National Investment: Start investing in Zhu Yuanzhang!

Chapter 288 Who can know my heart, how many people are called emperors and how many people are calle

Chapter 288 Who can know my heart, how many people are called emperors and how many people are called kings!
All of a sudden, everyone felt an inexplicable sense of horror.

Why there is such a super-large cemetery here is too abrupt and too unpredictable.

The sky, which was originally sunny, seemed a little dark even unknowingly.

This also made Li Min and the others a little anxious.

According to Ling Shuangxue's instruction, they had to rush back before dark.

Therefore, this time cannot be delayed any longer.

Although they really want to explore this super-large cemetery, they don't have time to do so now.

"Brother Ye, it's getting late. Why don't we go back first!"

Li Min suggested that he, who has always been cheerful, felt shudders one after another when he saw these tombstones for some reason.

An inexplicable sense of panic welled up in his heart.


He is afraid!

He is afraid!

The same goes for Zhang Jin and others.


Ye Xiao nodded.

The group left quickly without staying.

"Hey! Sigh!"

But just as they left, the super-large cemetery behind them heard one after another strange laughter.

The laughter seemed to belittle them, to mock them.


Ye Xiao and the others turned their heads subconsciously, and when they turned around, they saw the super-large cemetery not far behind, and shadows appeared one after another.

The shadow is flickering, it seems to be a human figure but it doesn't seem to be.

The shadows kept flickering, but finally disappeared without a trace.

"Brother Ye, do you think this super-large cemetery is haunted?"

Li Min played a chill, and also expressed his guess.

"This...maybe, even being haunted is not unacceptable. This is the Raging Flame Hell of the foreign space."

Ye Xiao replied, but he always felt that this matter was not that simple.

The walking pace of the people continued to accelerate.

It was getting darker and darker.

It was even possible to see a blood-red moon rising in the drowsy sky.

The blood moon shines a bloody light that soars to the sky!
The blood light is even more pervasive and lingering on this piece of land!
Finally, before dark.

Ye Xiao and the others returned to Yancheng.

At this time, a blood moon has risen in the sky.

The blood moon even exuded a burst of blood and blood that soared into the sky!
Even Ye Xiao and the others seemed to smell the smell of blood that was about to disperse in the air one after another.

The entire Rage Flame Hell is covered in blood and filled with endless gloomy aura!
Simple dinner.

Ye Xiao thought he could relax completely, but unexpectedly, he received a summoning message from Ling Shuangxue's tutor.

Is there any other program on this big night?

He was quite puzzled.

It's not just his doubts in his heart, but also the other freshmen have different thoughts.

But they didn't dare to linger, and rushed to gather in a trapezoidal classroom ordered by Ling Shuangxue.

Although the Flame City was rooted in the foreign space Raging Flame Hell, it is still small and complete, and all kinds of necessary measures can be seen.

Just arrived near the trapezoidal classroom, Ye Xiao saw many students surrounded together.

Enclosed in the beautiful small garden next to the trapezoidal classroom.

To be more precise, it is a stone tablet erected in the small garden of the onlookers.

It seems that there are also many words written on the stone tablet.

Several curious expressions appeared on Ye Xiao's face.

What words will be written on the stele?
He strode away and looked up, but he could see shocking messages engraved one after another.

Stepping into this raging hell, saying that you are not afraid of death is a lie.But our Dragon Kingdom has no way out, no matter how difficult it is, I will go up—Fang Dong

Go fight!to fight!I will never back down! ——Su Ye

I wish I could die! ——Liang Shiqiu

Moreover, through these messages, it can be seen that these seem to be messages from senior students of Shuguang Academy.

The traces of these messages are all brand new.


A thought popped up in the minds of all the freshmen.

The senior students of Shuguang Mansion have already rushed to the battlefield!

Moreover, the battlefield they are going to is not just the first battle line of Raging Flame Hell!
I'm afraid, it is definitely deeper in the flames of anger hell.

That's definitely more dangerous!
If you are a little careless, you will definitely end up with no bones left.

"Hoo! Hoo!"

All of a sudden, the breathing of the freshmen present became a little short.

"What are you still doing in a daze, don't hurry up and gather in the trapezoidal classroom!"

At this moment, a stern female voice came from the trapezoidal classroom.

Upon hearing this voice, the students immediately recognized that it was Ling Shuangxue's voice.

