National Investment: Start investing in Zhu Yuanzhang!

Chapter 534: Ancient Zombie King Hanba!

Chapter 534: Ancient Zombie King Hanba!

Dong Xiaoyu bit her thin lips tightly, a pair of beautiful eyes like Qiu Sheng were ready to cry, as if teardrops might slip down her cheeks anytime and anywhere.

She also chose to remain silent.

She is indeed a female ghost.

Thinking of this, Dong Xiaoyu cast a pair of sharp and resentful eyes on Uncle Jiu.

It's all this damn stinky Taoist priest who ruined the good things between her and Qiu Sheng.

Facing Dong Xiaoyu's sharp eyes, Uncle Jiu was not afraid.

Most of the ghosts are so insidious and cunning that they are extremely terrifying.

It is absolutely impossible to be negligent in dealing with this type of ghost.

"Qiu Sheng, come here, don't let this female ghost harm you."

Uncle Jiu opened his mouth and signaled, with a look of vigilance on his face. It seemed that as long as Dong Xiaoyu made any changes, he would immediately use the mahogany sword in his hand to perform Taoism!

"Qiusheng, I won't harm you. Don't you trust me?"

Dong Xiaoyu's face was full of grievances, but the tears in her eyes still couldn't be held back, like pearls with broken strings falling down one after another.

Recalling the acquaintance and love with Dong Xiaoyu, Qiu Sheng's heart softened, and he didn't blame Dong Xiaoyu for deceiving him at all.

He even hurried forward and said, "Xiaoyu, of course I trust you, you will never harm me."

While speaking, he took out a clean white handkerchief, and carefully wiped away the tears from Dong Xiaoyu's pretty face.

Such a scene made Uncle Jiu frown into a Sichuan-style eyebrow.

Ye Xiao also had a sad expression on his face, he really didn't expect Qiu Sheng to be such a sweetheart.

"Qiu Sheng, didn't you hear the teacher's words? Come here!"

Uncle Jiu scolded, but his heart was also burning with anger, angry that Qiusheng didn't listen to his words.

"Master, Xiaoyu, she will not harm me, even if she is a female ghost, she is still a kind female ghost."

Qiusheng protected Dong Xiaoyu because he was afraid that Uncle Jiu would hurt Dong Xiaoyu, and he was still speaking for Dong Xiaoyu.

But his performance like this made Uncle Jiu believe it a little bit.

Qiusheng has been fascinated by this female ghost.

Midi didn't even stop talking as his master.

"Since that's the case, as a teacher, I just need to kill this female ghost!"

Uncle Jiu mentioned the mahogany sword, but he also made a move.

With the formula in his hand, he shouted loudly, "Old Master Taishang is as anxious as a law!"

Say it.

The mahogany sword in his hand rushed towards Dong Xiaoyu like a ray of red light.

Dong Xiaoyu thought Uncle Jiu, a stinky Taoist priest, was particularly displeasing to his eyes.

Therefore, she also wants to fight Jiu Shu!
To break her and Qiu Sheng apart, this stinky Taoist should be taught a lesson!

With a soft drink from Dong Xiaoyu's mouth, an invisible force instantly woven a large red net.

This is a barrier made by her using the magic power of ghosts.

The ground is to block Jiushu Taomujian's attack.

However, in the next second, a strange color flashed in Dong Xiaoyu's beautiful eyes. The big red net she made could not defend against the mahogany sword that turned into red light.


With just a light stab of the Taomu sword, her big red net was smashed into pieces.

"Little ghost, don't even try to fight me!"

Uncle Jiu was full of confidence, he was sure to get rid of the female ghost in front of him.

This female ghost's Taoism is still too shallow.

If the Taoism is deeper, he may not be able to handle it.


Although the big red net was blasted, Dong Xiaoyu wasn't too discouraged, on the contrary she snorted softly.

next second.

Dong Xiaoyu continued to use mana.

Wave after wave of cold Yin Qi moved quickly in the air, and the target of the attack was Uncle Jiu.

She already regarded Uncle Jiu as a thorn in her eye.

"Xiaoyu, don't do this!"

Qiu Sheng on the side tried to persuade him that he didn't want to see conflicts and scrambles between Master and Xiaoyu.

"No! Qiusheng, it must be like this, no one can tear us apart!"

Dong Xiaoyu said loudly.

What she said moved Qiusheng deeply, but at the same time felt very embarrassed.

"Xiaoyu, you can't beat my master."

Qiusheng said something again.

He knows exactly how powerful the master is.

Although Dong Xiaoyu, who is a female ghost, also has mana, but compared with his master, she still looks too young.

Everything was just as Qiu Sheng expected.

Uncle Jiu and Dong Xiaoyu fought each other with a ghost.

