National Investment: Start investing in Zhu Yuanzhang!

Chapter 992 The No. 1 Master in the Jianghu, the Divine Power King Chongyang!

A text message popped up quickly in Ye Xiao's field of vision.

[Investment stock Han Ping, killed an unknown general of the Jin Kingdom, He Shilie, and made a profit of 200 million investment coins]

Faced with such profits, he didn't care too much.

Wanyan Honglie's still handsome appearance was a little distorted.

He was very angry that General He Shilie took the initiative to attack.

This white-haired master is a well-known master in the world, how can he fight alone?

If you want to kill Baifa, you must attack in groups!
  Under Wanyan Honglie's order, the five thousand gold soldiers continued to use arrows, trying to kill Ye Xiao from a distance!

This time.

The five thousand soldiers of the Jin Kingdom fired the arrows much faster, as if they had improved their skills, and the movement was completed in one go.

Three consecutive rounds of arrow rain came overwhelmingly.

But Wanyan Honglie always had a gloomy face, and there was an unspeakable resentment in his heart.

Why is this white-haired man so skilled and terrifying?
  After so many rounds of arrows, he was still unscathed, not even a single corner of his clothes was torn!
  The people who witnessed this scene were already amazed.

"Is this a master of martial arts?"

"It's really scary!"

"My lord, I'm afraid you've suffered a big loss!"

"Keep your voice down, be careful of trouble coming from your mouth!"


The common people craned their necks, obviously very interested in the drama of five thousand soldiers fighting against masters.

Because this kind of drama usually only happens in story novels.

Hong Qigong's eyes were filled with coldness. At the moment, he only felt admiration in his heart.

Baifa's strength really exceeded his imagination.

It made him realize that he must find a suitable opportunity later to kill the gray hair.

Otherwise, his life will be ruined in the hands of Bai Fa.

Guo Jing and Huang Rong were full of admiration.

"Form formation, kill the enemy!"

Wanyan Honglie issued another order.

Since the arrows are useless, then use the military formation to destroy this master of martial arts with white hair!
  Five thousand soldiers formed an army formation in a blink of an eye.

This military formation is a Hui Zi formation, surrounding Ye Xiao!

Moreover, the soldiers in the front row held shields, and the soldiers in the back row held swords!
  Seeing this, Ye Xiao did not panic.

next second.

Five thousand soldiers moved.

They kept moving forward, constantly compressing Ye Xiao's living space.

In fact, in Ye Xiao's field of vision, the lights and shadows of swords flashed continuously.

If it continues like this.

Ye Xiao will be stabbed into a hornet's nest by these swords.

However, Ye Xiao moved.


He punched forward. This punch was extremely powerful and astonishingly powerful.

With just one punch, he easily tore a gap in the seemingly unbreakable military formation.


To Ye Xiao's surprise, the soldiers in the front vomited blood and died. The soldiers in the rear had been replenished, and the military formation became strong again.

"Bang bang bang!"

Ye Xiao shook his head and laughed, and struck out one after another.

With every palm blast, several people will be killed.

He wanted to see how long these soldiers could last.

The Five Thousand Gold Soldiers were so brave, but seeing Ye Xiao's killing methods would scare them to death.

Especially now, in just a few breaths of time, more than a dozen of their companions had fallen.

  This master of martial arts is so awesome!

They are not opponents at all!

Seeing the faces of these Jin soldiers, there was fear and uneasiness on their faces.

Ye Xiao already knew it.

His actions frightened the courage of these soldiers.

Since he has lost his courage, why should he be afraid of these five thousand soldiers?

A massacre begins!
  Ye Xiao frantically harvested the soldiers of the Jin Kingdom.

"Puff! Puff!"

One after another, the Jin soldiers spurted blood from their mouths and noses, fell to the ground and died.

Although the war situation is not good for Jin Bing.

But none of the golden soldiers turned out to be deserters.

This made Ye Xiao's eyes flash with admiration.

Wanyan Honglie, the Sixth Prince of Jin Kingdom, who witnessed all this outside the battlefield, had a stunned expression.

He couldn't believe it at all.

A martial arts master could be so powerful.

Is this still a martial arts master?

Could this man be a god?
  A ridiculous idea came to Wanyan Honglie's mind.

But soon, he calmed down and ordered the expert guards around him to join the battle.

"Kill him! Kill him!"

Wanyan Honglie gritted his teeth.

He gave the order.

Dozens of martial arts masters joined forces with the Jin soldiers to deal with Ye Xiao.


Those martial arts masters are no match for Ye Xiao.

After just one encounter, Ye Xiao easily took his life.


The whole street was littered with corpses and rivers of blood.

The thick smell of blood is nauseating.

Even the people watching were trembling in their legs.

