National Investment: Start investing in Zhu Yuanzhang!

Chapter 533 Mysterious woman in Tsing Yi, female ghost Dong Xiaoyu!

Chapter 533 Mysterious woman in Tsing Yi, female ghost Dong Xiaoyu!

That night.

Wencai and Qiusheng returned to Yizhuang, but they also saw Ren Tingting.


On Wen Cai's simple and honest face, those small black eyes blinked again and again, and he thought he was wrong.

How could I see Ren Tingting in Yizhuang!

"Brother, did you read that right?"

Wen Cai tugged at Qiu Sheng's sleeve.

Qiu Sheng's face was slightly pale, as if his body had been hollowed out.

"It seems that I read it right, it's really Miss Ren's family."

He spoke with a calm expression.

Although Ren Tingting is beautiful, she is not his type.

He already belongs.


Dong Xiaoyu.

When thinking about these things, a charming and beautiful face also appeared in his mind.

"Miss Ren, why did you come to Yizhuang?"

Wen Cai plucked up the courage to speak to Ren Tingting on his own initiative.

Speaking of this, Ren Tingting's beautiful eyes turned red, and she could even see crystal clear teardrops in her eyes, as if the tears were about to fall down immediately.

"Miss Ren, did I say something wrong? I'm so sorry, I'm just stupid, I'm damned, I'm damned!"

Her performance made Wencai a little at a loss.

"No, you're right, it's just that I'm sad."

Ren Tingting shook her head, after experiencing today's turmoil, she seems to have matured and grown a lot.

Thinking of her father dying tragically in front of her, but she was helpless.

She is very uncomfortable.

She hated her grandfather even more.

Do not!
Mrs. Ren is no longer her grandfather!
Mrs. Ren is a horrible zombie who sucks human blood!
Soon, dinner will begin.

The dinner seemed very sumptuous, and these dinners were specially delivered by Ye Xiao from the Yuelai Inn.

As far as the eye can see, there are a wide variety of delicacies, such as big fish, meat and prawns, as if they don’t cost money, and each plate is full.

"Ye Ze, I've cost you again."

Uncle Jiu was ashamed, but he also realized that tonight he could have a tooth-beating ceremony again.

"Uncle Jiu is being polite."

Ye Xiao replied.

Soon, everyone also talked about the Zombie King.

Only then did Qiusheng and Wencai realize that something had happened to the Ren family.

Mr. Ren, who became the king of zombies, actually killed Mr. Ren.

Father kills son.

This is really a living human tragedy.

This also made Wen Cai look at Ren Tingting's eyes a little bit sour. He seemed to feel sorry for Ren Tingting's experience.

"Master, now that night is falling, the zombie king is trapped by you, but what about those zombie groups? Will they come out in full force?"

Qiu Sheng showed a worried look on his face.

If the zombie group is dispatched.

It's not just his aunt in danger.

Even Xiaoyu would be in danger.

It is absolutely impossible for him to witness such a thing happen.

"Impossible, because there are Yin soldiers here. Even though Mrs. Ren has wiped out some of the Yin soldiers of the underworld, there are still many Yin soldiers in our Ren family town. As long as there are Yin soldiers in the underworld, Those ordinary, ordinary zombies dare to act rashly. I am afraid that they will tremble when they see the ghost soldiers from the underworld. The old lady Ren is an exception."

Uncle Jiu, who was chewing a mouthful of rice, replied, while speaking, his face was full of emotion.

Hell soldiers, zombies will definitely turn around and run away when they see them, and they will instinctively feel fear.

It's a pity that Mr. Ren, the zombie king, is a very special existence.

Only then did Qiu Sheng nod his head again and again, and the heart hanging on his heart slowly fell down.


Suddenly, Uncle Jiu was surprised.

"What happened to Uncle Jiu?"

Ye Xiao quickly asked, noticing that Uncle Jiu's expression was not right, he thought maybe there was another crisis?

Or are some daring zombies coming to attack Yizhuang?
No matter what, the Power of Faith must continue to be collected!
He thought silently in his heart.

He has also ordered the Yin soldiers to inspect Renjia Town.

The Yin soldiers of the underworld are dispatched.

Patrol in Renjia Township.

There is no doubt that it can definitely bring him wave after wave of power of faith.

"No big deal."

Uncle Jiu said something, and also cast his dignified eyes on Qiu Sheng, "Qiu Sheng, have you encountered any unlucky things recently?"

"Unlucky? No!"

Qiu Sheng shook his head again and again, thinking that even though Master was very shrewd, he would say wrong things sometimes.

Today's Renjia Town is precarious and shrouded in crisis.

But what about him.

