima Yi have extraordinary backgrounds.

It is said that Zhao Yun was able to recruit a group of soldiers in his hometown of Changshan County. Could this be something that ordinary children from poor families can do?
Even, Zhao Yun has a child from a family named Xia Houlan.

How can a child from a poor family become a child with a child from an aristocratic family.

All signs indicate that Zhao Yun's background is not humble.

And another investment stock, Sima Yi.

The Sima family alone could be considered a famous family in the Eastern Han Dynasty, but compared with those top-notch families, it was still a lot worse.

At the same time, Sima Yi's father is Sima Fang.

Sima Fang served as many officials, including Luoyang Ling and Jing Zhaoyin.

From the current point of view, this official position is the mayor of a city in the Kyoto area.

It's still a little late to enter, but it's still stable, not too late.

Neither Zhao Yun nor Sima Yi has yet reached their prime.

Afterwards, Ye Xiao also quickly manipulated the national system to check how much profit the two investment stocks of Cao Cao and Liu Bei had brought him.

[Real-time settlement investment stocks - "Three Kingdoms" Liu Bei]

[Investment amount: 100 million red crystals]

[Profit and loss event record of investment stocks]


[Liu Bei sells shoes for a living and makes a profit of 1 red crystals]

[Liu Bei became sworn brothers with Guan Yu and Zhang Fei in Taoyuan, earning 5000 million red crystals]

[Liu Bei participated in the suppression of the uprising, made military exploits, and made a profit of 1000 million red crystals]

[Liu Bei was named the county captain of Anxi County, and made a profit of 5000 million red crystals]

[Liu Bei resigned, losing 1000 million Hongjing]

[Real-time profit and loss: profit of 1 million red crystals]

Liu Bei made a profit of 1 million red crystals at the beginning!
This is really really good.

What about Cao Cao?
Can you make money?
[Real-time settlement investment stocks - "Three Kingdoms" Cao Cao]

[Investment amount: 100 million red crystals]

[Profit and loss event record of investment stocks]


[Official Cao Cao pays homage to Captain Cavalry, making a profit of 1000 million red crystals]

[Cao Cao participated in the elimination of the Yellow Turban Army, made military exploits, and made a profit of 5000 million red crystals]

[Cao Cao rectified corrupt officials and made a profit of 1000 million red crystals]

[Cao Cao was appointed as a lieutenant of the Dianjun, with a profit of 5000 million red crystals]

[Cao Cao advises, He Jin does not listen, and loses 2000 million red crystals]

[Real-time profit and loss: profit of 1 million red crystals]

Boss Cao is also very powerful, and he also made a profit of 1 million Hongjing!

Gradually, Ye Xiao also took a deep breath.

At the beginning, Cao Cao and Liu Beike each made a profit of 1 million Hongjing.

And that's just the beginning.

This will be very important in the future.

He was even thinking in his heart that he had invested in so many investment stocks in the "Three Kingdoms" investment world this time.

Then, by the end of the investment world "Three Kingdoms", he will definitely be able to earn trillions of red crystals.

When Ye Xiao was thinking about these things.

Investment in the entire Dragon Kingdom is also in full swing.

Among them, the two most popular investment stocks in "Three Kingdoms" are He Jin and Dong Zhuo.

As for Cao Cao, Liu Bei and the like, although there are some investors entering the market, there are too few.

It seems that people think that these investment stocks are supporting players.

Even Dong Zhuo's investors have reached one million people!
"Dong Zhuo, Son of Destiny!"

Some investors are even discussing Dong Zhuo's experience with each other, which is definitely a template for the protagonist.

But more people are discussing Xue Rengui!
A generation of God of War of the Tang Dynasty has led the elite of the Tang Dynasty to kill Dafeichuan!
There is almost no suspense in this battle.

Xue Rengui will win.

Currently Xue Rengui is at his peak!
How could there be a reason for defeat!

On that day, the number of investors of the investment stock Xue Rengui directly exceeded [-] million!

 The update is slow today, sorry sorry
(End of this chapter)

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