National Investment: Start investing in Zhu Yuanzhang!

Chapter 331 Urban Legend - Mysterious Video Tape!

Chapter 331 Urban Legend - Mysterious Video Tape!

Moreover, this [Midnight] is not only a horror movie, but also a sci-fi movie!

Don't say anything else.

Let's just talk about the mysterious videotape in [Midnight]!
In fact, the tape isn't that mysterious at all, to put it bluntly.

As far as he knows, if you watch the tape, a tumor will form near the heart.

Moreover, this tumor grows extremely fast, and it will fully develop in just seven days, and block internal organs, causing myocardial infarction.


to be honest.

This tape is actually a virus!
According to Ye Xiao's understanding, this virus is called Ring virus, also known as bell virus, which is a ring virus!
However, it still needs to be found out whether this [Midnight] matches what he thinks in his heart!

It's twelve o'clock in the evening!

It was pitch black outside the window.

Ye Xiao also received two system messages.

[Silver Level Investment World [Midnight] is officially open! 】

[Welcome to invest in Wang Zhongwang! 】

Cannot invest in Destiny's Child!
No problem!

Then, he will invest in the people around the protagonist!
He directly searched for Reiko Asakawa's ex-husband, Ryuji Takayama!
[Unfortunately, the host found no such person]


All of a sudden, Ye Xiao's mind was full of question marks, it's impossible!
How could there be no such person as Ryuji Takayama, could it be that he was blocked?

Then invest in Reiko Asakawa and give it a try!
【Sorry, this investment stock is blocked and cannot be invested】

This... hell!
Ye Xiao even tried to find out a lot of information about Reiko Asakawa.

【Reiko Asakawa, female reporter, unmarried】

After this inquiry, the corner of his mouth couldn't help twitching several times.

Why is Reiko Asakawa unmarried?
Should not be!

But soon, he realized something.

It is very possible that this [Midnight] has been reorganized again and again and has been changed by the system. This is another new world, or is this [Midnight] already in the hands of an unknown investor?
One thought after another popped up in Ye Xiao's mind.

However, it's fine.

He is familiar with most of the plot, and he is not panicked at all.

[Please host to create investment shares as soon as possible or invest in selected investment shares as soon as possible]

Also able to create investment shares?

Create your own investment shares!
[Please enter the investment stock information or related requirements to be created and the amount of funds to be invested]

[Male, and female reporter Reiko Asakawa are colleagues]

[Invest 1 million orange crystals]

Ye Xiao's request is also very simple, to get closer to the protagonist Reiko Asakawa, so that he can get more favorable information and investigate Sadako more quickly.

Behaviors such as investigations can also be profitable.

[Congratulations to the host, the creation of investment shares is completed]

[Ye Xiao, male, 25 years old, 1.8 meters tall, currently working at Shenchuan TV]

This is created?
The role of investment stocks does not seem to have changed?
Is it...

The 1 million orange crystals invested in the initial start are just a kind of admission ticket?

[Three seconds later, the host will enter the [Midnight] silver-level investment world to manipulate investment stock Ye Xiao]


A three-second countdown.

It's gone in a flash.

When Ye Xiao came back to his senses again and opened his eyes, he was actually sitting on a staff office chair, with a clean and tidy desk in front of him.

Moreover, he also received a message from the system in his mind.

【Investors please, live on! 】

At the same time, Ye Xiao received a series of memories in his mind.

He is currently working at TV Kamigawa!


This is truly a city like no other.

This city was jointly built and established by many countries in the world, and countries from all regions of the world can be seen in Kamigawa.

People of yellow race, white race, or black race can be seen everywhere in the city of Shenchuan.

Ye Xiao's current identity is an intern reporter at Shenchuan TV Station, with a monthly salary of 6.

After accepting the memories in his mind, Ye Xiao also acquired some basic skills of a reporter.

Writing skills!
Communication skills!
Interview skills!

Moreover, through the notification of the system, these skills can be used in [Midnight]. In other words, after returning to the real world, he will not have these skills.

There is an even more important point.

[Midnight] The flow rate in the world is different from the real world.

