National Investment: Start investing in Zhu Yuanzhang!

Chapter 967: The world of mortgage investment, enter "Dragon King"!

"Well, I've thought about it, and this is my choice."

Ye Xiao looked calm.

Hearing this, Nangong Wei's eyes showed a hint of disappointment.

"Ye Xiao, you should make the first choice. Staying in the Kingdom of Investment forever, the benefits are unimaginable. Not only wealth and cultivation, but the biggest and most desirable benefit is that you can obtain eternal life."

Nangong Wei's eyes were burning and his expression was excited.

Not only him, but the surrounding investors are also full of yearning.

Obviously, they are all different from Ye Xiao.

Ye Xiao knew almost nothing about investing in the Kingdom of God, but they all knew more or less important information about investing in the Kingdom of God.

Once you choose to stay in the Kingdom of God forever, you will be able to obtain eternal life.

Immortality is what many people dream of.

Therefore, they all felt that Ye Xiao's behavior was really ridiculous.

They are completely incomprehensible.

"eternal life?!"

Ye Xiao raised his eyebrows and chose to stay in the Kingdom of Investment to gain eternal life.

Are there such good things in this world?

"That's right! Immortality! Don't you feel moved by Ye Xiao?"

Nangong Wei's face was filled with joy. He felt that it was not impossible to recruit Ye Xiao.

Just for now.

He clearly felt Ye Xiao's heartbeat.

Investors’ lifelong pursuit is to invest in the Kingdom of God.

The benefits of investing in the Kingdom of God are countless.

Who wouldn’t be excited to invest in a holy land like this?

"I firmly believe that there is never a free lunch in this world. Since you can live forever, you have to pay a price, right?"

Ye Xiao looked calm. He felt that investing in the Kingdom of God was definitely not as simple as he expected.

"You have to give and take, this is the way of the world. Indeed, if you join Invest in God's Kingdom, you will make profits from your investment, and Invest in God will take part of it. Also, your destiny will be closely linked to Invest in God's Kingdom. If Invest in God's Kingdom declines, you will Funds will be deducted, invest in the prosperity of the Kingdom of God, and you will receive profits.”

Nangong Wei explained.

"If you make a profit on your investment, you still need a share of the pie if you invest in the Kingdom of God. What if you lose money on your investment? Do I need to pay out of my own pocket?"

Ye Xiao frowned, what kind of overlord clause was this?

"That makes sense, doesn't it?"

Nangong Wei doesn't think there is anything wrong with this clause.

"To be able to live forever, it's natural to pay some price."

"Ye Xiao, don't be stubborn. Staying in the Kingdom of Investment is your most correct choice."

"A place investors dream of, but you still dislike it?"

"Is this the kind of person who won the first place in this assessment?"


Investors around him began to underestimate Ye Xiao, thinking that Ye Xiao was too pretentious, or that Ye Xiao was stubborn.

"I still stick to my previous choice."

Ye Xiao's tone was indifferent.

He became increasingly disgusted with investing in the Kingdom of God.

He is not willing to closely link his destiny with investing in the Kingdom of God.

He just wants to control his destiny in his own hands.

"it is good!"

"I hope you don't regret it."

"Today, these investors are not as good as you. You also performed very well in this assessment."

"But in the future, their achievements will far exceed yours."

"Even, he will be stronger than you in terms of strength."

Nangong Wei's expression gradually became indifferent, since Ye Xiao was so stubborn.

He didn't want to persuade any more.

Sooner or later, Ye Xiao will regret today's decision.

Ye Xiao remained silent.

"Ye Xiao, see you soon!"

Nangong Wei said goodbye to Ye Xiao, but there was an intriguing look in his eyes.

A message prompt also popped up in Zi Yexiao's field of vision.

【Returning to the original world】


Ye Xiao turned into bright golden light and disappeared.

Wait until you open your eyes again.

Ye Xiao has returned to the playground of Longdu No. [-] Middle School.

However, Nangong Wei's eyes still appeared in his mind.

What does the other person's look mean?

For a moment, he was confused.

But at least, for Ye Xiao, there are new changes in the system interface.

But there is an additional button to invest in the Kingdom of God on the interface.

He just clicked.

Lines of text information quickly appeared in his field of vision.

[Name: Ye Xiao]

[Identity: ordinary citizen investing in the Kingdom of God]

[Wealth: 0 investment divine coins]

[Combat Strength: 0]

[Investing in the Kingdom of God: Enter with caution, it’s dangerous! 】

[Investment in the World of Gods: You can currently choose to enter! 】

this moment.

Ye Xiao even thought that he had seen it wrong?

