National Investment: Start investing in Zhu Yuanzhang!

Chapter 260 Capture Huang Gai alive, fate is in Han!

Chapter 260 Capture Huang Gai alive, fate is in Han!
that night.

Cao Cao ordered the generals to set off in a large ship in an orderly manner. If they saw Huang Gai's warship approaching, they would shoot arrows directly!

Shoot the Soochow soldiers on board and try to capture Huang Gai alive.

If you really can't catch him alive, then send Huang Gai, a veteran of the Eastern Wu, on the road!


Near Chibi, Cao Cao also received a report from his subordinates, and saw [-] ships coming with the wind, and there were many Qinglongya flags on the ships.

Among them, a large banner is written with the four characters "Pioneer Huang Gai".

Hearing such news, Cao Cao looked up to the sky and laughed.

"This Huang Gongfu is finally here, God help me!"

After all, there was a very strange expression on his face.

Wanting to feign surrender is really a dream!
"My lord, Huang Gongfu's coming here is definitely a false surrender. Afterwards, Ruojia's guess was right, and he will follow the Soochow navy led by Zhou Yu. This time, we must seize the opportunity and defeat the Soochow navy. Go to Jiangdong six counties and 81 states!"

Guo Jia on the side spoke.

"That's right! What Feng Xiao said is absolutely right!"

Cao Cao nodded.

Shortly after.

The twenty ships led by Huang Gai were getting closer and closer to Cao Cao's chain of warships.

There are only eight miles and six miles left.

"It's going to be done, it's going to be done! Cao Jun will be defeated this time!"

For a while, Huang Gai muttered in his mouth, also believing that Zhou Yu's strategy of attacking with fire would definitely win a big victory this time.

However, at this moment, one archer after another appeared on Cao Jun's warship.

Moreover, these archers have already set up their bows and arrows, making a posture that they may shoot arrows anytime, anywhere.

"I am Huang Gongfu, and I came to surrender to Cao Gong with food, grass and luggage. What do you mean by this?"

Huang Gai frowned. Did Cao Cao see through the bitter trick?
How is this possible!
But Wen Pin, the leading general standing on one of Cao Jun's warships, burst out laughing.

"Huang Gongfu, it's so ridiculous! You're pretending to surrender, do you really think the prime minister will fall for it?"

As soon as the voice is finished.

He directly ordered his men to shoot arrows!


Huang Gai's eyes widened, the thing he was most worried about still happened, and he was still caught.

"Boo! Hah! Hah!"

In an instant, arrows rained down, and one after another, like a ruthless god of death, they directly took the lives of the soldiers of Soochow.

"Withdraw! Quickly withdraw!"

The swindling plan failed, and Huang Gai could only issue orders quickly.

But who knows, there are several Cao Jun's small boats around, and they have already approached the twenty boats led by Huang Gai.

As soon as these small boats approached, they started to catch fire, and in the blink of an eye, they turned into fire boats one after another.

The soldiers of Cao Ying who were in small boats also jumped into the water and fled quickly.

"Not good! Not good!"

Surrounded by these fire boats, Huang Gai was even more dizzy when he muttered to himself.

Sure enough, things got worse.

The twenty boats led by Huang Gai also caught fire quickly due to the surrounding fire boats.

"Chila! Chila!"

The fire was burning very vigorously.

In an instant, the twenty Soochow boats turned into fire boats.

The fire is soaring!

The scene was horrifying. Some Soochow soldiers wanted to dive into the water to escape, but they were hit by a lot of arrows, and they could only watch the fire spread helplessly.


The screams of the Soochow soldiers also reached Cao Jun's ears.

But Cao Jun had no sympathy at all.

All this was asked for by Soochow soldiers.

If you dare to be an enemy of a big man or the prime minister, you are seeking your own death.

"Sure enough, these ships led by Huang Gongfu must have put a lot of fire starters such as sulfur and saltpeter, otherwise the fire would not have spread so quickly."

Gazing at the sea of ​​flames in the distance, Cao Cao sighed and felt a burst of shock.

If Huang Gongfu hadn't been able to see Huang Gongfu's bitter tricks and false surrender tactics, then once Huang Gongfu surrendered, he would detonate these fire boats, and his proud chain of warships would definitely be burned to the ground.

He will definitely suffer an unprecedented defeat in this battle of Chibi!

The more he thought about it, the more beads of sweat the size of soybeans appeared on Cao Cao's forehead.

At this time, a subordinate hurriedly appeared in front of Cao Cao, as if he had some important news to report.

"But Huang Gongfu was caught?"

Cao Cao narrowed his eyes and spoke.

"Reporting to the Prime Minister, although Huang Gongfu dived into the water and wanted to escape, he was still captured alive by us on the spot."

The subordinate said quickly.

"it is good!"

On the spot, Cao Cao's eyes lit up when he heard that.