[Midnight] Several days have passed in the world, and maybe a few hours or less have passed in the real world.

How to earn money?
Ye Xiao began to think.

And soon, he had an answer.

An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth!

Only by dealing with Sadako in [Midnight], he will definitely make a lot of money!
But to deal with Sadako with his body is courting death!

So, can he try to use the ability of the master of the world in "Journey to the West"?
[Currently the host cannot use its own abilities]

[Only after investing money can you unlock your own abilities]

As soon as you communicate with the system, the system responds quickly.

And the system's response made Ye Xiao stunned for a moment.

You have to chase up investment funds to be able to use your abilities!
That's great!

If he expected it to be good.

Other investment stocks have unlocked abilities, at most they can only unlock strength, speed, qi source martial arts, etc. If these things are really used to deal with fierce beasts, it is absolutely easy.

But this time it's ghosts to deal with!
By virtue of your brute strength, is it realistic to use strength alone to deal with ghosts?
It's not realistic at all!

System, when can you invest funds?
Ye Xiao was full of anticipation.

[Sorry for the host, currently unable to recover investment funds]

Come on, it's not yet possible to chase investment funds!
Ye Xiao also used the computer in front of him to quickly search for news about the mysterious video tape.

Unfortunately, no useful clues were found.

He even looked around, looking for Reiko Asakawa.

Let's get acquainted with this protagonist first.

It's a pity that after searching for a long time, I really couldn't find Reiko Asakawa.

Could it be that they are not in the same department?
Or did you go out for an interview and haven't returned yet?

Ye Xiao thought about it, and also stretched.

As for the work of this reporter, he didn't take it to heart at all.

He didn't come to work in this [midnight] silver level investment world.

He came to earn orange crystals.

Not long after, Ye Xiao went to the toilet.


The water from the faucet kept flowing out. After washing the handles and looking in the mirror, he also noticed that his appearance was quite ordinary and mediocre.

Just as he stepped out of the men's toilet, several female employees of the TV station appeared in front of him.

These female employees are discussing and exchanging some gossip information among each other.

"Have you heard? Recently, there is an urban legend circulating in our Kamigawa city! Just watch a video tape of unknown origin, and you may die after seven days!"

"I heard it a long time ago, and the relevant departments have also intervened in the investigation."

"It's unbelievable to spread rumors about this matter! You can't believe it!"

"Liar! How could such a bizarre thing happen!"


These female employees obviously don't believe in this urban legend, but Ye Xiao believed it.

Even, his heart fluttered, and he wanted to watch that video tape.

But this thought was immediately dispelled by him.

Currently, his body is that of an ordinary person.

Then you can watch this video, isn't that killing you?
Ye Xiao stretched his waist, and when he was about to return to his seat, he inadvertently noticed two figures, a man and a woman, making out on the stairs at the corner of this TV station building.

The one person he had in his mind was Ao Yamamoto, the deputy director of Shenchuan TV.

And the other woman only has a back view, but she has a graceful figure and is dressed in fashion. She presumably is the female employee of this Shenchuan TV station.

The intimacy didn't last long before it was over.

Ye Xiao didn't take this matter to heart.

And as soon as he returned to the office staff chair, Ye Xiao saw that there was no one on the diagonally opposite side, but now there was a figure.

This figure has a pure appearance, an extraordinary temperament, and smart eyes. Just looking at her can leave a deep impression on people.

She was also wearing a very standard black professional dress.

This is a female reporter.

Four words came to Ye Xiao's mind - Reiko Asakawa!
This is the protagonist of [Midnight]!

Seeing this, Ye Xiao hurriedly set off and went up to say hello.

"Miss Reiko, hello!"

"Ye Xiao, what's the matter?"

Reiko Asakawa showed a polite smile, and there were two beautiful dimples on her cheeks.

"About, recent urban legends..."

Ye Xiao said.

Reiko Asakawa blinked her big piercing eyes and said, she also seemed surprised.

"Ye Xiao, I didn't expect you to know about this. Recently, I plan to do a program about this urban legend - the mysterious tape. I think the ratings will be very good."