0Invest in divine coins?

Didn't he earn more than 1 million investment coins with 200 investment coin in the assessment?
Why is it 0?

Could it be because it was just a mock assessment?
At this moment, Ye Xiao just wanted to curse.

But what makes him even more worried is that the combat power is 0?

What does this mean?

Is he so weak?
This made him look dissatisfied, and he immediately started communicating with the system.

The system responded quickly.

[Dear host, after repeated confirmation, you are investing in the Kingdom of God and your combat power is 0]

[The amount of investment in the Kingdom of God’s combat power is related to the wealth held. The more wealth, the more combat power]

After seeing the two lines of text information appearing in the field of vision.

Ye Xiao suddenly realized.

Want to get stronger.

Then, get wealth!
At present, his investment god coins are 0, and his combat power can only be 0.

After thinking about this, he also realized why Nangong Wei showed that meaningful look in his eyes at the end.

Nangong Wei must know that his combat power is 0.

Since the combat power is zero, it is definitely a very dangerous thing to enter the investment kingdom rashly.

Despite having 0 combat power, Ye Xiao was not discouraged.

Invest in divine coins and earn money!
Suddenly, Ye Xiao thought of another question.

If he stays in the Investment God Kingdom, will the 200 million investment God coins earned during the simulation assessment be directly credited to his account?

Don't even think of it as a possibility.

Staying in the Kingdom of Investment God brings you many benefits.

If you leave the Kingdom of Investment, it means nothing.

He smiled sarcastically and chose to invest in the God Realm.

Once a selection has been made.

A line of text information appeared in the field of vision.

[Please select the mortgage investment world]


The world of investments he held emerged.

"Prehistoric", "Journey to the West", "The Song Dynasty" and so on.

In one world after another, although the quantity is not much, the quality is the best choice.

He brooded slightly, directly mortgaging Zombies.

After he makes a choice.

A line of text message appears.

[According to system testing, the mortgage of "Zombie" can be exchanged for 100 investment coins]


At this moment, Ye Xiao's face was full of questions. Although "Zombie" is not an amazing investment world, it is at least in good health.

But in this investment world, it is only worth 100 investment coins.

This made Ye Xiao want to curse.

He regretted it.

He wants to stay in the Kingdom of God and never come back.

Wouldn’t it be nice for him to receive various benefits?
He thought silently in his heart.

Of course, these are just tongue-in-cheek ideas.

【Whether to mortgage】

Another line of information appears.

Ye Xiao directly confirmed the mortgage.

100 invested in divine coins is 100.

as predicted.

Once mortgaged, he received 100 investment coins in seconds.

In his combat power column, it also rose directly from 0 to 100 points!
[Warm reminder: Please redeem "Zombie" as soon as possible. Once it expires, "Zombie" will never be redeemable. The remaining redemption time is currently seven days]

"I don't know whether seven days is long or short."

Ye Xiao thought silently, and also wondered whether to continue the mortgage.

Mortgage the entire investment world in one go.

But his behavior was risky.

I don’t know how to calculate the redemption time.

Is it true that the higher the value, the shorter the redemption time.

What if, if you mortgage "Prehistoric" and just redeem it for 12 hours, others will be in trouble.

Being unfamiliar with the rules made him like a blind man crossing stones and crossing a river, he had to be careful every step of the way.

Regarding this issue, he also asked the system.

The system reply is very simple.

The redemption time is not fixed and may be long or short.

The shortest time may be 1 hour, and the longest time may be several months.

"1 hour, haha!"

Ye Xiao really wanted to curse.Use "Zombies" as collateral to get 100 investment coins.

His system interface has indeed changed.

[Entering the investment world]

【Successful admission】

[Please select the type of world you want to participate in]

[Fantasy world, fantasy world...]

There are so many beautiful things in eyes and all kinds.

Ye Xiao was stunned.

The way to enter the investment world is exactly the same as during the assessment.

He chose the fantasy world.

[The currently ongoing fantasy world "Becoming a God"]

【"Becoming a God"】

【World Introduction】

[Use a mortal body to prove the Tao and become a god]

For a moment, Ye Xiao's face was expressionless.

He couldn't see anything in the introduction to this world.

But this investment world is very humane.

Because a text message popped up in his field of vision.

[Consume 1 investment god coin to obtain a piece of world information about "Becoming a God"]

In response, Ye Xiao shook his head. He didn't want to waste the investment coins.

This means you have to invest without earning anything.

He continued to look at other worlds.