"My lord, don't take it lightly now. Zhou Yu's Soochow navy will probably arrive later."

Guo Jia on the side reminded him.

"Yes! This time, we will destroy the Soochow navy in one fell swoop!"

Cao Cao nodded again and again, and quickly ordered the people from all walks of life not to relax and be alert to the arrival of the enemy.

The hearts of the students who watched the video of this scene turned cold.

"The Soochow Navy is about to lose!"

Those students who entered Soochow Wu all showed a very bitter look on their faces.

Their hearts are really too bitter.

I thought that the Soochow navy could win more with less and win a big victory.

That expectation, after all, was defeated.

Sure enough, investment should be more rational and should not be left to chance.

It is said that Guo Jia has seen through the bitter tricks and false surrenders. How can the Soochow navy be undefeated.

But they still expect a miracle to happen.

Everything changes instantly on the battlefield, and everything is possible on the battlefield!
at the same time.

Zhou Yu was also riding on a big ship, ordering the soldiers to speed up.

He even saw the flames of the Chibi in the distance soaring into the sky, and an astonishing flame swept across the river!
"It's done! It's definitely Huang Gongfu's plan to feign surrender!"

Zhou Yu was overjoyed, and quickly ordered the soldiers to set off quickly!

Cao Cao must be wiped out in one fell swoop!
Han Dang and Zhou Tai will take the lead to set off by boat.

"Report! Governor, the situation is not good!"

In the blink of an eye, a subordinate came to report.

"What's the matter?"

Zhou Yu's expression was calm.

"Captain, something is wrong! Cao Ying's serial warships were solid and did not catch fire. Generals Han Dang and Zhou Tai were defeated! They were killed by Cao Ying's serial warships!"

The subordinates quickly reported.

"How could this be the case! Could it be that Huang Gongfu's trick to surrender failed? Could it be that he was captured alive by Cao Jun?"

In an instant, Zhou Yu's eyes were bloodshot, and his whole body could not stand still.

Soon, he even noticed that Cao Jun came from the east and west of Chibi!

"Is this going to stop everything?"

Zhou Yu was miserable, his face was as pale as paper, and suddenly he spit out a mouthful of blood from his heart.


No, he cannot fall down.

"Quick! Send Soochow boats to ram Cao Cao's serial warships!"

Zhou Yu issued an order.

This is also the backhand he prepared.

Soochow boat collided with Cao Cao's big boat.

These small boats are not ordinary boats, but fire boats.

As for these Soochow soldiers, they could only sacrifice for Soochow.


The subordinates were ordered to carry out Zhou Yu's order in a hurry.


As soon as the order was issued, a total of fifty small boats sailed on the river.

Moreover, these fifty small boats were heading towards Cao Cao's serial warships in various directions, such as southeast, northeast, northwest...etc.

Every Soochow soldier on the boat had a dignified expression, fearless of death.

They know very well that this time, they will die without life!

There is absolutely no chance of survival!
But for Soochow, they are not afraid of sacrifice!
They want to guard their land, their family!


They desperately rowed the boat with their oars, and started to ignite the boat with fire starters such as saltpeter and sulfur.

In an instant, these small boats turned into fire boats one after another.

"Release the arrow! Release the arrow!"

Cao Jun also noticed such a scene, and quickly ordered to shoot.

Although many soldiers of Soochow Wu on the fire boat died, there were still some who survived by chance.

Xu Chu, Xu Huang and other generals also hurriedly dispatched themselves in small boats to stop these fire boats.

They succeeded in stopping them, but there are too many fire boats in Soochow, and there are always fish that slip through the net.

In addition, a strong southerly wind is blowing right now!

In an instant, the serial warships on the west side of Cao Jun caught fire.

The east side also caught fire.


The fire is even more like a beast that chooses and devours people, and it spreads quickly on Cao Jun's serial warships.

Cao Cao, who got the information for the first time, felt unbelievable.

"Are these Soochow soldiers so unafraid of death?"

Knowing that Cao Jun's warship was on fire, Guo Jia also frowned.

"My lord, the situation is not good..."

It's just that he didn't have time to finish his words.

He was a little stunned.

In the sky, raindrops fell one after another.


There were more and more raindrops, but in an instant, there was a heavy rainstorm!
Countless raindrops fell on Cao Jun's warship, and the fire continued to dissipate at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"God help me too!"

On the spot, Cao Cao laughed out loud. He really didn't expect God to help him like this.

At such a critical moment, such a heavy rain suddenly came.

"God bless my lord, God bless my lord!"

Even Guo Jia was full of joy.

At this time, the real-time video screen showed the camera to Zhou Yu.

As the governor, Zhou Yu's eyes are tearing apart.

"My sons and daughters in Jiangdong risked their lives to have such a fire all over the sky! Who would have thought that the sky failed to fulfill people's wishes, and there was a torrential rain!"

