National Investment: Start investing in Zhu Yuanzhang!

Chapter 261 Profit trillions of red crystals, "Journey to the West" is successfully launch

Chapter 261 Profit trillions of red crystals, "Journey to the West" is successfully launched!
I'm afraid there are definitely far more than a few thousand people.

Tens of thousands of horses?

Maybe more, Cao Jun's losses reached several 100,000 people.

Even Cao Jun's warship will be completely destroyed by this terrible sea roar.


At this moment, the sound of footsteps sounded quickly.

A Soochow intelligence agent from the front broke into the tent.


For a moment, Zhou Yu and the generals in the tent all set their eyes on the visitor.

"What about Cao Jun's losses?"

Zhou Yu was full of anticipation.

"Captain, woo woo!"

This Soochow intelligence agent was speaking, and during the speech, he actually cried, crying like a tearful person.

Crying tears like rain!

"Say! Tell me how much Cao Jun's losses are?"

Zhou Yu urged, but vaguely realized that something was wrong.

"Commander, Cao's army did not suffer much, almost nothing. It is only because we have just left on the front foot, and the terrible river waves on the back foot no longer rise, no longer churning, and even the heavy rain has stopped."

Soochow intelligence spies replied.

When he answered in this way, Zhou Yu felt as if struck by lightning, his eyes widened in disbelief.

Even the rest of the generals in the tent were dumbfounded.

The roar of the sea actually stopped, and so did the rain.

Is it really God's words to help Cao Cao?


Zhou Yu seemed unable to bear such a blow, and spit it out again.

Immediately afterwards, he passed out directly.

"Captain! Commander!"

The generals around quickly stepped forward to support Zhou Yu, and they also quickly called the medical officer.

Such real-time video images also made the hearts of all the students present feel chills.

"Finally the dust has settled! Soochow's navy still lost to Cao Cao! Who in this world can stop Cao Cao's footsteps?"

They whispered to themselves.

Cao Cao has settled down after sweeping Jiangdong.

That is, all the land in Jiangdong will be owned by Cao Cao in the future.

Ye Xiao was not so surprised by the scenes in front of him.

Everything was exactly as he expected.

Cao Cao won!

Battle of Chibi, big victory!
On the contrary, the Soochow navy suffered a disastrous defeat.

Look at the real-time video footage of those Soochow generals all unkempt, as miserable as they look.

But, why do those bigwigs in the [-] billion club say that Cao Cao is doomed to fail?
Could it be that Ma Jieke, Wang Benchuang, and Ma Teng are joking?

It doesn't seem to be.

Ye Xiao stared at the real-time video screen in front of him with a pair of eyes.

In the picture, Cao Cao is sitting on the main seat of a large ship, and in front of him are all civil and military officials.

"Now, it is easy to destroy this Jiangdong! In the future, the world will finally be peaceful, and the Han Dynasty will finally be revived!"

Cao Cao's face was full of joy. To this day, he still thinks he is a Hanchen.

He is not a traitor like Sun Jian and Liu Bei!
"Everything is due to the prime minister!"

All the officials echoed.

Cao Cao showed a satisfied expression on his face.

But at this moment, there was a sound of hurried footsteps outside the door.

Everyone took a closer look and found that the person who came was actually a scout of Cao Jun.

Cao Cao's complexion also sank slightly. How could the scout in front of him be reckless?

"Prime Minister, there is an urgent military message from the northern border!"

Cao Jun's scout quickly took out the information from his arms, and presented it to Cao Cao with both hands.


All of a sudden, the officials present were puzzled.

What kind of emergency military situation will there be at the northern border?

On the contrary, Cao Cao had just won a big victory, and he was a little ecstatic, thinking that the military situation was irrelevant.

"Oh, let's take a look at the truth."

Cao Cao calmly accepted the information.

Just this look.

His eyes were round and round, and there was only anger in his eyes.

"Wuhuan King Taton adopted his son Wulou, and gathered the remnants of Wuhuan people to create chaos on the northern border!"

"The Xiongnu Huchuquan Shanyu and the Xianbei leader Ke Bineng formed allies and captured Youzhou."

"Huchuquan belonged to the big man, but now he is a traitor. And this Ke Bineng pays tribute to the court every year, but he has such a wolfish ambition."

"I treat Yan Rou like I treat my own son, but he actually died in battle in Youzhou!"

Gradually scanning the information, Cao Cao's eyes were red and his whole body trembled, feeling dizzy for a while.

All the officials present were completely dumbfounded when they heard Cao Cao's words.

There's so much going on in the north.

Don't these foreigners want to die?
They are all making trouble!
Are they not afraid of the might of the big man?
Even the students present stared wide-eyed, very surprised that such a thing would happen.

