
Chapter 101 The 3rd pass gets the fairy fate, the supernatural power refines the true talisman

Chapter 101
"Dig it!"

The passage leads directly to the second door, but before Fu Henghua could pass by, the earth mountain rumbled, directly crushing the passage, and the mice and soldiers inside turned back to mud.

Heng Hua blushed, and quickly sat down to adjust his breath to eliminate the backlash from the method of "Scattering Beans into Soldiers".

Look at the hole I made, it has been completely filled.

"The earth mountain recovers extremely quickly. With my skills, it is impossible to run to the opposite side before the passage is filled. Moreover, I can't judge whether the earth mountain's recovery speed will increase when I rush over."

With a finger movement, another ball of mud appeared, Heng Hua enlightened the soldiers, and honestly began to move the mountain.

It's just that Fu Henghua stared at the stone tablet and thought when he was commanding to move the mountain.

"Banning the Mountain-Moving Curse?"

After trying it, when the "Mountain-Moving Talisman" was condensed, a burst of magic power appeared in this space, and the "Mountain-moving Talisman" was directly erased.

"It's the counter-curse of the 'Mountain Charm'. If it's just a counter-curse..."

Recalling the voice reminder after coming in, all spells and methods can be used.

"So, in this level, except for a little bit of unwavering perseverance. You can also break the 'counter-curse' through wisdom, so as to perform the art of moving mountains."

And analysis happens to be Fu Henghua's strong point.


While Fu Henghua was studying patiently, Fu Xuanxing had already passed the second hurdle.

Carrying a man and a woman on their backs to the finish line, the two turned into green smoke and dispersed.

Fu Xuanxing was a little disappointed, seeing the almost exhausted kettle at the door, he continued to walk in.

There are three levels on Xiaoyao Road, the first level and the second level are all tests.

The first hurdle is to give up, and the second hurdle is to take.

Xiaoyao is not ruthless, if you even abandon the Taoist couples who follow all the way and support each other.

Where can it be called being at ease?

Pushing open the third door, there is a kettle directly in front of you, with only a shallow layer of water in it.

There is no writing on the stele next to it.

But there is a straight road in front of you, and the end is the gate of the end.Seeing that the kettle was already dripping water upside down, Fu Xuanxing rushed forward without thinking.

Halfway through the rush, the kettle was exhausted, the entire space was reversed and restored, and he returned to the door.

"This... is this the art of 'returning to the sky and returning to the sun'?"

One of the 36 Tiangang methods.It is similar to returning to the wind and returning to the fire, but it is more profound and mysterious.

Let the sun return and turn back time.

It's not just that the enemy's attack can be returned to when it was not launched, this Tiangang method has been cultivated to great success.You can turn back the time of the entire East Levan Island.

Seeing himself standing in the same place, Fu Xuanxing smiled wryly: "Grandmaster Yuanying is really powerful. I'm afraid this senior has cultivated 'returning to the sky and returning to the sun' into a supernatural power?"

Refining Qi and building a foundation to practice Taoism, Jindan Yuanying participates in supernatural powers.

Those who have cultivated great supernatural powers can directly show their names on the Tiangang list of Donglai Gold List.

As far as Fu Xuanxing knows, there are four digits for those who are above the golden core monks (including fake cores) in the thirteenth water area.And among these people who can cultivate the supernatural powers of Tiangang, there are not even 100 people who can truly comprehend the supernatural powers.

Summoning his mana, the young man rose up with his sword and rushed towards the finish line.

Two-thirds of the way to the line, the time is up again.

Back to the sky and back to the sun to activate again, back to the starting point.

Next, Fu Xuanxing changed many methods, and even started to pour water into the kettle to freeze it.

However, they were not able to pass the customs smoothly.

Finally, Fu Xuanxing stared at the kettle.

"Whatever breaks the rules! I--I won't serve you anymore!"

The big deal is that the customs clearance fails, what's the matter.Do I care about your chance?

When he kicked over the kettle, the stele shattered immediately.

"It's good, you are free and easy, why are you restricted?"

Rumbling laughter echoed in the white world: "After passing the three passes, let's go treasure hunting!"


A passage appeared under Fu Xuanxing's feet, and he fell directly into the treasure house.

Looking at the countless treasures of heaven and earth, magic medicines and pills around him, the boy got up.

"So, the third level is not for me to go to the end according to the normal way of thinking, the kettle is the trial?"

Because of the first two levels, when he passed the level, he saw the kettle that was about to run out.So I mistakenly thought that in the third level, the kettle was also recording the time.

He fell into the habit of thinking, causing him to toss in it for a long time.

"Dare you, senior's trial didn't involve fighting at all?"

