National Investment: Start investing in Zhu Yuanzhang!

Chapter 289 Seven Heroes Fight for Hegemony, Number 7 Character Card!

Chapter 289 Seven Heroes Fight for Hegemony, Number 10 Character Card!
Until the moment the video ends.

The inner feelings of all the students present were extremely complicated.

"Yes! Who understands Cao Cao's thoughts?"

"Isn't it just, how can Cao Cao's military power be handed over? If he really hands over his military power, Cao Cao may not live for three days!"

"The only way to protect ourselves is to firmly hold military power and power firmly in our hands!"

"Cao Cao is a lonely person after all! I don't know if this Cao Cao will become emperor later?"


Some students were guessing what Cao Cao was thinking.

It's just that they can't guess it all the time.

But Ye Xiao knows a little better.

Cao Cao is still the same Cao Cao.

It is absolutely impossible to claim the title of emperor!
At this moment, every student received a message.

[The "Three Kingdoms" investment world is open to unlimited investment! 】

Even Ye Xiao was surprised by the appearance of this system message.

Does this open up unlimited investment?

Then, he must increase investment, and then get more and more profits.

Without the slightest hesitation.

Ye Xiao directly checked the current amount of red crystal profits generated by "Journey to the West".

I want to extract these profits and invest them.

[150 trillion red crystals have been generated]

Seeing this, Ye Xiao was inexplicably surprised and surprised.

He actually made a profit of tens of billions of red crystals.

He still remembered that in the past, the profit generated by "Journey to the West" was only 31 trillion red crystals.

How long has it been.

One million billion red crystals are in hand.

It all seemed like a dream.

He also subconsciously checked the source of profit.

[Journey to the West luck +1000, profit 1 trillion red crystals]

[Journey to the West luck +300, profit 3000 billion Hongjing]

[Journey to the West luck +10, profit 100 billion Hongjing]

[Successfully survived the level 7 cold wave and made a profit of 100 trillion red crystals]


After this inspection, Ye Xiao finally showed a sober expression on his cheek.

It is because of the level 7 cold wave!

The level 7 cold wave made him a direct profit of 100 trillion red crystals!

He still remembered that the benefit brought by the level 4 cold wave was only 10 trillion red crystals.

I really didn't expect that the level 7 cold wave would directly bring 100 trillion red crystals!

without hesitation.

He directly extracted these red crystals!

150 trillion red crystals will be credited directly!

Follow up!

Must follow up!

And his way of chasing shots is simple enough and rough enough!

Cao Cao pursued investment to 50 trillion red crystals!

Liu Bei's pursuit of 50 trillion red crystals!

Zhuge Liang pursued investment to 50 trillion red crystals!

The three investment stocks have invested nearly 150 trillion red crystals in total!

He could even hear the discussions of the students around him.

"Catch up, chase Cao Cao!"

"How much did you chase after?"

"1 million red crystal!"

"A little less than me, I followed up with 2 million red crystals!"

"These fierce generals under Cao Cao are also worthy of pursuit!"


These students were chattering, and their chasing investment was simply not even Ye Xiao's mantissa.

Regarding this, Ye Xiao had a calm face. Others did not have as many assets as him.

Being able to own so many assets also benefits from "Journey to the West".

This investment world "Journey to the West" is simply a powerful and invincible gold-absorbing weapon.

"You need to be cautious in investing, don't be overbearing, and don't be dazzled by the benefits."

Instructor Ling Shuangxue, standing on the podium in the classroom, spoke a series of warning words on her mature and beautiful face.

It's just that the students seemed to listen to her warning words, but they didn't seem to listen at all.

She didn't say much about it.

She also analyzed "Three Kingdoms" for the students in detail.

The current situation in "Three Kingdoms" is clear enough.

The three investment stocks Cao Cao, Liu Bei, and Sun Jian are all popular stocks.

And Zhuge Liang, who looks like a god-man, is especially hot!
Afterwards, after talking about "Three Kingdoms", she also talked about the first front of the Raging Flame Hell.

"Strange beasts are rampant here. Alien beasts may come to attack anytime and anywhere, and you! Don't be careless! Even if you fall asleep late at night, you must be vigilant enough! Because there is no system protection here, and there are strange beasts anytime, anywhere May sneak into our Yancheng!"

The instructor, Ling Shuangxue, had a serious expression.

While speaking, she even launched the system projection.

This time, what she projected was a mosquito that was at most the size of a fingernail.

