National Investment: Start investing in Zhu Yuanzhang!

Chapter 993 Emperor Wanyan Jing of the Jin Kingdom, the turtle in the jar!

In the blink of an eye, Ye Xiao spent some money and temporarily moved into an ordinary home.

The location he chose was quite remote.

I think the enemy won't come to your door in a short time.

Black Fox, who was in a simple guest room, frowned slightly. She didn't understand why she wanted to stay in such a private room.
  Isn't it good to live in an inn?

With their superb skills, if those golden soldiers came to their door, they could easily escape.

But the next second.

The black fox's pretty face showed a look of panic.

But it was because Ye Xiao was vomiting blood from his mouth and nose and his face was pale.

"Husband, how could your injury be so serious!"

Black Fox quickly stepped forward and used his inner strength to heal Ye Xiao's injuries. Once he examined Ye Xiao's injuries, her face turned pale and her expression was full of worry.

"I am fine."

Ye Xiao shook his head and comforted him.

A line of text message appeared in his field of vision.

[Investment stock Han Ping was seriously injured and lost 5000 million investment coins]

Just like this line of information describes.

He was injured, and very seriously.

Before, it took him a lot of effort to kill the five thousand Jin soldiers.

When he fought against Hong Qigong, he seemed to win easily, but that battle was not easy at all.

That battle at that time.

Hong Qigong was risking his life, and he almost couldn't hold on.

Fortunately, I held on.

Logically speaking, Hong Qigong's martial arts strength should not be that strong, but it is possible that the intervention of investors made Hong Qigong much stronger than before.

Not long after.

Ye Xiao was resting on the bed, his face pale, but at least his injury was stable and would not continue to worsen.

Black Fox also unlocked some of Huang Rong's acupuncture points.

"Don't resist, you are no match for me."

Black Fox's expression was cold and he didn't give Huang Rong a good look at all.

Hearing this, Huang Rong was furious. Black Fox had unblocked her acupuncture points, but there were still some acupuncture points that had not been unblocked. As a result, she could move but could not use her internal power.

"I know."

Huang Rong pouted, her beautiful eyes filled with hatred.

Thinking of Master Hong Qigong's death in Baifa's hands.

She was heartbroken.

She must avenge her master.

White hair, this master of martial arts must die!

And now that Bai Fa is seriously injured, this is the best time for her to kill Bai Fa!
  "If you have any ill intentions towards my husband, I will definitely make you regret coming into this world. I have hundreds of ways to torture people."

Black Fox seemed to have figured out Huang Rong's thoughts and said with a serious face.

A look of surprise appeared on Huang Rong's beautiful and delicate face.

She frowned, feeling that the words of the woman nicknamed Hongyan in front of her were not credible.

Hundreds of torture methods, are you trying to scare her?

Do you really think she is scared?
  "Don't believe me? I forgot to tell you that I once worked in the Imperial City Division. I captured many wanted criminals in the Imperial City Division, and many of them were tortured to death by me."

Black Fox said in an understatement.

Imperial City Division.

Huang Rong's eyelids twitched when she heard these words, she pursed her lips, not daring to say a word.

She had a plan in mind.

There is absolutely no time to act haphazardly.

At least, she must gain the trust of the red face and the white hair.

"Seniors with red faces and white hair, don't worry, I will definitely cooperate with you. If you ask me to go east, I will never dare to go west."

Huang Rong forced a smile on her face.

"If you can think of it this way, that would be great."

The black fox's pretty face showed a look of satisfaction.

after that.

Black Fox took care of Ye Xiao personally, while Huang Rong became the maid serving tea and water.

Huang Rong was quite complaining about this, but she didn't dare to say anything more.

"Senior, pretty and white-haired, were you bewitched by that mysterious investor, and that's why you killed my master, Hong Qigong?"

Suddenly, Huang Rong bit her red lips and couldn't help but speak.

  Black Fox frowned slightly, thinking deeply in her heart, but did not pay attention to Huang Rong.

"Yes or no, does it matter? Hong Qigong is dead!"

Ye Xiao was lying on the bed. Although his expression was pale, he still had the strength to speak.

"Senior White-haired, I have to admit that you are definitely the number one master in this world. But sometimes manpower is exhausted. This time you killed my master Hong Qigong, which will definitely provoke the revenge of the beggar gang. In this world, beggars There are countless gang members..."

Huang Rong had a solemn look on her pretty face, and she was talking eloquently, as if she was analyzing the situation for Ye Xiao.

Ye Xiao hasn't spoken yet, but is using a hot towel to wipe the black fox on Ye Xiao's face. He said with disdain, "A gang of beggars? A bunch of stinky fish and rotten shrimps, but they are worthy of being my husband's enemy?"

