National Investment: Start investing in Zhu Yuanzhang!

Chapter 245 Bright but slightly understandable

Chapter 245 Bright but slightly understandable

Looking up at the scene of heavy rain in front of him, Zhuge Liang said calmly.

"My lord, don't panic, the harder it rains, the better!"

It's fine if he doesn't talk.

This one speaks.

Liu Bei was shocked!

The students watching this video scene also showed shock, and they were completely speechless in shock.

"Did you hear me right? Is this Zhuge Liang crazy?"

"The rain is getting bigger and bigger, but his plan of attacking with fire has been extinguished. He still seems to be looking forward to the rain getting bigger and bigger?"

"What kind of medicine can Zhuge Liang sell in this gourd?"

"This time investment Zhuge Liang lost money, can it be brought back to life? Can it still make a lot of blood?"


The students were full of hesitation, and their moods were also uneasy, and they really wanted to see through Zhuge Liang.

But Zhuge Liang was very close to them, even using video observation, they were standing in the perspective of God.

Examine the investment world "Three Kingdoms" from the perspective of God, but in the end, they still can't figure out why Zhuge Liang is so calm?

Ye Xiao is also quite confused.

This is really quite different from the Three Kingdoms he knows.

In the Three Kingdoms.

This fire burned Xinye, and it was extremely successful.

When the fire went down, Cao Ren's [-] troops were killed and injured.

Cao Ren was defeated!

But right now, the torrential fire is getting smaller and smaller, and I'm afraid it won't be long before it goes out.

Could it be that Zhuge Liang has any backhands?

"Perhaps the reason lies in the stones that Zhuge Liang asked Zhang Fei and Guan Yu to prepare."

Old Professor Yang who was standing on the podium in the multimedia classroom suddenly said something.

When he said this, the eyes of everyone present couldn't help but shine.

"That's right! Stones, what are those stones used for? At that time, Zhuge Liang told Zhang Fei and Guan Yu that the preparation of the stones is extremely important!"

There were startled expressions on the faces of the students.

But when they came to their senses, they were still confused and did not understand Zhuge Liang's intentions.

After some guesswork.

The students all agreed on one point.

There is something wrong with these rocks!

I am afraid it is not an ordinary stone!
Associations began to form in their minds.

At this time, in the video screen, Liu Bei seemed to realize something.

"Military Master, could it be that we were able to defeat Cao Ren's army because of those stones?"

Liu Bei asked.

"My lord, that's right."

Zhuge Liang replied.

For a moment, the students who were staring at the video in front of them felt very excited.

Sure enough, they guessed it right!
There must be something wrong with those rocks!
"Could these rocks be some flammable and poisonous ores? Burn and heat these ores to spread poisonous gas! Zhuge Liang is a poisonous plan!"

On the spot, the students finally came to their senses.

I really didn't expect Zhuge Liang to act like this!
Destroy the [-] troops led by Cao Ren with poisonous gas!
Even these poisonous gases could not destroy Cao Ren's [-] troops, but if these poisonous gases were inhaled by Cao's army, they would definitely cause a series of discomforts.

At that time, how to fight?

Then, the three fierce generals Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, and Zhao Yun came out at the right time.

He will definitely be able to kill Cao Ren to the point of losing his helmet and armor!
Zhuge Liang will win this battle!

Ye Xiao also showed a happy expression on his face.


It was right to eat Cao Ren.

If Zhuge Liang is really eaten, he will lose his pants.

Zhuge Liang has too many tricks!

If the fire attack doesn't work, so what.

Use the second strategy!
Maybe, if this second strategy doesn't work, Zhuge Liang may come up with a third strategy!

However, what Liu Bei said next made the faces of the students present turn black.

"But military commander, I also looked at those stones, but they are just ordinary stones on the side of the road, nothing unusual. Can these ordinary stones really destroy Cao Ren's [-] troops?"

Liu Bei showed an unbelievable expression.

"This this this..."

The students were at a loss as to how the plot of the script was completely different from what they had guessed.

"My lord, Liang's plan will not fail."

Zhuge Liang said something confidently.

"Military division, what is the purpose of those stones you took?"

Liu Bei could only continue to ask.

Zhuge Liang answered irrelevantly, "Before, when I watched the sky in the bright night, the sky changed suddenly, and it was expected that there would be a heavy rain. Sure enough, when the heavy rain came, those stones were prepared for the heavy rain."

"What?! Military division, how could you predict that there will be a heavy rain tonight from the sky?"

Liu Bei's expression was astonished. Invisibly, Zhuge Liang's status in his heart was raised a lot.

"Astronomical phenomenon, it is bright but you can understand a little bit."

