National Investment: Start investing in Zhu Yuanzhang!

Chapter 268 Tang Sanzang enjoying life, observing the Jade Emperor!

Chapter 268 Tang Sanzang enjoying life, observing the Jade Emperor!
"Could it be that senior brother understands?"

Zhu Bajie muttered to himself.

After that, he couldn't help but cast his eyes on Monk Sha.

Monk Sha showed a simple and honest look on his face, but he also shook his head, obviously he didn't understand what Tang Sanzang said.

this night.

The four masters and apprentices lived in this family with the surname Jia.

But Tang Sanzang also slept in a room with several apprentices.

"Master, do you really want to marry that pretty widow tomorrow?"

Zhu Bajie looked curious, if the master really got married, there would be no need to take this scripture.

"Go get some melons and fruits for Teacher Wei to fill his stomach."

Tang Sanzang sat cross-legged on the bed, closed his eyes and meditated, and did not answer Zhu Bajie's question.

This made Zhu Bajie, who has a pair of cattail ears and a pig nose, a little unhappy for a while.

He even moved his cattail fan ears several times.

Since I followed this master, I have to do all the errands.

He really is...

Zhu Bajie started to move his swarthy eyes.

"Why are you not happy?"

Tang Sanzang's eyes were still closed.

"Don't dare, dare not, master, my old pig just brought you some melons and fruits."

Zhu Bajie quickly responded.

After all, he left in a hurry.

But not long after, Zhu Bajie brought back a big and round watermelon.


Tang Sanzang opened his eyes and split the watermelon with one hand.

The watermelon was juicy and sweet, and he ate it up in three or five strokes.

"Master, you..."

Zhu Bajie stared at it with greedy eyes. He wanted to take a bite of this watermelon, but in the end, his master ate it up.

"Wukong, this big family with the surname Jia, have you noticed something extraordinary?"

Suddenly, Tang Sanzang spoke.

"Master, my old grandson has already seen the extraordinary. When we entered the door, there was a somewhat mysterious big red paper Spring Festival couplet pasted on the door."

The dark Monkey King on the side responded, he half-closed his eyes, no one knew what he was thinking.

"This Spring Festival couplet is well written. The silk is weak and Liu Pingqiao is late, and the snow is fragrant and plums are spring in the small courtyard. It's just that this person is not kind."

Tang Sanzang said quietly.

"Master, this family surnamed Jia treated us very well! They gave me the watermelon just now. Even, Mrs. Jia's three women are really beautiful. Is it because they are not kind?"

As he spoke, Zhu Bajie's face turned red, and his little thoughts became active, showing his greedy side towards women.

Tang Sanzang ignored it.

"Master, my old pig wants to go to the toilet."

Zhu Bajie said something.


Tang Sanzang said something.

Zhu Bajie ran away in a hurry.

A quarter of an hour, another quarter of an hour passed.

Zhu Bajie didn't even come back.

The students who watched the video of this scene also had expressions of surprise and uncertainty.

"Zhu Bajie is obviously likely to have an accident. As the master, Tang Sanzang doesn't care?"

"Zhu Bajie is gone?"

"This...the family surnamed Jia is really weird, they must all be monsters!"

"So, it seems that Zhu Bajie is likely to be captured by a monster?"


The students kept talking, and they also uttered one guess after another.

Ye Xiao, on the other hand, already understood what was going on in front of him.

The first test that Tang Sanzang and his disciples faced after they got together!

The Four Saints try Zen mind!
It's just that this time the Four Saints tried their Zen mind, but it seemed a little different!

"Master, the second senior brother hasn't seen anyone for a long time. Could it be that he was captured by a monster?"

There was a worried expression on Monk Sha's frank and fawning face.

"This idiot deserves it!"

The dark Monkey King spoke first, but he was resting on the bed, and he didn't want to pay attention to it at all.

"Come as soon as you go as a teacher."

Tang Sanzang has a calm expression, showing a calm and composed side.

He leaves the guest room.

It's just that after leaving, he hasn't returned for a long time like Zhu Bajie.

"Eldest brother, Master won't be captured by monsters, right?"

Like a repeater, Monk Sha said the same thing again.

"Master is enjoying life!"

Dark Monkey King pouted.


Monk Sha was full of confusion.

Not only was he confused, but the students watching the video were also confused.