Do not!
This does not seem to be a mosquito, although its appearance looks somewhat similar to a mosquito.

But on its wings, there were strands of flames flashing.

"This is a strange beast that you can often see in Fury Hell, called Hell Mosquito. It looks very similar to a mosquito, but if you think it is a mosquito, you probably won't even know how it died."

Instructor Ling Shuangxue showed a very solemn expression on her cheeks, "This kind of mosquito from hell will secretly bite our extraordinary investors. Its bite is extremely poisonous. As long as one bites from it, the light one will feel unwell and fall into the coma, or death directly."


Immediately, the students present could not help but gasp.

This is too dangerous!
This hell mosquito!
"However, you have the Zodiac Horse Charm to protect you. If the death mosquito does not bite you to death in an instant, then the Zodiac Horse Charm will show its powerful healing effect. So do you understand?"

"Careless, don't be careless at all. Especially when it's dark, the mosquitoes of death will start to swim away and start attacking our Yancheng."

Instructor Ling Shuangxue added.

The students all nodded heavily.

Now that I have come to this city of flames.

Then, they have stepped into the battlefield.

On the battlefield, you can be careless!

Once they are careless, their lives will definitely be confessed on the first front of this Raging Hell!
After babbling and spitting for a while, Teacher Ling Shuangxue also ordered the students to go back to their dormitories to rest as soon as possible.


There are still important things to do!

Coming to Yancheng means that they have a heavy burden on them!
The students didn't dare to stay any longer, and rushed back to their dormitories one after another.

Even Ye Xiao returned to the dormitory.

Yancheng is not a small city, so each student has an independent dormitory.

And once back to his own separate dormitory, Ye Xiao was not in the mood to sleep.

He still has to practice!
Become a four-star extraordinary investor as soon as possible!
Then, be able to invest more in the investment world!
But at this moment, one system message after another suddenly appeared.

The appearance of these system messages completely caught Ye Xiao by surprise.

[Trigger a special achievement—Investment stock Cao Cao, named Duke Wei by the Emperor of Han, confers Jiuxi, a supreme official, rewards hidden card type number A investment world card]

[Trigger a special achievement - Cao Cao, an investment stock, a veteran, with aspirations for thousands of miles, was named King of Wei by the Emperor of Han, with power in the court and the public, with a detached status, rewarded with a hidden card type K entry card]

[Trigger a special achievement - invest in Liu Bei, set up an altar to sacrifice to the sky, advance to the king of Hanzhong, shake the world, reward hidden card type number O infinite card]

Getting three hidden cards in a row made Ye Xiao feel really good.

Moreover, he was also surprised.

So Cao Cao became the Duke of Wei, and even the King of Wei?

And Liu Bei is also the king of Hanzhong!

This definitely shows that the investment world "Three Kingdoms" is speeding up!
The speed of operation is extremely fast!
Does this mean that the investment world "Three Kingdoms" will soon come to an end?
Ye Xiao silently guessed in his heart.

And he is also very curious about the effect of this hidden card type number O infinite card?
He also quickly found this hidden card type in the card collection book, and inquired about the related effects.

Number - O
Name - Unlimited Card
Description - Select a designated investment stock, no investment quota limit

On the spot, Ye Xiao couldn't help but his eyes lit up.

There is no investment quota limit for selected investment stocks.

For the early stage, the benefits are too great.

In the past, he was restricted by the investment quota.

Obviously know that this investment stock is about to launch a counterattack!

But as a result, only 500,000 can be invested, maybe 1 million.

This is too little.

And this time it was all right.

There is no limit on the amount of investment.

This is the rhythm to take off!

Immediately afterwards, Ye Xiao was also full of anticipation.

I used the number A investment world card in the card book.

He wants to see what the next investment world is going to be?
Is it the dynasty he is familiar with, or some unfamiliar investment world?

If it is really a strange investment world, it will be enough for him to feel uncomfortable.

The hidden card type number A investment world card, once used, line after line of intelligence information also appeared in his field of vision instantly.

[Use the hidden card type number A to successfully invest in the world card]

[The next investment world - "Seven Heroes"]

【World Intelligence】

【Seven heroes in the world, all seven heroes want to rule the world.There will be seven possibilities in this world.Who among these seven heroes can rule the world? long will the confrontation between the Seven Heroes last? 】

Watch the intelligence information in front of Zhou.

Ye Xiao felt chilly in his heart.