Except in the second level, where you and your companions solve hundreds of puppets at the foundation-building level, there is no other battle.

Standing up, Fu Xuanxing looked around.

The treasure house is arranged into eight walls according to the types of magic weapons, pills, exercises, and secret treasures.

At the top of the category of secret treasures, Fu Xuanxing saw a talisman—the talisman of returning to the sky and returning to the sun.

Without saying a word, he jumped on it.

boom -

A raging flame was lit around the talisman, and a layer of forbidden law protected the talisman.

Fu Xuanxing didn't think about it, the Lihuo Fist was running with the strongest power, and he punched down slowly.

The flames shattered, and although the fire phoenixes formed one by one firebirds and rushed towards Fu Xuanxing, the aura of fire phoenixes that was not inferior burst out from his body.

Picking up the Heaven Returning Talisman, Fu Xuanxing jumped down.

"Hey, it's really a magical talisman?"

The talisman transmits relevant information.

This talisman contains the magic power of Taoist Huofeng.Using it on a closed space with a radius of hundreds of miles can reverse the time by one hour.

"A magical method."

Fu Xuanxing couldn't help but start to fantasize about what kind of method he would use to achieve "reversing yin and yang" in the future.

The world is yin and yang, everything can be reversed.Can it also turn back time?
Next, he saw the "Liujia Escape Talisman" in the secret treasure area.

"It's also a magical talisman? Has this senior dabbled in so many magical powers?"

Looking elsewhere, there are twenty magical talismans hanging in the secret treasure area.

"Calling the rain and blowing the wind, driving the fog and rising the clouds, flying sand and flying stones, transforming the fetus into shape, returning the wind to the fire..."

In addition to magical talismans, there are also some strange secret treasures.

For example, the mirror of life and death made by the method of reversing yin and yang, one side is alive and the other side is dead.

The "Heavenly Wisdom Talisman" condensed by using the secret technique can make people bursting with ideas and inspiration after an hour.

The dust-cloaking banner made by the heresy magic can hide under the eyes of the Nascent Soul cultivator for a day.

Secret treasures, because most of them are reserved by the fairy family in advance, most of them have a limit on the number of times.

But Fu Xuanxing wasn't interested in anything else, so he took the "Liujia Escape Talisman", turned around and left.

He was not short of pills and exercises, and finally chose a spiritual weapon——Liangyi Heart Mirror.

"I didn't find the three treasures of heaven and earth mentioned by brother Fu Liu."

"Treasures of heaven, material and earth are time-sensitive. If Senior Huofeng hopes that the trial will last for a long time, he will naturally not focus on it."

At this time, Liu Xu came in.

When Fu Xuanxing asked, Liu Xu waved his hand: "I didn't pass, the second level was too pitiful, so I just gave up. How could it be possible to escape from the hands of monk Yuan Ying! But senior Huofeng saw that I gave up decisively, and allowed me to pass the first level." In addition to rewards, choose another spell."

He picked a Taiyin Sword Pill, and then found a piece of "Taiyin Slaughtering God Spiritual Light".

Fu Xuanxing looked at the sword pill he selected: "It seems to be made of Yueling iron? It should be made by the alchemy furnace method, a by-product of alchemy. I saw a master use it."

Yueling iron is a special product of the god iron on the lunar star.Not to mention the cultivators, even the like of the Tribulation Immortals would not be able to pass through the Nine Layers of Clear Heaven Qi and go to the Taiyin Star to dig for the divine iron.In previous years, the moon spirit iron was obtained by monks fighting for it when the lunar star fell into the mortal world.

Later, because the moon spirit iron was too scarce.After countless days and nights of pondering, the monks synthesized "artificial moon spirit iron" through twelve kinds of gold, and the effect is not inferior to natural ones.

"You only take one sword pill? Are you planning to sacrifice it yourself?"

"Naturally. The best thing to use is what I sacrificed myself."

Looking around, in the area of ​​the magic weapon, except for the spirit weapon and the embryo, there is no treasure.

Because magic weapons also have a lifespan.Waiting for idle treasures to be stored here, the forbidden law will dissipate in a few hundred years, leaving only an empty shell.

The two waited for a long time, but they couldn't see Fu Henghua coming out, so they couldn't help feeling a little more anxious.

At this time, Treasure House sent the two of them out by itself, and returned to the square at the gate of Xianfu.

Fu Henghua sat cross-legged under the statue, studying with a white jade bottle and mud.

Seeing the two of Fu Xuanxing coming out, he put away his second treasure and said with a smile: "You guys are so slow, I have been waiting outside for a long time."

"Waiting outside? We are waiting for you in the treasure house. Have you been there long ago?"

