Chapter 332 Death Video Tape!
If it is known by the superiors of the TV station that he has a problem with his life style, and by the tigress at home.


"Go to work and return to your own post!"

Yamamoto Ao said.

"Arrangement, Miss Reiko and I will work together to investigate the urban legend - the mysterious video tape as partners."

After Ye Xiao said this, he prepared to leave without looking back.

However, just when he was about to leave, he keenly noticed that there was a white video tape on the desktop of Ao Yamamoto's office.

Just took a look.

Ye Xiao's heart trembled.

No way.

No way.

Could this videotape be the death videotape related to Sadako?

But this death video was according to his idea.

Shouldn't it be at the Kamikawa Resort Hotel?

How would it appear here?

Ye Xiao thought quickly in his heart.

"Ye Xiao, don't worry, I will definitely arrange for you to partner with Miss Lingzi. But, do you have anything else to do?"

Yamamoto Cang frowned, for the time being, he didn't dare to disobey Ye Xiao's words, who let Ye Xiao firmly grasp his handle.

"It's all right. It's just this video tape. You'd better not watch it."

Ye smiled and reminded.

Say it.

He didn't stay any longer, and turned and left directly.

Perhaps, this video tape is not the same as the video tape he imagined.

He muttered secretly in his heart.

After Ye Xiao's figure left.

From middle-aged to middle-aged, Yamamoto Soo, who was fat and blessed, frowned, feeling baffled.

"Why can't I watch this videotape?"

Yamamoto Ao muttered something.

However, Yamamoto Ao didn't care, but corrected one document after another.

As the deputy director of the TV station, he is responsible for the recording and broadcasting of the TV station's programs. The task is not easy, and even a bit heavy.

next second.

Yamamoto Ao's eyes gradually became different.

"This is the silver-level investment world [Midnight]?"

Yamamoto Cang whispered.

To be more precise.

Shan Ben Cang's identity is Wang Dalei, the son of Wang Benchuang, the chairman of Shengtian, the largest real estate company in Longguo.

And after Wang Dalei absorbed the memory of Yamamoto Ao.

His face darkened.

This deputy director really didn't do his business, but did some foolish bastard things. He was a married man, and he was fooling around with the employees of the TV station.

"Dad, just wait and see! You gave me 1 million orange crystals to start a business, and I promise to earn back 10 billion orange crystals, or even 100 billion orange crystals!"

Wang Dalei was full of confidence.

At present, he is also very satisfied with his status as the deputy director of Shenzhou TV Station, and the starting point is not low.

And right now, let's investigate what kind of shit videotape!

"A video tape of unknown origin, you can die seven days after watching it! Can it really scare me?"

Wang Dalei was full of confidence.


He even keenly noticed a white video tape on the desk.

In his memory, it seemed that the employee Ye Xiao reminded him not to watch the video tape just now.

Isn't it just a video tape?
As for that?

Wang Dalei has always been bold, and he also directly found a video tape player in the office.

"Technology in this world is still quite outdated."

He murmured something.

Just like that, he stared straight at the video screen in front of him, wanting to see what was in the video tape.

Soon, snowflakes jumped on the TV screen for a short time.

The video screen started to blur.

"Is this broken TV malfunctioning?"

He muttered in his mouth.

Finally, the video screen appeared on the TV.

As night fell, dark clouds gathered.

A man who couldn't see the exact appearance was actually looking into the mouth of a circular well, as if he was looking at something.

Soon, another scene appeared.

It was a good-looking woman, combing her hair in the mirror with a smile on her face.


Suddenly, the video screen flickered, and a girl in white with long hair covering her face appeared in the mirror, and she was smiling strangely in the mirror.

Before Wang Dalei could see clearly.

Another screen appeared.

In the picture is a newspaper.

There are lines of text written on the newspaper, and there are four big characters of volcanic eruption!
The screen flickered again.

There were many people crawling on the muddy ground, each with a painful expression and full of fear.

"That's it? That's it?"

Wang Dalei was stunned, what the hell are these videotapes!

