National Investment: Start investing in Zhu Yuanzhang!

Chapter 310 Wei Wuji, Zhao Guo's Great Hero!

Chapter 310 Wei Wuji, Zhao Guo's Great Hero!

After that, Professor Yang continued to tell about the investment world of "Seven Heroes".

"The seven heroes of the world have been fighting endlessly for years. In such a world, there are four people who were born in princes and nobles. They are courteous, corporals, and courteous. These four are called the four sons!"

Say it.

He also named the fourth son.

Lord Mengchang Tianwen, Lord Pingyuan Zhao Sheng, Lord Xinling Wei Wuji, Lord Chunshen Huang Xie!

"These four sons are trying their best to recruit talents from all over the world, just to deal with the increasingly powerful Qin State, and also to save their own country!"

After briefly mentioning the name of the Fourth Young Master, Old Professor Yang focused on observing Wei Wuji, Lord of Xinling, headed by the Fourth Young Master!

Wei Wuji's name!

The students present were like thunder.

Just because Wei Wuji had done the feat of stealing amulets to save Zhao before!
"Stealing the amulet to save Zhao, this kind of action made the world praise Wei Wuji. But do you think this kind of action is really good for Wei Guo?"

Suddenly, Old Professor Yang said with a half-smile.

The students are inevitably lost in thought.

While thinking, the projection screen has appeared.

【Written Observation Wei Wuji】

【Brothers and friends】

【Brothers Break】

【Go to Zhao Country】

The three-line observation made all the students present really feel caught off guard.

One second, brothers and sisters respect each other, and the next second they break up. Is this brotherhood made of plastic?

Is it too unbearable to stand the test?

[Video observation of Wei Wuji]

[Wei Wuji, the great hero of the Zhao Kingdom! 】

The title of this video is understood by the students.

Wei Wuji stole the amulet to save Zhao, isn't he a great hero of Zhao Guo!

【Video playback】

It was able to see two people.

One is Wei Wang, who is dignified and extraordinary in temperament.

And the other person is Wei Wuji, the younger brother of the King of Wei, who has good facial features and a fair face.

The two are playing Go.

Go again, see Go again!
The students' attention is always unusual, they didn't pay attention to Wei Wang and Wei Wuji at all, but paid attention to Go.

"Go was very popular in ancient times. It can cultivate one's morality, temper one's will, cultivate sentiment and so on."

Professor Yang Lao explained.

"Your Majesty's chess skills have improved."

Wei Wuji spoke.

"Wuji, what do you call a king, you and I are brothers, just call me brother."

King Wei showed a kind expression, "Wuji, Liao praises me, but my brother's chess skills are so-so, and I can't compare to you."

"Your Majesty, etiquette cannot be broken..."

Wei Wuji seemed a little persistent.

"Wuji, you and I are brothers, don't treat yourself like this."

King Wei frowned, as if a little displeased.

Wei Wuji had no choice but to call Wei Wang, "Brother."

This "brother" also brought a smile to King Wei's face.

Such a scene is really brotherly respect!

But under such a peaceful scene, a spy came to the treasure in a hurry.


The spy who arrived quickly looked flustered, as if something important had happened.

His performance like this also surprised Wei Wang who was holding the chess pieces for no reason.

"What happened to be so panicked?"

King Wei frowned.

"Your Majesty, King Zhao was actually spotted near the border of Wei State. And King Zhao even led troops, a lot of soldiers and horses!"

The spy quickly reported back.


In an instant, Wei Wang's face changed on the spot, his eyes were wide open, and there was a little anger in his eyes, and he seemed a little worried.

On the contrary, Wei Wuji looked calm and unmoved.

"This Zhao Wang is really brave. Is he leading troops to attack the border of Wei State? Is Zhao Wang going to war with Wei State?"

Wei Wang gritted his teeth and said.

While speaking, he clenched his fists tightly, and the sound of his fists creaking and creaking resounded non-stop.

"Brother, don't be angry."

But who knows, Wei Wuji said suddenly.

"Brother! This king of Zhao is leading troops to attack the border of Wei State, how can this make my brother not angry!"

King Wei smiled wryly and explained.

It's pretty good that he didn't get mad on the spot.

"Brother, King Zhao didn't intend to lead troops to attack the border of Wei State, King Zhao, but he just came to hunt along the border of Wei State! There is no need to take too many precautions."

Wei Wuji replied.


King Wei had a dubious look on his face.

Wei Wuji nodded heavily.

There is no sight in one day.