Zhou Yu's eyes were red, and his face was full of bitterness.

He realized that the Soochow Navy was about to lose this battle!

The Soochow Navy wants to win!

To win!

But the strategy of attacking with fire is no longer feasible.

What other strategies can be used to deal with Cao Jun's serial warships?
Zhou Yu thought about it silently, especially when he was standing on the floor deck, he felt the water droplets slapped one after another, and he only felt a heartache and a pain in the flesh.


The rain is getting heavier.

Zhou Yu's heart was already so cold.

"Report! Governor, the left army Chen Wu and Jiang Qin were defeated, and our Soochow navy suffered countless casualties!"

"Report! Commander, Cheng Pu and Xu Sheng of the Central Route Army were defeated, and our Soochow Navy suffered countless casualties!"

"Report! Commander, the right army Ding Feng and Gan Ning were defeated, and our Soochow navy suffered countless casualties!"


News of defeat one after another made Zhou Yu almost dizzy.

He really wants to fall, this is a big defeat!

Could it be that there is no possibility of obtaining it?

"Crash! Crash!"

At this moment, the water in the entire river began to surge.

The river suddenly rioted like a raging beast.

This made Zhou Yu frightened.

"How could the river riot! Could it be..."

He guessed in his heart, "It's because of this heavy rain that the river water has risen. Is this going to cause a sea roar?"

Moreover, the roar of the sea was actually heading towards Cao Cao's chain of warships.

Isn't Cao Cao about to lose?
Is this God's will!

"It's God's will! It's God's will!"

For a while, Zhou Yu became ecstatic, and ordered the entire army to retreat, calling for gold to withdraw troops, so don't continue to confront Cao Cao.

These ships came and went freely, but it was not so easy for Cao Cao's serial warships to retreat and move easily.

In the blink of an eye, Zhou Yu led the remnant soldiers and the defeated generals to retreat.

"Prime Minister! It's not good! This is about to explode!"

Cao Cao's subordinates also quickly reported the situation.


Even Cao Cao, who was standing on a large ship, could feel his body swaying, and the flags on the large ship were even broken by the waves of the river.

Even, without the support of his subordinates, he would have staggered and fell directly to the ground.

"God, why is it so unfair!"

Cao Cao burst into tears, and all his clothes and armor were drenched by the slapping river water and rain.

"My lord, withdraw! Quickly withdraw!"

Guo Jia also hurriedly shouted.

"Feng Xiao, so what if there is a sea roar, I can't retreat! I want to live and die with the soldiers!"

Cao Cao's tone was extremely firm.

He also wants to escape!

But right now, there is no way to go to heaven and no way to go to earth, so where should he escape?

Originally, the two armies fought fiercely, and Cao's army was as powerful as a broken bamboo, killing countless enemies.

Who knew there would be such a sea roar.

"Heavy rain again, and tsunami again. Is Cao Cao going to lose in the end? This is a defeat, and this is clearly a loss for both sides!"

The students who were watching the real-time video felt particularly worried.

Right now, this is a situation where both sides are hurting. Does it mean that no matter whether you invest in Cao Cao or invest in Zhou Yu, the Soochow Navy, you will lose?Are you going to lose blood?
However, what happened next left the students dumbfounded again.

An unusually large tsunami is about to erupt on the river.

Unexpectedly, the tsunami that swept across it stopped in the middle of it.

You can only see the sky full of river water flying around.

Then, stop.

And so it stopped.

Not only did the tsunami stop, but the rain gradually became weaker and weaker.

Even, the dark clouds in the sky are beginning to dissipate, allowing people to see a glimmer of bright moonlight.


The river was no longer rioting, and the rain was getting smaller and smaller. All these strange scenes made Cao Cao speechless in surprise.

"The autumn wind is bleak, Hong Bo falls!"

He murmured to himself, and also smiled, laughing foolishly, like crazy.

"My lord, have we made it through?"

Even Guo Jia, who was used to seeing strong winds and waves, felt a little unbelievable.

"Fate is in Han! Zhou Yu's child acted against the sky, so he should be defeated! How can he win?"

Cao Cao asked back.

He even gave an order to let people clean up the battlefield!
Immediately, he went straight back to the room and began to write furiously.

He wants to write a letter of persuasion to Zhou Yu, and a letter of persuasion to Jiangdong tiger Sun Jian!


Before the case, Cao Cao wrote like a god and splashed ink. He hoped that Zhou Yu and Sun Jian would be more interesting and stop stubbornly resisting!

Otherwise, Jiangdong will definitely die more and more people!

In the tent of Soochow Water Village.

Zhou Yu is waiting anxiously.

Waiting for the good news brought back by his subordinates.

How much would Cao Cao's loss be caused by such a terrible sea roar?

(End of this chapter)

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