National Investment: Start investing in Zhu Yuanzhang!

Chapter 267 Form is Emptiness, Emptiness is Form!

Chapter 267 Form is Emptiness, Emptiness is Form!
"Are you not afraid? Then you will deal with those extraordinary investors who have stepped into the hunting swamp!"

There seemed to be a playful look in Wang Ao's eyes.

When he said this, a humanized stiff expression appeared on the white-haired lion's face.

"Wang, I'm afraid it won't work! As far as I know, among these extraordinary investors, there is one person, Jiang Ye from the Jiang family of the Dragon Kingdom, whose strength is extraordinary, I'm afraid..."

The white-haired lion looked hesitant to speak, but the intention he wanted to express was already obvious enough.

It seems that he still has some self-knowledge.

He was no match for Jiang Ye.

Even, if it wasn't for the help of Wang Ao, the hunting king, he wouldn't have the courage to enter the human city.

In Liucheng of the Dragon Kingdom, he killed all directions, but all of this was because of the support of the King of Hunting and Killing.

Without the support of Wang Ao, the hunting king, he really wouldn't have the guts to take the initiative to invade human cities.

"go with!"

The hunting king Ao's tone was cold, and he only said one word.

At this moment, the white-haired lion felt cold all over, and seemed to be suffocating.

"Yes, King."

However, he didn't dare to refute the meaning of King Ao of Hunting, he could only nod silently.

After all, he wisely chose to leave.

It's just that when he was leaving, he could still hear a sentence that suddenly came out of the mouth of King Ao of Hunting.

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, because no one can help you!"

Hearing this, the white-haired lion's expression suddenly became paler.

Their king is too cruel and ruthless!

Stayed until the afternoon.

Ye Xiao also followed the instructions and gathered in the classroom of the multimedia room with the freshmen. Under the leadership of Professor Yang, they will observe the investment world "Journey to the West"!

"Journey to the West this time is really interesting, there are so many gods we are familiar with!"

"Yes! There are quite a few of these familiar gods!"

"Who did you all invest in?"

""Journey to the West" is a world full of gods and Buddhas, so it is natural to invest in the Supreme Jade Emperor of Heaven! There is also the Supreme Tathagata Buddha of Buddhism!"


The students were discussing whether they had a conversation or not, and they all entered the arena, either the Tathagata Buddha or the Jade Emperor.

Ye Xiao is located in a corner of this multimedia classroom, and he really listens to the students' discussions.

Just invest in it!
At that time, everything will make you lose blood!
Let you spit out all the profits!
Ye Xiao thought to himself.

And as long as he has already started brewing a plan.

First of all, let the Jade Emperor suffer a big loss!
In this way, a large number of investors will lose money!
At that time, he will definitely make a profit!

You can earn a lot of amethysts!
But in the blink of an eye, three hundred freshmen arrived.

Professor Yang's figure also appeared.

This time, Old Professor Yang had an expression of excitement and worry on his face.

Facing his expression, the students became a little nervous.

At this time, a girl wearing a purple gauze dress, with a delicate face and a dusty temperament was the first to ask questions.

"Professor Yang, did something bad happen again?"

This girl's name is Leng Yixuan, and she is also remembered by many boys and girls. Not only is Leng Yixuan beautiful and has an extraordinary family background, but also because Leng Yixuan is a genius in investment.

Whether in the previous "Da Ming", "Da Tang", "Wu Zhou" or the current investment world "Three Kingdoms" and "Journey to the West", Leng Yixuan has earned a lot of red crystals.

I'm afraid.

It is absolutely possible that Leng Yixuan's assets are already tens of millions of red crystals, or even more than [-] million red crystals.

Professor Yang also had a good impression of Leng Yixuan, a female student.

The investment is delicate and cautious, and there is a lot of money!
"Student Leng, and everyone, don't panic too much. Just one thing happened. It can be said to be a good thing or a bad thing."

Old Professor Yang said.

"Oh, what's the matter?"

The students all rounded their eyes, revealing a pair of expectant eyes.

"Jiang Ye from the Jiang family of the great family, this seven-star extraordinary investor has led [-] investors to the battlefield of the hunting swamp, and wants to slaughter the strange beasts in the hunting swamp! Take revenge!"

Old Professor Yang opened his mouth and said without showing any signs.

"That's a good thing!"

The eyes of the students were all brightened, and they all felt that they should take the initiative to attack and kill these strange beasts without leaving any behind.

"But Jiang Ye is only a seven-star extraordinary investor, and he is not an opponent of King Ao of the Hunter. If the King of Hunter is out, then..."