King Wei, who was sitting alone in a magnificent hall, received another intelligence message from the spies.

Zhao Wang really led his troops to hunt!
"It's so! It's so! How did my younger brother know? Could it be that my younger brother didn't know the foresight?"

All of a sudden, King Wei was very puzzled.

He could only call his younger brother Wei Wuji.

"Meet the king..."

When seeing King Wei, Wei Wuji saluted respectfully.

"Brother, you and I are two brothers, why do you need to perform the rituals of a monarch and a minister?"

King Wei said quickly, he also stepped forward to support Wei Wuji who was saluting.


Wei Wuji seemed to be a little hesitant.

"Nothing but."

Wei Wang said firmly.

Soon, King Wei talked about the spy's intelligence news.

"King Zhao's army is really here to hunt. How did my brother know about it before?"

"Brother, you also know that I have a lot of diners under my command. There is one diner who stays beside Zhao Wang. So, I have already known every move of Zhao Wang."

Wei Wuji replied calmly.

"Okay! Brother, it's amazing! It's amazing!"

King Wei gave Wei Wuji a thumbs up.

Soon, the two brothers were polite.

Wei Wuji said goodbye and left.

And staring at the back of Wei Wuji leaving.

King Wei's face gradually darkened.

"The widow can't keep making mistakes like this. He is the younger brother of the widow, but he is the famous Lord Xinling! What if he secretly arranges his diners by the widow's side, then..."

King Wei muttered to himself.

The more he thought about it, the more inexplicably panicked he felt.

To what extent has Lord Xinling's power penetrated?
He didn't know, and he didn't dare to think about it!

"Brothers are about to break up!"

"Brother and friend, Gong is going to be gone soon!"

"King Wei thinks too much, but he is right."

"Wei Wang has gaps with Wei Wuji and is on guard!"


Such a video picture also made the students chatter non-stop.

However, what happened afterwards did not surprise them too much.

It was actually related to the Battle of Handan.

King Wei is unwilling to send troops to deal with Qin!
But Wei Wuji insisted on sending troops to help Qin!

The two even had a dispute over this.

"Your Majesty, the State of Zhao is retreating steadily. If we don't send troops to help, Handan of the State of Zhao may be defeated by the State of Qin..."

Wei Wuji spoke earnestly.

"No, I will never send troops! If we send troops to help Zhao Guo, then Qin Guo's next target will be Wei Guo!"

King Wei shook his head, resolutely not to send troops.

"Your Majesty, if we send troops to rescue Zhao, we, Wei, can also get some benefits, and we can even control the expansion of Qin."

"The expansion of the Qin State is like a fire, which keeps burning and spreading. If it is not controlled, the fire of the Qin State will burn on our Wei State sooner or later..."

Wei Wuji continued to speak relentlessly.

"No! You go! You go! The widow will never send troops!"

King Wei's will was very firm, to the point where Wei Wuji could not be shaken.

Wei Wuji felt helpless and could only leave silently.

"The state of Qin has secretly sent envoys. If I send troops, then the next place Qin will attack will be the state of Wei!"

Wei Wang muttered to himself, his expression was pained.

"Wei Wang is too cowardly!"

On the other hand, the students who watched the video started yelling at King Wei, but they were warned verbally by King Qin's secret envoy, but they really didn't dare to send troops.

And in the next video screen.

But it was just as expected by the students.

Lord Xinling Wei Wuji conspired with the concubine of the king of Wei to steal the military talisman.

Wei Wuji, who got the soldier talisman, also rushed to Yedi quickly, and met Jin Bi, the general of Wei State.

"Your Majesty, let me command an army of one hundred thousand instead of you."

When Wei Wuji saw Jin Bi, he straightened up, looking very confident.

Moreover, he also took out the soldier talisman for Jin Bi to examine.

Check it out.

Jin Bi also confirmed that it was correct.

But he felt that this matter seemed to be fraudulent.

Jin Bi, who had a beard and a mighty appearance, was silent for a while, and then he said, "Young master, I'm afraid this is inappropriate. The last general led a hundred thousand troops to station at the border to defend the country of Wei. But now the king is You were suddenly asked to replace the last general. I am afraid that this matter is..."

Jin Bi didn't say what happened next.

But it is already self-evident.

He wondered if Wei Wuji stole the military amulet belonging to King Wei privately.


Jin Bi began to get tangled in his heart.

But suddenly.

Zhu Hai, a doorman behind Wei Wuji, took out a [-]-jin hammer hidden in his sleeve!