Fu Henghua shook his head: "Senior Huofeng is too stingy, he won't give even a magic weapon."


Then what is the white jade bottle you held just now?

Fu Henghua deciphered the counter-curse of the "Mountain-Moving Curse", and easily moved away the mountain with the Mountain-Moving Curse.

As he entered the next door, he had an idea.

"This mountain looks unusual. But since it is soil, it can support the growth of the soil."

So he stuck the second door and refused to go.Throw the soil into the first level space, and directly refine the soil mountain at the core of the space power.

It was later discovered that the core of this earth mountain was a low-grade spiritual weapon called "Earth Spirit Yuanyue Peak".Because of the power of breathing soil, the spirit weapon was digested cleanly.

As a result, this trial was completely scrapped, and Fu Henghua's breath grew to the size of a baby's fist.

The second hurdle is water, endless water.

There are twelve islands sinking at the bottom of the water, and it is necessary to float the islands up in the torrential waves.

This is a test of whether those who inherit the ambition can lift up the island and restore China.

"The first pass is the mountain, and the second pass is the sea. The mountain and the sea, if Xiangu comes here, maybe she will be very happy?"

Fu Henghua stayed in the second level for half a day.

He didn't follow the rules directly to Shengdao, but went underwater to study why the water rose.

Then find the white jade bottle that controls the tide and even swallows sea water.

He sacrificed this bottle.

Take the water away directly to expose twelve islands and merge them, then pour the water out to form the landscape of floating islands on the water.

Eventually, the sky opened the portal and let him go.

But before leaving, Heng Hua wrapped the white jade bottle with thousands of strings and pulled it to the third level.

As a result, the trial of the second level is permanently scrapped.

Senior Huofeng left a total of dozens of trials for the seventh gate, and now Fu Henghua has dismantled two of them, so naturally he refuses to give too many treasures.

The earth spirit Yuan Yuefeng and the Yunchao Canghai bottle are used as two treasures.

The third level is easier.

An incense table, and a scroll with the word "Heaven and Earth" written on it.

"Swear by the revival of China, this pass will pass."

In this level, I don't test my mind, just to prevent the tester from holding the treasure, but he refuses to work hard for the revival of Donglai Shenzhou, and goes to the outer domain to develop alone.

Heng Hua swore the oath neatly, and was sent to the unique small secret storehouse of the seventh door.

There are not as many treasures here as there are outside.

There are only three high-grade spiritual weapons, all of which were carried by Taoist Huofeng in the past.

Huaying Pill, Kanli Yinling Pill, and other fourth-rank and fifth-rank panacea, totaling more than a dozen pieces.

The three ways of supernatural powers and secret talismans, returning to the sky and returning to the sun, resurrecting the dead and returning to life, and the escape of the five elements.

The exercise part is a big mahogany box.

Heng Hua was overjoyed immediately, he thought he got some more heavenly scriptures.But after opening it, I realized that there were 28 volumes of Daoist scriptures written by Taoist Huofeng himself.Not only has his life experience, but also has the perception of the Dao, and the cultivation method.It can be called the inheritance of Taoist Huofeng.

After much deliberation, Heng Hua still took the bookcase away.

Although he didn't intend to inherit the orthodox lineage of Taoist Huofeng, the Fu family has such a large population that he can give it to the clan members.This is the orthodoxy of a Nascent Soul Grandmaster.


The three of Fu Henghua came out from the fairy gate again and saw Fu Liuhui and others waiting outside.

At this time, the ice on the water surface has begun to break.In a few days, the cold wave will pass.

In the distance, a group of Wei family monks were watching.

"Heng Hua, let's withdraw first. Let's go back to Luogui Island."

"Why bother."

Fu Henghua took out the Shenluo Heavenly Book and directly performed the Five Elements Mountain method.

"Get up!"

The spirit of water and spirit between heaven and earth poured into the book of heaven, and then generated the vitality of the five elements, and drove the group of monks into the water in the form of the Five Elements Mountain.

Fu Henghua's heart moved, and he said loudly on purpose: "This time you got the 'Liujia Escape Talisman', Xuan Xing, just release it and try."

He deliberately spread the news with wind sounds, which echoed throughout the waters.

This place was close to the water area of ​​the Wei family, and a group of monks rushed out of the Wei family's spiritual formation.

"Good come."

Heng Hua continued to practice the Five Elements Mountain Method, and shot at the group of monks again.

In a short period of time, the mountain has become hundreds of feet high.

Fu Xiangfeng and the others' eyelids twitched, and they silently transmitted a voice: Can you do it, don't come to another mountain and crush us.

 One hundred chapters!It's not easy.One more tonight!
(End of this chapter)

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