At this time, when the camera of the video screen turned, Tang Sanzang could be seen lying comfortably on a rocking chair.

But there are three beautiful women who are massaging and pinching his shoulders.

It was even possible to see Widow Jia still peeling grape skins for Tang Sanzang, and feeding grapes one by one into Tang Sanzang's mouth.

"Tang Sanzang really enjoys it too much! Are these three beautiful women the three daughters of Mrs. Jia?"

The students were really dumbfounded.

They all had the same thoughts as Monk Sha, thinking that Tang Sanzang might be in trouble, so they didn't return to the guest room in time.

But how did Tang Sanzang enjoy it so much.

The four beauties served Tang Sanzang together.

This kind of treatment is simply no one else!

"Master Sanzang, don't go too far!"

Although Widow Jia fed Tang Sanzang red grapes one after another, her mature and beautiful face was livid.

Her three daughters also had different expressions, and they all seemed aggrieved.

"How can you test the Zen mind of the poor monk's apprentice?"

Tang Sanzang showed a look of enjoyment on his face, and suddenly, his face sank even more, "The poor monk, with a pair of iron fists, killed many monsters, haven't you heard?"

As he spoke, he clenched his fists tightly.


The sound of bones creaking and colliding also resounded throughout the audience.

At this moment, Widow Jia was terrified, even her three daughters showed a look of panic.

"Continue to squeeze your shoulders and beat your back! The poor monk is really tired recently, his arms are always sore and numb, and his waist is not as good as before."

Soon, Tang Sanzang's face softened.

"Yes, Master Tripitaka."

Widow Jia's three daughters tapped their heads lightly, not daring to disobey Tang Sanzang's words.

"It's true, Widow Jia and her three daughters are definitely monsters!"

"Monster? Why is this monster staring at Tang Sanzang, master and apprentice?"

"You don't know this! It is said that eating a piece of Tang Sanzang's body can make you live forever!"

"Is there still this?"


The students discussed with relish, but during the discussion, they also learned an important piece of information.

This Tang Sanzang is a good man who has practiced for ten lifetimes, so if he eats a piece of his body, he can live forever!
This is crazy!

But Ye Xiao almost didn't laugh out loud.

The associative ability of these freshmen is really good enough.

Those four gorgeous beauties in front of me, what kind of monsters are they?

It is clearly the old mother of Lishan Mountain and the three Bodhisattvas, Guanyin, Manjusri and Samantabhadra, who have become four mothers and daughters.

A Zen test for Tang Sanzang's master and disciples!

But in this test, it was obvious that Zhu Bajie was hit.

At this time, the real-time video continues to play.

The next day, it was just dawn.

But there was a scene that made people laugh.

But he could see Zhu Bajie lying on the grass and falling asleep.

"Shu'er, my old pig is sure to bring you happiness. Your mother is going to marry my old pig's master, and I'm married to you again. This is double happiness!"

Zhu Bajie was talking in his sleep, and mouthfuls of saliva flowed out of his big mouth.

But Zhu Bajie is surrounded by Tang Sanzang, Dark Monkey King, and Monk Sha.

"Idiot, don't get up yet, it's time to hit the road!"

The dark Monkey King kicked Zhu Bajie's arm and let out a loud shout.

Suddenly, Zhu Bajie opened his eyes.

However, as soon as he entered his field of vision, it was the monkey head of the big brother, the dark Monkey King.

What about his special son?
What about people?

Where did it go?

"Master, this old pig is..."

Zhu Bajie was stunned, and looked around. There was a forest all around him, and he couldn't see the compound of Jia's mansion at all.

What the hell is going on here?

"Bajie, you have to clean up your mortal heart!"

Tang Sanzang sighed, with a look of sympathy in his eyes.

"Master, are Mrs. Jia and her three daughters all monsters..."

Zhu Bajie was taken aback, but also a little unconvinced.

His master also moved Fanxin and wanted to marry Mrs. Jia.

Why can't he move Fanxin?

"The little Shu in your mouth is male but not female."

Tang Sanzang's eyes became strange.

He subconsciously stayed away from Zhu Bajie.

Dark Monkey King and Monk Sha also did the same.


Zhu Bajie's eyes were wide open, and he felt as if he had eaten a lot of flies in his mouth, which was very uncomfortable.

Even, his throat moved several times, as if he was about to vomit.