Thinking of this, Old Professor Yang looked worried.

When he said this, the students were also worried.

Although Jiang Ye's behavior was a good thing, wouldn't it be too impulsive to do so?

The king of hunting is proud!
This is a powerful transcendental beast!

Will Jiang Ye and those three hundred investors return safely?
For a while, the students felt uneasy, and even their palms kept breaking out in cold sweat.

They also wanted to slay the strange beast quickly.

Win glory for the country!

Serve the motherland!

Although the people in Liucheng have all come back to life, they can still vividly remember the video of the alien beast invasion.

so horrible!
In just 1 minute, more than [-] people in Liucheng were slaughtered by strange beasts!
Thinking about it, their breathing became a little short.


"Don't think about these things, watch "Journey to the West" carefully, and invest in "Journey to the West"!"

Professor Yang stopped talking about other irrelevant things, but talked about the three most popular investment stocks in "Journey to the West".

"The Jade Emperor, the Tathagata Buddha, and the Underworld King Yama are all worthy of investment, but the teacher thinks that Tang Sanzang is also very good. I don't know, have you invested?"

Old Professor Yang said the words out of his mouth.

Most of the students are quite confused.

Tang Sanzang?
Who is this?
Obviously, none of them knew Tang Sanzang.

On the contrary, Leng Yixuan gently opened her red lips, and her voice was delicate and sweet, "Teacher, I invested! This Tang Sanzang is really an extraordinary monk!"

The students are still quite confused.


They seem to have figured it out.

"Isn't this the holy monk that Li Shimin talked about that day? Tang Sanzang!"

"Yes! This is a monk, is it really worth investing in?"

"This is a world full of gods and Buddhas! What do you think Tang Sanzang can do?"

"Investing in Tang Sanzang won't be a blood loss, right?"


The students still felt that Leng Yixuan's eyes could not be wrong this time.

Even Ye Xiao was slightly surprised.

Does this mean that someone has noticed Tang Sanzang?
However, this is also understandable.

The investment world "Journey to the West" can be opened for many hours.

Tang Sanzang has entered the field of vision of investors, but he can understand it.

It is gold that shines wherever it is.

What's more, Tang Sanzang is a very lucky character created by him in "Journey to the West".

"Don't underestimate Tang Sanzang. Do you really think he is just a monk? Use your eyes to take a good look at this great Tang monk, Tang Sanzang!"

Old Professor Yang grinned and began to observe Tang Sanzang.

[Real-time text observation of Tang Sanzang]

[Tang Sanzang who does not want to learn from the scriptures]

【Tang Sanzang Embracing Beauty in His Arms】

【Tang Sanzang enjoying life】



One question mark after another popped up in the minds of the students. This real-time observation, did they see it right?

Isn't Tang Sanzang a monk?
Why are you still holding beauty in your arms?

Do you enjoy it so much?
Is this still a monk?

All of a sudden, the students all had strange expressions on their faces.

Even the corners of Professor Yang's mouth were a little unnatural.

On the contrary, Ye Xiao still looked very calm.

This is destined to be different from "Journey to the West".

The Tang monk Tang Sanzang mentioned in "Journey to the West" is an eminent monk who only wants to obtain the scriptures.

But the Tang Sanzang he created, although he also wanted to obtain the scriptures, was also an eminent monk who understood Buddhism.

But, his Tang Sanzang has seven emotions and six desires!

In this way, it also makes Tang Sanzang look more flesh and blood!

[Real-time video observation of Tang Sanzang]

【Real-time video playback】

As soon as he entered everyone's field of vision, there was an eminent monk riding a white horse.

This eminent monk, with a handsome face and a burly figure, is definitely a macho.

He is Tang Sanzang.

Beside Tang Sanzang, there are three disciples, Dark Monkey King, Zhu Bajie, and Monk Sha.


Tang Sanzang said.

"Master, what can I do to call my grandson?"

The dark Monkey King came to Tang Sanzang carelessly.

"We've been walking for a long time along the way. We're tired from being a teacher and want to rest. Let's spend the night at a family in front of us!"

Tang Sanzang said.

"Master, you have been riding a white dragon horse all the way, how can you still be tired?"

Dark Sun Wukong's face turned black.


Tang Sanzang has a devout expression, clasping his hands together.

"Brother, my old pig is also tired."

Zhu Bajie also muttered.

However, the dark Monkey King ignored it.

Monk Sha, on the other hand, was the most honest. He carried his luggage and didn't say a word of complaint.