The days are very chic.

That could be bad luck.

Clearly it was luck to meet such a good girl as Xiaoyu.

"No? Has nothing strange happened recently?"

Uncle Jiu continued to ask questions.

But Ye Xiao knew very well that this guy Qiusheng might still be entangled by Dong Xiaoyu.

He had noticed before that Qiu Sheng walked with sloppy footsteps, probably with that female ghost, not only singing every night, but also in broad daylight...


He was filled with emotion, but he was not envious either.

After all, this matter is fatal.

"No, Master, don't make such a fuss."

Qiu Sheng spread his hands, showing a very helpless side, he really hasn't encountered any strange things recently.

"Did you encounter any strange things? Then did you know some strange people? Look at your complexion, your face is pale, and your yang energy is insufficient!"

Uncle Jiu said with a calm face, but it was also because of the presence of a beautiful girl like Ren Tingting, otherwise he would have said more explicit things.

"Master, there is nothing strange about me, I just met a friend."

Qiusheng could only explain.

"Friend? Is it male or female?"

Uncle Jiu blurted out a sentence.

"A young girl. She is very poor. She has no father or mother. Life is not easy. Recently, I have helped her a lot."

Qiusheng replied.

"Just like that?"

Uncle Jiu's eyes showed suspicion.

"Master, you don't think there is something wrong with that girl, do you? How is this possible! Master, stop guessing and thinking, right now we have to deal with the zombie king. Besides, Master, you also said that ordinary people have three Yanghuo, if she is that kind of dirty thing, how could she approach me!"

Qiu Sheng said with a serious expression.

Say it.

He immersed himself in eating the rice, not forgetting to drink a few mouthfuls of delicious fish soup.

Uncle Jiu also remained silent, but anyone could see that he was worried.

After dinner.

Qiu Sheng also left first.

Take three steps as five steps, and you will disappear in the blink of an eye.

Uncle Jiu sneaked up on Qiu Sheng without saying a word, and Ye Xiao followed closely behind.


Seeing Ye Xiao's figure, Uncle Jiu was stunned.

"Uncle Jiu, I also want to follow the past to see the excitement."

Ye Xiao answered crisply.

Watch the fun?
These simple words made Uncle Jiu's face almost darken.

But didn't say much.

The two quietly followed Qiu Sheng.


Qiu Sheng even bragged about whistling, which made him very excited.

"You brat, I'm afraid I've encountered something dirty."

Uncle Jiu said something in a low voice.

Ye Xiao kept silent, and the reason why he came to find out was to see if there would be any changes.

Just like the old man Ren, something happened and he became a zombie king!

The more I think about it.

Ye Xiao felt uneasy.

I always feel that something unexpected will happen in this.

He also secretly continued to summon the underworld soldiers.

This time, hundreds of ghost soldiers were summoned to hide in the dark.

If the situation is not good, let the underworld soldiers take action!
It seems that in his eyes, the underworld soldiers have become his bodyguards, his thugs!

On the outskirts of Renjia Town at night, strong winds raged.

It's just that the wind blew on the face of the person, but it was full of heat.

Moreover, Ye Xiao could clearly feel that the temperature of the air seemed to be rising, but the closer it was to Renjia Town, the faster the temperature rose.

"Ye Ze, do you feel very hot?"

Uncle Jiu said coldly, "Well, the air is hot, don't get me wrong."

After all, his face was a little unnatural.

"Yes. Has the temperature increased?"

Ye Xiao nodded heavily, and also felt that this was a normal weather change, or was it caused by some reason?
"Very unusual."

Uncle Jiu was certain, this was his guess.

After the two of them followed Qiusheng into Renjia Town, the weather became even hotter.

Many beads of sweat appeared on Uncle Jiu and Ye Xiao's foreheads.

Obviously there is no sun, but the Renjia Town right now is like a big oven, extremely hot and stuffy.


Uncle Jiu frowned, and he had already pinched the magic formula in his hand and used Taoism, but he couldn't find any useful information clues.

"Is this just a normal climate change? Am I worrying too much?"

He muttered to himself.

Also at this time.

Qiu Sheng walked into a small alley.

"Don't worry about that, hurry up and follow this brat!"

Uncle Jiu said with a solemn expression, obviously he regards Qiu Sheng's life as very important.

Ye Xiao nodded.

Uncle Jiu stepped forward swiftly and swiftly.

Ye Xiao also wanted to follow suit.

But at this moment, he inadvertently caught a glimpse of a woman in Tsing Yi walking with an oil-paper umbrella on the streets of Renjia Town.

Due to the darkness of the night, she couldn't see her face clearly.