[Currently ongoing fantasy worlds "Magician" and "Wizard Legend"]

【"The Magician"】

【World Introduction】

【This is the world of magicians】

【"Wizard Legend"】

【World Introduction】

【Have you ever heard of a wizard?From now on, the wizard’s reputation will ring throughout the world]

Although Ye Xiao had been secretly telling himself to calm down, beads of sweat the size of soybeans still appeared on his forehead.

Because, this is another investment world.

He wasn't familiar with it at all.

He hated this feeling so much.

There is no world he is familiar with.

If you don’t have the advantage of being familiar with the plot.

His investment ability has been significantly reduced.

But he didn't give up.

Historical world!

Daqian Dynasty?

What the hell?

Great Sage Dynasty?


Science fiction world!

Mecha God of War!

The world is frozen!


At the end.

Everyone else is numb.


He doesn't know.


His eyes darkened.

This made him feel inexplicably lucky.

Fortunately, there is no mortgage on "Prehistoric", otherwise there is a real possibility that it will not be redeemed.

Just when Ye Xiao felt desperate.

It seems like the sky is the limit!

Because, he noticed that a new world had just been refreshed in the urban world.

"Dragon King"!
Suddenly, his eyes flashed with golden light.

Because this kind of world is too familiar to him.

The protagonist is so cool and awesome.

All kinds of beauties threw themselves into his arms.

All the characters in it have low intelligence, and their IQs are completely off the charts.

If you can invest in the protagonist, you will definitely make a profit without losing money.

This made him quickly search for relevant information.

【World Introduction】

[Whoever dares to touch my woman, I will let him die without a burial place]

"Sure enough, a second-level aura hit my face."

Ye Xiao decided to give it a try.

Enter "Dragon King".

This is also a helpless move.

Other worlds are really unfamiliar to him.

"Dragon King" is so familiar.


[Congratulations to the host for successfully entering "Dragon King"]

[Please complete the investment as soon as possible]

[Currently, you can invest in the following types of characters]

[Protagonist, heroine, villain, supporting role]

Ye Xiao thought maybe he went to the wrong set?

Even the male protagonist can invest. Isn’t this right to make a profit or not?
There must be a demon in the abnormal situation.

Communicate with the system.

Only then did Ye Xiao figure it out.

It is possible to invest in both male and female protagonists, but the returns are extremely low.

It is low risk and low return.

But investing in villains has high risks and high returns.

Investors' investment can bring income to investment stocks.

For example.

This urban world.

Once someone invests in investment stocks, they can gain knowledge, power, money, etc.

Ye Xiao directly chose the villain.

Low stakes are just too boring to play.

It also needs to be exciting with high risks.

[Villain [-], ruffian]

[Villain Two, Big Brother Jianghu]

[Villain Three, Young Master]

[Villain Four, Killer]


The number of villains made Ye Xiao stunned.

But according to the system prompts.

An investment stock can only be entered by one person.

among them.

The one with the highest income is definitely the villain, the ruffian.

But ruffians are also at the highest risk.

It is very likely that the hooligans who invest in stocks will be killed as soon as they invest.

To be on the safe side, Ye Xiao chose Villain Four.

After all, the killer doesn't know what he's capable of.

[Please enter the investment amount. The current minimum investment amount is 1 investment divine coin, and the upper limit is 1000 investment divine coins]

Ye Xiao directly chose stud.

100 investment coins, all invested in the killer.

[Congratulations to the host for successfully investing in the fourth villain, the killer]

[Please check your investment stocks Han Shiwen]

[Han Shiwen, age 26, a professional killer, has just returned from abroad, and is currently accepting an order to assassinate Su Ruoxue, president of Tianlan International Trading Company in Mingzhu City]

See these articles for information.

Ye Xiao became anxious on the spot.

Assassinate the CEO.

This is clearly an assassination of the heroine.

He is indeed a villain, can this assassination be successful?

I'm afraid it will be over in a minute!
No, you absolutely must communicate with investment stocks.

Soon, Ye Xiao quickly started communicating with investment stocks.

The urban world of "Dragon King".

In a simple rental house with dim lighting.

A burly young man with a ferocious face and a long scar like an earthworm on the right side of his face.

He just leaned on a white sofa quietly.

He holds a photo in his hand.

In the photo is a woman who is as beautiful as a fairy.

This woman's name is Su Ruoxue.

He is his target this time.

He wants the other party to die!

If he can complete it this time, he will receive a reward of tens of millions!

He is very confident about this task.

Just a girl, he would be able to deal with her with ease.


Just when Han Shiwen was thinking about this, a voice sounded like thunder in his ears.

"Never kill Su Ruoxue!" (End of this chapter)

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