The different performances of the four masters and apprentices also made the students talk about it with great interest.

"By the way, Tang Sanzang's great apprentice is actually called Dark Sun Wukong. This name is a bit too loud!"

"As far as this name is concerned, I can only say so-so, do you know what the name of the Jade Emperor is?"

"What's it called? Hurry up and tell me!"

"High in the sky, the sage, the benevolent, the Jade Emperor, the great Tianzun, the Xuanqiong, the high god!"


During the discussion, the students gradually got used to the name of the Dark Monkey King, and they didn't take the Dark Monkey King to heart at all.

According to the information given by the system, the Dark Monkey King is a powerful monkey spirit.

Other than that, there are no other features.

But no matter how powerful the strength is, can it still be stronger than the Tathagata Buddha?Can it be stronger than the Jade Emperor?

Not long after, the four masters and apprentices also came to a family, ready to stay overnight.

This family is also a large mansion.

After some understanding, this family is owned by a widow surnamed Jia.

This widow Jia even has three beautiful daughters.

In the hall, Widow Jia received Tang Sanzang's master and apprentice.

Although this Widow Jia is a widow, she is beautiful and mature, with an exquisite figure.

"Mrs. Jia, the poor monk and others take the liberty of disturbing you. I hope Mrs. Jia will not take the blame."

Tang Sanzang said that he spoke, and he also showed a very kind appearance.

"How can you blame me? It's the honor of the widow that the eminent monk can come to live in Jia's mansion."

Widow Jia said hastily, "It's just that, senior monk, you disciples, don't they look a little strange, this..."

While talking, he also looked at the Dark Monkey King and Zhu Bajie.

It really looks weird!

"That looks strange, the two of them are clearly monsters! A monkey monster! A pig monster!"

The students watching the video couldn't help murmuring.

"Although they are strange in appearance, they each have extraordinary abilities, Amitabha."

Tang Sanzang replied.

Next, Widow Jia continued to talk to Tang Sanzang about some common things.

Even, in the end, she uttered a shocking statement.

"Eminent monk, if you don't want to go get the scriptures. It's better to live in the mansion, and even widows can remarry to the eminent monk—you!"

Widow Jia's pretty eyes also showed a pair of affectionate eyes towards Tang Sanzang.

"Widow...isn't Widow Jia a little hungry? She's actually attracted to Tang Sanzang? However, this Widow Jia seems to be extraordinary, otherwise how would she know that Tang Sanzang is going to get the scriptures!"

The students muttered in their mouths.

"Succeed, the poor monk doesn't want to take this scripture anymore! Tomorrow, you and I get married, and the wedding night is a major concern in life!"

Tang Sanzang agreed without hesitation, his face full of joy.

He even held Widow Jia in his arms with a big wave of his hand.

Although Widow Jia also wanted to dodge, she didn't dodge.

Not only that.

At this moment, Widow Jia was completely dumbfounded, she just had a dazed expression.

This shouldn't be!
With Tang Sanzang's Buddha heart!
How could you be so unsteady!
How could the heart be so heavy!
"Eminent Monk, this matter..."

She wanted to struggle, but she still couldn't struggle with Tang Sanzang's powerful and powerful hand!

On the other hand, Tang Sanzang's apprentices were not surprised by such a scene.

Their master has always been like this.

In the end, Widow Jia blushed and ran away.

"Bajie, you don't want to learn to be a teacher, you must not be able to move this mortal heart!"

Tang Sanzang also explained to Zhu Bajie with a serious expression.

"But Master, my old pig has seen it all..."

Zhu Bajie wanted to refute Tang Sanzang's words.

"What do you know! Are Master's Taoism and Buddhism comparable to you?" Tang Sanzang said with a dark face, and also dropped two sentences, "Form is not different from emptiness, and emptiness is not different from form! Form is emptiness, and emptiness is form! "

After that, he turned around and left, as if he was going to rest and stay in Jia's mansion, and he seemed to be chasing after the figure of Widow Jia.

"Form does not differ from emptiness? Emptiness does not differ from form?"

Regarding the words left by Tang Sanzang, Zhu Bajie thought about it for a long time, but he couldn't figure it out.

"Brother, what does Master mean by this?"

Zhu Bajie showed an appearance of humbly asking for advice.

"Idiot, don't you understand this?!"

The dark Monkey King was full of contempt, and ignored Zhu Bajie, turning around and leaving.

 Today is a short and weak 1 update... Tomorrow 5 update, make up today's update!

(End of this chapter)

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