But Ye Xiao can judge that this woman is absolutely unusual.

"Uncle Nine, look quickly, that woman in Tsing Yi! Something's wrong!"

Ye Xiao hurriedly stepped forward and grabbed Uncle Jiu's sleeves, also wanting Uncle Jiu, a master Taoist, to palm his eyes.

"The woman in Tsing Yi? Where is it?"

Uncle Jiu also turned his head and glanced around, but he didn't see the woman in Tsing Yi that Ye Xiao was talking about.

"This... seems to be gone."

Ye Xiao also looked around, and there was the figure of the woman in Tsing Yi holding the oil-paper umbrella.

Did he miss it earlier?
Or did he also bump into ghosts and encounter dirty things?

Do not!
It's impossible!

Who is this woman in Tsing Yi?
One doubtful thought after another popped up in Ye Xiao's mind.

The emergence of these thoughts made him feel a deep crisis invisibly.

I'm afraid Renjia Town will change again.

"Uncle Jiu, how many days can the Qiankun Yin Sealing Formation trap the zombie king?"

He said something abruptly.

"Three days."

Uncle Jiu gave an accurate value.

It was at this time.

Qiu Sheng opened the door and entered some ordinary dilapidated houses in the alley.

The houses are broken bricks and tiles, covered with moss.

One look at this private house, but it can be seen that it has not been lived in for a long time.

"It is absolutely impossible for people to live in this house, only ghosts!"

Uncle Jiu's voice was low, and he was also certain.

His apprentice Qiu Sheng definitely met a ghost.

And this is a female ghost.

The reason why Qiu's angry expression looks so bad is that she was sucked away by the female ghost.

Fortunately, he noticed it in time and found it in time.

Otherwise, Qiu's life will not be long!
"Xiaoyu, I'm here to find you!"

In the eyes of others, this is an old dilapidated house, very messy, but in the eyes of Qiu Sheng, this house is small and complete, including tables, chairs and benches.

There was even a beautiful woman whom he yearned for day and night.

Dong Xiaoyu.

In a blink of an eye.

A girl dressed simply appeared.

The young girl has a beautiful face, and her clothes are even more revealing, revealing large patches of snow-white skin.

"Qiu Sheng, you're here."

Dong Xiaoyu's face was full of joy, and she even stepped forward to hold Qiusheng's neck in person.


With beauty in front of him, Qiu Sheng was also itchy, and swallowed a mouthful of saliva in his throat.


The two entered the room and lay on the bed, as if they were about to prepare for a long time of affection.

I know.


One sound!
The door was pushed open.

This frightened the two of them.

"who is it!"

Qiu Sheng's face was full of annoyance, and he just felt that it was that goddamn guy who came to ruin his good deeds.

Dong Xiaoyu's beautiful eyes flickered with uncertainty, but she didn't speak.

The two looked closely but saw two figures.

One is Ye Xiao, and the other is Jiushu.

"Master, Brother Ye, you..."

Even though Qiu Sheng was full of anger, it was not easy for him to explode when facing the two people in front of him.

"Qiu Sheng, stop being obsessed! This woman is not a good woman, but a female ghost!"

Uncle Jiu said with a solemn expression.

"Qiu Sheng, just take a look at this room!"

Ye Xiao also said something.


Qiu Sheng's face was full of astonishment, as well as an expression of disbelief.

How could Xiaoyu be a female ghost?

Xiaoyu is a good woman.


But after Qiusheng noticed the changes in the surrounding things, he was a little dazed.

In his eyes, this room was originally antique, full of charm and style.

But now.

Looking around, weeds were overgrown, and there were spider webs one after another on the tattered ceiling.

In the spider web, he also crawled with small and small spiders.

And the comfortable bed where he and Dong Xiaoyu had been lying before was just an old stone bed.

"how so!"

Qiu Sheng had a complicated expression, so it turned out that all this was fake?

"Has Qiusheng seen it clearly? Everything you saw before is nothing but this female ghost's tricks!"

Uncle Jiu said in a deep voice.

Ye Xiao, who was on the side, also admired Jiu Shu very much, and admired his Taoism skills.

The blinding tricks of ghosts can be easily broken with a few gestures!
"Qiusheng, I..."

Dong Xiaoyu wanted to explain, but she couldn't come out with the explanation.

This stinky Taoist's Taoism is really powerful!
"Xiaoyu, you are actually a female ghost!"

At this moment, Qiu Sheng felt that his heart was being pierced by a knife, and his heart was very uncomfortable.

It's a bad feeling to be lied to.

Do not!
He was deceived by a ghost!
 On 10.1, 2 will be updated during the day...something to do at night

(End of this chapter)

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