But the people are still unwilling to leave. Such a battle is really hearty! Bravo!
  This master of martial arts is really ridiculously strong!

"Five masters in the world? They are no match for this person! This person should be the number one master in the world."

Hong Qigong sighed, his eyes becoming more determined.

He wanted to take action while Bai Fa was unprepared.

Even, just to be on the safe side, he arranged for Guo Jing and Huang Rong to join him.

Guo Jing and Huang Rongke both have extraordinary skills.

Especially Guo Jing, who has become a super master not long ago!
  "Master, if we attack him secretly, wouldn't it be too..."

Guo Jing was a loyal man and agreed to Hong Qigong's proposal, but he still couldn't do the sneak attack on Bai Fa.

"Brother Jing, don't be so stupid. That man wants Master's life! He even wants your life and mine! If we let him go today, we will definitely die in the future!"

Huang Rong's fair and pretty face showed an angry look, and she quickly tried to persuade her.

Her brother Guo Jing is good at everything except he is honest and honest.

It seemed that it was because of this that she felt fond of Guo Jing.

"What Rong'er said is right, Jing'er must not let the tiger go back to the mountains!"

Hong Qigong's eyes flashed fiercely.


Gray hair must die!
  If the white hair does not die, he will always have trouble sleeping and eating.

Let's just say that during this period, he really didn't eat well and didn't sleep well.

In the end, Guo Jing nodded silently.

The hidden danger of the white-haired senior must be eliminated!
  Not just for him, but also for Master and Huang Rong!
  Finally, a few sticks of incense passed.

Ye Xiao killed five thousand Jin soldiers. Broken limbs and broken arms could be seen everywhere. The scene was bloody and cruel, and it was unbearable to watch.

A line of text message also appeared in Ye Xiao's field of vision.

[Investment stock Han Ping, killed five thousand soldiers of the Jin Kingdom and made a profit of 1 million investment in divine coins]

The investment of 1 million in divine coins made Ye Xiao feel that the killing was worth it!
  In addition, there are several other profit information, which are nothing more than killing the masters of the palace guards, etc., but those superficial profits add up to millions of investment coins.

"My lord, I don't know if you have any other tricks. If you have any, feel free to use them!"

Ye Xiao looked calm and walked towards Wanyan Honglie step by step.

Every step Ye Xiao took gave Wanyan Honglie an unprecedented sense of oppression.

At this moment, Wanyan Honglie smelled the smell of death.

He couldn't imagine it.

A martial arts master would be so powerful.

"Baifa, could it be that your martial arts realm has returned to its original state and entered the supreme realm of land gods?"

Wanyan Honglie's voice was trembling when he spoke.


Ye Xiao admitted directly.

Wanyan Honglie's face was as pale as paper.

The fairyland on land only exists in legends.

I never thought that someone in this world could actually achieve it.

Moreover, this person also became his enemy.

"I am the Sixth Prince of the Kingdom of Jin..."

Wanyan Honglie took out the identity of the prince.

But for this identity, Ye Xiao had no fear at all and took action directly. “Plop!”

Wanyan Honglie fell directly to the ground, his eyes widened, as if he would not rest in peace.

[Investment stock Han Ping, killed Wanyan Honglie, the Sixth Prince of the Kingdom of Jin, and made a profit of 2 million investment magic coins]

Ye Xiao had a look of satisfaction on his face.


He felt a crisis coming.

The crisis came from behind him.

"My husband, be careful!"

A clear and sweet voice sounded in Ye Xiao's ears.

Ye Xiao turned his head and looked.

But he saw the beautiful black fox appearing next to him.

Moreover, there is another person who is fighting against the Black Fox Palm!
  That man, with gray hair and patched cloth, was Hong Qigong, a beggar from the north.

There was a hint of anger in Hong Qigong's turbid eyes.

He almost succeeded in a sneak attack.

I didn't expect this beauty to actually take action.

Moreover, this beauty's martial arts realm was only slightly weaker than him.

Shortly after.

Hong Qigong stepped back.

"Are you okay?"

Ye Xiao stepped forward to check on the black fox.


Black Fox shook his head.

At this time, Ye Xiao met Hong Qigong and Guo Jing and Huang Rong who were beside Hong Qigong.

"Hong Qigong, you are welcome and safe!"

Ye Xiao said hello, with a faint smile on his face.

But today, he had no intention of letting Hong Qigong go.

Moreover, he also saw that Hong Qigong did not intend to let him go.

This old guy is really stubborn, he actually wanted to attack him just now.

If Black Fox hadn't taken action in time, Hong Qigong would have really had the possibility of success.


Hong Qigong snorted coldly, unwilling to talk nonsense with Ye Xiao.


Hong Qigong performed the superb Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms.

"Kang Long has regrets!"

"See the dragon in the field!"