One person uses Taoism.

Use magic power by one person.

But the result.

There is not even time for a stick of incense.

This fierce battle is over.

Dong Xiaoyu has been defeated.


A series of blood spurted out from Dong Xiaoyu's mouth.

This bright red blood is her life essence.

It is enough to see how much she suffered during the fight with Uncle Jiu.


At this moment, one can even see that Dong Xiaoyu's face is as pale as paper. Although she is sitting on the stone bed, her body is precarious, as if a gust of wind could blow her down.

"Xiaoyu, are you okay?"

Seeing this, Qiu Sheng was a little anxious.

When Uncle Jiu saw it, his face turned dark. This brat really forgot about Master after having a female ghost!
"Qiu Sheng, I'm fine, I'm fine."

Dong Xiaoyu responded with a pale face.

Although she said she was fine, Qiu Sheng was still very worried.

"Master, let Xiaoyu go, she is a good ghost!"

Qiu Sheng bit the bullet and took the initiative to intercede.

He knew very well that his master was definitely a ruthless person, if he didn't intercede.

Xiaoyu was afraid that she would end up in a frenzy.

"What a ghost? One bite at a time, you are really fascinated by ghosts!"

Uncle Nine's face was full of hatred for iron and steel, and he was also chanting some strange spells in his mouth.

He even threw a piece of yellow talisman out of his mouth.

The yellow talisman turned into a golden light and fell on Dong Xiaoyu.

"Master, you..."

Qiu Sheng was in a hurry.

"As a teacher, I just want you to see the true face of this female ghost!"

Uncle Jiu said calmly.

Qiusheng was surprised to hear this.

But wait for him to take a closer look.

But it was able to see Dong Xiaoyu, who was originally as beautiful as a flower, had a completely changed face, completely different from before.

It was a hideous face.

There's a little bit of beauty in that.

Owned only two words - scary!

Qiu Sheng was so frightened that he shuddered, and subconsciously took several steps back.

He was literally intimidated.

When he saw him warming up with such a scary and ferocious female ghost, he felt horrified.


Seeing the disgust in Qiusheng's eyes, Dong Xiaoyu couldn't help crying.

"Qiusheng, I like you. Don't you believe my love for you?"


For a moment, Qiu Sheng didn't know how to answer.

He can only be silent.

Dong Xiaoyu let out a long sigh.

Right now, she can only escape.

Just when she was about to use her magic power to escape.

Uncle Jiu, who had quick eyesight and quick hands, took off his Taoist robe.

Throw the Taoist robe at Dong Xiaoyu.


All of a sudden, Dong Xiaoyu was trapped by the Taoist robe and could not escape.

Uncle Jiu's Taoist robe seemed to have turned into a shackle weighing tens of thousands of catties, trapping her tightly, making her unable to move, and even her magic power was unable to function.

Suddenly, Dong Xiaoyu's face was ashen, is she going to be wiped out here today?

"Master, since this incident happened because of me, Xiaoyu's life or death is not as good as it is up to me to decide."

Suddenly, Qiu Sheng spoke.

Uncle Jiu frowned, and didn't agree immediately, but set his eyes on Ye Xiao, wanting to hear Ye Xiao's opinion.

"The trouble should end it."

Ye Xiao said something slowly.

He is very clear.

Dong Xiaoyu, this female ghost, is afraid that she will not die.

"Okay! Qiusheng, the female ghost's life and death are in your hands!"

Uncle Jiu agreed directly, and also handed the peach wood sword to Qiu Sheng.

However, a money sword slipped out from the sleeve of his other arm.

He hid the money sword behind his back.

The purpose is to prevent the female ghost from suddenly controlling Qiusheng and attacking him.

The vigilance that should be there must not be less.

When dealing with ghosts, one carelessness will surely lead to death!

Qiu Sheng, holding a peach-wood sword, looked at Dong Xiaoyu, as if he was going to use the peach-wood sword to destroy Dong Xiaoyu.

But when he saw Dong Xiaoyu's beautiful face covered with tears, he always couldn't do it.

"Qiusheng, I really like you! There is no deception in my liking for you!"

Dong Xiaoyu said with red eyes.

Hearing what she said, Qiu Sheng was even more helpless.

"This ghost is full of lies, you can't believe it."

Uncle Jiu on the side also said something.

But he already had the answer in his heart.

Qiu Sheng was afraid that he would not kill this female ghost.

It doesn't matter, as long as Qiu Sheng doesn't do anything outrageous and lets this female ghost go, let this female ghost go!
"Master, I..."

Qiu Sheng was apologetic, although it was a different path between humans and ghosts, but he still wanted to let Dong Xiaoyu go.

It was at this very moment.