Soon after, the four masters and apprentices set out on the road to learn Buddhist scriptures!

[End of real-time video playback]

At this moment, the real-time video screen also temporarily came to an end.


The students couldn't help laughing.

"This Zhu Bajie is too miserable. He actually wants to marry a male monster! There is no one else!"

They all showed a cheerful expression.

On the other hand, Old Professor Yang on the podium also saw this scene after scene in his eyes.

He said with a half-smile, "You say Mrs. Ruojia and his daughter are not monsters but gods?"

"That's right! But there is no evidence that Mrs. Jia and the others are monsters! If they are gods, then Tang Sanzang's strength is really great!"

"Isn't it just that one person forced the four gods to give in, and even made the four gods feed him red grapes and beat his shoulders and backs for him."

"Check it out! The system didn't give the sources of information about these four mothers and daughters!"

"Are these four people gods or monsters?"


For a while, the students were a little confused, but after thinking for a long time, they couldn't figure it out.

"Judging from Tang Sanzang's performance, his strength is extraordinary, and he deserves admission!"

Professor Yang made a simple evaluation, but Tang Sanzang's apprentices, he didn't say much.

In the real-time video just now, the performance of several apprentices is just dark and Sun Wukong is so-so.

But compared with Tang Sanzang, it is still slightly inferior.

"Next, the teacher will lead you to take a look at the Supreme Jade Emperor! The popularity of the Jade Emperor is amazing! Almost the vast majority of investors have entered the Jade Emperor!"

In the next second, Old Professor Yang spoke.

When he said this, the students immediately became interested.

Compared to Tang Sanzang, compared to other investment stocks.

Jade Emperor!

It is more valuable for observation and investment!
Although Tang Sanzang is very extraordinary, no matter how powerful he is, he is no more than a mortal!
Jade Emperor, this is the Supreme Being of Heaven, a real fairy!
I don't know what this fairy is doing?
make a sightseeing tour?

Busy with business?
Or is there something bothering you?

The students' minds became active, and one idea after another popped up in their minds.

[Real-time text observation of the Jade Emperor]

[The Jade Emperor visits the Tianting Garden]

【The Jade Emperor is very leisurely】

【The Jade Emperor made a bet with the Queen Mother】

"Bet? Seems interesting!"

The students couldn't help but look forward to it.

I don't know what bet these two heavenly gods will bet?

[Real-time video observation of the Jade Emperor]

【Real-time video playback】

In an instant, two conspicuous figures entered everyone's field of vision.

There was a figure wearing a nine-chapter robe and a crown of twelve rows of beads on his head. He was handsome in appearance and had an extraordinary temperament.

He is the Jade Emperor!

And another figure walking side by side with the Jade Emperor, graceful and beautiful, wearing a phoenix crown and Xiapei, added a bit of extraordinary temperament to her.

She is the Queen Mother.

The Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother ruled the heaven together, overlooking the immortals!

Surrounding them, you can even see golden boys and jade girls who serve them.

"This temperament, this figure, is really a beautiful queen mother!"

The students were chattering away, and many boys couldn't help but look at the Queen Mother a few more times.

At this time.

The Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother are wandering around the Imperial Garden of Heaven.

This Tianting Royal Garden is really extraordinary.

You can see all kinds of precious fairy grass and fairy flowers everywhere.

Even, the surroundings are still surrounded by immortal energy, making it difficult for people to accurately see the appearance of these immortal grasses and immortal flowers.

"Huh! Huh!"

At the same time, you can also see the fairy grass and fairy flowers blooming one after another with colorful streamers.

The sudden appearance of the streamer also caused the Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother to smell a fragrance that was pervading all around.

"These fairy flowers and grass are growing pretty well. I don't know, what's going on in this world?"

The Queen Mother's phoenix eyes were full of vigor, but there was a worried look in her eyes.

It seems that she has a heart for the world.

"Queen Mother, don't worry, the emperor of this world is Li Shimin. This Li Shimin is also a wise king, and he also manages this world in an orderly manner."

The Jade Emperor showed a laid-back look and grinned.

"is it?"

The Queen Mother was dubious.

"If you don't believe me, let's take a look at this world!"

The Jade Emperor spoke.

When he moved his right hand, he actually moved the clouds around him away.

A picture of the world appeared instantly!
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(End of this chapter)

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