National Investment: Start investing in Zhu Yuanzhang!

Chapter 246 Zhuge Liang, Son of Destiny, Zhuge Liang rushed to Jiangdong alone!

Chapter 246 Zhuge Liang, Son of Destiny, Zhuge Liang rushed to Jiangdong alone!
In the entire Liu Bei barracks, almost everyone asked Zhuge Liang to see what Zhuge Liang didn't understand.

But Zhuge Liang's answer every time is the same sentence - bright but a little understanding!

【End of video playback】

At this moment, the video also stopped abruptly.

Although the video playback was over, the students couldn't calm down for a long time.

"Why are you a military adviser who understands a little bit, who is fooling you!"

"Stone hammer, Zhuge Liang is the son of destiny who invested in the world "Three Kingdoms"!"

"It's true that Liang's plan will not fail! Although these words sound conceited, Zhuge Liang did it!"

"Investing in Zhuge Liang! Investing in Zhuge Liang! Heavy bet, follow-up investment! Increase the intensity!"


The eyes of the students were red, and they only thought about investing in Zhuge Liang.

It's nothing more than Zhuge Liang's previous performances are too amazing to be stunning.

Ordinary people can only take one step and watch one step, but some top strategists can take one step and watch three or even five steps.

But what about Zhuge Liang?

But he can see through the whole chess game with one step!

Investing in Zhuge Liang is picking up money!
Investing in Zhuge Liang will never lose money!

The crazy expressions of the students also made Professor Yang very helpless, but this time he did not object.

Obviously, Zhuge Liang's performance completely convinced him.

The strategy of attacking with fire won't work, right?

That is flooding!
Flooded Xinye City!
In short, if one plan does not work, there is another plan!
However, Old Professor Yang still reminded, "The investment stock Zhuge Liang is currently obvious, and it is definitely optimistic. But under such circumstances, if you choose to enter the market, choose to invest."

"If Zhuge Liang can continue to show his unparalleled strategy, you will definitely be able to earn a lot of red crystals, but if Zhuge Liang loses even once, you will lose money. The red crystals that you lose are very likely to take away your profits. It’s all lost, and even the principal may be lost.”

Although, he has already made such a reminder.

But the students present could not listen at all.

As far as the current situation is concerned, Zhuge Liang, an investment stock, is bullish.

It is impossible to lose money.

At least, Zhuge Liang will lose money, and he will have to wait until Zhuge Liang is old and his head is not working.

Then there may be losses.

Today's Zhuge Liang is at his peak!
If you don't enter the market to pick up money at this moment, when will you wait!
"Face your fears bravely and they will fade away! Don't be cowardly, just bet!"

"There is a way for the brave, but no way for the fearful!"

"Investing in Zhuge Liang, you can't go wrong!"


The students kept murmuring, and they also filled Zhuge Liang's investment stocks without hesitation.

Pull to a million red crystals!

Seeing the actions of these students, Ye Xiao smiled secretly.

These people.

It is almost impossible to rely on Zhuge Liang to make a lot of money.

It's late now.

There is absolutely no chance to eat meat, you can only drink soup.

He also subconsciously paid attention to the number of Zhuge Liang's investors.


The number of Zhuge Liang's investors has exceeded [-] million.

It's all about singing and soaring all the way!
It actually rose directly to 30 million [-] million!


40 million [-] million!

Soon, break through the [-] million level!
Zhuge Liang's number of investors has completely surpassed Cao Cao and Liu Bei, becoming the most popular investment stock!


Investors in the entire Dragon Kingdom are crazy.

Isn't this afraid of overturning?

But think about it.

It's hard for Zhuge Liang to overturn his performance!
At least wait for Zhuge Liang to overturn and it will be a late game!

But if the god-man Zhuge Liang overturned his car, it would be interesting to think about it.

Ye Xiao silently calculated in his heart.

He really wanted to overturn Zhuge Liang.

Not for anything else, just for huge profits!

Even this time, he was a little moved.

Drop 6000 billion red crystals, if Zhuge Liang's plan fails and loses to Cao Ren, he will be able to take away [-] trillion red crystals directly!
But in the end, he didn't do that.

He has read the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, but he knows that the author portrays Zhuge Liang as a god-man!

I want to defeat God!

A number 48 rainstorm card is really not enough to see.


The rainstorm is coming, so what.

Return his mother to fulfill Zhuge Liang.

It is estimated that investors who use this No. 48 rainstorm card will faint from crying!

But what.

If one rare card is not enough to see.

So how many more!
Rare cards are thrown one after another, and I still don't believe that Zhuge Liang will not be defeated!
For others, rare cards are so precious that they are reluctant to use them.

But for him, it is easy to obtain rare card types.