Each move is so powerful that no one can defeat it.

Even Ye Xiao found it difficult to face each other.

Fine beads of sweat appeared on Ye Xiao's forehead.

The confrontation with the five thousand gold soldiers just now really took a lot of his internal energy.

Reason told him that he should find a place to hide and recover his internal strength, and settle the score with Hong Qigong.

But he is very clear.

If he wants to leave, Hong Qigong will never allow him!

If this is the case, then he will have a life-and-death battle with this old guy!

The fighting between the two sides continued, and for a while it was difficult to tell the difference.

Not long after.

Guo Jing and Huang Rong joined the battle.

Black Fox was also assisting Ye Xiao.

It's just that this anxious battle situation lasted for about a stick of incense.

Hong Qigong spurted blood from his mouth and nose, and his face looked haggard.

He suffered serious internal injuries.

After all, I am getting older.

However, what definitely surprised Hong Qigong was that after so many rounds of fighting, Baifa was still as stable as a rock.

Is the terrestrial fairyland so scary?

"Jing'er, Ronger, let's go!"

Hong Qigong was unwilling to fight, and just wanted to escape.

Guo Jing and Huang Rong nodded happily.

"Madam, stop Guo Jing and Huang Rong!"

Ye Xiao ordered, and then like a hurricane, he stopped Hong Qigong who was using the Xiaoyaoyou movement.

This time he would never let Hong Qigong escape.


Ye Xiao slapped a palm towards Hong Qigong's forehead, this palm was fast and hard.

The power of a palm is astonishing!

Hong Qigong died on the spot.

[Investment stock Han Ping, killed Hong Qigong, the most powerful northern beggar in the world, and made a profit of 5 million investment coins]

On the spot, Ye Xiao showed a proud smile on his face.

He was also lucky that Hong Qigong had not entered the terrestrial fairyland, otherwise he would definitely be finished today.

What made him even more happy was that the black fox had captured Huang Rong.

Taking Huang Rong as a hostage, Guo Jing, who values ​​​​love and loyalty, cannot escape for the time being.


Seeing Hong Qigong's death, Guo Jing and Huang Rong's eyes turned red, and their hatred for Ye Xiao became deeper and deeper.

Ye Xiao didn't care about this.

Hong Qigong is dead. When the time comes, as long as he masters the idea of ​​"Shooting the Condor", he can revive Hong Qigong.

But before that.

He just wants to earn more investment coins.

So far, his profit has reached more than [-] billion investment coins.

But that's not enough!
  "Guo Jing, let's go!"

Ye Xiao looked cold and prepared to kill Guo Jing.

This time, he felt that there was no obsession in his body.


Guo Jing must die!

However, just when he was about to take action.

A man in his fifties, wearing a monk's robe, with some gray hair, and a long beard on his chin stopped Ye Xiao.

This man has a long sword hanging from his waist. He has a dashing appearance and extraordinary momentum.

"Who is your Excellency?"

Ye Xiao frowned, the other party's profound internal power made him feel frightened.

If he takes action against the other party now, the most he can do is die together with the other party.

And the result of dying together was obviously something he couldn't accept.

"Donor, don't commit murder again."

The Taoist priest showed a polite side.

Ye Xiao was a little unsure about the other party, but he also sighed in his heart.

The male protagonist has reached a moment where his life is hanging by a thread. Unexpectedly, a top expert will come to help!

The Taoist priest even announced his identity.

It turns out that the Taoist priest is Chongyang, the king of supernatural powers among the five great powers in the world!

"Oh, it's Taoist Wang!"

A look of surprise flashed across Ye Xiao's eyes.

"Dao Priest Wang, Sister Ronger is still being held hostage by them. Can you please also rescue Sister Ronger?"

Guo Jing's tone was pleading, his fists clenched.

Wang Chongyang shook his head.

He just wanted to save Guo Jing alone.

Don't wait for Guo Jing to say any more nonsense.

Wang Chongyang led Guo Jing away.

"Husband, are you just going to let Guo Jing go?"

Black Fox frowned slightly. In her impression, her husband had never been unreasonable.

Now is a good opportunity to kill Guo Jing, how can you just let it go?
  "After capturing Huang Rong, it will be easy to deal with Guo Jing."

"We'd better find a hiding place quickly."

Ye Xiao pursed his lips and smiled.

"Husband, don't you have a crush on Huang Rong?"

Black Fox's tone was quite interesting.

Huang Rong was so angry that she gritted her teeth and her face turned livid, but she couldn't speak at all because her acupoints were tapped and she couldn't move at all.

Shortly after.

Ye Xiao and others left quickly.

A lot of Jin soldiers came to the scene, but among those scattered Jin soldiers, no one dared to stop Ye Xiao, a fierce figure! (End of chapter)

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