Mutations appear.

In this old dilapidated house, there was a wave of heat.

The surrounding area is steaming hot, as if the earth is about to become scorched earth one after another.


Uncle Jiu's expression was full of vigilance, he didn't understand why such a change happened.

Beads of sweat could be seen dripping from his forehead.

"Uncle Jiu, what is this?"

Ye Xiao also realized that something seemed very wrong and was developing in an uncontrollable direction.

"There is a terrible evil spirit around, and the evil spirit is easy to see on this zombie."

Uncle Jiu opened his mouth and explained, "Couldn't it be the old master Ren who escaped from the Yin Sealing Formation?"


The more I thought about it, Uncle Jiu's face became paler.

Right now, he hasn't made a perfect preparation.

If Mrs. Ren gets out of trouble, then...

The people of the entire Renjia Town will be in jeopardy.

Even tens of thousands of people in Renjia Town are afraid that they will lose their lives!

For a moment, the more he thought about Uncle Jiu, the more frightened his face became.

"Uncle Jiu, hold on tight and don't panic."

Ye Xiao said something, but he didn't think it was the old man Ren who got out of trouble.

This matter has absolutely nothing to do with Mrs. Ren.

Even the female ghosts Dong Xiaoyu and Qiusheng showed astonished expressions on their faces.

At this moment, there was a slight sound of footsteps outside the long-unrepaired house.

"Tap Tap!"

The appearance of this footstep also made Uncle Jiu feel a little relieved. Hearing the sound of walking was very different from that of Old Master Ren.


under the gaze of the crowd.

A woman in Tsing Yi holding an oil-paper umbrella appeared.

She has an enchanting figure and a peerless face, but there are waves of evil spirits lingering around her.


Uncle Jiu was very surprised, when did such a woman in Tsing Yi come to Renjia Town?

Moreover, this woman is extraordinary at first glance.

"Uncle Ninth, I didn't have a bad eye before! There really is such a woman!"

Ye Xiao whispered something in Uncle Jiu's ear.

Uncle Jiu nodded silently, he was really puzzled, he couldn't see through the identity of the woman in Tsing Yi.

But one thing is certain.

He felt an unprecedented threat from the woman in Tsing Yi.

This sense of threat is hundreds or thousands of times stronger than that of the zombie king Mr. Ren.

This Tsing Yi woman's wife is terrifying.

"This girl, who are you?"

However, Uncle Jiu was not too timid, but wanted to know the identity of the other party.

"Taoist, my name, do you really want to know?"

The woman in Tsing Yi had already put away the oil-paper umbrella in her hand, and there was a half-smile expression on her face.

Uncle Jiu was a little speechless.

The unknown made him curious, but also frightened him.

Before he could think about it.

The woman in Tsing Yi has lightly opened her red lips and clearly stated her identity, "I am the Hanba that the common people fear, respect, and fear. Some people also call me the Ancient Zombie King."


At this moment, everyone present felt their heads buzzing.

This woman who looks as beautiful as a fairy in front of her is actually an ancient Zombie King, and she refers to the Hanba that appeared in the legend?

Uncle Jiu felt as if his mind had exploded, causing his scalp to tingle.

Even Ye Xiao was shocked.

But when I think about it, it is now the top ten zombie kings in the second act of the silver-level investment world [Zombie].

The appearance of Hanba, one of the top ten zombie kings, was a very normal thing.

You know, the generals can also appear, and the appearance of the other zombie kings is only inevitable.

"There was a record in the "Shan Hai Jing" that there was a person in Tsing Yi, named Huangdi Nuba."

Uncle Jiu said with trembling lips.

Even though he was superb in Taoism, at this moment his heart was full of waves!


How could the Hanba in the legend appear in the real world!

"Taoist, you do understand me. I am the Goddess of Drought, the daughter of the Yellow Emperor. I lived at ease in the Kunlun Mountains. I practiced my supernatural powers, traveled around the world, and saved the common people. However, in the battle of Zhuolu, Chi You sent Master Feng Boyu to perform The Yellow Emperor sent me to fight the sorcery. Relying on my divine power, I dispelled the wind, rain and mist, and saved the common people."

"But the divine power is exhausted, and I can't return to the sky. I can only stay in the world. Wherever I go, there are thousands of miles of barren land, and the people spurn and call it Hanba."

The woman in Tsing Yi said in a quiet tone, "Who cares about me in this world?"

As she spoke, there was an inexplicable sourness on the corner of her mouth.

She only wants to save the common people.

But now it has become synonymous with evil.

Uncle Jiu and the others were also in complicated moods.

Drought, home can not return, God can not do it!

He could only wander alone in the world, and was cast aside by the common people.

This... is really difficult.

(End of this chapter)

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