National Investment: Start investing in Zhu Yuanzhang!

Chapter 966 Investing in Divine Coins

The words of class teacher Zhang Guofei.

Every student sitting here nodded in unison, they agreed.

Zhu Yunwen was so valued by Zhu Yuanzhang, and he was appointed as the emperor's grandson by Zhu Yuanzhang.

The second emperor of the Ming Dynasty must be Zhu Yunwen.

But they all remain skeptical about whether Zhu Yunwen can secure his position.

It was already noon in a blink of an eye.

Ye Xiao did not go home for dinner, but simply ate in the school cafeteria.

While eating, he did not forget to check the news and short videos on his mobile phone.

Just brush it down.

All of them are news related to "Da Ming".

Among them, there are many senior investors who believe that Emperor Zhu Yunwen of the Ming Dynasty was definitely a benevolent king.

Under the leadership of this benevolent king.

Ming Dynasty will surely prosper.


If the ambitious people of the Ming Dynasty want to rebel, they must die.


The self-investor talked eloquently, citing facts and evidence one after another.

There is only one intention to express, and it is impossible for the feudal king to successfully rebel.

Just because there is currently another mainstream view.

He believed that even if Zhu Yunwen became emperor, the country would not be stable.

His throne will be replaced by his uncle.

Most people are optimistic about Zhu Di!

King Zhu Di of Yan is likely to successfully rebel!

In addition, Ye Xiao also met many investors who gave guidance in the short video, and their opinions were really diverse.

If it is thought that Zhu Yunwen may also die of illness, or that the throne will be directly inherited by Zhu Di, it is also possible that Zhu Yuanzhang suddenly dies, Zhu Yunwen dies, and then Zhu Di and other emperors engage in an unprecedented battle.

Just to compete for the supreme throne.

Regarding these remarks, Ye Xiao couldn't even laugh or cry, and the whole person was completely laughing.

Having just finished eating, Ye Xiao was not in a hurry to return to the classroom, but took a walk in the spacious playground.

I thought.

At noon today, generally nothing important happened.


Something unexpected happened to him.

But the progress bar in his field of vision finally moved.

[Congratulations to the host, the entry progress is 100%, do you want to enter and invest in the Kingdom of God?]

A line of text message appeared in Ye Xiao's field of vision.

In this regard, does Ye Xiao still need to choose?

He absolutely had to enter, he had been waiting for this moment for a long time.

[Congratulations to the host, successfully entered the investment in the Kingdom of God]

Another line of text information emerged.


A dazzling white light appeared in his vision.

Wait until the white light dissipates.

The scene around him was unpredictable.

Wait until the scene stops changing.

He was surprised to find that he was standing in a spacious playground.

There are all kinds of people around.

These people, male and female, were all about his age.

and also.

What surprised him most was the sky.

There was actually a bloody red moon hanging in the sky, and a sun bursting with flames.

The sun and the moon are empty!

It's so strange!

This convinced him that he was definitely not on Blue Star.

Has he come to the Kingdom of Investment God?
He paid attention to the people around him, but he saw that others were either confused, calm, or looking forward to it.

Ye Xiao had roughly noticed that there were about a thousand people in this vast playground.

"Welcome investors, come and invest in the Kingdom of God!"

A voice full of ridicule sounded.

Ye Xiao and the people around him all stared ahead.

You can see a figure appearing in the void ahead of you.

This figure looked to be about 40 years old, with a stern expression and a serious look on his face. He was a mature-looking uncle.

“Being able to come here is enough to prove that you are all extremely good investors.”

"The ways you can get here are also different."

"Either because I got a reward from the system, or because I was promoted by a big shot, or because I spent a lot of money to buy the qualifications to invest in the Kingdom of God, etc., but these are not important."

"Because, you will face an assessment next. This is an important new moment for you. You only have one investment opportunity, and each of you only has one investment coin!"

"I am your investment guide - Nangong Wei."

The man named Nangong Wei spoke slowly.

More than a thousand people present immediately realized that they wanted to invest again.

They were not surprised by this.

Ye Xiao looked worried and understood Nangong Wei's intention.

Participate in investment and earn investment coins.

Only those who rank at the top can officially enter and invest in the Kingdom of God.

as predicted.

Nangong Wei's next words were exactly what Ye Xiao expected.

"Those who earn investment magic coins and invest in bankruptcy will be eliminated."