Therefore, they didn't dare to hesitate, and stepped into the classroom with great strides.

The students were seated quickly.

After all the students had arrived, Ling Shuangxue, who was sitting on the podium, had an expressionless face on her face.

"Teacher, on the stone tablet outside is a message from a senior student at Shuguang Mansion?"

The freshmen will have doubts in their hearts and ask out on their own initiative.

If they don't ask, they always feel itchy.

My heart is itchy, very uncomfortable.

"Yes, you guessed it right. The front they are rushing to is more dangerous and more deadly."

Ling Shuangxue replied with a cold expression.

As soon as she said this, the freshmen present felt almost suffocated.

Sure enough, the senior students of Shuguang Mansion stepped into this raging hell earlier than them!

In order to defend the eightfold front of the Raging Flame Hell, is it really possible to defend it?

Thinking of the wrath of the king of hell, they felt inexplicable fear in their hearts.

Even, they have the mood of retreating.

"Are you afraid? Fear, everyone will be afraid, but fear can't solve the problem!"

Suddenly, Ling Shuangxue's piercing and beautiful eyes showed complex expressions.

Hearing this, the students were all silent.

For a moment, the entire trapezoidal classroom was a little silent.

It was Ling Shuangxue who was the first to break this peace!
"The investment world "Three Kingdoms" has undergone new changes. The teacher will lead you to pay attention to and understand the Three Kingdoms."

Ling Shuangxue said something calmly.

Although he is on the front line of the Raging Flame Hell, the matter of investment cannot be delayed.

When the "Three Kingdoms" was mentioned, the students' eyes lit up.

I don't know what's new in this investment world where heroes are born in large numbers?

Even Ye Xiao is very concerned about this point.

Although, the red crystals earned from investing in the world's "Three Kingdoms" are not enough for him.

But who would dislike Hongjing?

Besides, mosquitoes are meat even if they are few!

Under the expectant expressions of all the students.

Ling Shuangxue quickly manipulated the projection function of the national system.

Soon, a huge projection screen appeared in the students' field of vision.

The first to observe is Cao Cao!

The freshmen are all curious, what is Cao Cao doing now?

Are you still dealing with the alien race in the north?

Or has the alien rebellion in the north been put down by Cao Cao?
For Cao Cao, many of the students present admired him. He is definitely a man of great talent and great strategy!
Can such a person become emperor in the future?

Or is it just like what Cao Cao said, he is a loyal courtier of the great man, and he has no intention of proclaiming himself emperor?
While the students were thinking, the observation started!
[Real-time text observation of Cao Cao]

[Cao Cao is overjoyed]

【Cao Cao hosted a banquet】

【Cao Cao is lonely】

This simple three-line observation made all the students confused.

Congratulations, it's a good thing to have a banquet!
Why did Prime Minister Cao feel lonely?

Where is he alone?

As far as they know, Cao Cao has many children, and even many beautiful wives.

In addition, Cao Cao is still a courtier of a big man who holds great power.

Are such characters lonely?

They also want this loneliness!
[Real-time video observation of Cao Cao]

[Who can know my heart? ! 】


For a moment, the students all showed a look of surprise and uncertainty.

They may not know what Cao Cao's heart is.

Kuangfu Han Dynasty?

But if this is the case, what Cao Cao is doing now is to help the Han Dynasty, and to force the emperor to order the princes. Is this to help the Han Dynasty?


Everyone's hearts were a little tangled.

【Real-time video playback】

As soon as it entered the eyes of everyone, it was a camp.

Cao Cao's familiar and mature face can be seen in the tent.

His whole head of hair is mixed with a lot of white hair, even the temples have white hair. It seems that even though he is old, he still looks so energetic, especially at this moment when he received a battle report, he laughed heartily. With joy on his face.

"Gongming and Zhongkang are really worthy of being my generals. They easily put down the Wuheng people who were making trouble on the border! They even captured alive Wulou, the adopted son of King Wuheng Tadun, the leader of Xianbei, Ke Bineng, and the Huns Huchu. Quan Shanyu was also captured alive. This is really a happy event!"

He smiled brightly, and he also praised Xu Huang and Xu Chu, showing that he was really unstoppable.

According to the description of this battle report.

These alien races in the north are certainly capable and capable, but when they meet Xu Huang, Xu Chu and other generals, they have no strength at all!
"How can a group of native chickens and tile dogs compare with my generals!"

