National Investment: Start investing in Zhu Yuanzhang!

Chapter 311 The widow has no money, and the king of Qin wins to die!

Chapter 311 The widow has no money, and the king of Qin wins to die!

Being watched by pairs of eyes, Ye Xiao felt uncomfortable all over, and also realized that he had to say something dry.

"Wei Wuji, an investment stock, is still worth entering. Although he is currently in Zhao Guo, gold will always shine. He will definitely shine again. However, I guess the ending of Wei Wuji, an investment stock, must not be very good. .”

Ye Xiao said.

What he said made the students present couldn't help but think.

It seems that they are all very strange.

Wei Wuji is currently living happily in Zhao State.

Moreover, King Zhao also treated Wei Wuji as a guest of honor.

Such days are quite comfortable.

How could Wei Wuji's IOU be bad?

"Student Ye Xiao, why do you have such a guess?"

Old Professor Yang narrowed his cloudy eyes slightly, and he waved his hand to signal Ye Xiao to continue.

"This kind of speculation stems from the fact that Wei Wuji said that he is from the state of Wei, and he is also the younger brother of the king of Wei. He is also very talented. When the state of Wei is in trouble, Wei Wuji can continue to stay in the state of Zhao. ?"

"Furthermore, the fallen leaves return to their roots. Wei Wuji will return to the State of Wei sooner rather than later. Once he returns to the State of Wei, Wei Wuji's performance will not be mentioned for the time being. He has already suffered the suspicion of the King of Wei! Just ask, he has suffered the suspicion of the King, and his body Will Wei Wuji, a courtier, have a good or bad ending in the end?"

Ye Xiao's expression was calm, and he continued to analyze Wei Wuji, an investment stock, in an orderly manner.

After such an analysis by him.

All the students present couldn't help showing admiration to Ye Xiao.


Ye Xiao, this strongest freshman really has two bastards!
Ye Xiao's analysis is too thorough!
It also made them understand how they should choose when facing investment stock Wei Wuji.

Wei Wuji can invest.

But it is to leave in time, to leave in time.

The ending of Lord Xinling Wei Wuji is doomed to be a tragedy!

Even Professor Yang showed an expression of appreciation.

"Student Ye Xiao's analysis is very good. Suffering Wei Wang's suspicion, Wei Wuji is destined to end badly!"

"Crack! Crack!"

Immediately, the students present spontaneously applauded Ye Xiao.

Listen to the applause.

Ye Xiao felt that it was good to be in a strange mood.

At the same time, his heart is also very complicated.

Being able to make such an inference is not because he is good at analyzing investment stocks, or how superb his investment philosophy is.

But Ye Xiao has already recalled it.

Lord Xinling Wei Wuji had a miserable end.

It was because of Wei Wang's suspicion and exclusion that Wei Wuji could only hang out with wine and sex all day long.

Because of this, Wei Wuji's body was also hollowed out, and he could only die early as a result.

Even, there are countless latecomers who describe Wei Wuji in one sentence-Wuji never dies, Wei Guo never perishes!

"There is Tao in the world. The making of rites and music and sending troops to fight are decided by the emperor. There is no way in the world. Making rites and music and sending troops to fight are all decided by the princes."

Old Professor Yang continued unhurriedly.

When he said this, he invisibly reminded the students.

The seven heroes in the world are all vassal states one after another.

So, what about the Son of Heaven in this world?

Who is it?
They didn't seem to pay much attention to this emperor.

But now, the emperor has long existed in name only.

"The Son of Heaven in this world today is the King of Zhou in the Eastern Zhou Dynasty! As for the specific origin of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty, the system did not explain too much."

Old Professor Yang has a serious expression and a pair of calloused arms, quickly controlling the whole system.

Obviously, he wanted to observe King Zhou.

It's not for the students to invest in King Zhou.

It is to let the students better understand the era of Qixiong Hegemony!
【Written Observation Ji Yan】

【The Ambitious Ji Yan】

【Ji Yan rejects King Qin】

【Ji Yan raising money】

"Ji Yan? King Zhou of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty? It doesn't look like he is a faint king!"

The students grumbled.

But they all found it inexplicably a little strange.

What does Ji Yan raise money mean?
Prepare money?
Are you still short of money as a monarch?
On the contrary, Ye Xiao also had a meaningful smile on his face.

Ji Yan, the King of Zhou in the Eastern Zhou Dynasty, is definitely a wonderful monarch!
[The widow has no money!no money! 】

No money?

So raise money!
There seems to be nothing wrong with this!
【Video playback】

The first person to come into view was a monarch who looked about 30 years old, very young and mature.

This person is Zhou Wang Ji Yan.

He sat upright in a great hall.