"Okay, no more nonsense, let's start investing in World Choice!"

Say it.

Ye Xiao and thousands of others could see a huge light curtain appearing in their field of vision.

The light curtain is beating.

[Fantasy world, fantasy world, urban world, fairy world...]

One world after another represents the type of investment world.

"Each investment stock can only be invested by one person, and your investment opportunity is only once!"

Nangong Wei reminded.


The light curtain stopped beating.

【Historical World】

Everyone looked solemn.


Lines of text information emerged.

【"Da Qin"】

【World Introduction】

[Ying Zheng died of illness, and with the support of Zhao Gao and Prime Minister Li Si, Hu Hai was established as the prince and inherited the throne]

"Start your investment! Investors!"

Nangong Wei urged.

After that, some world information related to Da Qin began to appear on the screen.

However, most of the information is not important.

Facing such a scene, Ye Xiao felt happy.

"Da Qin" is definitely about investing in King Yingzheng of Qin.

But it is not difficult to see from the world introduction that Ying Zheng has become cold.

Then, Great Qin will definitely fall apart.

Hu Hai must not vote!

Someone who can invest.

Only Liu Bang, the pavilion chief of Peixian County!

Do not!
It's Liu Ji!
Liu Bang was the name he changed after he became emperor.

Now that you already have an investment target in mind.

Ye Xiao quickly started the search function.

He was very familiar with this.

【Search Liu Ji】

a search.


Lines of text information popped up in the field of vision.

[Liu Ji, businessman]

[Liu Ji, farmer]

[Liu Ji, an ordinary citizen]


Liu Ji, one by one, really dazzled Ye Xiao.

But he was not discouraged and entered the information more completely.

[Search for Liu Ji, a native of Peixian County, the pavilion chief of Sishui]


Two lines of text messages popped up quickly in his field of vision.

【Search Successfully】

[Liu Ji, who was born in Peixian County, was kind-hearted and charitable. When he was in his prime, he passed the examination and became a Qin official and became the pavilion chief of Surabaya]

Not bad.

It is this Liu Ji.On the spot, he started investing directly.

[Congratulations on the successful investment, investment target: Liu Ji, investment 1 investment magic coin]


Ye Xiao felt that this test was too easy for him.

However, he still had some doubts in his heart.

When will this assessment be completed?
Just when he hesitated in his heart.

A text message popped up in the field of vision of thousands of investors.

[Investors are requested to complete the investment within 10 minutes]

"Don't waste time, complete the investment within 10 minutes. The results will be available in 10 minutes."

Nangong Wei, who was in front of everyone's field of vision, stepped on the void and urged with a cold tone.

This statement came out.

All the investors looked a little nervous.

They haven't decided yet who to invest in.


But they were asked to complete the investment within 10 minutes.


The results will be available in 10 minutes, which is amazingly fast!
Ye Xiao's face inevitably showed a look of surprise.

have to say.

The speed of this assessment is absolutely lightning fast.

In a blink of an eye.

10 minutes are over.

Thousands of investors have completed the assessment.

Nangong Wei began to control the system, conduct settlement, and invest in the world to accelerate.

An operation is as fierce as a tiger.

All investors could see a huge light screen appearing in front of them.

The text on the light screen flashed quickly.

[Chen Sheng and Wu Guang Uprising]

【Battle of Giant Deer】

[Xiang Yu defeated the Qin army]

[Liu Ji destroyed Qin]

[Struggle between Chu and Han]

[Xiang Yu committed suicide in Wujiang River]

[Liu Ji proclaimed himself emperor, changed his name to Liu Bang, and established the Han Dynasty]

[Since then, the historical world of "Da Qin" has been renamed "Da Han"]


Every investor stared in disbelief.

The investment world moves at lightning speed.

This was only a moment.

The answer is already out.


The real son of destiny in this historical world is Liu Bang!

"In such a short period of time, it is impossible for any investor to invest in Liu Bang!"

"Even if Xiang Yu wanted to come, he wouldn't be able to invest in it."

"Chu and Han fought, Chu and Han, and in the end Han won."

"There's something about this 'Big Man'."


The investors were in a good mood and were able to chat.

Ye Xiao looked stunned for a while. He was also surprised that the investment results came out so quickly.

Also at this time.

Lines of text appeared again on the light curtain in the field of vision.