When Ye Xiao was thinking about these things, a system message popped up suddenly.

[Triggering special rewards—Zhuge Liang, investment stock, burning Xinye, flooding Xinye, superb strategy, defeating Cao Ren, rewarding special card types—number 88 day penalty card]

love it!

love it!

Zhuge Liang is forever God!
One second before, Ye Xiao was thinking that Zhuge Liang had lost, but the next second he had a really sweet feeling!

Another rare card was won.

In the collection card book, he also saw the specific effect of this rare card.

Number - 88
Name - Heavenly Punishment Card
Explanation——All kinds of disasters such as plagues, locusts, droughts and floods will happen to the forces of the character of the investment stock, and the effect will last for half a year or a year

This rare card breed cow!
Another nice card.

One step closer to making Zhuge Liang fail!
Get a big one if you want to play.

Invest trillions!

If he wins, his debt of 9.9 trillion red crystals will be cleared to zero, and then he will be able to become the real master of the world of "Journey to the West"!

If you lose, you will really go bankrupt.

Thinking about it, Ye Xiao felt flustered and excited.

Just then, a system message appeared.

[Congratulations to the host, who ate Cao Ren's 6000 billion red crystals. In the end, Cao Ren was defeated in Xinye, and the host made a profit of 3000 billion red crystals]

3000 billion red crystals are credited!
It is also the red crystal that made Ye Xiao's asset account reach an astonishing little over 9000 billion!
Not far from owning trillions of assets!
The more it is at this moment, the more you have to calm down and the less you can panic.

I don't know how much profit the investment stock Zhuge Liang brought him this time?

Ye Xiao quickly checked the investment stock Zhuge Liang on hand!

[Real-time settlement investment stocks - "Three Kingdoms" Zhuge Liang]

[Investment amount: 100 million red crystals]

[Profit and loss event record of investment stocks]


[Zhuge Liang made a plan and made a profit of 10 billion red crystals]

[Zhuge Liang's fire attack plan, Xinye was burned, the rainstorm plan failed, and the loss of 20 billion red crystals]

[Zhuge Liang used stones to block the drainage ditch of Xinye City, blocked the city gate, the plan succeeded, Cao Ren was defeated, and made a profit of 100 billion red crystals]

[Real-time profit and loss: profit of 100 million red crystals]

Ye Xiao was amazed by the profit-making incidents one by one.

Earned another 100 billion red crystals!
However, with tens of billions of red crystals now, Ye Xiao has no interest at all.

Just this little red crystal, like playing, has a big appetite, and it is really unsatisfactory.


100 billion red crystals are not bad either.

After withdrawing the profitable Hongjing to the asset account.

A system prompt that surprised Ye Xiao appeared.

["Three Kingdoms" investment world open [-] million investment! 】

The quota was suddenly increased to [-] million!

Ye Xiao was quite surprised, and all the students present were also very surprised.

They are even more excited.

You can chase more red crystals.

"Rule [-]: Preserving your principal is the most important thing. Rule [-]: Never forget Rule [-]!"

Professor Yang once again launched his special Qiyuan martial arts to concentrate.

With this mobilization, the students concentrated their minds in an instant, and seemed to firmly remember Professor Yang's words.

Keep your money!

This is more important than anything else!

"Zhuge Liang is a good investment stock, but you must not put all your eggs in one basket!"

The students started to invest, but the investment process was more cautious than before.

"Zhuge Liang, an investment stock that entered the market, smashed a million red crystals!"

"I'm okay, I've lost more than 200 million!"

"More than 300 million red crystals, Zhuge Liang will surely win!"


The students discussed with each other.

However, during the discussion, they inevitably set their eyes on Ye Xiao.

No one knows.

Among the freshmen in Shuguang Mansion, Ye Xiao has the most red crystals.

Only Ye Xiao can afford to live in a luxurious dormitory.

The best dormitory costs a hundred thousand red crystals a day!
If it was 100,000 yuan, many students present would be able to spend it, and they all had extraordinary family backgrounds.

It's just that they really can't take out the one hundred thousand red crystals.

Red crystals are extremely precious, so they can be spent randomly.

"I didn't invest much, but I invested [-] million in Zhuge Liang."

This time, Ye Xiao is telling the truth.

There is no need to tell lies.

He really invested [-] million in Zhuge Liang.

A system prompt appears.

Zhuge Liang directly filled the red crystal with [-] million.

It's not just Zhuge Liang, the rest of the investment stocks in his hands.

Cao Cao, Liu Bei, Guo Jia, Zhao Yun, Sima Yi, Xun Yu, Dian Wei!
All of them are full of red crystals of [-] million!

At this point, Hongjing is just playing around.