And the ratings are pretty good?

taking off own life!
"Besides, this matter seems to be very popular recently. On the way back when I just came back, I also heard many people discussing this matter."

Reiko Asakawa continued.

Very simple sentence.

But it made Ye Xiao realize that this is definitely the other investors in other investment stocks.

They also entered the silver-level investment world of [Midnight], and used the mysterious video tape as an entry point.

Just ah!
Their entry point is still lacking.

The starting point should be Reiko Asakawa!
"Ye Xiao, you seem to be very interested in the mysterious video tape? Why don't you go investigate with me this afternoon! It is said that the deceased have all been to the Shenchuan Resort Hotel, and then we will be able to find clues there .”

Reiko Asakawa rolled her eyes a few times before speaking.

And her words also aroused Ye Xiao's interest.

Investigating incidents can definitely make a profit!
"it is good!"

Ye Xiao agreed.

"Cough cough!"

Just at this moment, a steady cough sounded suddenly.

Ye Xiao looked back, and it was Ao Yamamoto, the deputy director of Shenchuan TV.

"Ye Xiao! It's time for work, not for you to chat! Have you finished your work? I want to check your news release today! If it doesn't pass! You don't want to be an intern reporter! Just clean up Pack up and leave! The TV station does not welcome you, and Kamikawa does not welcome you either!"

Yamamoto Ao spoke with a cold face.

And his words also made Ye Xiao's face slightly unnatural.

What news releases, he has the mind to think about these.

All of a sudden, he seemed to be aware of the coming crisis!

According to his memory.

Shenchuan, this is definitely a special city, but in this special city, there is an unwritten rule - no jobless people are welcome here!

If he loses his status as a trainee reporter, he will be expelled from the city of Kamigawa within 24 hours.

At that time, how will he investigate this mysterious tape of urban legend.

Some of the surrounding journalists and staff also showed gloating expressions when they saw such a scene. They all thought that Ye Xiao, a trainee reporter, was finished!

Soon to be fired!

On the contrary, Reiko Asakawa showed a kind-hearted side.

"Deputy Director, isn't your punishment too severe..."

She wanted to speak for Ye Xiao.

"To shut up!"

The deputy director, Yamamoto Ao, showed a ruthless side.

"Deputy Director, I'm afraid I have to talk about something in your office."

At this moment, Ye Xiao showed a very calm side.


The deputy director, Yamamoto Ao, snorted coldly, "Bring your press release today!"

After that, he turned around and left, returning to his office.

"Ye Xiao..."

Reiko Asakawa showed a worried expression on her cheek. Even though she was not very familiar with Ye Xiao, she didn't want Ye Xiao to be fired just like that.


Ye Xiao shook his head.


Under the stunned gaze of all the reporters in the office, Ye Xiao left empty-handed.

Just a few blinks of an eye.

Ye Xiao came to the office of Deputy Director Yamamoto Ao.

"Can't you even knock on the door?"

Seeing Ye Xiao's rude behavior, Yamamoto Ao wanted to expel Ye Xiao even more, so as to kill the chicken for the monkey to see!

"Deputy Director, if I remember correctly, you seem to be married. But in the end, you messed with other female employees in the TV station..."

Ye Xiao said unhurriedly, he was also glad that he saw this scene just now, and he also caught the handle of the director, Yamamoto Ao.


Sure enough, as he said these words, Yamamoto Cang's face turned pale with fright.

"No such thing, don't slander me! Don't slander me!"

Yamamoto Ao, who was sitting on the office chair, straightened his back, and his words were a little lacking.

"People are doing it and the sky is watching. You can fire me anyway, and I will publish the photos and videos of this incident, tsk tsk, I don't know if you can still be the deputy director of the station!"

Ye Xiao said quietly.

In fact, he has no photos or videos at all.

Therefore, the current him is basically fooling the deputy director Ao Yamamoto.

And his deception also succeeded.

Yamamoto Ao was so frightened that his face was pale and pale, his legs were trembling, and beads of sweat the size of soybeans appeared on his forehead.

He was panicked, to the point where he was almost bewildered.

(End of this chapter)

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