Hearing this, Huang Rong looked a little unnatural.

"The beggar gang is not a threat to the red-faced white-haired senior. So, what about the Jin Kingdom Emperor Wanyan Jing? His sixth son Wanyan Honglie died in the white-haired senior's hands today. Wouldn't Wanyan Jing take revenge on his senior? Is that so? I’m afraid, countless soldiers of the Jin Kingdom have gathered throughout the entire city. You, red-faced and white-haired seniors, can’t escape from the central capital of the Jin Kingdom.”

Huang Rong's tone was very firm, and she had obviously determined that Ye Xiao and Hei Hu would definitely die.

Offending the emperor of a country is such an irrational move.

If she were to do it, she would never kill Wanyan Honglie.

Black Fox frowned and did not refute. What Huang Rong said also made her feel worried.

Now, the husband is seriously injured.

On her own, she could easily leave Zhongdu, but she couldn't do it if she took her husband with her.

As for the idea of ​​leaving her husband and escaping alone, Black Fox has never thought of it.

"Wanyan Jing, the emperor of the Jin Kingdom, doesn't matter. The worst thing is that he will be destroyed."

Ye Xiao, who looked haggard, did not take Wanyan Jing seriously.

"Senior White-haired, your words are really arrogant! Wanyan Jing is the emperor of a country, surrounded by countless expert guards. You can destroy him just because you want?"

"I'm afraid that once you arrive at the palace and want to assassinate, you will be surrounded by countless guards!"

Huang Rong shook her head, thinking Ye Xiao's words were too arrogant and ignorant.

"Not necessarily. I remember that I seemed to have killed an emperor before. That emperor was Zhao Gou. It was not very difficult."

Ye Xiao shrugged and said casually.

His tone was casual.

However, the amount of information revealed by his words made Huang Rong have a burst of absurd thoughts in her heart.

Regarding Zhao Gou's death, it is still an unsolved mystery.

But one thing cannot be denied.

The cause of Zhao Gou's death was that he was assassinated by a martial arts master.

However, there is still no clue as to who this martial arts master is.

But now, the white-haired senior said this.

"Could it be...that you, the white-haired senior, killed Zhao Gou?"

Huang Rong's beautiful eyes were filled with sparkling gaze.

For an emperor like Zhao Gou, she also hated the fact that iron cannot become steel.

If it weren't for Zhao Gou's incompetence, how could Song Dynasty have fallen to this point?

Moreover, Zhao Gou also issued twelve gold medals in a row to ask General Yue Fei to return to the court.

If it weren't for these twelve gold medals, history would have been rewritten long ago.

It's a pity that Zhao Gou is too incompetent.

Zhao Gou alone dragged down Song Dynasty.


Ye Xiao admitted directly.


For a moment, Huang Rong was stunned, and her whole mind was in chaos. If this was the case, this white-haired senior might be more than seventy or eighty years old, but he looked so young.

"There are rumors in the world that the internal strength practiced by the white-haired senior can stay young forever. It seems that the rumors are true."

Huang Rong's eyes were fiery. As a woman, she also wanted to have eternal youth.

Ye Xiao couldn't help but laugh.

at the same moment.

Zhongdu, the Imperial Palace.

In a majestic palace like a rainbow. Wanyan Jing, the emperor of the Jin Kingdom, had gray hair, wore a dragon robe, and had an ashen complexion.


In his rage, he smashed one piece after another of priceless porcelain.

Wanyan Jing was already furious.

He did not expect that his sixth son Wanyan Honglie would actually use [-] soldiers in Zhongdu.

He was very angry about this.

But what made him even more angry was that all five thousand soldiers were wiped out by a group of masters.

This master of martial arts even killed his sixth son Wanyan Honglie.

"Your Majesty calm down, calm down!"

The maids and eunuchs knelt on the ground one after another. Seeing Wanyan Jing's rage, they were frightened to death.

"Calm down your anger? How can I calm down my anger? The white-haired man sends the black-haired man away, and my fire cannot be extinguished!"

Wanyan Jing has always been a kind person, especially fond of calligraphy and painting.

But right now, there was a rage in his heart that he couldn't suppress.

He wants these two masters of martial arts, the beauty and the white hair, to die!
  But after a few interest.

A general in armor had entered the main hall, saluted respectfully, and reported the deployment of troops and horses to Wanyan Jing.

Thirty thousand troops have already assembled!

Moreover, these [-] troops have surrounded Zhongdu, and it is difficult for the red-faced and white-haired people to escape!
  "it is good!"