"So, is Cao Cao's house stolen?"

"This...could it be that you also lost money investing in Cao Cao this time?"

"It is clear that investing in the Sun Liu Alliance will lose money, and investing in Cao Cao will also lose money!"

"It's over, this is it!"


The students all started cursing.

But Ye Xiao was also stunned. At this moment, he finally understood why Ma Jieke and those big bosses said that Cao Cao was doomed to fail no matter whether he won or lost in the alliance with Sun Liu.

Just because the situation in Cao Cao's north is unstable!
Those daring foreigners one after another started to make trouble.

Ye Xiao was very suspicious, it was definitely because of the No. 39 Ambition Card.

This gave those foreigners the courage to rebel.

Cao Cao in the real-time video screen showed a distraught side.

Yan Rou's death in battle made him feel like a knife was piercing his heart, she was a fierce general galloping on the battlefield.

Unexpectedly, he was actually killed by the butcher's knife of a foreign race.

After a long time, Cao Cao, whose eyes were flushed, spoke.

"Everyone, the truth has decided to attack with the whole army, transfer to the north, and pacify the foreigners!"

As soon as he said these words, it surprised all the civil and military officials present.

Some soldiers even stepped forward.

"Prime Minister, we have spent countless money, food and troops in Jiangdong. But we are leaving all of a sudden. What a pity! We will be able to attack Jiangdong soon!"

Some counselors also echoed their words.

"That's right, Prime Minister, Jiangdong is about to be captured now, why not wait a few days before leaving!"

Some counselors present also felt it was a pity.

Jiangdong and the others are at their fingertips.

But in the end, Cao Cao was leaving.

This also made some counselors feel a little uncomfortable.

The counselors persuaded Cao Cao.

On the contrary, Guo Jia, Jia Xu and other counselors did not open their mouths. It seemed that they already knew and saw through Cao Cao's thoughts.

"Now, Youzhou is in chaos. The people of Youzhou are being bullied by foreigners. How can you sit idly by? The truth is a Han minister, and the truth is a Han minister for the rest of his life. He is not a traitor like Sun Jian. "

"The truth is, how can I have the heart to let the people of Youzhou be tortured and killed by foreigners. Moreover, this time the foreigners are coming so aggressively, they probably want more than Youzhou!"

At this moment, Cao Cao put on a righteous and awe-inspiring side.

Jiang Dong, he wanted it very much.

But he pays more attention to his reputation!
I'm afraid that soon the whole world will have pairs of eyes staring at him.

Staring at him, whether Cao Cao will continue to attack Jiangdong or attack foreign tribes.

Does he have a choice?
He can only go all out to attack the foreign race for the time being!

He wants to show it to the world!

Cao Cao is a loyal minister of the great man!

The counselors and soldiers were still unwilling.

"The truth has been decided, attack the foreign race with all your strength!"

Cao Cao waved his hand and made a decision.

Why didn't he want to leave some troops to confront Jiangdong.

But he can't do that.

This time, these foreign races came fiercely, not to mention Wuhuan, but the Xiongnu and Xianbei two major foreign races actually formed an alliance.

This is completely unprecedented, it has never happened before!

Soon, Cao Cao ordered the whole army to attack and move to the north!
There was a clatter in the army!
"This... the iron hoof of a foreign race dares to set foot on the land of our big man, it is courting death!"

The soldiers still have a strong sense of belonging to the imperial court, so after learning the reason for this, they were also angry.

These foreigners are really looking for death!

After that, Cao Ying's army rushed to the north overnight!

March quickly to the north!
[End of real-time video playback]

The video screen also stopped abruptly at this moment.

The students were shocked and surprised.

I really didn't expect Cao Cao to act so decisively that he would retreat if he said retreat.

"Jiangdong is about to become Cao Cao's territory! But at this juncture, the troops have been withdrawn!"

The students felt sorry for Cao Cao.

"Just like what Cao Cao said, he is a minister of the Han Dynasty, a loyal minister of the Han Dynasty. At present, the northern border of the Han Dynasty is not peaceful. Can he remain indifferent and continue to attack Jiangdong?"

"Even if we really attack Jiangdong, will Sun Jian choose to surrender? I'm afraid he will definitely not. How long will the two sides confront each other?"

"Half a month, a month, three months? Sun Jian can continue to fight, but Cao Cao can't! The north is in chaos, so Cao Cao can continue to conquer Jiangdong in the south!"

Old Professor Yang also sighed.

Such a sudden turning point in the investment world "Three Kingdoms" was something he had never expected.

It's just that close.

Cao Cao is about to attack Jiangdong.

But the embankment of a thousand miles collapses in an ant nest!
Just because of the alien race in the north.