Subsequent video images are even more bizarre.

A man with a white cloth covering his head points in one direction with his fingers.

"What the hell?"

Wang Dalei wanted to curse.

At this time, the video screen changed again.

It was an eye that kept blinking and blinking!

Moreover, a striking word can be seen in the pupil of this eye - Zhen!


Wang Dalei was completely confused.

Soon, the last picture appeared.

It turned out to be an ancient well!
There are many leaves and trees around the ancient well, which can be seen at a glance. I am afraid that no one has used it for a long time.

Followed by.

The screen ends.

Snowflakes appeared one after another on the TV screen.

Even Wang Dalei seemed to have a bad premonition in his heart.

"Jingle Bell!"

At this time, the office phone rang.

Who is calling?

Wang Dalei was quite puzzled.

But he subconsciously connected the office phone.

"Hello? Hello?"

He said a few times, but the other end of the phone was silent, there was no sound at all.


Soon, he heard a slight laugh.

This is obviously a woman's laughter!
This laughter made Wang Dalei's hair stand on end, and he got goosebumps.

The woman even said a word.

"People who do not belong to this world will go back to where they should go!"

"You said..."

Wang Dalei's eyes tightened, his breath sank, and he also hurriedly wanted to ask the other party.


However, the other party had already hung up the phone.

Even, he wanted to call back, but the call was not connected.

"This is definitely because other investors want to scare me. Do you really think I was scared?"

Wang Dalei muttered, "This is just a fucking prank video!"

While speaking, he casually glanced at the time on the computer screen in the office.

9:12 am on September 10th!
And at the same moment.

Ye Xiao returned to work safely and without incident, which also caused the surrounding reporters and colleagues to show a very surprised expression.

They wanted to see a joke!
I know, I know!
This joke was actually not seen!
As soon as he returned to the staff desk, Ye Xiao was also thinking about what to do next.

But in the end, he inadvertently noticed a white video tape on his desk at some point!


He looked startled.

Who put this videotape here?

"Has anyone been to my seat?"

Ye Xiao asked about the journalists and colleagues around him.

It's just that these journalist colleagues shook their heads one after another, expressing no.

What the hell!

Hold on tight, don't panic!

At this moment, Ye Xiao had a very strong thought in his heart.

Just watch this mysterious white tape!

But he kept his head calm all the time!
This white video tape can't be seen!

Really can't see it!

Without further ado, Ye Xiao threw the white video tape into the trash can in the office without any hesitation, which was also for the sake of keeping out of sight.

Time flies, and it is already 1 o'clock in the afternoon in a blink of an eye.

Ye Xiao and Reiko Asakawa set off together. They also prepared cameras, interview microphones and other tools, and rushed to the Shenchuan Resort Hotel.

The two quickly took a taxi to the hotel entrance.

As far as interviewing and looking for clues, Reiko Asakawa is definitely very efficient.

All afternoon, she was interviewing employees of the Shenchuan Resort Hotel.

However, no clues were found.

"Ye Xiao, have you noticed that a lot of people have come to the Shenchuan Resort Hotel, and these people seem to be quite interested in the deaths of those high school girls."

Reiko Asakawa only felt that this matter became more and more serious, and she felt more and more bewildered.

But Ye Xiao knew that these people were obviously investors who entered the market in person to find clues.

I don't know if it's the arrangement of fate, or it's a destiny in the dark.

Ye Xiao and Reiko Asakawa came to a counter of Shenchuan Resort Hotel.

There are box after box of movie videotapes on the counter.

The number of videotapes is really overwhelming at a glance.

Ye Xiao keenly noticed that there was a relatively conspicuous video tape in the bottom corner of the cabinet in front of him.

There is no title on this videotape, let alone any label, it is absolutely out of place with the surrounding videotapes.

Isn't this the mysterious video tape of unknown origin!
This mysterious video tape also caught Reiko Asakawa's attention for the first time.

There is even a voice in the dark, telling Reiko Asakawa in his heart that this is the truth he is looking for.

"My little brother, can you bring that white video tape, I want to see it."