Zhu Hai smashed Jin Bi's head with a hammer, and immediately Jin Bi's head was bleeding, the scene was bloody and terrifying.

The students who watched the video were a little dazed.

Jin Bi, the general who commanded the army, died like this?

It's too sad to die!


Wei Wuji took over Zhao's army as a matter of course!

"This is Wei Wuji's stealing amulets to save Zhao! He saved Zhao by stealing amulets, but the country of Wei suffered a great loss. Just say that the general of the state of Wei, Jin Bi, died very unjustly."

Regarding such a video scene, Professor Yang couldn't help but sigh.

Afterwards, Wei Wuji led the army to help the State of Wei repel the siege of the State of Qin!

But King Wei, who was in the main hall, had his eyes wide open and his face full of anger.

"Wei Wuji! How dare he! How dare! Use the widow's military talisman privately! To help the Zhao country, he is doing this to harm the widow's Wei country!"

The king of Wei was furious.

He even ordered his subordinates to arrest Wei Wuji as soon as he returned to Wei State.

He wants to personally question Wei Wuji!

In his eyes, Wei Wuji is still some kind of younger brother.

Wei Wuji is the sinner of King Wei!
Apparently, the brotherhood is completely broken!
at the same time.

King Zhao was very grateful to Wei Wuji.

"It's all the son's help. If there is no son's help, the handan of the widow will be broken by Qin!"

Thinking of what happened in the past, Zhao Wang was really terrified, and he was also very grateful.

Fortunately, Wei Wuji, the king of Xinling who understands righteousness, led his army to help Zhao Guo.

"Everything is for righteousness."

Wei Wuji straightened his waist and said with a serious expression.

King Zhao nodded heavily.

"Do you think Wei Wuji is really doing it for righteousness?"

On the contrary, Professor Yang's expression became playful.

"No! He is famous for the land! Stealing the talisman to save Zhao made Wei Wuji's reputation in this world much higher."

"But from Wei's point of view, Wei Wuji's behavior is to stomp the face of King Wei on the ground. It also made Wei offend Qin, and also made Wei lose Jin Bi, a general."

The students nodded and began to think silently.

After that, in the video screen.

King Zhao also treated Wei Wuji very well, presenting him with gold, silver, jewelry, beauties, and even several cities.

However, Wei Wuji basically refused, he just asked for a small town.

Because he was uneasy!
He couldn't understand that his act of stealing amulets to save Zhao would definitely anger King Wei!

Come to the small city that belongs to you.

Wei Wuji paced back and forth in the hall.

He muttered even more words.

"I'm afraid! Now King Wei has the intention to kill me!"

In the days to come.

Wei Wuji really didn't return to Wei country, he really lived in Zhao country.

Because, he is a great hero of Zhao Guo!

Zhao Wang even regarded him as a guest of honor!
It was a very pleasant day!

"This Wei Wuji is really having a good time!"

"I've been living in Zhao Country for a year and a year, so I really don't want to go back?"

"Look! This Wei Wuji still has two beauties in his arms!"

"In Zhao State, you can enjoy the glory, wealth, and beauty in the world! Wei Wuji will go back to Zhao State!"


The students talked about it one after another.

While they were discussing, a line of words flashed on the projection screen in front of them.

【End of video playback】



It's time to end.

The entire video clip, at the end, is completely showing Wei Wuji's happy and unrestrained life.

"Wei Wuji, king of investment stock Xinling, do you think it's worth investing in?"

Suddenly, Old Professor Yang asked.


The students hesitated and didn't know what to say.

It would be fine if it was Wei Wuji in the front, but Wei Wuji in the back just stayed in Zhao Guoxiao and had a good time.

Such an investment stock does not seem to have any prospects, does it?
They began to hesitate in their hearts, and they also began to waver.

"Student Ye Xiao, let me tell you what you think! You are the honorary vice president of the student union now! You donated 100 billion red crystals in no time! You are really rich!"

Old Professor Yang's eyes narrowed slightly, and his eyes fell on Ye Xiao who was sitting in the back row of the multimedia classroom.

All of a sudden, Ye Xiao was a little unexpected to be named by Professor Yang in this way.

Are you rich and powerful?

Not really!
He muttered silently in his heart.

But I could also see pairs of curious and envious eyes falling on him.

Every student present pricked up their ears, wanting to listen to Ye Xiao's opinion.

Even an investment genius like Leng Yixuan would like to hear Ye Xiao's unique insights.

(End of this chapter)

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