The anger on Wanyan Jing's face dissipated a little.

There are [-] Jin soldiers with extraordinary combat power.

Beauty with white hair will definitely die!

Wanyan Jing even made a request that once the war started, he would go and watch in person and witness the beauty and white hair die in front of him.

"Your Majesty, for the sake of your dragon body, this is absolutely impossible. You are a red-faced and white-haired top expert who has been famous in the world for a long time. If..."

The general looked troubled and wanted to persuade.

How could Wanyan Jing listen to his words of persuasion?
  Right now Wanyan Jing only wants revenge!

"I have to go! Could it be that these [-] troops can't protect me?"

Wanyan Jing snorted coldly.

His golden soldiers are all brave and brave.

It's not like Song Bing, who is all greedy for life and afraid of death.

In the end, the general could only remain silent.

Zhongdu, in a Taoist temple.

The heroic and imposing Wang Chongyang was having a conversation with Guo Jing.

"This man with white hair is invincible and can only be outsmarted. But don't worry, he will definitely die this time."

Wang Chongyang looked calm.

"Thank you, senior, for saving your life. I have nothing to repay."

Guo Jing was extremely grateful, but the worry in his eyes could not dissipate.

He was still worried about Huang Rong.

If Huang Rong falls into the hands of Hongyan Baifa, nothing will happen to her, right?
  Wouldn't that white-haired senior fall in love with Huang Rong's beauty?

For a moment, Guo Jing was anxious.

But soon.

Guo Jing received good news.

Tens of thousands of Jin soldiers have surrounded Zhongdu.

Beauty and white hair have become a turtle in a urn and will surely die!

Guo Jing looked excited, and a flash of surprise flashed in Wang Chongyang's eyes. No matter how high your martial arts skills are, what can you do against tens of thousands of soldiers?

Ye Xiao and Heihu were more or less nervous.

They stayed in the civilian residence for only a few hours, but the soldiers who came to investigate came in waves.

They all hid from this.

Whenever soldiers came, they would hide themselves on the ceiling or in other hiding places.

But this is not the way to go.

Sooner or later there will be exposure.

"Husband, should we move somewhere?"

Black Fox looked worried.

"Now, the streets of Zhongdu are full of golden soldiers. They cannot be moved for the time being. They need to wait until night falls."

Ye Xiao said calmly.

The black fox nodded.

Huang Rong on the side did not speak, but she was sneering in her heart.

The red face and white hair cannot escape this time.

Wait until night falls.

Hei Hu, Ye Xiao, and Huang Rong moved their positions.

They checked into an inn.

But instead of using his original appearance, he temporarily used the disguise technique.

In the guest room, Ye Xiao was lying comfortably on the bed, being massaged by Heihu.

Huang Rong acted as a servant on call.

This made Huang Rong angry, but she was helpless.

"Husband, why did you suddenly check into the inn again?"

Black Fox looked confused.

"Haven't you noticed that there are more and more soldiers patrolling those remote places?"

"Furthermore, I am very worried about the private house we stayed in before, and the couple reported on us for money."

Ye Xiao looked solemn.

at the same moment.

The private house where Ye Xiao lived before was already surrounded by soldiers.

"Sir, I am sure that the couple is the one you are looking for. There is a young and beautiful girl beside them."

"Yes, sir, those two must be martial arts masters with red faces and white hair. I recognized that white hair at a glance."

An old couple was talking to a Jin general with a flattering smile on their faces.

The Jin general was tall and tall, with a cold face and an unsmiling expression.

that's it.

A group of people quietly surrounded the house.

However, not long after.

The generals of the Kingdom of Jin were furious because there were no beauties and white hairs in the houses.

This made him realize that he had been deceived by ordinary people and was deceived all over the place.

"Sir, the person is missing!"

"My lord, they are gone!"

The old couple, who were over fifty and had gray temples, explained.

However, their interpretation.

The Jin generals couldn't listen at all.

On the spot, the Jin general moved the sword hanging on his waist.

The sword moved.

In an instant.

Blood spilled on the spot.

Two heads fell to the ground.

"A bunch of dogs dare to deceive me!"

The Jin generals were furious.

In the next few days.

The search lasted for several days.

But no trace of the red face and white hair was ever found.

This made the Emperor of Jin, Wanyan Jing, furious and angrily denounced all his men as trash!

In the past few days, Ye Xiao and others have been changing their residences every day.

Among them, Ye Xiao and others also used the art of disguise.

Only in this way can we avoid the pursuit of Jin Bing.

After several days of nursing, Ye Xiao's injuries gradually recovered. (End of chapter)

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