His eyes were burning with clusters of flames.

"In today's world, the princes are fighting for hegemony and arguing endlessly. But they were all courtiers of the widowed Zhou royal family. Now they are all against each other, against each other."

Zhou Wang Jiyan was talking, but his face was also full of anger.

He is angry!
The princes of the world really don't pay attention to the Zhou royal family.

Therefore, he must revitalize the Zhou royal family!
"The widow wants to revive—Zhou!"

Zhou Wang Ji Yan showed an ambitious side.

And staying in the Eastern Zhou Dynasty, he also has to work hard and work hard!
He wants to strengthen Eastern Zhou!

Let the Zhou royal family command the princes of the world like before!
"King Zhou has ambition!"

In the video, Zhou Wang Jiyan is working diligently, and his performance also makes the students show a look of appreciation.

However, it was impossible for them to enter the investment stock Zhou Wang Jiyan.

The Zhou royal family has come to an end.

I'm afraid.

The destruction of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty is also immortal.

"Ji Yan, king of Zhou, is the emperor of Zhou. And all the princes in this world are the courtiers of the emperor of Zhou. But now, the Zhou royal family has already gone into decline. To put it bluntly, the emperor of Zhou It's just a decoration. The reason why the princes in the world didn't destroy the Zhou royal family is just to give the Zhou royal family a little face!"

Professor Yang made an analysis, "Sooner or later, the royal family will withdraw from the stage of the world!"

The students all agreed with Professor Yang's words.

This world is the world of the seven princes fighting for hegemony.

It has nothing to do with the Zhou royal family.

To put it bluntly, this week the royal family is playing the role of a walk-on, and it will end sooner or later!
this day.

The weather was fine and sunny.


Zhou Wang Ji Yan, who was in the main hall, heard a subordinate rushing over.

"What's the matter?"

Zhou Wang Jiyan asked with a calm face.

"King Qin is here! King Qin is here!"

His face was full of fear.

It seems that because Qin, a vassal state, has grown stronger and stronger in recent years, his subordinates are afraid.

Not only is he afraid.

Even King Ji Yan of Zhou was afraid of King Qin of Qin.

Before Zhou Wang Jiyan could say anything else.

A burly and tall figure led a pair of people to appear in the video screen.

Moreover, the video screen also marked the name of the leader.

The King of Qin, the King of Qin, won!

"King Qin Yingdang, the next King Qin will be King Qin Ji. Yingji is Yingdang's younger brother."

Professor Yang Lao explained.

The students nodded with dull expressions, and they all felt that King Qin Yingdang in the video looked very young.

It stands to reason that it should have a long lifespan!

How come it was Yingji who inherited the throne of King Qin of Qin?
"King Zhou, don't come here unharmed!"

Qin Wang Yingdang laughed loudly, and the sound of Zhou Wang on his lips was also vaguely teasing.

It seems to be called King Zhou, but in fact, he doesn't take King Zhou seriously at all.

At this moment, countless angers welled up in Zhou Wang Jiyan's stomach.

He is the Son of Heaven!
Qin Wang is the monarch of the vassal states, but without his permission, he broke into the hall directly.

Moreover, the behavior is so frivolous!

"I don't know why the King of Qin came here?"

However, Ji Yan, king of Zhou, did not dare not lose face to King Qin.

Now, the state of Qin is getting stronger and stronger, already many times stronger than his Eastern Zhou Dynasty.

"The widow has always been good at martial arts, and he has a lot of strength. So, the purpose of coming to the Eastern Zhou Dynasty this time is to take a look at this legendary artifact of the country - the Jiuding. It is also to use the Jiuding!"

King Qin Yingdang explained directly.

On the spot, Zhou Wang Jiyan's eyes narrowed slightly.

Qin Wang Yingdang is here to lift the tripod!
But the Jiuding is an artifact of the state, so if you can say that you can lift the tripod, you can lift the tripod.

"No! No!"

Zhou Wang Jiyan shook his head again and again, but he refused.

"The widow just came to inform you!"

King Qin Yingdang smiled.

No matter whether Zhou Wang Jiyan agrees with him or not.

He also wants to raise this Jiuding!

Zhou Wang Jiyan was filled with anger, but also felt a deep sense of powerlessness.

The strength of Qin!

That is what the Eastern Zhou Dynasty can shake today!

Even the students who watched the video felt inexplicably that Zhou Wang Jiyan, the emperor of Zhou, was really a tragedy.

This king of Qin Yingdang raising the tripod is probably only one of the purposes, and the other purpose is to come to the Eastern Zhou Dynasty to show off his might.

Maybe Qin Wang Yingdang wanted to annex the Eastern Zhou Dynasty!
Countless thoughts popped up in the hearts of the students.