Zhuge Liang replied modestly.

"My lord, let's quietly watch how Cao Ren's [-] troops are defeated!"

Zhuge Liang said something again.

Liu Bei nodded.

"Can you still watch the sky at night? Is this really a historical investment world?"

The students were really shocked, this time the investment world is really quite evil.

But Ye Xiao was quite calm.

Zhuge Liang is like a god-man!
This is Zhuge Liang in Romance of the Three Kingdoms!

The camera of the video was also directed at Cao Ren.

Cao Ren was overjoyed. According to reports from his subordinates, the fire in Xinye City had been extinguished.

Completely wiped out!

What kind of fire is there, even if there is not even a speck of flame.

"Thank the heavens, if it wasn't for this heavy rain, I would have lost this time!"

Cao Ren took a deep breath and went back inside to shelter from the rain.

Just when he was about to take a good rest, unexpectedly, a subordinate appeared in a hurry.

"General Cao, something is wrong! Something is wrong!"

The subordinate was completely panicked, and there was rain everywhere on him, and his robe and armor were already wet by the rain.

"Why are you so impatient?"

Cao Ren's expression was calm, and he was sitting on the main seat in the hall.

As a general, you can't panic when things happen.

It is also because he has a good record in offense and defense that he was sent by Cao Cao to attack this new field.

As a result, Xinye was obtained without a single soldier.

I don't know how the lord will praise him this time?

Cao Ren thought silently in his heart.

"It's a big rainstorm! Big rainstorm!"

The subordinate replied.

When he said this, Cao Ren's face darkened instantly.

"Did you think Ben didn't have eyes? Do you still need to say?"

"Damn the small ones, damn the small ones."

When the subordinates saw Cao Ren's face, they also knelt down on the ground, their faces were full of fear, and their bodies trembled.

"Say, what's wrong?"

Cao Ren asked again.

"General Cao, this torrential rain may kill us!"

The subordinate spoke up.

"What nonsense! If it weren't for this heavy rain that extinguished the fire in Xinye City, you and I would have to abandon the city and run for our lives!"

Cao Ren was furious, wishing he could slap the face of his subordinate a few times.

"General Cao, this torrential rain has caused more and more water in the city. If it continues like this, something serious will happen! Moreover, the drainage ditches in Xinye City have been blocked by various stones. Water cannot pass through these Clay drains run away."

The subordinate said hurriedly.

This said.

Cao Ren also realized that something was wrong.

"It must be Zhuge Liang's good deed!"

Suddenly, he gritted his teeth.

At this moment, the students who watched the video finally realized it.

It turned out that Zhuge Liang asked Guan Yu and Zhang Fei to fetch stones in order to block the drainage ditch of Xinye City with small stones.

At this time, there was a new incident.


There was a sound of running water.

Cao Ren was astonished, the water outside the house actually flowed into the hall.

But the heavy rain is still falling.

"Hurry up, hurry up, let the army evacuate Xinye City!"

Cao Ren quickly issued orders to his subordinates.

"General Cao, it's... probably too late!"

The subordinate said helplessly.

Cao Ren's pupils tightened, and he quickly walked out of the house.

This look.

He was completely dumbfounded.

The entire Xinye City is full of rainwater, and it looks like a vast ocean when you look around.

Even, due to the height of the terrain.

In some low-lying places, half of the soldiers were submerged in the water.

"Flooded Xinye! Flooded Xinye! Damn Zhuge Liang!"

Cao Ren had a headache, and hurriedly called all the generals to withdraw.

It's just that his order doesn't work well at all.

The soldiers were already in a mess.

Everyone wants to escape from Xinye City!
However, they were even more dumbfounded when they first arrived at the gate of Xinye City.

All the soldiers guarding the city gate were killed.

Even the city gate was blocked by huge stones, making it impossible for them to get out for a while.

"This... means that the stones should be big or small! The big stones block the city gates, and the small stones block the drainage ditches!"

"That's right! Zhuge Liang's move completely surrounded the entire Xinye City!"

"Foretelling things like a god, Zhuge Liang!"

"Cao Ren is going to die!"


after that.

It was a massacre!

Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, and Zhao Yun each led a thousand troops to guard the three gates of Xinye City, while the rest guarded the fourth gate.

The boulder was able to block it for a while, but it was finally pushed away by Cao Jun.

But as soon as these Cao soldiers pushed away, waiting for them would be the massacre of the enemy!


Guan Yu, holding the Qinglong Yanyue Knife, kept harvesting heads.

These Cao troops were soaked in the water for a long time, and the team was loose, like a plate of loose sand.