The students were completely stunned.

They had previously discussed Ye Xiao's wealth secretly.

Let alone about one hundred million red crystals.

But now it seems that it is definitely more than [-] million.

Ye Xiao must have made a lot of money investing in the world "Three Kingdoms".

I'm afraid, Ye Xiao's current red crystal assets have reached an astonishing several hundred million red crystals!
"Brother Ye, what does it feel like to drop a hundred million red crystals?"

Some students were very curious, and they were also students of Shuguang Academy, but the red crystals they threw on Zhuge Liang's body were only a million or so, which was enough.

But when Ye Xiao made a move, he was a hundred million red crystals!


Ye Xiao was really at a loss for words for a while.

How can this billion red crystal feel.

Today, he is a system partner.

The system partners are all red crystals worth more than [-] billion when they make a move!

"It still feels really exciting."

Ye Xiao replied.

He added another sentence in his heart.

However, this is the feeling only when smashing hundreds of billions of red crystals.

Old Professor Yang, who was standing on the multimedia podium, had a bad expression on his face.

Ye Xiao smashed a hundred million red crystals!


It's really hard for him to say much.

But he couldn't help but speak.

"Student Ye Xiao, red crystals are very precious, don't invest indiscriminately."

More words, he is really speechless as a professor.

Let's just say that the red crystals on his body are not worth [-] million.

Although he also participated in a lot of investment worlds, he made profits and losses, which is hard to say.

Who can guarantee that it will always be profitable?
There are too few such people.

"Professor Yang's words, I will keep them in my heart."

Ye Xiao gave Professor Yang a lot of face, so he responded.

The day.

The entire Dragon Kingdom is also filled with countless Zhuge Liang players!
"Zhuge Liang is a man of God! If you don't invest in him, who will you invest in?"

Almost all investors smashed the red crystal on Zhuge Liang's head.

Zhuge Liang's strategy convinced them all.

It also allowed them to see that Zhuge Liang, an investment stock, has a bright future, and the future can be expected!
Even if they can only drink some soup, they are willing.

Who doesn't like a business that makes money without losing money!

The next day, in the morning.

But overnight, two major events happened in the investment world "Three Kingdoms"!

The first major event was that Liu Bei's fierce general Zhao Yun entered and exited seven times in Changbanpo, beheading more than [-] famous generals of Cao Ying!

The second major event was that Zhang Fei yelled at Banqiao, scaring off millions of Cao's troops!

In this way, it also made Zhao Yun and Zhang Fei even hotter and hotter!

This piece of news made Ye Xiao realize that the big battle was coming.

Battle of Chibi!

This battle prevented Cao Cao from going south, and it established the situation of the Three Kingdoms!
And in this battle, he, the system partner, will definitely destroy all the red crystals of his wealth.

Stud directly without hesitation!

Win and get rich overnight!
If you lose, start all over again!
"It's still a little risky, but wealth and wealth can be found in danger!"

Ye Xiao muttered to himself and began to speak.

Soon, the freshmen arrived in the multimedia classroom one after another.

"Three Kingdoms" is in full swing, and they don't have the heart to go to military training.

Old Professor Yang is not talking nonsense, he still observes Zhuge Liang!
Now, it is not only the students of Shuguang Academy who are observing Zhuge Liang.

That is, the entire Zhongdu investors, as well as the entire Longguo investors are paying attention to Zhuge Liang's every move!
Many investors even believed that Zhuge Liang is the son of destiny in "Three Kingdoms"!

【Writing Observation Zhuge Liang】

[Zhuge Liang rushed to Jiangdong alone]

[Zhuge Liang met Jiangdong counselors]

[Zhuge Liang's performance is in progress]

"Sure enough, Zhuge Liang started acting again. Whoever said Zhuge Liang is not the protagonist, I must beat him to death!"

The students had looks of anticipation on their faces.

[Video observation of Zhuge Liang]

[Zhuge Liang fights against the Confucians with his tongue, every sentence punishes his heart! 】

Such a video title also caught the eyes of all the students.

Zhuge Liang is really good at this lip service.

But at this time.

However, Ye Xiao received several system messages that he had been looking forward to for a long time.

[Reminder, the host is a junior system partner]

[At present, funds can be injected, no less than 500 billion red crystals]

[Optional investment stocks: Cao Cao]

[Optional investment stocks: Liu Bei]

[Optional investment stocks: Sun Jian]

[Optional investment stocks: Zhuge Liang]

This system partner is here again!

However, these system messages in front of him surprised Ye Xiaoxin.

This time, the optional investment stocks are not the same as the previous two, but suddenly increased to four!

Why is there such an accident?
He was quite puzzled.

(End of this chapter)

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