These words are the profits of investors.

Among them, the profits are in the tens of thousands and tens of thousands + 10,000.

Such profits are quite a lot.

Because, the entry capital is only 1 investment divine coin.

With such little start-up capital, it is simply wishful thinking and unrealistic to have astonishing profits.

But at this time.

The appearance of a line of text message stunned investors.

[In this assessment, Ye Xiao, the one who made the most profit, earned 200 million investment coins]


For a moment, investors thought they had made a mistake.

Make a profit of 200 million and invest in divine coins.

This is too unbelievable.


"Who is Ye Xiao?"

"Never heard of it."

"I invested 200 million yuan in divine coins. Are you kidding me?"


Although all the investors are strangers to each other, they are still communicating with each other, and they are also looking for someone named Ye Xiao.

As the person involved, Ye Xiao looked as calm as an old dog.

The profit can reach an astonishing 200 million investment coins.

He wasn't surprised at all.

What he invested in was Liu Bang, the son of destiny!

Relying on Liu Bang's actions one after another.

It is reasonable to make a profit of 200 million by investing in divine coins.

Even Nangong Wei, who was the investment guide, had a look of surprise on his majestic face.

Because the profit amount of the person who made the most profit is amazing.

As for the person with the second highest profit, he had checked that he only made less than 30 investment coins.

But it turned out that this number one was six times ahead of the others.

He asked himself that he would never be able to make such a profit by investing in the divine coin with 1.

"In this assessment, the top [-] people will be selected. The rest will be automatically transferred back to the original world later."

Suddenly, Nangong Wei spoke.

Suddenly, thousands of investors felt that such an assessment was too cruel.

Just take 100 people.

But they didn't even have a chance to refute, before they turned into bright white lights and disappeared from the place.

"Congratulations, you have officially become a member of the Kingdom of Investment, and you have also obtained the status of an ordinary citizen of the Kingdom of Investment."

"As a member of the Kingdom of Investment, you have two choices. Stay in the Kingdom of Investment and get the same benefits. These benefits can quickly allow you to obtain a large amount of funds and improve your cultivation level quickly. There are so many benefits. You can’t imagine.”

"The other option is that you won't be able to enjoy the benefits, but you can return to your original world anytime and anywhere, or you can return to the Kingdom of Investment God anytime and anywhere."

"No matter which choice you make, you can enter and invest in the investment world opened by the Kingdom of God."

"If you want to enter the investment world, you need to mortgage the investment world you own as a bargaining chip in exchange for the same amount of investment god coins, and only then can you enter the market."

Nangong Wei introduced some rules for investing in the Kingdom of God.

He was well aware of everyone's choices.


Staying in the Kingdom of Investment is a symbol of a better future.

Especially those benefits are absolutely eye-catching.


Every investor makes a choice.

Almost everyone is willing to stay and invest in the Kingdom of God.

However, a variable appeared.

Ye Xiao was reluctant to stay in the Kingdom of Investment, and he wanted to return to his original world.

Without his protection.

That Level 1 universe may be on the verge of extinction.

He already had feelings for that part of the universe that were hard to let go of.

Every investor's choice was noticed by Nangong Wei.

Among them, he focused on Ye Xiao and was planning to recruit Ye Xiao into the Nangong family.

But Ye Xiao's choice made him stunned for a long time.

"Ye Xiao, you actually made the second choice!"

Nangong Wei looked shocked, and his eyes fell on Ye Xiao, who was not far away from him.


Everyone was already curious as to who Ye Xiao was.

Therefore, pairs of eyes fell on Ye Xiao.

Being watched by everyone, Ye Xiao looked calm.


Ye Xiao nodded slightly. This investment in the Kingdom of God really interested him, especially this investment in the Kingdom of God. He would have to give it a try when the time comes.

I don’t know how many investment coins can be mortgaged in "Prehistoric" and "Journey to the West"?
If your investment in the divine coin is ruined.

I am afraid……

The more he thought about it, the more his scalp became numb.

Be cautious when investing!
Never capsize in the gutter!

"Ye Xiao, have you seriously considered it? Staying in the Investing Kingdom will bring you unimaginable benefits. Believe me, investing in the Kingdom is where we investors should stay."

Nangong Wei began to persuade.

For investors, investing in the Kingdom of God is heaven!
Leaving heaven is absolutely foolish! (End of chapter)

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