It is necessary to withdraw troops, and it is necessary to withdraw troops. It is really cheap for Sun Jian!
He even saw the invasion of alien races, which may be related to rare card types such as No. 39 Ambition Card, No. 94 Morale Card, and No. 97 Auspicious and Avoidable Cards.

While Professor Yang was patiently explaining to the students, Ye Xiao received a system message.

[Congratulations to the host, eating Zhuge Liang's 8000 billion red crystals, and Zhuge Liang's strategy during the battle of Chibi was not completely successful, so the host made a profit of 4 trillion red crystals]

At this moment, Ye Xiao almost held his breath.

Even, his whole body felt suffocated.

All of a sudden, 4 trillion red crystals were credited, and it felt like a pie fell from the sky.

In addition, the original 8000 billion Hongjing, his account assets have approached [-] trillion Hongjing!
Buying the investment world "Journey to the West" requires 10 trillion red crystals, and it is not far away.

He quickly checked the income generated by the current operation of "Journey to the West".

[Revenue generated: 2 trillion red crystals]

After checking this, he was also taken aback. It's only been a while, and "Journey to the West" exploded another trillion red crystals in revenue.

He quickly checked the profit and loss situation, also to see what the situation was.

Why is the income suddenly skyrocketing!

[Tang Sanzang captured the little white dragon in Yingshoujian, and the little white dragon turned into Tang Sanzang's white dragon horse, earning 1000 billion red crystals]

[The Jade Emperor promulgates the rules of heaven, the order of the three realms is perfect, and the profit is 2000 billion red crystals]

[The sky is full of monsters, local monsters are born, and the profit is 500 billion red crystals]

[Tang Sanzang conquered Marshal Tianpeng in Gaolaozhuang, bestowed the name Bajie, and made a profit of 1000 billion Hongjing]

[Tang Sanzang in the Liusha River, subdued the water monster, bestowed the name Sand Monk, and made a profit of 1000 billion red crystals]

[Tang Sanzang, gathered four apprentices, continued to travel westward to obtain the scriptures, and made a profit of 5000 billion red crystals]


After seeing this, Ye Xiao also understood.

Why profits suddenly skyrocketed.

Could it be that it has something to do with Tang Sanzang's apprenticeship.

The reason why Tang Sanzang was able to accept apprentices was not because he invested money.

The more money he invests, the greater his returns!
And under a look.

[Journey to the West] Its construction rate has reached 72.1%!

The distance is 100%, less than 20%!

At this moment, the system prompt appeared again.

[Congratulations to the host, the current investment world "Journey to the West" has developed by leaps and bounds, and has reached the seven-star world. Do you want to spend 100 billion orange crystals to upgrade the world level?]

[Due to the huge potential of the host's investment in the world "Journey to the West", in order to encourage the host, the orange crystal fee for upgrading the world level this time will be paid by the system]

All of a sudden, Ye Xiao gasped a little, his hands trembling slightly.

"Journey to the West" was actually directly promoted from the three-star world to the seven-star world, but the seven-star world actually cost 100 billion orange crystals.

He has so many orange crystals.

Fortunately, the system has been prostituted again.

It was upgraded for free.

Moreover, it seems that the potential of "Journey to the West" is even more extraordinary than he expected.

Seven Star World is not the end yet.

I'm afraid it can reach the eight-star world and the nine-star world!
Even higher is not impossible.

Soon, the level of "Journey to the West" was completed.

A system message immediately appeared in Ye Xiao's vision.

[Congratulations to Host Investment World "Journey to the West" for being promoted to Seven Star World]

This made Ye Xiao feel very comfortable, and he also thought that the system messages just stopped.

Unexpectedly, another system message appeared.

[Congratulations to the host investment world "Journey to the West" construction rate reached 100%!Whether to choose to go public! 】

Is this a rocket ride?

It went up to 100% all of a sudden?

Ye Xiao was very surprised.

But he soon figured it out.

This must be because of the Seven Star World.

The world of "Journey to the West" has jumped from a three-star world to a seven-star world, and the construction speed has also been improved invisibly.

Even the Seven Star World cannot be listed, how is this possible!

Without the slightest hesitation, Ye Xiao directly chose to go public!

List "Journey to the West" and get more funds!

A series of system messages also quickly entered Ye Xiao's field of vision.

[Congratulations to the host, "Journey to the West" has been successfully launched]

[Location of this listing: Longguo]

["Journey to the West" will soon be open to investors in the entire Dragon Kingdom]

【Currently attracting investment funds: no yet】

[Current profit and loss situation: None]

[Current investment in the world: healthy development]

Finally, Huangtian paid off!

This "Journey to the West" is finally on the market!

 Let’s update 2 today... I will write more about the real world next... Try to write about things that have changed as much as possible in the investment world

(End of this chapter)

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