Reiko Asakawa spoke.

"I'm afraid this lady can't do it. The video tapes in our hotel are only available to hotel guests."

The little brother who manages these videotapes shook his head sternly.

However, he was also quite strange in his heart.

When will there be such a white videotape in this place?
He doesn't seem to have any.

Could this videotape be left behind by a guest?

"Okay! Just check in!"

Reiko Asakawa nodded quickly, and directly checked in the hotel for her and Ye Xiao.

Her resolute side also made Ye Xiao look a little unnatural.

"Miss Reiko, let's stop watching this videotape!"

Ye Xiao persuaded.

This video tape cannot be borrowed.

If you borrow it, you will definitely get into a big trouble.


Reiko Asakawa couldn't listen to Ye Xiao's persuasion at all.

Soon, she also successfully borrowed the white video tape and was going to play it back in the hotel room.

She even pulled Ye Xiao on.

This made Ye Xiao feel helpless.

However, he already had an idea in his mind.

He secretly borrowed another video tape, and was ready to drop the bag later.

Swap the white tape for the one movie tape he had borrowed.

Soon, the two of them entered a hotel room together, and they wanted to watch the mysterious video together.

"Let me do it, Miss Reiko."

Ye Xiao took the initiative to ask for Ying, and he had also secretly swapped the video tape.

It is not easy to secretly switch such a video tape, as long as the outer labels of the film video tape in his hand are torn off, it will be exactly the same as this white video tape!

Reiko Asakawa nodded.

Taking advantage of Asakawa Reiko pouring water to drink, Ye Xiao quickly dropped the bag, and it was false.

Soon, the TV screen began to play pictures!
Both Reiko Asakawa and Ye Xiao cheered up!
It can be used when the video screen is playing.

Ye Xiao's expression was slightly unnatural.

heavily clouded!

A man who can't see his face clearly!

Smiling woman combing her hair in the mirror!

Dilapidated old well.

The video images of these scenes made Ye Xiao's heart beat wildly.

This is not the death video tape!

Damn it, he had no intention of watching the death video at all!
But it’s all dropped, why is it still playing!
Could it be because all this was preordained in the dark?
Do not!
This is definitely the power of ghosts!

It must be that Sadako in [Midnight] is doing something in the dark!

You ghost continue to be arrogant!

And when you are able to recover investment funds, you will definitely be wiped out!

Ye Xiao muttered in his heart.

Wait until the tape finishes playing.

Both Ye Xiao and Asakawa Reiko noticed that the TV screen had a reflective imagination.

And through behind this.

They were able to see a woman in white with long hair covering her face standing behind them!


The two turned their heads subconsciously.

But in the end, there was nothing.

"This... did you see it?"

Recalling the depressing and weird scene in the video tape just now, Reiko Asakawa's breathing was a little unnatural, and she also asked Ye Xiao.

"Miss Reiko, I see."

Ye Xiao nodded, looking helpless.

This is death!

What videotape to watch!

Come on, this time I really provoked Sadako!

"What we experienced seems to be exactly the same as the mysterious video tape in the urban legend. All of this may be just a coincidence! That's all!"

Asakawa Reiko said, she was also full of luck in her heart!
But Ye Xiao shrugged, feeling helpless.

As soon as he came, he fell under the seven-day death curse!
I really want to scold people!

"Jingle Bell!"

At this time, the hotel room phone rang.

Ye Xiao, who had expected it for a long time, was in a calm mood, while Reiko Asakawa was feeling jittery.

"Maybe it's a call from the front desk clerk at the hotel."

Asakawa Reiko explained.

She also took the initiative to go to answer the phone.

Once the phone is connected.

There was a faint laugh from a woman.

This shallow laughter made Asakawa Reiko's hair stand on end for a while, feeling that the pores of her whole body were constricted, and her breathing seemed to be suffocating.

This urban legend seems to be true!
This is really a death tape!
Just when she was about to hang up the phone heavily.

The woman on the other end of the phone spoke.

"People who do not belong to this world will go back to where they should go!"

(End of this chapter)

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