This also made it easy for Guan Yu to kill the enemy.

"Look at my spear!"

Zhang Fei, who was holding a Zhangba spear, also killed the enemy bravely. The tip of that Zhangba spear was already stained red with blood!

Zhao Yun with a bright silver gun also killed Cao Jun with fear, and killed Cao Jun almost terrified!
"God's will! Isn't this God's will? Success is also a heavy rainstorm, and defeat is also a heavy rainstorm!"

Cao Ren, who escaped, had a bitter face.

Without the cover of the soldiers, his life would have been lost in Xinye City.

"Escape! Run away!"

He muttered to himself.

Those who successfully escaped with Cao Ren were no more than a thousand people!
However, there are still many Cao soldiers trapped in Xinye City, but to meet their end, they were either trampled to death by their accomplices, or accidentally drowned in water, or escaped, but they were cut down by Liu Beijun's soldiers. head off.

This is a battle of the new field.

Liu Beijun wins!
Nearly [-] Cao troops were destroyed in World War I!


The students who watched the video took a deep breath.

Zhuge Liang's resourcefulness is really terrifying.

Sure enough, Cao Cao's [-] troops will be wiped out in the blink of an eye!
Two days later.

Cao Ren, who led the remnants of the defeated general, came to Xiangyang to meet Cao Cao.

In a magnificent palace.

Cao Cao was sitting on the throne, and he was dealing with some affairs.

It is said that before, he received the letter of surrender from Song Zhong.

It is stated in the letter of surrender that Liu Cong, the chief of Jingzhou, dedicated the nine prefectures of Jingxiang to him.

This made Cao Cao happy to call.

But Cao Ren's sudden arrival also made him dumbfounded.

What is going on here?

Cao Cao frowned, and also sent someone to pass on Cao Ren and Li Dian.

These two generals were also arranged by him earlier.

He was afraid that Cao Ren would underestimate the enemy and be impatient, so Li Dian would assist him.

Soon, two ashen-faced figures appeared.

These two people are exactly Cao Ren and Li Dian!
"Sinner Cao Ren, pay homage to the prime minister!"

"Criminal Li Dian, pay homage to the Prime Minister!"

The two generals knelt down and did not dare to get up.

Cao Cao flipped through some bamboo slips, his expression seemed very calm.

"You are defeated, how about the casualties?"

he asked.

Now, both Cao Ren and Li Dian dared not speak. They all lowered their heads, like children who have done something wrong.

"Speak! Didn't you hear the truth?"

Cao Cao's tone gradually cooled down.

It was Cao Ren who spoke first.

"Prime Minister, only a few hundred people survived the [-] army."

Cao Ren couldn't help but say this number.

All of a sudden, Cao Cao felt that he had heard wrong?

He seems to lose another [-] troops?

Cao Cao's breathing was a little short, "Cao Ren, did you hear the truth correctly? Hundreds of people survived a hundred thousand troops?"

The surrounding generals and advisers also felt that this matter was too mysterious.

"My lord, the crime will be incompetent, and I am willing to be punished."

Cao Ren said with a bitter face, it was really hard for him to lose this time.

Just occupied this new field, who would have thought but lost it immediately.

"What the hell is going on here?"

Cao Cao asked.

Even if he loses, he must understand the reason.

Is it because of carelessness, underestimation of the enemy, or other aspects.

The other counselors and generals also pricked up their ears, wanting to hear how Cao Ren lost this time.

However, Cao Ren could only explain the ins and outs of the incident.

"This... heavy rain! You were defeated by this heavy rain! No, even without this heavy rain, you would have been defeated by this fire attack!"

Cao Cao's pupils contracted, and his fingers clenched into fists, "This must be Zhuge Liang! Yes! It must be the trick of this person! The truth is that Fengxiao should not be left in Xudu, but Fengxiao's body, hey!"

For a while, Cao Cao was really exhausted.

Sudden such a big defeat also made him feel very uncomfortable.

Especially this Zhuge Liang seems to have the power of ghosts and gods.

This kind of counselor is probably on par with Feng Xiao!

Cao Cao's eyes narrowed slightly, his face was gloomy, and no one knew what he was thinking.

On the other side.

Throughout Liu Bei's barracks, there were joyous songs and laughter everywhere.

This time, they let Cao Cao suffer a big defeat.

And all this is the credit of military adviser Zhuge Liang.

"Military division, you really can pinch and count!"

"Bright but a little understanding."

"Military division, what will the weather be like tomorrow, can you figure it out?"

"Tomorrow will be sunny."

"This...military teacher, do you know everything about astronomy and geography?"

"Bright but a little understanding."


(End of this chapter)

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