"Seven Heroes Contest" What kind of investment world is this, he has never heard of it.

Could it be that this time it wasn't the historical dynasties he knew.

The more he thought about it, he felt really uncomfortable as if he had eaten several flies in his mouth.

In the blink of an eye, his eyes couldn't help but brighten up.

He finally remembered!
Seven Heroes Fight for Hegemony!

This is very likely to be the Seven Heroes of the Warring States Period!
Qi, Chu, Yan, Han, Zhao, Wei, Qin!

With the Seven Heroes fighting for hegemony, who else needs to consider investing?
Qin Shi Huang Ying Zheng!
Ye Xiao thought silently in his heart.

Then just wait!
Waiting for the opening of the investment world of "Seven Hegemons"!
The next day, it was just dawn.

Countless investors in Longguo began to feel excited again.

Just because the investment world "Three Kingdoms" has undergone new changes.

In the 18th year of Jian'an, Cao Cao was granted the Duke of Wei and awarded Jiuxi.

But it's not over yet.

In the 21st year of Jian'an, Cao Cao became the king of Wei!
This all shows.

The investment world "Three Kingdoms" is accelerating.

This has made countless investors look forward to it.

Cao Cao, a powerful minister who claims to be a loyal minister of the Han Dynasty, is probably preparing to become emperor!
Cao Cao's proclaiming emperor is not far away!

To their surprise, it also belonged to Liu Bei.

Liu Bei actually became King of Hanzhong!
"Who would have thought that Liu Bei, who sold straw sandals back then, would have what he is today! He would have what he is today!"

Countless investors were deeply moved, and they even regretted not entering the market early.

Now that the latest opportunity has been missed, even if you enter the market now, you won't be able to earn much red crystals at all.

But even more surprising news came.

In the 25th year of Jian'an, Cao Cao died of illness!
same year.

Cao Cao's eldest son, Cao Ang, proclaimed himself emperor and established the State of Wei!
Sun Jian proclaimed the king, the king of Wu!

The next year, Liu Bei proclaimed himself emperor, and the country was named Han!

In another year, Sun Jian proclaimed himself emperor and established the State of Wu!
This also means that the situation of the Three Kingdoms has come!

Countless investors were surprised and confused.

The progress of the investment world "Three Kingdoms" is too fast!
Just like doing a good job, continue to accelerate, crazily accelerate.

"Is this the Three Kingdoms? Wei Shu Wu?"

The investors were amazed, for a while they were a little hesitant, not knowing how to invest.

On this day, Dragon Kingdom is destined to be a sensation!

Crazy for the investment world "Three Kingdoms"!
Even Ye Xiao received another reward message from the system.

[Trigger a special achievement - investment stock Liu Bei, born in the countryside, earning a living by selling straw sandals, extremely destitute, but his fate reversed, established the Kingdom of Shu, ascended the throne and proclaimed himself emperor, rewarded with rare card number 10 character card fragments X10]

Plus the accumulation of previous fragments.

He now has 10 pieces of the rare card number 20 character card! ! !
Doesn't this mean that he can get a complete rare card number 10 character card!
For a while, Ye Xiao, who stayed in the dormitory, also showed an expression of expectation and curiosity on his cheeks.

What kind of effect does this No. 10 character card have?
Sure enough, the two system reminder messages arrived as scheduled.

[Congratulations to the host, accumulatively obtained 20 number 10 character card fragments, and successfully obtained a complete rare card type number 10 character card]

[Rare card number 10 character card has been sent, please check the host in the collection card book]

Ye Xiao also quickly flipped through the collection card book, and also noticed the number 10 character card.

This is a very special and rare card type.

Surrounding this card, there is actually a black box lingering.

Mysterious glimmers of light flickered in the black square frame.

People can tell at a glance that this rare card is extraordinary.

He also quickly checked the specific effect of this No. 10 character card.

Number - 10
name - character card
Explanation——You can create a character in the investment world. The character survives for 24 hours and disappears after 24 hours.The character is directly controlled by the host or the host can possess the character, and this rare card type can be used unlimited times
Create personas?

24 hours validity period!

You can also directly control the character!

Possessed by the persona?

Does this mean that he can enter the investment world?
Even, this rare card can be used unlimited times.

God card!

This is definitely a magic card!
With this magical card, he will influence the investment world more easily!

Not just a spectator!
The more he thought about it, the more Ye Xiao felt that this rare card was really powerful!

 Today is still an update... not in good condition

(End of this chapter)

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