Luoyi, Zhou Wang Taimiao.

But several figures could be seen.

Qin Wang Yingdang, Zhou Wang Jiyan and others.

What's more, the place in front of them is exactly the nine cauldrons.

Each big tripod weighs a thousand catties.

"Sure enough! As expected of Jiuding, it's really extraordinary! Extraordinary!"

King Qin Yingdang lavishly praised the nine cauldrons in front of him.

Next, he will perform the lifting of the tripod!

Watching this scene, Zhou Wang Jiyan was filled with anger, but he couldn't say much.

Qin Wang Yingdang was surrounded by three big men.

Ren Bi, Wu Huo, and Meng Shuo!
These three are all powerful Hercules!
"Ren Bi, let's see if you can lift a tripod!"

King Qin Yingdang ordered.

"No, Your Majesty."

The tall and burly Ren Bi also straightened his waist and spoke.

After all, he was about to lift up the Yongzhou Ding, one of the Nine Dings!


Ren Bi held the body of the tripod tightly with one hand, clenched the feet of the tripod with the other, and shouted loudly, using all the strength of his whole body, but in the end, he could only move the Yongzhou tripod slightly, and the veins on his arms were also bulging, and his forehead was rolling Beads of sweat the size of soybeans fell one after another.


Ren Bi failed in raising the tripod.

"My lord, I've let you down. I can't lift the nine cauldrons."

Ren Bi was ashamed.

"It's okay, it's okay."

King Qin Yingdang smiled and didn't care much.

He asked Wu Huo and Meng Shuo to raise the tripod again!
Wu Huo's performance was not satisfactory, but he was better than Ren Bi, that is, he lifted the Yongzhou tripod for a moment.

Then, in an instant, the Yongzhou tripod fell to the ground.

As for Meng Shuo, he couldn't lift the Yongzhou Ding.


Such a scene also made King Zhou Jiyan sneer, "Even a strong man can't lift this nine tripods, so, King Qin, don't try to lift the tripod in vain."

"Your Majesty, what King Zhou said is correct."

"These nine tripods are extremely heavy. Don't try it lightly, Your Majesty."

"My lord, this nine tripods cannot be moved by human power."


The three strongmen Ren Bi, Meng Shuo, and Wu Huo were also on the sidelines to persuade King Qin Yingdang not to lift the tripod. They said that they had only lifted the tripod for a short while, and their arms were still sore and numb even now. Some pain.

However, what they said seemed to arouse King Qin Yingdang's competitive spirit invisibly.

"The widow is here to lift the tripod!"

King Qin Yingdang's eyes were piercing, but he was also staring at Jiuding in front of him.

This is the Nine Cauldrons, an artifact of the town!

Jiuding represents the supreme royal power!

Jiuding also represents the unification of the world!
He wants to raise nine tripods!
Only by raising the nine tripods can he show his ambition!

"The widow will rule the world!"

Qin Wang Yingdang walked towards Jiuding step by step, and said something that made Zhou Wang Ji Yan almost vomit blood with anger.

Qin Wang Yingdang didn't pay attention to Dong Zhou at all.


Zhou Wang Jiyan was full of resentment, but she seemed a little helpless.

Among the vassal states in the world, the Eastern Zhou Dynasty really has nothing to do with that one!


Yingdang hugged the Yongzhou tripod with both hands, and shouted loudly, he lifted the Yongzhou tripod abruptly!
At this moment, one after another blue veins were exposed on Yingdang's arms, forehead, and neck.

"The mighty king!"

"The mighty king!"

"The mighty king!"


Wuhuo and others around him cheered for King Qin Yingdang.

Qin Wang Yingdang is indeed worthy of a king known for his great strength. Even they are ashamed of their strength!


What happened next shocked everyone.

King Qin Yingdang seemed to be exhausted, but it was the Yongzhou Ding that escaped from his hands.

What's more, the Yongzhou Ding directly hit King Qin Yingdang's knee.


Qin Wang Yingdang only felt that his kneecaps were smashed, and mouthfuls of blood spewed out from his mouth.

Everyone around was dumbfounded.

Soon, King Qin Yingdang died!
At only 23 years old, he has only just ascended the throne for just over four years!

Even the students present were dumbfounded after watching the video.

"Is King Qin gone like this?"

"He was crushed to death by this big cauldron?"

"If this huge cauldron hits a person, the person will not die!"

"King Qin Yingdang is trying to die! He's dying!"


The students had different expressions, and they all felt that King Qin Yingdang was really a master at killing people.

His men have said it all.

Jiuding cannot be moved by humans.

But Qin Wang Yingdang still wants to give it a try!
As a result, it's a tragedy!
(End of this chapter)

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