Cao Cao had a smug expression on his face.

"Congratulations, my lord, for regaining the northern border!"

The soldiers and counselors in the tent congratulated each other again and again.

"This is a happy event, but it's a pity, it's a pity that because of the alien race in the north, our army moved quickly, otherwise, I will be able to recover Sun Jian's 81 prefectures in Jiangdong's six counties!"

While speaking, Cao Cao had a regretful expression on his face.

I always feel such a pity.

He understands better.

I missed the god-sent opportunity of Chibi last time, and there will be fewer such opportunities in the future.

Let's just talk about the battle with the aliens in the north this time.

Although his generals had won one victory after another, the casualties of the soldiers were not small.

After that, Cao Cao issued a new order.

Cut off the heads of Wulou, Xianbei leader Ke Bineng, and the Xiongnu Huchuquan Shanyu, and hang them on the northern border!In order to warn those northern aliens.

If they rebel, their decapitation will be their fate!

What he did also made some counselors applaud.

But another group of counselors and soldiers felt that this move was too radical, and it also angered the northern aliens.

"My lord, this is not an appropriate move! If the foreign races unite to form a force, then they will definitely not be scattered. At that time, it will be troublesome for us to deal with."

"My lord, when dealing with alien races, you should not use such radical methods, and use softness to overcome strength."

"My lord, aliens should not be underestimated!"


Cao Cao shook his head and didn't listen to the objections of these advisers and soldiers.

"You guys! You are really living in the past. Do you really think that the northern alien race is still as strong as it was then? Being surrounded and suppressed by my dynasties in the Central Plains, the northern alien race is nothing now."

"If they still dare to fight against us big men without fear of death, then I will kill them. One person will kill one person, ten people will kill ten people, and a hundred people will kill a hundred people. Whoever dares to fight, I will kill them, until the blood of the foreigners in the north is shed." Chenghe, kill them to fear, kill them to fear!"

At this moment, Cao Cao's tone became a little low.

Between the lines in his words, there was also bursts of murderous intent.

Even the counselors and soldiers present felt shuddering.

Three days later.

Cao Cao threw a big banquet to entertain the soldiers, even the Cao clan was invited by him.

Just to celebrate the suppression of the alien rebellion in the north.

During the banquet, Cao Cao drank and had fun with his clan members and soldiers.

"Gu has always been a talent-based person, not a relative, as long as you are talented, Gu will definitely let your talents be displayed! This is the way of employing people!"

Cao Cao, who was seated on the main seat, picked up a wine glass with his right hand. He sipped the fine wine in the glass lightly, and said meaningfully, "Today, wearing a green robe alone is exactly what it means."

Looking around, the Cao clan present were all wearing red robes, while the soldiers were all wearing green robes.

Cao Cao also wears a green robe!

Such a camera scene appeared in the students' field of vision, but it also made them amazed again and again.

"Cao Cao really loves and respects talents!"

"That's not the case. If Cao Cao didn't love talents and respect talents, how could he gather such a large group of talents under his command!"

"Prime Minister Cao's subordinates are like clouds, and counselors are like rain!"


While the students were admiring Cao Cao's love for talent, Cao Cao in the real-time video screen suddenly showed a lonely expression.

"In this world, I don't know how many people are saying that I am powerful, and I have a different heart. But how can I have a different heart? I am a Hanchen in this life, and I will be a Hanchen in the next life! I will be a Hanchen in my life!"

Cao Cao had a complicated expression, and he even raised his wine glass, gulping down a glass of wine.


Immediately afterwards, he continued, "Those who suspected that I had a different heart actually asked me to hand over my military power. But if I hand over my military power, I am afraid that my life will not be saved! At that time, without me, the world will be in chaos ! Guess, when the time comes, how many people will be called emperors and how many people will be called kings in this world?"

After all, his eyes showed deep eyes, and he looked up to the sky and smiled wryly, "Who can know my heart?! Who can know my heart?! Who can know my heart?!"

For a while, the entire banquet was silent, the soldiers and the Cao clan were silent, and they stopped drinking and eating.

[End of real-time video playback]

 Today's 1 update... In the evening, relatives are going to get married, and I have been busy for a long time during the day. I owe an update of 4 chapters this month.. Don't worry, it won't be delayed until next month
(End of this chapter)

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